发布日期:2024-04-06 浏览次数:次
教师主页 团队成员 科研项目 研究领域 学术成果 教学 科研分享 新闻动态 疼痛医学中心 成果介绍 软件 毕业去向 加入我们 联系我们 王建春 Google Scholar ResearcherID 副教授 力学与航空航天工程系 王建春副教授在2007年和2012年毕业于北京大学工学院,分别获得理论与应用力学专业的学士学位和流体力学专业的博士学位。2012年至2013年做为培源学者在北京大学应用物理与技术研究中心进行研究工作。2013年至2016年分别在普林斯顿大学和名古屋工业大学进行博士后研究工作。2016年9月至2018年1月在南方科技大学力学与航空航天工程系任助理教授;2018年2月起,任副教授;2022年6月,晋升长聘副教授。 个人简介 教育背景 2003.9-2007.7,北京大学,工学院,学士 2007.9-2012.7,北京大学,工学院,博士 工作经历 2012.7-2013.7,北京大学,应用物理与技术研究中心,培源学者 2013.8-2016.1,美国普林斯顿大学,博士后 2016.2-2016.8,日本名古屋工业大学,博士后 2016.9至今,南方科技大学,力学与航空航天工程系,助理教授、副教授 专题论文 (2). Xiang Yang*, Jianchun Wang*, 2023, Machine learning in mechanics, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 13, 100416. (1). 王建春*,晋国栋*,2021,机器学习在力学模拟与控制中的应用专题序,力学学报,53 (10): 2613-2615. Jianchun Wang*, Guodong Jin*. 2021. Preface of theme articles on applications of machine learning to simulations and controls in mechanics. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 53(10): 2613-2615. (in Chinese) 发表论文 2024 (106). Xiaoning Wang, Jing Guo, Jianchun Wang* and Shiyi Chen. 2024. Interfaces of high- and low-speed large-scale structures in compressible turbulent mixing layers: compressibility effects and structures, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 981, A6. (105) Wenhui Peng, Shaoxiang Qin, Senwen Yang, Jianchun Wang, Xue Liu, and Liangzhu (Leon) Wang*. 2024. Fourier neural operator for real-time simulation of 3D dynamic urban microclimate, Building and Environment, 248, 111063. 2023 (104) Haijun Yu*, Itzhak Fouxon, Jianchun Wang, Xiangru Li, Li Yuan, Shipeng Mao, and Michael Mond*. 2023. Lyapunov exponents and Lagrangian chaos suppression in compressible homogeneous isotropic turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 35, 125114. (103) Deying Meng, Yiding Zhu, Jianchun Wang* and Yipeng Shi*. 2023. Fast flow prediction of airfoil dynamic stall based on Fourier neural operator, Physics of Fluids, 35, 115126. (102). Dehao Xu*, Jianchun Wang* and Shiyi Chen*. 2023. Wall cooling effect on spectra and structures of thermodynamic variables in hypersonic turbulent boundary layers, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 974, A55. (101). Tengfei Luo, Yunpeng Wang, Zelong Yuan, Zhou Jiang, Wenfeng Huang* and Jianchun Wang*. 2023. Large-eddy simulations of compressible Rayleigh-Taylor turbulence with miscible fluids using spatial gradient model, Physics of Fluids, 35, 105131. (100). Yunpeng Wang, Zelong Yuan and Jianchun Wang*. 2023. Ensemble data assimilation-based mixed subgrid-scale model for large-eddy simulations, Physics of Fluids, 35, 085107. (99). Zhijie Li, Wenhui Peng, Zelong Yuan and Jianchun Wang*. 2023. Long-term predictions of turbulence by implicit U-Net enhanced Fourier neural operator, Physics of Fluids, 35, 075145. (98). Zelong Yuan, Yunpeng Wang, Xiaoning Wang and Jianchun Wang*. 2023. Adjoint-based variational optimal mixed models for large-eddy simulation of turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 35, 075105. (97). Boyu Fan, Zelong Yuan, Yunpeng Wang and Jianchun Wang*. 2023. Eddy viscosity enhanced temporal direct deconvolution models for temporal large-eddy simulation of turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 35, 065126. (96). Dehao Xu*, Jianchun Wang* and Shiyi Chen*. 2023. Reynolds number and wall cooling effects on correlations between the thermodynamic variables in hypersonic turbulent boundary layers, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 965, A4. (95). Dehao Xu, Jianchun Wang*, Changping Yu and Shiyi Chen*. 2023. Artificial-neural-network-based nonlinear algebraic models for large-eddy simulation of compressible wall-bounded turbulence, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 960, A4. (94). Ning Chang, Zelong Yuan, Yunpeng Wang and Jianchun Wang*. 2023. The effect of filter anisotropy on the large eddy simulation of turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 35, 035134. (93). Wenjin Zhao, Guiyu Cao*, Jianchun Wang* and Kun Xu. 2023. High-order Gas-kinetic Schemes with Non-compact and Compact Reconstruction for Implicit Large Eddy Simulation, Computers and Fluids, 256, 105846. (92). Qingjia Meng, Zhou Jiang* and Jianchun Wang. 2023. Artificial neural network-based subgrid-scale models for LES of compressible turbulent channel flow, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 13, 100399. (Special topic on "Machine Learning in Mechanics") (91). Yunpeng Wang, Zelong Yuan and Jianchun Wang*. 2023. A further investigation on the data assimilation-based small-scale reconstruction of turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 35, 015143. (90). Wenhui Peng, Zelong Yuan, Zhijie Li and Jianchun Wang*. 