

发布日期:2024-04-06 浏览次数:

刘玉红 教师名称:刘玉红 教师拼音名称:Liu Yuhong 出生日期:1971-12-23 性别:女 学科:Mechanical Engineering 职称:副教授 其他联系方式 邮编:300354 通讯/办公地址:Yaguan Road 135, Haiher Educational Park, Jinnan District, Tianjin City, China 移动电话:15900319073 邮箱:yuhong_liu@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Dr. Yuhong Liu is an associate professor of Mechanical Engineering at Tianjin University in China. Dr. Liu’s main research contribution are design and dynamic of underwater vehicles, and she is recognized for her expertise on performance of underwater vehicles, hydrodynamic response of structures in the marine environment, and making seminal contributions in developing numerical methods for these types of problems. The key challenges include unraveling mechanism of motion and hydrodynamic response of underwater vehicles and structures in the marine environment and multi-scales. Soft bionic robot is her another research focus. In these research fields, Prof. Liu has authored or co-authored over sixty papers. Soft bionic underwater robot Dynamics and motion performance of unmanned underwater vehicles 暂无内容 暂无内容 教育经历 1991.9-1995.7 Jilin University of Technology   Materials Engineering   B. S. 2001.3-2004.11 Northwestern Polytechnical University   Materials Engineering   Ph. D. 1998.9-2004.3 Kunming University of Technology   Materials Scicence   M. S. 工作经历 2014.9 -2015.9 |College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences|Oregon State University|Visiting Scholar 2007.7 -2019.12 |School of Mechanical Engineering|Tianjin University|Associater Professor 1995.7 -1998.8 |Institute of Roll-forging technology|Jilin Unversity of Technology|Research Assistant

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