

发布日期:2024-05-10 浏览次数:

基本信息 科学研究 管理沟通 Management Communication 相关信息 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 张莉 哈尔滨工业大学经济与管理学院教授,博士生导师,加拿大圭尔夫大学组织心理学博士后。英国杜伦大学、新加坡国立大学、比利时鲁汶大学访问学者。中国管理现代化研究会组织行为与人力资源管理专业委员会常务理事、管理案例专业委员会常务理事,神经管理与神经工程研究会常务理事。 研究方向及成果 名称 主要研究方向:组织行为与人力资源管理,领导力,工作家庭关系,跨文化沟通。主编《管理沟通》(第2版)获“十二五”本科国家级规划教材,《管理沟通》(第3版)获首届黑龙江省教材建设奖一等奖,翻译《组织学习》、《卓越的商务沟通》(第7版、第10版)、《跨文化商务沟通》(第6版),译注《商务沟通:原理与实践》(第10版),参编教材和著作7本。主持国家自然科学基金、教育部人文社科、留学归国等科研项目20余项,在国内外刊物、会议上发表文章百余篇。获首届国家精品在线开放课程,获首批来华留学英语授课品牌课程,获第二、三、四、五、六、七届全国“百篇优秀管理案例”奖6项。 教育经历 名称 起止年月 毕业学校 2001.03-2005.06 哈尔滨工业大学,技术经济及管理专业,管理学博士 1996.09-1999.04 哈尔滨工程大学,产业经济专业,经济学硕士 1992.09-1996.07 哈尔滨工程大学,技术经济专业,工学学士 工作经历 名称 起止年月 工作单位及职务 2009.11-至今 哈尔滨工业大学管理学院工商管理系 教授 博士生导师 2005.09-2007.08 加拿大圭尔夫大学 组织心理学博士后 2004.08-2009.10 哈尔滨工业大学管理学院工商管理系 副教授 硕士生导师 2001.08-2004.07 哈尔滨工业大学管理学院企业管理教研室 讲师 1999.07-2001.07 哈尔滨工业大学管理学院企业管理教研室 助教 主要任职 名称 起止年月 工作单位及职务 2015.01-2019.03 哈尔滨工业大学管理学院副院长 2011.11-2014.12 哈尔滨工业大学管理学院院长助理 专业学位教育中心主任 2008.06-2011.10 哈尔滨工业大学管理学院工商管理系 主任 2002.11-2004.09 哈尔滨工业大学管理学院企业管理教研室 副主任 研究方向 名称 组织行为与人力资源 主要研究内容包括:生产运作方式的组织管理与人的因素研究,组织记忆、组织学习及其对相关变量的影响研究,提出了组织记忆动态体系及其对组织绩效的影响,构建了组织学习框架体系,进行了组织理论与制造战略、组织创新、组织绩效评价等基础理论和实证研究。 领导行为 研究内容主要包括:中国企业情境下高绩效领导力模型构建,领导成员交换关系及其相关变量研究,复杂环境下的企业适应性领导行为研究,变革型领导行为及其对员工的影响,基于互惠的领导行为作用机理等。 工作家庭平衡 研究内容主要包括:工作家庭冲突关系模型构建,工作家庭冲突与平衡的跨文化比较研究,职业女性的工作家庭冲突与平衡研究,工作家庭冲突与组织承诺等相关变量关系研究,中国企业情境下的员工工作家庭冲突与促进研究,工作不安全感对工作家庭关系的影响等。 编委或审稿杂志 名称 International Journal of Human Resource Management (SSCI), Journal of Managerial Psychology (SSCI), International Journal of Psychology (SSCI), Academy of Management (AOM)Annual Meeting, 南开管理评论, 管理学报, 管理科学 近年发表的文章 名称 SSCI论文: 1. Shao, X., Jiang, Y., Yang, L., & Zhang, L. (2022). Does gender matter? The trickle‐down effect of voluntary green behavior in organizations[J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources. (SSCI, JCR Q2, IF = 3.426, DOI:.org/10.1111/1744-7941.12348) 2. Lou, M., Zhao, H., Ma, C., & Zhang, L. (2022). Discipline vs. dominance: The relationships between different types of authoritarian leadership and employee self-interested voice[J]. Current Psychology, 1-15. (SSCI, JCR Q2, IF = 2.387, DOI: 10.1007/s12144-022-03812-6 ) 3. Zhao, H., Su, Q., Zhang, L., & Zhong, J. (2022). Understanding the influence of dual authoritarian leadership on employee creativity: The type of leadership and the role of event[J]. Current Psychology, 1-23.(SSCI, JCR Q2, IF = 2.387) 4. Zhong, J., Zhang, L.*, & Xu, G. (2022). Is supervisor-subordinate Guanxi always good for subordinate commitment toward organizations? An inverted U-shaped perspective[J]. Leadership & Organization Development Journal. (SSCI, JCR Q3, IF = 3.24, DOI: 10.1108/LODJ-06-2021-0292) 5. Li Zhang*, Ming Lou, & Huihui Guan. (2022). How and When Leader Narcissism Impacts Employee Voice Behavior: A Social Exchange Perspective[J]. Journal of Management & Organization. 28(1): 77-98. (SSCI, Q2, IF = 4.139, DOI: 10.1017/jmo.2021.29) 6. Zhong, J., Zhang, L.*, Xiao, H., & Wen, Q. (2021). Antecedents and consequences of follower moqi: leader humility, follower humility, and knowledge hiding[J]. Current Psychology, 1-12. (SSCI, JCR Q1, IF = 4.297, DOI: 10.1007/s12144-021-02001-1) 7. Zhang, Z., Zhang, L.*, Xiao, H., & Zheng, J. (2021). Information quality, media richness, and negative coping: A daily research during the COVID-19 pandemic[J]. Personality and Individual Differences, 176, 110774. (SSCI, JCR Q2, IF = 2.311, WOS:000632251200012) 8. Zhang, Z., Xiao, H., Zhang, L., & Zheng, J. (2021). Linking Cyberbullying to Job Strain: Roles of Ego Depletion and Self-Efficacy[J]. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 1-18. (SSCI, JCR Q3, IF = 1.03) 9. Xiao, H., Zhang, Z., & Zhang, L.* (2021). An investigation on information quality, media richness, and social media fatigue during the disruptions of COVID-19 pandemic[J]. Current Psychology, 1-12. (SSCI, Q1, IF = 4.297) 10. Ali, M., Li, Z., Durrani, D. K., Shah, A. M., & Khuram, W. (2021). Goal clarity as a link between humble leadership and project success: the interactive effects of organizational culture. Baltic Journal of Management. (SSCI, Q3, IF = 1.754, DOI: 10.1108/BJM-09-2020-0341) 11. Xiao, H., Zhang, Z., & Zhang, L.