2023. Linear attention coupled Fourier neural operator for simulation of three-dimensional turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 35, 015106. 2022 (89). Zhijie Li, Wenhui Peng, Zelong Yuan and Jianchun Wang*. 2022. Fourier neural operator approach to large eddy simulation of three-dimensional turbulence, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 12, 100389. (Special topic on "Machine Learning in Mechanics") (88). Yuandong Chen, Xiaoning Wang, Lishu Duan and Jianchun Wang*. 2022. Effect of heat source on kinetic energy transfer in compressible homogeneous shear turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 34, 125124. (87). Chao Zhang, Zelong Yuan, Lishu Duan, Yunpeng Wang and Jianchun Wang*. 2022. Dynamic iterative approximate deconvolution model for large-eddy simulation of dense-gas compressible turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 34, 125103. (86). Tengfei Luo and Jianchun Wang*. 2022. Mixing and energy transfer in compressible Rayleigh-Taylor turbulence for initial isothermal stratification, Physical Review Fluids, 7, 104608. (85). Qinmin Zheng, Yan Yang, Jianchun Wang* and Shiyi Chen. 2022. Enstrophy production and flow topology in compressible isotropic turbulence with vibrational non-equilibrium, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 950, A21. (84). Yunpeng Wang, Zelong Yuan, Xiaoning Wang and Jianchun Wang*. 2022. Constant-coefficient spatial gradient models for the sub-grid scale closure in large-eddy simulation of turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 34, 095108. (83). Ning Chang, Zelong Yuan and Jianchun Wang*. 2022. The effect of sub-filter scale dynamics in large eddy simulation of turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 34, 095104. (82). Xiaoning Wang, Jianchun Wang* and Shiyi Chen. 2022. Compressibility effects on statistics and coherent structures of compressible turbulent mixing layers, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 947, A38. (81). Yi Wang, Giulio Vita, Bruño Fraga, Chenghao Lyu, Jianchun Wang and Hassan Hemida*. 2022. Influence of Turbulent Inlet Boundary Condition on Large Eddy Simulation Over a Flat Plate Boundary Layer, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 36, 232-259. (80). Zhou Jiang*, Yongchao Ji and Jianchun Wang. 2022. Compressibility effect on interaction of shock wave and turbulent boundary layer, Physics of Fluids, 34, 075122. (79). Chao Zhang, Zelong Yuan, Yunpeng Wang, Ruibo Zhang and Jianchun Wang*. 2022. Density-unweighted subgrid-scale models for large-eddy simulations of compressible turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 34, 065137. (78). Yunpeng Wang, Zelong Yuan, Chenyue Xie and Jianchun Wang*. 2022. Temporally sparse data assimilation for the small-scale reconstruction of turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 34, 065115. (77). Jian Teng, Zelong Yuan and Jianchun Wang*. 2022. Subgrid-scale modelling using deconvolutional artificial neural networks in large eddy simulations of chemically reacting compressible turbulence, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 96, 109000. (Special topical issue on "Machine Learning for Data-Driven Turbulence Modelling of Flow and Heat Transfer") (76). Dehao Xu*, Jianchun Wang*, Changping Yu, Xinliang Li and Shiyi Chen*. 2022. Effect of compressibility on the small-scale structures in hypersonic turbulent boundary layer, Physics of Fluids, 34, 055121. (75). Dehao Xu, Jianchun Wang* and Shiyi Chen*. 2022. Skin friction and heat transfer decompositions in hypersonic transitional and turbulent boundary layers, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 941, A4. (74). Zelong Yuan, Yunpeng Wang, Chenyue Xie and Jianchun Wang*. 2022. Dynamic nonlinear algebraic models with scale-similarity dynamic procedure for large-eddy simulation of turbulence, Advances in Aerodynamics, 4, 16. (73). Dehao Xu, Jianchun Wang*, Changping Yu, Xinliang Li and Shiyi Chen*. 2022. Contribution of flow topology to the kinetic energy flux in hypersonic turbulent boundary layer, Physics of Fluids, 34, 046103. (72). Jian Teng, Jianchun Wang* and Shiyi Chen. 2022. Flow topology and enstrophy production in chemically reacting compressible isotropic turbulence, Physical Review Fluids, 7, 033201. (71). Wenhui Peng, Zelong Yuan and Jianchun Wang*. 2022. Attention-enhanced neural network models for turbulence simulation, Physics of Fluids, 34, 025111. (Special topic on "Artificial Intelligence in Fluid Mechanics") (70). Tao Chen, Xin Wen, Lian-Ping Wang*, Zhaoli Guo, Jianchun Wang, Shiyi Chen and Dauren Zhakebayev. 2022. Simulation of three-dimensional forced compressible isotropic turbulence by a redesigned discrete unified gas kinetic scheme, