

发布日期:2024-05-10 浏览次数:

基本信息 学术论文 学术会议 专利授权 科研平台 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 田兆硕 教授,博士生导师,教育部新世纪优秀人才。 现任哈工大(威海)船海光电装备研究所所长,山东省海洋光电监测工程技术协同创新中心主任,海洋资源与环境检测山东省高校重点实验室主任。 2001年获哈尔滨工业大学物理电子学博士学位。2004年上海光机所博士后出站。2009-2010 英国University of Strathclyde访问学者。 已完成和正在承担国家级、省市级科研项目50余项。 在国内外重要期刊及学术会议发表论文200余篇,已经被SCI,EI收录100余篇,多次受邀在国内外学术会议做邀请报告。 获省级奖励4项;获国家发明专利10余项。 被评为哈尔滨工业大学优秀博士论文、哈工大优秀教师、威海市十大发明家。 现为中国计算机测量技术协会理事,国际IEEE、美国光学学会及中国光学学会会员,国家及省科技项目评审专家。 目前主要研究工作包括:海洋光电成像技术、激光光谱水质监测技术、海洋光电探测技术、激光器及其应用技术等。 友情链接 链接名称 中国高新科技 链接地址 https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1684228461464704678&wfr=spider&for=pc 简单介绍 友情链接 链接名称 【校企合作红旗飘】哈工大联手怡和公司:用激光技术助力“中国美丽” 链接地址 https://www.hitwh.edu.cn/2021/1221/c1307a150319/page.htm 简单介绍 媒体报道 名称 https://new.qq.com/rain/a/20210816A05UAP00 学术论文 名称 Tian, Zhaoshuo; Yang, Gang; Zhang, Yanchao; Cui, Zihao; Bi, Zongjie. A range-gated imaging flash Lidar based on the adjacent frame difference method. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, v 141: 106558, 2021 (SCI) Tian, Zhaoshuo; Bi, Zongjie; Wang, Yiwei,Zhao,Hongyan. Rapid evaluation method based on DOM for water quality by microlaser fluorescence spectrometer. APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, 126(9):150, 2020 (SCI) Xiaohua Che,Zhaoshuo Tian*, Fenghao Sun,Qingcao Liu*, Zongjie Bi, Hao Chen and Zihao Cui. Research on chemical oxygen demand based on laser Fluorescence-Raman spectroscopy. Frontiers in Physics, 11(2):1055049 , 2022 Gang Yang , Zhaoshuo Tian *, Zongjie Bi , Zihao Cui , Fenghao Sun and Qingcao Liu *. Measurement of the Attenuation Coefficient in Fresh Water Using the Adjacent Frame Difference Method. Photonics2022, 9, 713. Che Xiaohua, Huang Fang, Bi Zongjie, Liu Qingcao, Wang, Ling, Cui, Zihao, Tian Zhaoshuo*.Water turbidity detection based on laser scattering-Raman ratio method.Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, DOI: 10.1002/mop.33311;2022 Bi Zongjie, Yin Songlin, Zhang Yanchao, Cui Zihao, Yang Gang, Tian Zhaoshuo. A common transceiver LIF-Lidar based on Y-type optical fiber for marine oil spill detection[J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series). Gang Yang , Zhaoshuo Tian *, Zongjie Bi , Zihao Cui and Qingcao Liu *. Adjacent Frame Difference with Dynamic Threshold Method in Underwater Flash Imaging LiDAR. Electronics, Aug 2022 ,11 (16):2547 Songlin Yin, Zihao Cui, Zongjie Bi, Hao li, Wenjun Liu, and Zhaoshuo Tian*. Wide range thickness determination of oil films on water based on the ratio of laser-induced fluorescence to Raman. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. DOI 10.1109/TIM.2021.3134320 实用化拉曼光谱水下温度遥测系统研究,任秀云,王 玲,田兆硕,张延超 ,付石友, 光谱学与光谱分析 ,39(3)778-783,2019 (SCI) Zongjie Bi, Yanchao Zhang, Shanshan Zhang,Ling Wang, Erdan Gu, and Zhaoshuo Tian* A HANDHELD MINIATURE ULTRAVIOLET LED FLUORESCENCE DETECTION SPECTROMETER,Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 86(3):00855-9, 2019 (SCI) Zihao Cui,Zhaoshuo Tian, Yanchao Zhang, Zongjie Bi ,Gang Yang , Erdan Gu. Research on streak tube imaging lidar based on photocathode range gating method. OPT.COMMUN. ,432 :79-83,2019 (SCI) Zongjie Bi, Zihao Cui, Yanchao Zhang, Zhaoshuo Tian*, Design of precise delay system for streak tube imaging lidar,Opt. Eng. 57(12), 124104 (2018) (SCI) Zhaoshuo Tian,Ling Wang, Shanshan Zhang, Yanchao Zhang, Libao Liu; Erdan Gu;Experimental study on microlaser fluorescence spectrometer. Opt. Eng., 57(1), 014102 (2018) Cui, Zihao; Tian, Zhaoshuo; Zhang, Yanchao, Zongjie Bi, Shiyou Fu. Study on real time 3D imaging of streak tube lidar based on LabVIEW. OPTIK ,157: 768-773 ( 2018) (SCI) Hongling CHeng; ZHimin Wang; FengFeng ZHang; Wei Tu; nan Zong; BaosHan Wang; mingqiang Wang; ZhaoShuo Tian*; qinjun Peng; DaFu Cui; Zuyan Xu. Compact narrow-linewidth nanosecond Ti: sapphire laser .Journal of optical technology. 84(8):532-535,2017 (SCI) Hongling Cheng, Zhimin Wang, Fengfeng Zhang, Mingqiang Wang, Zhaoshuo Tian*, Qinjun Peng, Dafu Cui, and Zuyan Xu.Experimental investigation of a pulsed Rb-Ar excimer-pumped alkali laser. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 56(3), 2017 (SCI) 拉曼光谱乙醇含量测量基线校正算法研究,张延超,孙兰君,任秀云,付石友,田兆硕*,光谱学与光谱分析,36(10):331-332,2016 (SCI) 拉曼光谱定量分析乙醇含量的非线性回归方法研究,孙兰君,张延超,任秀云,付石友,田兆硕*,光谱学与光谱分析 ,36(6):1771-1774,2016 (SCI) TIAN Zhao-Shuo, MIAO Jie-Guang **,XU Zhi-Jing,QU Ting, FU Shi-You. Fully Immersing Water-Cooled Radial Slab Laser and its Incoherent Beam Combination. CHIN.PHYS.LETT. Vol.32, No.12:124202 (2015) (SCI) Ren, XY ; Tian, ZS; Zhang, YC; Wang, L; Fu, SY Theoretical and experimental investigations on measuring underwater temperature by the coherent Brillouin scattering method. APPLIED OPTICS. 54 (30):9025-9029(2015) (SCI) 杨茂华,田兆硕,尹田田,付石友.高效大尺寸短焦距菲涅尔透镜设计。哈尔滨工业大学学报,2015,47(11):98-101 (EI) Zhufeng Shao, Zhaoshuo Tian, Junqi Pang, Guangxi Feng,Biao Guo, Chuanchang Zeng, Yanqiang Yang, Shutian Liu and Qiang Wang. Optically modulated charge transfer in TiO2-Au nanocomplexes Materials Research Express. 1 (2014) 045033(SCI) Zhaoshuo Tian; Zhenghe Sun; Yanchao Zhang; Shiyou Fu. Research on laser wavelength measurement with rotating Fabry–Perot mirror. Opt. Eng. 53(7) 074107(2014) (SCI) 19 Zhaoshuo Tian, Zihao Cui, Liting Zhang, Tianci Xu, Yanchao Zhang, and Shiyou Fu. Control and image processing for streak tube imaging lidar based on VB and MATLAB. Chin. Opt. Lett., COL 12(6), 060015(2014) (SCI) 孙兰君, 田兆硕, 任秀云, 张延超, 付石友*. 溢油海水双向反射分布函数的建模及仿真. 物理学报, 2014, 63(13): 134211-134211. (SCI, IF=1.016) Xiuyun Ren, Zhaoshuo Tian, Ruizhe Lin,Wenjun Liu*, Measurement of soliton decay and dispersive wave generation in photonic crystal fiber, Optical Engineering , 53(5), 054101 (2014) (SCI) Xiuyun Ren, Zhaoshuo Tian , Min Yang,,Yanfeng Zhang, and Shiyou Fu*. Study on diffraction characteristics of a planar diamond waveguide. Chin. Opt. Lett., 12(2), 000000(2014) (SCI) 任秀云, 田兆硕, 杨敏, 孙兰君, 付石友,相干瑞利散射海水水下温度测量技术的理论研究. 