发布日期:2024-04-06 浏览次数:次
冯奕钰 教师名称:冯奕钰 教师拼音名称:Feng Yiyu 出生日期:1981-06-21 性别:男 职称:副教授 其他联系方式 移动电话:022-87402059 邮箱:fengyiyu@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 TeachingFunctional Polymers, Introduction to Materials, High-performance organic compositeHonors and awards1. The first Award for Technological Innocation in Tianjin at 2015 (the second awardee)2. The second Award for Natural Science in Tianjin at 2011 (the second awardee)3. Henry Fok Young Teacher Award in Education Ministry at 20144. Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University at 20135. Excellent Doctoral Dissertation in Tianjin at 20116. More than 40 publications in top journals including///Research projects1. Study on photochromic molecules for high-density solar storage and controllable release, National Natural Science Foundation of China, (2016.1-2019.12)2. A layered assembly of graphene/molybdenum disulfide with a tunable bandgap for efficient photodetectors, National Natural Science Foundation of China, (2014.1-2017.12)3. Study on a functionalized graphene saturable absorber and its application in mode-locking laser,National Natural Science Foundation of China, (2011.1-2013.12)Selected publications (Journal articles, patents and books)[1] Yiyu Feng, Hongpo Liu, Wen Luo, et al. Covalent functionalization of graphene by azobenzene with molecular hydrogen bonds for long-term solar thermal storage Scientific Reports 2013, 4, 3777[2] Yiyu Feng, Mengmeng Qin, Haiqiang Guo, et al. Infrared-Actuated Recovery of Polyurethane Filled by Reduced Graphene Oxide/Carbon Nanotube Hybrids with High Energy Density ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2013, 5, 10882[3] Yiyu Feng, Wen Luo, Chen Cao et al. A high energy density azobenzene/graphene hybrid: a nano-templated platform for solar thermal storage Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015, 3, 11787[4] Chengqun Qin, Yiyu Feng, Wen Luo, et al. A supramolecular assembly of cross-linked azobenzene/polymers for a high-performance light-driven actuator Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015, 3, 16453 functional composite, carbon nanocomposite, solar heat materials 暂无内容 暂无内容 教育经历 2000.9-2004.7 Tianjin University Polymer Science and Engineering 学士 2004.9-2007.3 Tianjin University Materials Science 硕士 2007.3-2009.10 Tianjin University Materials Science 博士 2007.10-2009.7 Duke University Department of Chemistry 工作经历 2016.1 -2016.2 |Osaka University|Visiting Scholar 2011.8 -2011.9 |Osaka University|Visiting Scholar 2010.7 -2010.8 |Osaka University|Visiting Scholar 2009.10 -2012.5 |School of Material Science and Engineering|Tianjin University|Lecturer 2012.6 -2019.12 |School of Material Science and Engineering|Tianjin University|Associate Professor