发布日期:2024-04-06 浏览次数:次
侯春萍 教师名称:侯春萍 教师拼音名称:Hou Chunping 出生日期:1957-06-03 性别:女 学科:Information and Communication Engineering 职称:教授 其他联系方式 移动电话:13902128837 邮箱:hcp@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Chunping Hou received the M.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees in electronic engineering from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, in 1986 and 1998, respectively. She is currently a Professor and the Director of the Broadband Wireless Communications and 3-D Imaging Institute at Tianjin University. Her research interests include deep learning, pattern recognition, 3-D image processing, 3-D display, and wireless communication. Digital Image Processing Deep Learning&Pattern Recognition Image Quality Assessment Stereo Display&Visual Comfort Evaluation 天津市技术发明一等奖 天津市技术进步二等奖 天津市科技进步二等奖 Stereoscopic Image Stitching Based on a Hybrid Warping Model.2019 Content-Aware Disparity adjustment for Different Stereo Displays.2019 Salient object detection using color spatial distribution and minimum spanning tree weight.2019 Two-Dimensional Direction-of-Arrival Estimation for a Mixture of Circular and Noncircular Sources.2019 A setup for panoramic stereo imaging.2019 教育经历 2019.12-2019.12 Tianjin University Ph.D 2019.12-2019.12 Tianjin University Master's degree 工作经历 2016.12 -2019.12 |School of Electronical and Information Engineering|Tianjin University|Professor 2004.6 -2016.12 |School of Electronic Information Engineering|Tianjin University|Professor 2001.6 -2004.6 |School of Electronic Information Engineering|Tianjin University|Associate Professor 1986.3 -2001.6 |School of Electronic Information Engineering|Tianjin University|Lecturer 专利成果更多+ 2017 12 一种基于雷达仿真图像的卷积神经网络人体动作分类方法 2017 12 一种基于航拍图像的检测输电线路中绝缘子缺失的方法 2017 12 一种基于航拍图像的检测输电线路中鸟巢的方法 2017 12 一种GIS盆式绝缘子内部导体局部过热智能诊断方法