物理学报, 63(8): 083302( 2014) (SCI) Lanjun Sun, Zhaoshuo Tian , Libao Liu , Yanchao Zhang , Shiyou Fu,Scanning compensation in imaging lidar using a double-sided reflector, Optik, 125(1):130–132 (2014) (SCI) Qiang Wang, Zhaoshuo Tian, Yunlong Li, Shibing Tian, Yunming Li,Shoutian Ren,Changzhi Gu, and Junjie Li. General fabrication of ordered nanocone arrays by one-step selective plasma etching. Nanotechnology 25 (2014) 115301 (SCI,IF=3.9) (SCI) Zhang Y, Tian Z, Sun Z, et al. Study of Offset Frequency Locking and Active Frequency Stabilization for Two RF-Excited Waveguide CO2 Laser With Common Ground Electrode[J]., IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2014, 50(10): 802-807. (SCI) Yanchao Zhang, Zhaoshuo Tian, Zhenghe Sun, Lili Wang, Qi Wang, "Study of frequency stabilization for electro-optical Q-switched radio-frequency-excited waveguide CO2 laser using build-up time method," Applied Optics, 52(16) , pp.3732-3736 (2013) (SCI) Zhaoshuo Tian, Hongling Cheng, Ping Xu, Xingbao Zhang, Shiyou Fu. laser output of Radial Slab Solid-State Laser. Chin. Opt. Lett., COL11(4), 041404(2013) (SCI) Yanchao Zhang, Zhaoshuo Tian, Zhenghe Sun, Shiyou Fu, Jianfeng Sun, Qi Wang. High pulse repetition frequency RF excited waveguide CO2 laser with mechanical Q-switching .Infrared Physics & Technology 58 (2013) 12–14(SCI) 30 Zhao-shuo Tian,Lan-jun Sun,Li-bao Liu,Zi-hao Cui,Shi-you Fu. Study on One-Dimensional Scanning Semiconductor Lidar. Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vols. 284-287 (2013) pp 2124-2127(EI收录) Cui, Zihao; Tian, Zhaoshuo; Liu, Libao; Xu, Tianci; Yao, Can; Fu, Shiyou. Experimental study on underwater laser signal transmission offshore. zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers, v 40, n SUPPL, 2013(SCI) Qi Cao,Jing Wang,Zhao-Shuo Tian,Zai-Feng Xie,Fu-Quan Bai. Theoretical Investigation on the Photophysical Properties of N-Heterocyclic Carbene Iridium (III) Complexes (fpmb)xIr(bptz)3-x(x=1-2)[J]. Journal of Compupational Chemistry, 2012,33:1038-1046(SCI,IF=4.583) Qi Cao,Zai-Feng Xie,Jing Wang,Zhao-Shuo Tian,Fu-Quan Bai. TD-DFT investigation of electronic structures, photophysical properties and the theoretical fabrication of OLEDs based on phosphorescent Ir(III) complexes bearing the non-πelectron-conjugated carbene ligand[J].Molecular Physics, 2012, 110:185-197.(SCI收录,DOI号为10.1080/00268976.2011.637523,影响因子:1.819) Qi Cao,Fu-Quan Bai,Jing Wang,Zhao-Shuo Tian,Zai-Feng Xie,Hong-Xing Zhang. Phosphorescent Ir(III) complexes bearing the unique PPh2 unit: The electronic structures, optical properties and phosphorescence mechanism from TD-DFT investigation[J]. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2012,979:82-88.(SCI收录,DOI号为:10.1016/j.comptc.2011.10.019,影响因子:1.437) Lili Wang, Zhaoshuo Tian, Yanchao Zhang, Jing Wang, Shiyou Fu. Frequency stabilization of pulsed CO2 laser using the setup time method. Chin. Opt. Lett., 10(1), 011402(2012) 影响因子:0.967 Zhang, Yanfeng; McKnight, Loyd; Tian, Zhaoshuo; Calvez, Stephane; Gu, Erdan; Dawson, Martin D. Large cross-section edge-coupled diamond waveguides. Diamond and Related Materials, v 20, n 4, p 564-567, 2011(SCI,EI收录) 田兆硕,王静,费非,杨君国等. 