

发布日期:2024-05-10 浏览次数:

基本信息 论文专著 科研项目 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 张晗,博士,助理教授,哈尔滨工业大学首批春雁计划入选者,研究方向为膜法水处理技术。目前以第一作者/通讯作者身份发表包括Water Research等学术论文8篇。主持国家/黑龙江省自然科学基金及博士后面上项目等课5项课题。首届中国环境科学学会水处理与回用委员会工作组委员,Water Cycle期刊Methodology Frontiers编辑,获2023年Water Cycle期刊贡献奖。 学习工作经历 名称 2011.09-2015.07,长安大学,给排水科学与工程,工学学士 2016.09-2018.07,哈尔滨工业大学,市政工程,工学硕士 2018.09-2022.07,哈尔滨工业大学,市政工程,工学博士 2021.05-2022.05,National University of Singapore, Civil and Environmental Engineering, CSC Visiting student 2022.6-至今,哈尔滨工业大学,环境学院,助理教授 2022.6-至今,哈尔滨工业大学,环境科学与工程流动站,博士后 论文专著 名称 1 Zhang Han,Liang Heng*:Organic carbon promotes algae proliferation in membrane-aeration based bacteria-algae symbiosis system (MA-BA),Water Research,2020 2 Zhang Han,Liang Heng*:Aeration-induced CO2 stripping, instead of high dissolved oxygen, have a negative impact on algae–bacteria symbiosis (ABS) system stability and wastewater treatment efficiency,Chemical Engineering Journal,2020 3 Zhang Han*,Liang Heng:Cow manure anaerobic fermentation effluent treatment by oxygen-based membrane aerated biofilm reactor,Chemical Engineering Journal,2020 4 Zhang Han,Liang Heng*:Nighttime aeration mode enhanced the microalgae-bacteria symbiosis (ABS) system stability and pollutants removal efficiencies,Science of the Total Environment,2020 5 Zhang Han,Liang Heng*:Bacterial-algae biofilm enhance MABR adapting a wider COD/N ratios wastewater: Performance and mechanism,Science of the Total Environment,2021 6 Zhang Han,Liang Heng*:Municipal wastewater contains antibiotic treatment using O2 transfer membrane based biofilm reactor: Interaction between regular pollutants metabolism and sulfamethoxazole degradation,Science of the Total Environment,2023 7 Zhang Han,Liang Heng*:Obtaining High-Purity Struvite from Anaerobically Digested Wastewater: Effects of pH, Mg/P, and Ca2+ Interactions,Environmental Engineering Science,2019 8 张晗,梁恒*:膜曝气提升菌藻生物膜反应器效能及稳定性,土木与环境工程学报,2021 科研项目 名称 国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持,2024-2026 中国博士后面上项目,主持,2023-2024 黑龙江省自然科学基金联合引导项目,主持,2023-2026 黑龙江省博士后面上项目,主持,2023-2024 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金,主持,2023-2025

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