* (2020). A diary study of impulsive buying during the COVID-19 pandemic[J]. Current Psychology, 1-13. (SSCI, Q1, IF = 4.297, DOI:10.1007/s12144-020-01220-2) 12. Ali, M., Li, Z.*, Khan, S., Shah, S. J., & Ullah, R. (2020). Linking humble leadership and project success: the moderating role of top management support with mediation of team-building[J]. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. 14(3): 545-562. (SSCI, Q3, IF = 1.99, DOI: 10.1108/IJMPB-01-2020-0032) 13. Ali, M., Zhang, L*., Shah, S. J., Khan, S., & Shah, A. M. (2020). Impact of humble leadership on project success: the mediating role of psychological empowerment and innovative work behavior[J]. Leadership & organization development journal. 41(3): 349-367. (SSCI, Q3, IF = 1.97, DOI: 10.1108/LODJ-05-2019-0230) 14. Zhang, Z., Zhang, L.*, Zheng, J. Xiao, H. Li, Z. (2020). Have COVID-19-Related Disruptions Increased mHealth Emergency Use Intention? An Experience Sampling Method Study[J]. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8(12). e20642. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF = 4.31, WOS: 000617703600001) 15. Zhang, Z., Li, P., Zhang, L., Zheng, J., Xue, Z. (2020). Helping neighbors and enhancing yourself: a spillover effect of helping neighbors on work-family conflict and thriving at work[J]. Current Psychology, 1-12. (SSCI, JCR Q2, IF = 2.05, WOS: 000542082600002) 16. Zhang, Z., Zhang, L., Xiu, J., Zheng, J. (2020). Learning from your leaders and helping your coworkers: the trickle-down effect of leader helping behavior. Leadership & Organization Development Journal. (SSCI, JCR Q3, IF = 1.977, WOS: 000552280300010) 17. Zhang, Z., Zhang, L., Wang, H., Zheng, J. Linking supervisor developmental feedback to in-role performance: the role of job control and perceived rapport with supervisors[J]. Journal of Management & Organization (SSCI, JCR Q3, IF = 1.935, DOI: 19.1017/jmo.2020.5) 18. Xiao, H., Zhang, Z., Zhang, L., (2020). Is Temporal Leadership Always Beneficial? The Role of Job Passion and Synchrony Preference[J]. Personnel Review. (SSCI, JCR Q2, IF = 2.074) 19. Ying Xia, Birgit Schyns, & Li Zhang*. Why and when job stressors impact voice behaviour: An ego depletion perspective[J]. Journal of Business Research, 2020, 109, 200-209. (SSCI,JCR Q1, IF = 4.874,WOS:000527379800017) 203. Eryue Teng, Li Zhang* & Ming Lou. I Am Talking but Are You Listening? The Effects of Challenge and Hindrance Stressors on Effective Communication[J]. Human Performance, 2020, 33(4): 241-257. (SSCI,ABS 3*,IF:1.172, WOS:000512515600001) 21. Eryue Teng, Li Zhang* & Ming Lou. Does Approach Crafting Always Benefit? The Moderating Role of Job Insecurity[J]. Journal of Psychology, 2020, 154(6): 426-445.(SSCI,WOS:000543142900001,IF:1.584,JCR Q2) 22. Yana Du, Li Zhang*, Qiong Bu, & Aldo Kurniawan. Is job control always beneficial? Exploring its non-linearity in creativity and in-role performance[J]. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 2020, 37(3): 211-224.(SSCI,WOS:000482016500001) 237. Syed Jamal Shah*, Li Zhang, Salim Khan, Syed Asad Ali Shah, Dilawar Khan Durrani, Liaqat Ali, & Bandana Das. Terrorism vulnerability: organizations’ ambiguous expectations and employees’ conflicting priorities[J]. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 2020, 26(3): 562-572.(SSCI,WOS:000547136200014,IF:1.601,JCR Q3) 248. Jie Zhong, Li Zhang*, Ping Li & Zhenduo Zhang. Can leader humility enhance employee wellbeing? The mediating role of employee humility[J]. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 2019,41(1):19-36. (SSCI,WOS:000507109700001,IF:1.977) 25. Zhenduo Zhang, Li Zhang*, Xiaoqian Zu, Tiansen Liu, & Junwei Zheng*. From Neighboring Behavior to Mental Health in the Community: The Role of Gender and Work-Family Conflict[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019,16(12):2101.(SSCI,WOS:000473750500035,IF:2.849,JCR Q1) 26. Long Chen, Li Zhang*, Zhen-Duo Zhang, & Han Gao. Does Emotional Resistance to Change Definitely Stifle Voice Behavior? Revealing the Reversal Effect of Humble Leadership[J]. Current Psychology, 2019, 1-16.