光泵全金属THz激光器研究.中国激光.2010,37(9):2323-2326 (EI收录) Fu Shiyou,Tian Zhaoshuo,Shi Xiaoli andSun Zhenghe. Incoherent and coherent beam combination for master oscillator /power amplifier system with stimulated Brillouin scattering mirror. Chin.Phys.2008,17 (2 ) : 628-632(SCI,EI收录:) Zhaoshuo Tian, Shiliang Qu, Zhenghe Sun. Offset frequency locking for nanosecond laser pulses. Opt.Commun. 265:585-587(2006) (SCI,EI收录) Zhaoshuo Tian, Shiliang Qu, Zhenghe Sun. Active and passive frequency stabilization for a Q-switched Z-fold radio-frequency-excited waveguide CO2 laser with two channels Applied Optics, 44(29): 6269-6273(2005)(SCI,EI收录) Zhaoshuo Tian, Zhenghe Sun, Shiliang Qu. Tunable pulse width electrooptically cavity-dumped RF excited Z-fold waveguide CO2 laser. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76 (8): Art. No. 083110 AUG 2005(SCI,EI收录) Zhaoshuo Tian, Badran Hussein, and Qi Wang. Tunable electro-optically Q-switched rf excited partial Z-fold CO2 waveguide laser with two channels. Optical Engineering. 44 (2): Art. No. 024202 FEB 2005(SCI,EI收录) Qi Wang, Zhaoshuo Tian and Wei Du. Tunable Q-switched/Cavity-dumped Z-fold CO2 Waveguide Laser with Two channels and Common Electrodes. IEEE.J.Q.E. 41 (7): 994-996 JUL 2005 (SCI,EI收录) Tian Zhaoshuo,Wang Qi, Wang Yusan, Kinetic modelling of electrooptically Q-switched CO2 laser. Optical and Quantum Electronics. 2002,34(4):331-341(SCI,EI收录) Tian Zhaoshuo,Wang Qi, Wang chunhui. Investigation of Pulse Heterodyne of Electrooptically Q-switched RF Excited CO2 Waveguide Laser with Two Channels. Appl. Opt. 2001,41(15):3033-3037(SCI,EI收录) 田兆硕,王骐,李自勤.电光调Q CO2激光器的六温度模型理论与速率方程理论比较分析. 物理学报 2001, 50(12):2369~2374(SCI,EI收录) Hessian Badran, Tian Zhaoshuo, Wang Qi Mathematical modeling of gain-switched in RF-excited CO2 waveguide lasers. Chinese Physics. 2004,13(4): 501-504(SCI收录) Wang Qi, Tian Zhaoshuo, Wang Yusan Tunable Electrooptically Q-switched RF Excited CO2 Waveguide Laser with two channels. Infrared Physics & Technology. 2000, 41(6): 349-352(SCI,EI收录) 田兆硕,陈卫标,胡企铨. 二极管端面抽运棒状Yb:YAG激光器. 光学学报, 2004, 24(1): 48-51 田兆硕, 陈卫标, 胡企铨. 考虑激光下能级弛豫过程的调QNd:YAG速率方程理论分析. 光子学报. 2005, 34(3):325-328(EI) 田兆硕,陈卫标,胡企铨. 变反射镜谐振腔光场分布的三维数值计算. 激光技术.2004,28(4): 390-393 田兆硕,陈卫标,胡企铨. 激光扩束系统衍射现象数值计算.应用激光. 2004,24(1):43-44 田兆硕,王骐,王春晖等,脉冲相干激光雷达测距信号研究. 光学学报,2002,22(9):1081-1083(EI收录) Tian Zhaoshuo, Wang Qi, Wang Yusan, Liu Fengmei. Study on RF excited waveguide CO2 laser with two different channels. Chinese J. of lasers. 1999, B8(6):481~484(EI收录) 田兆硕, 王雨三,刘逢梅,赵景山,王骐. 射频波导激光器电极参数的测量. 中国激光. 1999, A26(2) : 135~140(EI收录) 田兆硕,王骐,王雨三,李自勤. 旋转波片法测量电光调Q射频波导CO2激光器的内部参数.中国激光. 2000, A27(9): 785-789(EI收录) 田兆硕,王骐,王雨三,李自勤,陆威. 光栅选支共电极双通道射频激励波导CO2激光器研究. 中国激光. 2000, A27(11): 961-964(EI收录) 田兆硕,王骐,王雨三,输出可调的电光调Q射频激励波导CO2激光器研究. 中国激光. 2001, A28(6):505-508(EI收录) 田兆硕,王骐,王雨三. 电光腔倒空与调Q射频波导CO2激光器研究. 光学学报. 2000, 20(12): 1613~1616. (EI收录) 田兆硕,王骐,王雨三,李自勤. 