发布日期:2024-04-06 浏览次数:次
许伟利 教师名称:许伟利 教师拼音名称:Xu Weili 性别:女 其他联系方式 邮编:300354 通讯/办公地址:Building 33, Room 351, Schoolof Foreign Languages and Literature,TianjinUniversity, Tianjin,300354,P.R.China 邮箱:weili_xu@163.com 传真:27405174 移动电话:27403691 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 暂无内容 暂无内容 Won the honored title` excellent teacher’by Heibei Province in Jan,1994 Awarded by Tianjin University & Tianjin Education Work Union with the 3rd prize in the 7th Tianjin Higher Education Young Teachers’ Teaching Skill Contest in Nov.2004 Adwarded 2nd prize in Dec, 2005 by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press in the College English Teaching Research Papers for younger teachers. ③Overseas immersion programme and Teacher Learning,published on theJournal of Tianjin Higher Education Studies No. 1, 2017.2019 ②Organizing College English Listening and Speaking Class in the form of League Tournament, published on theJournal of Tianjin Higher Education Studies No. 1, 2008.2019 ①On the differences of Chinese culture and Western culture from the perspective of Metaphor in `Water`, published on the Journal of Yunnan Nationalities University No.4, 2006..2019 ③Overseas immersion programme and Teacher Learning,published on theJournal of Tianjin Higher Education Studies No. 1, 2017.2019 ②Organizing College English Listening and Speaking Class in the form of League Tournament, published on theJournal of Tianjin Higher Education Studies No. 1, 2008.2019 ①On the differences of Chinese culture and Western culture from the perspective of Metaphor in `Water`, published on the Journal of Yunnan Nationalities University No.4, 2006..2019