(SSCI,WOS:000493631600001,IF:2.051,JCR Q2) 27. Yana Du, Li Zhang*, & Zhenduo Zhang. Resources Matter: Combined Influence of Job Demands and Job Control on Creative Process Engagement[J]. Journal of Psychology, 2019,153(2), 141-160.(SSCI,WOS:000467983500002,IF:1.548,JCR Q2) 28. Yanhong Chen*, & Li Zhang. Be creative as proactive? The impact of creative self-efficacy on employee creativity: A proactive perspective[J]. Current Psychology, 2019, 38(2): 589-598.(SSCI,WOS:000466739800031,IF:2.051,JCR Q2) 29. Eryue Teng, Li Zhang* & Yang Qiu. Always Bad for Creativity? An Affect-based Model of Job Insecurity and the Moderating Effects of Giving Support and Receiving Support[J]. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 2019, 40 (3): 803-829.(SSCI,WOS:000477645600017,IF:2.286,JCR Q2) 30. Ying Xia, Li Zhang*, & Mingze Li. Abusive Leadership and Helping Behavior: Capability or Mood, which Matters? [J]. Current Psychology, 2019, 38(1): 50-58.(SSCI,WOS:000458237000006,IF:2.051,JCR Q2) 31. Li Zhang*, Ying Xia, Baowei Liu*, & Lu Han. Why Don’t I Help You? The Relationship between Role Stressors and Helping Behavior from a Cognitive Dissonance Perspective[J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 2018, 8, 2220.(SSCI,WOS:000423198300001,IF:2.129,JCR Q2) 32. Yana Du, Li Zhang*, & Amanuel G. Tekleab*. Job Strains, Job Control, and POS on Employee Performance: An Interactionist Perspective[J]. Journal of Business Research, 2018, 82(1): 213-219.(SSCI,WOS:000414881400020,IF:4.028,JCR Q1) 33. Zhang Li*, Chen Long & Teng Er-Yue. When Does Job Insecurity Lead to Feedback-Seeking Behavior? The Counterintuitive Moderating Role of Perceived Organizational Support[J]. Current Psychology, 2018, 37(4): 850-861.(SSCI,WOS:000448692200016,IF:1.468,JCR Q2) 34. Yanhong Chen, Baowei Liu, Li Zhang*, & Shanshan Qian. Can Leader “Humility” Spark Employee “Proactivity”? The Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment[J]. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 2018, 39(3), 326-339.(SSCI,WOS:000439462000001,IF:1.462,JCR Q3) 35. Yana Du, Ping Li, & Li Zhang*. Linking job control to employee creativity: The roles of creative self-efficacy and regulatory focus[J]. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 2018, 21(3): 187-197.(SSCI,WOS:000440645200006,IF:1.070) 36. Li Zhang*, Yang Qiu, & Eryue Teng. Cross-level Relationships between Justice Climate and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Perceived Organizational Support as Mediator[J]. Social Behavior and Personality. 2017, 45(3): 387-398. (SSCI,WOS:000399171700004,IF:0.458) 37. Li Zhang*, Long Chen, & Ning Zhao. Effects of Work Stressors on Desire for Organizational Construction: The Moderating Role of Leader-Member Exchange[J]. Journal of Management & Organization. 2016, 22(3): 367-387. (SSCI,WOS:000379508700005,IF:0.539) 38. Yana Du, Li Zhang*, & Yanhong Chen. From Creative Process Engagement to Performance: Bidirectional Support[J]. Leadership & Organization Development Journal. 2016, 37(7): 966-982.(SSCI,WOS:000386165400009,IF:0.864) 39. Li Zhang*, Qiong Bu, & Sooyeon Wee. Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Employee Creativity: Moderating Role of Job Stressors[J]. International Journal of Stress Management, 2016,23(4): 400-417.(SSCI,WOS:000387245200004,IF:1.632,JCR Q3) 40. Ying Xia, Li Zhang*, & Ning Zhao. Impact of Participation in Decision Making on Job Satisfaction: An Organizational Communication Perspective[J]. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 2016, 19(e58): 1-14. (SSCI,WOS:000384352800001,IF:0.502) 41. Long Chen, Li Zhang*, & Ning Zhao. Exploring the Nonlinear Relationship between Challenge Stressors and Employee Voice: The Effects of Leader-Member Exchange and Organisation-based Self-esteem[J]. Personality and Individual Differences. 2015, 83(9): 24-30. (SSCI,WOS:000356642400005,IF:1.946,JCR Q2) 42. Li Zhang*, Yuchuan Lin, & Fang Wan. Social Support and Job Satisfaction: Elaborating the Mediating Role of Work-Family Interface[J]. Current Psychology. 