光栅选支电光调Q射频激励波导CO2激光器研究. 光电子.激光. 2000, 11(3):282~284 61 田兆硕,王骐,王雨三. 通频带宽对脉冲激光波形测量的影响. 激光技术. 2001,25(5):398-401 62 Tian Zhaoshuo,Wang Qi, Wan Yusan. Tunable RF excited waveguide CO2 laser with two unequal long channels. 哈尔滨工业大学学报(英文版)2000, 7(3): 50-52 田兆硕,李自勤,王雨三,王骐. 扫频法测量射频波段电感、电容. 实用测试技术. 1999,No.1:44~47 田兆硕,李自勤,王骐,王雨三.CdTe 电光调频晶体用于电光调Q研究. 量子电子学报. 2002,19(4): 301-304 田兆硕,王骐,李自勤,成向阳,尚铁梁. 脉冲相干激光雷达对运动目标成像模拟. 激光与红外,2002,32(3):163-164(EI收录) 田兆硕,成向阳,王骐等,激光雷达双光束扫描接收方法研究. 应用激光,2003,(23)2: 91-93(EI收录) 田兆硕,王海虹,李琦,王骐. 脉冲相干激光雷达正交采样计算模拟. 激光与红外. 2003, 33(1): 28-30(EI收录) 田兆硕,成向阳,王骐. 电光调Q CO2 激光器进展. 激光技术. 2003, (27)3: 208-213 田兆硕 王鹏华 慕金龙,王骐. 射频激励“Z”折叠部分波导CO2激光器研究. 激光与红外 2003,33(5):348-34(EI收录) 田兆硕,成向阳,王春晖等,激光雷达的二元接收方法研究. 中国激光(增刊)2002,A29:645-647 田兆硕 王鹏华 慕金龙,王骐. 共电极折叠腔窄脉冲射频波导CO2激光器设计分析. 中国激光(增刊)2004,v31:87-89 田兆硕 孙正和 曲士良,高斯激光束目标散斑的FFT数值计算. 哈尔滨工业大学(威海)学报2005,1(1)61-63 王骐,田兆硕,王雨三,何伟明,王春晖. 电光调Q射频激励波导CO2激光器.中国激光. 2000, A22(2): 97~100(EI收录) 王骐,田兆硕,李自勤,王雨三. 射频激励双通道不等长电极波导CO2激光器的外差频率调制研究. 光学学报. 2000, 20(11): 1473~1476. (EI收录) 王骐,田兆硕,王雨三,双通道电光调Q射频激励波导CO2激光器研究. 光学学报. 2001, 21(4):447-449 (EI收录) Hessian Badran, Tian Zhaoshuo, Wang Qi. Electro-optically Q-switched RF excited partial z-fold CO2 waveguide laser. Chinese Optic Letter. 2004, 2(2): 100-101(EI收录) Hessian Badran, Tian Zhaoshuo, Wang Qi. Compact waveguide CO2 laser excited by a RF power supply. Chinese Optic Letter. 2004, 2(10): 597-599(EI收录) Hessian Badran, Tian Zhaoshuo, Wang Qi. Mathematical modeling of output power in pulse RF excited waveguide CO2 laser J. Harbin institute of Technology, 2003, 10(1):60-63(EI收录) Hessian Badran, Tian Zhaoshuo, Wang Qi. Calculation of Coupling efficiency for rectangular waveguide Co2 laser by fresnel approximation. J. Harbin institute of Technology, 2003,10(3):335-337 Hessian Badran, Tian Zhaoshuo, Wang Qi. Accurate method for determining vibration temperature and gain limitation in pulse RF-discharge CO2 laser. J. Harbin institute of Technology, 2004. 11(1):67-70(EI收录) 王春晖,田兆硕,王骐. 电光调Q脉冲激光外差研究. 中国激光. 2001, A28(2): 130~132(EI) Li Ziqin, Li Qi, Tian Zhaoshuo et al. Processing for laser radar range images. Chinese Optic Letter. 2004,2(4): 210-212(EI收录) 王春晖,成向阳,田兆硕等. CO2激光主动成像雷达扫描成像实验. 中国激光2002,A29(6):569-572(EI收录) 成向阳,王骐,田兆硕. 连续和脉冲CO2激光器频率稳定度的测量. 激光技术 2003 ,27(5):484-485(EI收录) 王春晖, 成向阳,田兆硕. 窄脉冲外差体制CO2激光器主动成像研究. 光子学报 2003, 32(2):155-158 (EI收录) 付石友,田兆硕,衣福龙,孙正和,陈相君. 光泵THz激光器进展及其应用前景. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2008,40(3): 435-439(EI收录) 孙正和,王静,付石友,孙玉德,张彦超,田兆硕,王骐. 双通道共电极双波长射频波导CO2激光器.光电子.激光,2009,20(8):997-999(EI收录) 王 静, 田兆硕, 孙玉德, 张兴宝, 曲延滨.在NPB中掺杂Alq3改善有机电致发光器件的性能. 固体电子学研究与进展, 2009,29(2):245-247 王 静,田兆硕,孙玉德,孙正和,张延超.用高锰酸钾处理ITO表面制备的白光OLED. 半导体光电,2010, 31(3),352-355 Yude Sun, Shiyou FU, Jing Wang, Zhenghe Sun, Yanchao Zhang, Zhaoshuo Tian, Qi Wang. Optically pumped terahertz lasers with high pulse repetition frequency: theory and design. Chin. Opt. Lett. 2009 , 7(2) : 127-129 (SCI,EI收录:) 徐天赐, 付石友, 崔子浩, 刘立宝, 田兆硕. 激光水中衰减系数的比较测量法研究[J]. 光学与光电技术, 2013, 11(1): 15-17 崔子浩,田兆硕,刘立宝,徐天赐,姚灿,付石友. 近海岸水下激光信号传输实验研究[J]. 中国激光. 40(s1),113004(2013). 张梦,田兆硕,崔子浩,张国英。激光线扫描三维成像系统的图像矫正研究. 应用激光,38(2):300-304(2018) 范毅;毕宗杰;尹松林;张延超;朱东杰, 田兆硕*。基于Android的光谱数据传输与处理系统研究 , 光学技术, 45(4): 509-511(2019) 吴俣昊,崔子浩,高阳,王畅,曲思锦,田兆硕*.无人机载激光线扫描浅滩三维成像研究. 激光与红外. 50(2):143-147(2020) 孙中懿;王方欢;毕宗杰;崔子浩;付石友; 田兆硕*. 基于手机热点传输的微型光谱仪系统研究 激光与红外. 2021,52(2):212-216 学术会议 名称 1.田兆硕,激光光谱技术应用于海洋监测前景分析及展望,光与海北戴河论坛,2021.7.23, 秦皇岛,(邀请报告) 2.田兆硕,激光光谱技术应用于水质监测的前景分析及展望,第五届全国激光光谱技术学术论坛, 2021.7 .19, 大连,(邀请报告) 3.田兆硕,基于激光光谱技术的水质油污在线监测仪器研究与开发,国际水大会,2021.7.5,青岛,(邀请报告) 4.田兆硕,激光光谱法水质监测仪器应用进展,2021第七届中国先进光谱分析技术与高效检测发展论坛,2021.6.5 苏州(邀请报告) 5.田兆硕,基于激光光谱技术的海洋水质油污探测技术,第五届全国海洋技术大学,2021.5.19,舟山 6.田兆硕,基于激光光谱原理的水质快速在线检测研究进展, 第六届全国快速检测技术发展暨先进检测新技术新方法研讨会, 2020.8.15,昆明(邀请报告) 7.田兆硕,基于微光像增强器的水面油污测量仪研究,第六届新型光电探测技术及其应用研讨会,2019.12.4,北京 (邀请报告) 8.Zongjie Bi, Songlin Yin, Zhaoshuo Tian, Shiyou Fu. Detection of marine metal elements by LIBS based on passive Q-switched laser. Proc. Sixth Symposium on Novel Optoelectronic Detection Technology and Applications. SPIE. 11455, 7I1-5 (EI收录, 20203709173622) (Invited) 9.Tian Zhaoshuo; Bi Zongjie; Zhang Yanchao; Wang Yiwei; Cui Zihao; Zhao Hongyan, Rapid water quality assessment by micro laser-induced fluorescence spectrometer[C]. Advanced Solid State Lasers, 2019. (EI收录, 20202308780808) (Vienna, Austria) 10. 田兆硕,基于激光光谱技术的海水在线监测物联网系统,Oi China 2019 海洋观测与遥感会议论坛, 2019.11.13,上海,(邀请报告) 11. 田兆硕,激光光谱法海水多参数监测系统研究,第三届智慧海洋信息网络、通信与传感技术创新大会,2019.10.23,无锡(邀请报告) 12. 田兆硕,激光光谱技术研究进展及产业化开发,2019年第二届先进激光制造产业发展大会,2019.7.2,张家港(邀请报告) 13. 田兆硕,基于激光光谱技术的水质在线监测系统研究, 第十四届全国激光技术与光电子学学术会议(LTO 2019)上海(邀请报告)2019.3.18 14. 田兆硕,张延超,小型水质快速在线监视系统研究,第二届智慧海洋通信与传感技术创新及装备论坛,2018,11.21 杭州 (邀请报告) 15. 田兆硕,海洋激光探测仪器开发及研究进展,“第七届工业试验与测试技术发展战略高层论坛”2018.11.14北京(邀请报告) 16. 田兆硕,小型海洋激光探测技术研究进展,2018海洋移动平台观测与探测技术论坛(青岛)(邀请报告)2018.9.12 17. 田兆硕,基于光谱技术的海洋探测系统研究,中国海洋信息网络技术及产业发展大会,北京,2018.5(邀请报告) 18. Liu, Libao; Zhang, Shanshan; Wang, Ling; Zhang, Yanchao; Tian, Zhaoshuo.Theoretical and experimental research on laser-beam homogenization based on metal gauze. Proceedings of SPIE -v 10710, 2018, Young Scientists Forum 2017 19. Sun, Yilang Sun, Shuqiao; Cui, Zihao; Zhang, Yanchao; Tian, Zhaoshuo. 3D Surface Features Scanning System with UAV-Carried Line Laser. LNICST, v 226 , p 434-443, 2018, MLICOM 2017 20. Jin, Q; Cui, Zihao; Bi, Zongjie; Zhang, Yanchao; Tian, Zhaoshuo; Fu, Shiyou. Study on High Power Ultraviolet Laser Oil Detection System. SPIE, v 10710, 2018, Young Scientists Forum 2017 21. Bi, Zongjie; Tian, Zhaoshuo; Shi, Pushuai; Fu, Shiyou. Design of Turntable Servo Control System Based on Sliding Mode Control Algorithm. LNICST, v 227 LNICST, p 263-272, 2018, MLICOM 2017 22. Sun, Lanjun , Zhang, Yanchao; Fu, Shiyou; Tian, Zhaoshuo. Fluorescence instrument based on direct view holographic grating prism for remote sensing. SPIE v 10462, AOPC 2017 23. 田兆硕,海洋激光探测仪器开发及进展,中国测控技术与仪器大会(CMCIC)2017,10(北京)(邀请报告) 24. Molin Li, Zihao Cui, Xuejuan Zhang, Xiuyun Ren, Yanchao Zhang, Zhaoshuo Tian, Shiyou Fu,Modeling Method Study Of Raman Spectrum and Salinity. POEM 2017. 