2015, 34(4): 781-790. (SSCI,WOS:000368174900019,IF:0.644,JCR Q3) EI及中文期刊论文: 1. Saad Alsaidan*, & Li Zhang. The Use of Vocational Guidance E-Systems in Colleges of Technology, Saudi Arabia[C]. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2018, 933(1): 12-19.(EI:20180404670933) 2. Syed Jamal Shah*, Zhang Li, Adnan Muhammad Shah, & Rizwan Ullah. Face ID: an innovative biometric approach to control sales personnel production deviance[J]. International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management, 2018, 10(3): 227-247.(EI: 20185106280907) 3. Julia Yalalova*, Zhang Li, Dilawar Khan Durrani. Emotional Intelligence Could Forge Self-Efficacy, Work Effort and Career Satisfaction[J]. Human System Management, 2017, 36 (2): 141-149.(EI: 20172403754643) 4. Saad Alsaidan*, & Li Zhang. How Students Descry Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy[J]. Human Systems Management, 2018, 37(1): 45-55.(EI: 20181104911146) 5. 步琼,张莉,& 杜亚娜. 双元工作压力情境下感知深层差异对员工创造力的影响[J]. 中国人力资源开发,2017(8): 16-24. 6. 滕尔越, 张莉, 邱阳, & 史丽萍. 个体安全生产行为约束机制的元分析研究[J]. 管理评论. 2018, 30(12): 230-240. 7. 陈龙, 刘宝巍, 张莉, & 陈艳虹. 谦逊型领导对建言行为的影响——一个被调节的中介模型[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理,2018, 39(7): 117-132. 8. 步琼,张莉,& 杜亚娜. 感知团队异质性对员工创造力的影响:二元工作压力的调节作用[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2018, 23(1): 8-15. 9. 赵宁, 张莉, 张振铎, & 王伊芹. 挑战性工作压力对员工职业成长的影响——职业自我效能的中介效应[J]. 现代管理科学,2018, 3: 21-23. 10. 陈艳虹,张莉,& 陈龙. 中国文化背景下谦逊型领导的结构与测量[J]. 管理科学, 2017, 30(3), 14-22. 11. 张莉, 赵宁, & 陈龙. 职业成长结构的验证及其对建言行为的影响[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2017, 22(4): 73-79. 12. 张莉, 钱珊珊, & 林与川. 社会支持影响离职倾向的路径模型构建及实证[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理, 2016, 37(1): 171-180. 13. 张莉,陈龙,赵宁, & 刘轩. 工作不安全感对组织承诺的影响:主动化行为的中介作用[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2016, 21(4): 159-164. 14. 邱阳, 张莉, & 滕尔越. 公立医院医生组织公民行为结构探索与问卷编制[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2016, 21(5): 134-140. 15. 张莉, 林与川, & 张林.工作不安全感与情绪耗竭——社会支持的调节作用[J].科研管理, 2014, 35(3): 91-98 . 16. 张莉, 夏莹, & 孙达. 基于集体主义情境的变革型领导、组织承诺与离职倾向研究[J]. 管理学报, 2013,10(9):1316-1322. 17. 张莉, 林与川, & 张林. 工作不安全感与情绪耗竭:情绪劳动的中介作用[J]. 管理科学. 2013, 26(3): 1-8. 18. 张莉, 林与川, & 迟冬梅. 指导关系对员工工作满意度的影响及作用机制研究[J].预测, 2012, 31(4): 28-32. 19. 张莉, 林与川, 于超跃, & 刘凤江. 支持资源作用下的工作-家庭促进:情感倾向的调节作用[J]. 管理学报, 2012, 9(3):78-85. 20. 张莉, 林与川, & 迟冬梅. 组织沟通方式对沟通满意度的影响:沟通认知与沟通倾向的调节作用[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理, 2012, 33(2):167-175. 21. 张莉, Wan Fang, 林与川, & Pingping Qiu. 实验研究中的调节变量和中介变量[J]. 管理科学, 2011, 24(1): 108-116. 22. 张莉, 孙达, &姚潇. 基于复杂适应系统的组织学习过程研究[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2011, 16(3): 75-80. 23. 张莉, 迟冬梅, &贾琼. 知识管理过程中的领导力特征模型及实证研究[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理, 2010, 8: 184-189. 24. 张莉 & 张林. 职业女性的工作家庭冲突:工作自主性和上司支持的调节效应[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2010, 5: 87-90. 25. 张莉 & 王丹. 复杂环境下企业适应性领导行为研究[J]. 管理科学, 2009, 10: 13-22. 26. 张莉, 刘宝巍, 贾琼, & Brian Earn. 基于领导成员交换关系的沟通满意度研究[J]. 管理评论, 2009, 4: 47-57. 27. 张莉, 贾琼, 刘宝巍, & Brian Earn. 知识型企业领导成员交换与知识共享的关系研究[J]. 科学学研究, 2009, 2: 428-435. 会议论文: 1. Lou, M., Zhao, H., Ma, C., & Zhang, L. (2022). When Authoritarian Leadership Fuels Employee Self-interested Voice: The Roles of Authoritarian Type. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2022, No. 1, p. 11504). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management. (国际顶级管理学会议) 2. Zhang, Z., Zhang, L., Li, P., Being Helpful and Being Innovative: The Role of Psychological Meaningfulness and Positive Affect. AOM Conference Paper. Virtual Meeting, 7-11 August, 2021 (Accepted and Oral Presented). (国际顶级管理学会议) 3. Zhong, J., Ma, C., Chen, Z. X., & Zhang, L. How and when does leader humility enhance employee proactive career behavior. 2021 Academy of Management Annual Conference. (国际顶级管理学会议) 4. Honglei Zhao, Li Zhang, Jie Zhong, Qingming Su. Investigating how dual authoritarian leadership influences employee creativity: chain mediating role of two-stage and the moderating effect of events. 