25. Kexin Li, Shanshan Zhang, Kanghua Li, Yanchao Zhang, Zhaoshuo Tian. Detection of Metal Elements in Milk Powder by Solution Cathode Glow Discharge Atomic Emission Spectroscopy. POEM 2017. 26. Zihao Cui, Zhaoshuo Tian, Yanchao Zhang, Zongjie Bi, Gang Yang, Erdan Gu. Research on the underwater target imaging based on the streak tube laser lidar. SPIE2017. 27. Zhao, J; Bi, ZJ; He, N ; Zhang, YC; Tian, ZS. The Design and Implementation of Laser Fluorescence Spectrometer Based on DSP. 2nd AASRI International Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (IEA 2017) : Singapore, ,MAY 07-08, 2017 28. Zongjie Bi, Zihao Cui, Zhaoshuo Tian, Yanchao Zhang, Shiyou Fu .Design of Precision Delay System for Long Range Imaging Gating Circuit of Streak Tube Laser Radar.2nd EAI International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Communications 29. Bi, Zongjie; Tian, Zhaoshuo; Luo, Tao; Fu, Shiyou. Study on shipborne video electro-optical tracking system based on FPGA. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, v 367, p 521-529, 2016, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Automatic Control 30. Zhang, Yanchao; Tian, Zhaoshuo; Dai, Guang; Jin, Chunlei; Sun, Zhenghe Research on CO2laser frequency stabilization by adjusting grating angle. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, v 367, p 513-519, 2016, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Automatic Control 31. Lanjun Sun, Yanchao Zhang, Zhaoshuo Tian, Xiuyun Ren, Shiyou Fu*. A Portable Direct View Configuration Prism Spectrometer Using a Double Amici Prism. Applied Optics and Photonics China(AOPC2015) 5-7 May 2015 Beijing(EI收录) 32. Z. S. Tian, Y. C. Zhang, Z. H. Sun, S. Y. Fu, Q. Wang. Study of Stable Laser Cavity With Hole-coupling Output Mirror. CAOL*2013 International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics & Lasers, Sudak, Ukraine,September, 2013, 95-97 (EI国际会议邀请报告) 33. Xiuyu Ren; Zhaoshuo Tian; Zihao Cui; Tianchi, Xu; Libao, Liu; Junguo, Yang; Jing, Wang; Shiyou, Fu . Analysis of Brillouin LIDAR equation and maximum detection depth in ocean telemetry. AISOMT 2011, p 97-100 34. Zhenghe Sun; Yanchao, Zhang; Zhaoshuo, Tian; Jing, Wang; Shiyou, Fu; Jianfeng, Sun; Qi, Wang. Double-vacuum sealed Z-fold dual-channel RF-excited CO2 waveguide laser Source:, AISOMT 2011, p 83-85, 35. Lanjun Sun; Libao Liu; Shiyou Fu; Junguo Yang; Yangchao Zhang; Zhaoshuo Tian. Research on optimal detecting position for one-dimensional scanning lidar. AISOMT 2011, p 176-178, 36. Fei Fei, Wang Jing, Tian Zhaoshuo, Zhang Yanchao, Fu Shiyou and Wang Qi. Theoretical and Experimental studies on CH3OH THz Laser Pumped by Pulse Carbon Dioxide Laser. 3rd International Photonics & OptoElectronics Meetings (POEM 2010), Wuhan, China. Journal of Physics: ConferenceSeries 276 (2011) 012203 37. Y. Zhang, L. McKnight, Z. Tian, S. Calvez, E. Gu, M. Dawson; Large cross section diamond rib waveguides: Design, fabrication and characterization Diamond 2010, Budapest, Hungary, September, 2010. 38. Yanfeng Zhang, Zhaoshuo Tian, Erdan Gu, Stephane Calvez and Martin Dawson;Large cross-section diamond waveguides Loyd McKnight, Photon 10, Southampton, Uk, Augest, 2010. 39. Yanfeng Zhang, Loyd McKnight, Zhaoshuo Tian, Erdan Gu, Stephane Calvez and Martin Dawson; Photonic microstructures in diamond, The Rank Prize Funds Symposium on Diamond Photonics, Windermere, Uk, March, 2010 40. Tian, Zhaoshuo; Cheng, Hongling; Fu, Shiyou; Sun, Zhenghe; Wang, Qi. Research on coherent beam combination for radial slab solid-state laser. CLEO/Europe - EQEC 2009 (EI收录) 41. Zhaoshuo Tian, Shiyou Fu, Yude Sun, Jing Wang, Qi Wang. Research on Radial Slab Solid-State Laser. CAOL 2008, 4-6, Ukraine(国际会议特邀报告EI, ISTP收录) 42. Yude Sun, Zhaoshuo Tian, Shiyou FU, Jing Wang, Yanchao Zhang, Zhenghe Sun. Study of active frequency stabilized CO2 laser for THz radiation. POEM, 2008,7727-44国际会议特邀报EI, ISTP收录) 43. Shiyou Fu, Zhaoshuo Tian, Yuzhai Pan, Xiangjun Chen. Incoherent and Coherent Output for Radial Slab Solid-State Laser. Photonics Asia 2007, SPIE6823:1-5 (EI收录) 44. FU Shiyou,Sun Yude,Tian Zhaoshuo,Wang Qi. Design of optically pumped terahertz lasers with high pulse repetition frequency. 2007 Academic Symposium on Optoelectronics & Microelectronics Technology (ASOMT 2007). Harbin 45. Zhaoshuo Tian, Zhenghe Sun, Shiliang Qu.. Offset frequency locking for pulsed CO2 waveguide laser with two channels,IEEE LFNM 2006, Kharkiv, Ukraine P21-24 (国际会议特邀报EI, ISTP收录) 46. Q. Wang, Z. S. Tian, Q. S. Zhu. Study on tunable Q-Switched/Cavity-Dumped partial Z-fold CO2 waveguide laser with two channels and common electrodes, IEEE LFNM 2006, Kharkiv, Ukraine P54-61(国际会议特邀报告) 47. Zhaoshuo Tian, Shiliang Qu, Zhenghe Sun,Shutian Liu.Incoherent and coherent coupling for multi-slab solid laser. 20th Congress of the International Commission for Optics(ICO20). 2005, p 60281X 48. Tian Zhaoshuo, Hessian Badran, Wang Qi. Compact electrooptically Q-switched partial Z-fold CO2 laser with two channels. SPIE. 2004 Vol.5627:230-2340(EI,ISTP收录) 49. Tian Zhaoshuo, Wang Qi. Pulse Heterodyne-reception with Electrooptically Q-swithed RF Two-channel Waveguide CO2 Laser. SPIE. 2002, Vol.4914:86-90(EI,ISTP收录) 50. Tian Zhaoshuo, Wang Qi. Tunable electro-optically Q-switched RF excited z-fold waveguide CO2 laser with two channels. CLEO/QELS. 2003 , p 1622-1623 (EI收录) 51. Tian Zhaoshuo, Wang Qi. Tunable electro-optically cavity-dumped RF excited z-fold waveguide CO2 laser with two channels.CLEO/QELS. 2004 52. Tian Zhaoshuo, Wang Qi. RF excited common electrode waveguide CO2 laser with two channels. OSA Annual Meeting. 2003 53. Tian Zhaoshuo,Wang Qi, Wang Yusan, Computer modelling of electrooptically Q-switched CO2 laser .The 5th Russian-Chinese Symposium on Laser Physics and Laser Technology(Russian). 2000,10:37~39 54. Wang Qi, Tian Zhaoshuo, Wang Chunhui. 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