2021 Academy of Management Annual Conference. (国际顶级管理学会议) 5. Ming Lou, Li Zhang, & Eryue Teng. How and when leader narcissism impacts employee voice behavior: A social exchange perspective. Annual Meeting of International Association for Chinese Management Research(IACMR). Xi’an, China, 2021.6.17-6.20. 6. Xiaojing Shao, Liyan Yang, Yuan Jiang, Li Zhang, The Trickle-Down Effect of Green Behavior: A Test of Social Learning Theory. AOM Conference Paper. Virtual Meeting, 7-11 August, 2021. (国际顶级管理学会议) 7. Huan Xiao, Li Zhang, Miaomiao Li. The differentiation of abusive supervision’s effect in groups: A multi-level study. Annual Meeting of International Association for Chinese Management Research(IACMR). Xi’an, China, 2020.6.17-6.20. 8. Zhang, Z., Zhang, L., Li, M., Workplace Cyberbullying and Interpersonal Deviance: Role of Depletion and Perceived Supervisor Support. AOM conference paper. Vancounver, Canada, 7-11 August (Accpeted and Oral Presented) DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2020.15334abstract. (国际顶级管理学会议) 9. Eryue Teng, Vivien K G. Lim, Li Zhang. The Double-Edged Effects of Job Insecurity: An Approach-Avoidance Model. 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Boston, USA, 2019.8.9-8.13. 10. Jie Zhong, Li Zhang, Ping Li. Leader Humility and Employee Well-Being: the Role of Employee Humility and Leader Effectiveness. The 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Boston, USA, 2019.8.9-8.13. 11. Saad Alsaidan, & Li Zhang. Reliability and Validity Testing VK Scale to Measure Vocational Knowledge toward Entrepreneurship. International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Management Science and Application (ICIMSA), Seoul, South Korea, 2017.7.13-7.15 (EI: 20173404071669) 12. Saad Alsaidan, & Li Zhang. Theory of Vocational Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurial Intentions. International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Management Science and Application (ICIMSA), Seoul, South Korea, 2017.7.13-7.15 (EI: 20173404071678) 13. Syed Jamal Shah, Zhang Li, Bandana Das, Rizwan Ullah, Adnan Muhammad Shah, Salim Khan, & Nidal Fawwaz Al Qudah. Would affective commitment be enough to earn Nokia back the lost supremacy. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Management Engineering, Software Engineering and Service Sciences, Wuhan, China, 2018.1.13-1.15.(EI: 20182105220990) 14. Syed Jamal Shah, Zhang Li, Syed Asad Ali Shah, Liaqat Ali, & Bandana Das. Terrorism risk and employees’ production deviance. Proceedings of the 32nd International Business Information Management Conference (IBIMA), Seville, Spain, 2018. 15. Wei Ren, Li Zhang, Shao-bin Zhang. The Effect of Guilt-Proneness Trait on Job Performance and Its Mechanism. The 24th International Conference on Management Science & Engineering (ICMSE), Nomi, Japan, 2017.8.18-8.19 16. Ying Xia, Li Zhang, Lu Han. Why Don’t I Help You? The Relationship of Role Stressor and Helping Behavior: Perspective of Cognitive Dissonance. The 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management(AOM), Anaheim, USA, 2016.8.5-8.9 17. Ning Zhao, Li Zhang, & Long Chen. The Effect of Job Insecurity on Performance: Evidence from a Meta-Analytic Review. The 23th International Conference on ManagementScience & Engineering (ICMSE), Olten, Switzerland, 2016.8.17-8.20 18. Yana Du & Li Zhang. How Changes in Job Demands and Job Control Predict Creative Process Engagement. Annual Meeting of International Association for Chinese Management Research(IACMR). Hangzhou, China, 2016.6.15-6.19 19. 滕尔越,张莉,邱阳,史丽萍. 个体安全生产行为约束因素的元分析研究. Annual Meeting of International Association for Chinese Management Research(IACMR). Hangzhou, China, 2016.6.15-6.19 20. Li Zhang, Yan-hong Chen, & Li-yan An. Transformational Leadership and Employee Creativity: the Mediating Role of Feedback-Seeking Behavior. The 23th International Conference on Management Science & Engineering (ICMSE), Olten, Switzerland, 2016.8.17-8.20 21. Saad Alsaidan, Li Zhang, & Bu Qiong. Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Intentions: The Perceived Role of Vocational Guides. The 23th International Conference on Management Science & Engineering (ICMSE), Olten, Switzerland, 2016.8.17-8.20 22. Yana Du, Li Zhang, & Amanuel G. Tekleab. An Interactive View of the Roles of Job Control, Job Strain, and Perceived Organizational Support on Employee In-Role Performance. 9th Asia Academy of Management and 8th Taiwan Academy of Management Joint Conference, Hong Kong, China, 2015.6.22-6.24 23. Liyan An, Li Zhang, & Shaobin Zhang. Impact of Transformational Leadership on Feedback Seeking Behavior. The 22th International Conference on Management Science & Engineering (ICMSE),Dubai, The United Arab Emirates, 2015.10.16-10.19 24. Xiaoqian Zu, Li Zhang, & Yongxiang Wu. Impact of Stressors on Withdrawal Behavior: The Moderating Effect of Psychological Flexibility.The 22th International Conference on Management Science & Engineering (ICMSE), Dubai, The United Arab Emirates, 2015.10.16-10.19 25. Li Zhang, Qiong Bu, & Sooyeon Wee. Impact of Job Control on Employee Creativity: the Moderating Effect of Cognitive Irritation. The 21th International Conference on Management Science & Engineering (ICMSE),Helsinki, The Republic of Finland, 2014.8.17-8.19 (EI: 20144500167497) 26. Li Zhang, Ying Xia, & Long Chen. Impact of Empowering Leadership Behavior on Communication Satisfaction and Its Mechanism. The 20th International Conference on Management Science & Engineering (ICMSE),Harbin, China, 2013.6.17-6.19 (EI: 20133916777452) 27. Long Chen, Li Zhang, & Yuchuan Lin. A Meta-Analysis of Work-Family Conflict and Work-Related Outcomes: A Cross-National Comparison. The 19th International Conference on Management Science & Engineering (ICMSE), Dallas, USA, 2012.9.20-9.22(EI:20131016076015) 28. Li Zhang, Yuchuan Li, & Fengjiang Liu. Work Support and Turnover Intention: The Mediating Roles of Work-to-Family Conflict and Facilitation. The 18th International Conference on Management Science & Engineering (ICMSE), Roma, Italy, 2011.9.13-9.15 (EI: 20115114608113) 29. Li Zhang, Lin Zhang, & Fang Wan. Study on the Effect of Job Insecurity on Emotional Exhaustion: An Example of Foxconn Jumping Incidents. The 17th International Conference on Management Science & Engineering (ICMSE), Melbourne, Australia, 2010.11.24-11.26(EI: 20111313853102) 30. Li Zhang, Ping Li, & Dan Wang. Antecedents of Work-Family Conflict among Chinese Professional Women. The 17th International Conference on Management Science & Engineering (ICMSE), Moscow, Russia, 2009.9.14-9.16(EI: 20095212578592) 教材著作: 1. 莉莲·钱尼,珍妮特·马丁,张莉,王丹. 跨文化商务沟通(英文版第6版·中国版). 中国人民大学出版社. 2021, 8 2. 莉莲·钱尼,珍妮特·马丁,张莉,王丹. 跨文化商务沟通(第6版·中国版). 中国人民大学出版社. 2021, 10 3. 张莉,刘宝巍. 管理沟通(第四版). 高等教育出版社. 2021, 9 4. 张莉,刘宝巍. 管理沟通(第三版). 高等教育出版社. 2017, 6 5. John Thill著,张莉、李萍译,卓越的商务沟通(第10版),北京大学出版社,2014. 9 6. Lillian Chaney著,张莉、王伊芹译,跨文化商务沟通(第6版),中国人民大学出版社,2014. 4 7. 张莉. 管理沟通(第二版). 高等教育出版社. 2011, 10 8. 约翰?希尔著. 张莉,杨洋译. 卓越的商务沟通(第7版). 北京大学出版社. 2010, 7 近年承担的科研项目 名称 2023.01-2026.12 谦逊型领导对可持续创造力的影响:内隐信念的视角. 国家自然科学基金(72272043) 2018.01-2021.12 工作压力对建言行为的非线性影响:双重加工模型的视角. 国家自然科学基金(71772052) 2015.01-2018.12工作压力对组织创造力的影响:二元路径构建及实证. 国家自然科学基金(71472054) 2012.01-2014.12工作不安全感对主动离职的影响及作用机制:尖点突变的视角. 国家自然科学基金(71102130) 2010.01-2012.12工作家庭冲突关系模型构建及平衡策略研究. 教育部人文社会科学研究项目基金 2010.01-2011.12基于国际比较的企业高绩效领导力关联模型构建及实证研究. 黑龙江省留学回国人员科技项目择优资助 2008.01-2009.12高绩效领导力的形成机理及国际比较研究.教育部留学回国科研基金 8. 2010.3-2010.12在哈大学大所与企业大型科学仪器和高级人才资源库建设.哈尔滨市科技攻关项目 9. 2008.01-2009.04产品和过程综合研制指南先期研究.中国航空综合技术研究所 近年奖项成果 名称 1. 张莉,刘宝巍等. 管理沟通(第三版),首届黑龙江省教材建设奖一等奖,2020 2. 张莉,刘宝巍等. “目标导向%2B行动学习”的教学模式创新与应用,黑龙江省高等教育教学成果奖二等奖,2020 3. 张莉,刘宝巍. 管理沟通:思维与技能. 首批国家精品在线开放课程,2017 4. 张莉. 管理沟通:思维与技能.黑龙江省精品在线开放课程,2017 5. 张莉.《管理沟通》(第二版),获“十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材,2014 6. 张莉. Management Communication. 首批来华留学英语授课品牌课程,2013 7. 张莉,于渤,步琼. 晋升动力:H公司的三线面谈制度,2016年第七届全国“百篇优秀管理案例” 8. 张莉,于渤,步琼. 问题究竟出在哪儿,2015年第六届全国“百篇优秀管理案例” 9. 张莉,于渤,步琼. 金点子的碰撞:阿尔法家居的冲突沟通,2014年第五届全国“百篇优秀管理案例” 10. 张莉,于渤,步琼. “雪中送炭”与“锦上添花”:中信地产惠州公司的变革沟通与持续创新,2013年第四届全国“百篇优秀管理案例” 11.张莉,于渤,Fang Wan. 一个艰难的抉择:北大荒品牌整合之困局,2012年第三届全国“百篇优秀管理案例” 张莉(1/3),一个艰难的抉择:北大荒品牌整合之困局,全国工商管理硕士教育指导委员会,第三届全国“百篇优秀管理案例”,2012(张莉,于渤,Fang Wan) 12.张莉,于渤,Fang Wan. 危机来临,恒丰纸业能否真正“恒丰”?2011年第二届全国“百篇优秀管理案例” 全国工商管理硕士教育指导委员会 13. 获“哈尔滨工业大学立德树人先进导师”2020 14.获“黑龙江省在线开放课程优秀教师奖:最佳推广奖”2017 15.获“中国大学MOOC优秀教师” 2016 16.获哈工大“优秀专兼职学生工作者标兵” 2016 17.获“哈工大教学管理二等奖”及“本科生国际化项目推进成效奖”,2015.12 18.获“黑龙江省优秀教师”,2014.9 19.获“黑龙江省高校师德先进个人”,2014.4 20.张莉,田也壮等. 实施“三个一”工程建设《管理沟通》课程,哈尔滨工业大学教学成果二等奖,2007.9 21.哈工大工会知识型先进个人,2010.12 22. 哈工大先进个人,2004.5 课程简介 名称 沟通是管理的重要组成部分,通过本课程教学,使学生了解管理沟通的基础知识,掌握沟通的基本策略,熟悉常用的几种沟通形式,结合案例讨论掌握沟通的基本技巧,尤其是演讲、团队沟通等基本技能,为工作、生活中的有效沟通奠定基础。 主编、主译教材及拓展阅读 名称 课程组主编、主译的教材有: 莉莲·钱尼,珍妮特·马丁著,张莉,王丹译. 跨文化商务沟通(英文版第6版·中国版). 中国人民大学出版社. 2021, 8 莉莲·钱尼,珍妮特·马丁著,张莉,王丹译. 跨文化商务沟通(第6版·中国版). 中国人民大学出版社. 2021, 10 张莉,刘宝巍主编,管理沟通(第4版),高等教育出版社,2021.9 张莉,刘宝巍主编,管理沟通(第3版),高等教育出版社,2017.6 张莉主编,管理沟通(第2版),高等教育出版社,2011.10 John Thill著,张莉、李萍译,卓越的商务沟通(第10版),北京大学出版社,2014.9 Lillian Chaney著,张莉、王伊芹译,跨文化商务沟通(第6版),人大出版社,2014.4 Ronald Adler著,张莉译注,商务沟通:原理与实践(第10版)(双语注释版),北京大学出版社,2013.10 John Thill著,张莉译,卓越的商务沟通(第7版),北大出版社,2010.7 拓展阅读方面主要是为学生们提供了密切联系管理沟通课程的各类期刊、网站 阅读更多 本科生《管理沟通》 名称 ★课程大纲 ★教学课件 ★团队作业模板 研究生《管理沟通Ⅱ》 名称 ★课程大纲 ★教学课件 ★团队作业模板 MBA《管理沟通》 名称 ★MBA 管理沟通大纲 ★团队作业模板 ★教学课件(1-6章) ★教学课件(7-13章) 工程领导力《领导力与沟通》 名称 ★课程大纲 ★教学课件 ★团队作业模板 课内外声音 名称 课堂之音 “有史以来,上过的最有用的一门课,老师讲课方式完美,对待学生认真负责,有爱,非常感谢老师所传授的知识” “讲课不拘一格,能够将实际工作的经验带到课堂当中,非常生动” “笑容-衣着-饰品-举止-谈吐-思维-学识与角色匹配的恰当,南方的语速北方的语味儿融合有趣,3*4小时的讲课始终精满气足神旺。听这样的课不乏味,讲者的一切近乎完美。谢谢老师,谢谢给我们留下的美。 ” “课程的学习收获颇丰,让我有机会并近距离感受张莉教授的渊博、亲和与美丽,使我们的课堂充满着亲切、笑容,如沐春风。非常珍惜,非常难忘!” “清晨阳光明媚,微风吹拂着细柳,小鸟在歌唱,我心情愉悦地迈进哈工大的校门,此刻的心情,正是我学习《管理沟通》时的感受” “这门课程好!我喜欢!” …… 课外之音 我校外国留学生英文授课课程体系建设取得新进展 2012年全国第十二届MBA“管理沟通”教学研讨会 两门研究生课程入选教育部来华留学英语授课品牌课程 感受不一样的精彩——走近教育部来华留学英语授课品牌课程 教师授课视频 名称 《管理沟通》课程的第二讲:掌握团队技能和人际沟通,主要包括三方面的内容:有效的团队沟通,提升倾听技能,提升非语言沟通技能。课程中通过图片、视频、事例与学员们分享有效团队的特征、有效团队的沟通过程、沟通方式,倾听类型、过程,怎样提升团队成员的倾听技能,非语言沟通类型及沟通技能。 资源中心 名称 教学视频 教学课件 习题 实践指导 阅读材料 教学照片 教学案例 名称 本课程运用大量来自企业一线沟通实例自编教学案例。如:“危机来临,恒丰纸业能否真正“恒丰”?”、“一个艰难的抉择:北大荒品牌整合之困局”等。通过这些案例启发学生深入思考,训练学生的系统思维模式,培养学生分析问题和解决问题的沟通能力。案例教学方法前后呼应。每章均以“工作进行时”开篇案例导入,对本章核心内容进行提炼,结尾继续提出“工作进行时的沟通困境”,通过讨论题启发学生思考。案例教学累计约8学时。 ★Cherie Cosmetics Limited Elegante Division ★案例1 美容分公司沟通策略 ★ 案例2 谁走,谁留? ★案例3 刘总的会议生活 ★ 案例4 危机来临 ★案例5 北大荒 ★案例6 中信地产 ★案例7 阿尔法 团队演讲 名称 学生每八至十人一组,每组按给定的专题进行小组讨论,搜集与本课程相关资料进行专题分析。各组应对相应专题进行充分的讨论,经过不断的合作、探讨后,在规定的时间内在课堂上向大家进行专题介绍。此外,由该小组全体成员在团队演讲吸纳听众意见后共同完成一份专题论文,字数不限。 沟通实验室 名称 借助管理学院实验平台,体验决策剧场、无领导小组讨论、Zin(方尖石碑建造)项目,在摄录机俱全的实验室开展团队合作,培养沟通能力、团队协作能力;眼动实验项目,利用心理与行为研究实验室,开展眼动相关实验,通过实验掌握压力、沟通、绩效的关系。 Course Description 名称 Management Communication is intended to help you think strategically about communication and to aid you in improving your writing, presentation, and interpersonal communication skills within a managerial setting. We will look at a range of successful practices and guidelines that have been derived from both research and experience, give you the opportunity to practice your skills, and provide you with feedback to help you strengthen them. Textbooks as the Chief Editor 名称 Textbooks 莉莲·钱尼,珍妮特·马丁著,张莉,王丹译. 跨文化商务沟通(英文版第6版·中国版). 中国人民大学出版社. 2021, 8 莉莲·钱尼,珍妮特·马丁著,张莉,王丹译. 跨文化商务沟通(第6版·中国版). 中国人民大学出版社. 2021, 10 张莉,刘宝巍主编,管理沟通(第4版),高等教育出版社,2021.9 张莉,刘宝巍主编,管理沟通(第3版),高等教育出版社,2017.6 张莉主编,管理沟通(第2版),高等教育出版社,2011.10 John Thill著,张莉、李萍译,卓越的商务沟通(第10版),北京大学出版社,2014.9 Lillian Chaney著,张莉、王伊芹译,跨文化商务沟通(第6版),人大出版社,2014.4 Ronald Adler著,张莉译注,商务沟通:原理与实践(第10版)(双语注释版),北京大学出版社,2013.10 John Thill著,张莉译,卓越的商务沟通(第7版),北大出版社,2010.7 Extended reading materials include journals and website on Management Communication Read more Course Syllabus 名称 Good communication is one of the keys to a successful career no matter what field you choose, and many different skills contribute to a professional’s capacity to communicate well. This course can help you improve the ability to: Formulate an effective communication strategy for any message, in any medium, and in any situation. Write clearly, concisely, and convincingly. Create impressive formal presentations that are delivered with confidence and poise. Give and receive feedback that will improve yours and other’s communication. Listen for understanding. Work effectively with others in small groups or teams. Understand and negotiate the difference in communication between yourself and people who are not from your culture. Improving communication is a continuous process of learning, doing, critiquing, evaluating, and doing again. It is a process that we hope will continue for you even after you complete this course!” News and Student Comments 名称 New improvement was made in teaching course system in English for foreign students in our university The 12th national MBA teaching conference on“Management Communication" (2012) Two postgraduate courses were selected by Ministry of Education as brand curricula for students studying in China International Students 名称 ★MC Syllabus ★Teamwork Template ★MC Courseware (PART 1) ★MC Courseware (PART 2) Teaching Videos 名称 《Management Communication》lecture 2 “Mastering Team Skills and Interpersonal Communication”: Effective team communication, improve effective listening skills, improve nonverbal communication skills. By studying this lecture, we will be able to list the advantages and disadvantages of working in teams, describe the characteristics of effective teams, identify the major modes of listening, describe the process of effective listening, explain the importance of nonverbal communication, and identify the major categories of nonverbal expression. Resource Center 名称 Videos Courseware Exercises Practices Reading materials Pictures Teaching Cases 名称 ★Cherie Cosmetics Limited Elegante Division Team Presentations 名称 You will be divided into different groups , each group will do case study related to the given topic, including: crisis communication, change communication, conflict and communication, stress and communication. You need to analyze the situation, gather information, organize the information, discuss and cooperate. Each group has 40 minutes for the PowerPoint presentation, you can use the first 20 minutes to show us the case and analyze the case, try to let us make sure the main idea, major point. The other 20 minutes for Q&A. Each member must answer at least ONE question. Communication Lab 名称 By means of the experiment platform of school of management, we experience decision-making theater, leaderless group discussion, Zin (obelisk building) project and Eye Movement experiment project. We carry out team cooperation in the laboratories with video cameras available to cultivate the abilities of communication and cooperation; we use the Eye Movement experiment project in the psychological and behavioral laboratory to carry out the relevant experiments so that we could grasp the relationship between pressure, communication and performance. 相关链接一 新闻标题 哈工大师者之张莉教授 | 教书育人是我喜欢做的事 发布时间 2020-11-29 一生为师,终身无悔。从2000年走上三尺讲台,她接过老一辈哈工大 “八百壮士”学高为师、身正为范的火炬,潜心教学,精心育人,执著攻关,在教书育人的道路上取得了累累硕果,书写了新时期哈工大师者的靓丽风采。本期《哈工大师者》栏目带你走近第二届“立德树人先进导师”称号获得者、经管学院张莉教授。 21年前,从走上三尺讲台开始,张莉就将自己的青春与梦想寄予了她热爱的事业。 “衣带渐宽终不悔,为‘生’消得人憔悴。”张莉教授对教学和学生有一种深沉的热爱。这种发自内心的爱驱动着她认认真真、踏踏实实走好每一步。1999年,张莉开始跟随陆力斌教授开展教学工作。在陆老师的耐心指导与倾囊相授下,她很快进入角色,每天都在争分夺秒地认真学习与思考着如何搞好教学,图书馆、资料室经常能够看见她伏案笔耕不辍的身影。 2000年春季学期,张莉教授第一次走上讲台传道授业解惑,面对着400多人的全校公共课《经济管理基础》,她的内心既紧张又兴奋,但她凭借过硬的基本功和新颖的教学设计,赢得了学生们的认可,顺利讲完了这堂课。 “教学是双向沟通的过程,学生的评价与反馈既是对老师的激励,也给老师指出了未来努力的方向。当看到一个个求知若渴的专注眼神,一下下通彻明了的点头和豁然开朗后露出的喜悦笑容时,我觉得教学是最有意义的事,最值得做的事,我也是最快乐的!”张莉教授在教学相长的过程中,不断完善充盈自己,使课堂更加生动精彩。《管理沟通》《领导力与沟通》《创新思维与管理实践》等课程在她手里被精心雕琢着,力求更好地呈现给学生们。 在张莉教授的精心培育下,教学工作结出累累硕果。她主讲的6 门课程,在教学评价中多次获得 A 和 A%2B;主编的《管理沟通》(第 2 版)获“十二五”普通高等教育国家级规划教材;主编的《管理沟通》(第 3 版)成为高等教育出版社首批开发的数字化教材;《管理沟通:思维与技能》获首批国家精品在线开放课程,选课人数超过30 万;《Management Communication》获首批来华留学英语授课品牌课程。 耀眼的成绩既是对过去的总结,也激励着张莉教授执著躬耕,传承弘扬着老一辈师者心无旁骛、潜心教学的优良传统。 相关链接二 新闻标题 【名师讲堂】牡丹江分局邀请哈尔滨工业大学经济与管理学院张莉教授进行专题讲座暨《领导力与执行力:有效沟通》 发布时间 2022-11-08 为深入贯彻落实全省“能力作风建设年”活动,打造学习型机关要求,结合“核心使 命-2022”系列战役和全警实战大练兵工作,进一步加强基层队伍建设,推动牡丹江分局公 安工作高质量发展。在牡丹江分局党委统一部署下,11月8日,牡丹江分局邀请哈尔滨工业 大学经济与管理学院张莉教授进行专题讲座,牡丹江分局党委书记、局长汪大勇出席会 议,党委委员、副局长霍卫东主持会议并致词,分局机关和派出所民辅警在分别在线下 会场和腾讯会议线上参加学习。 此次培训授课主要从领导力、执行力、有效沟通、听众记忆曲线等内容展开学习,从 多角度解读了领导力、执行力的深刻含义,领导干部与执行力之间的关系和有效沟通的方法。 授课内涵丰富、言语生动,有较强的针对性和指导性。授课方式图文并茂,重实际、讲技 巧、接地气,确保参训民辅警在短时间内学懂弄通,将学习内容融入日常,不断提高业 务能力。 培训结束后,参训民辅警纷纷表示,通过学习获得了新的知识,受到了新的启发,要以 此次培训为契机,不断提升个人素质,强化执行力,抓好各项重点工作落实,以最高站 位、更高标准、更硬作风,推动牡丹江分局公安工作进一步提质增效,不断提升辖区群 众安全感和满意度。 小伙伴们 名称 我和我的小伙伴们

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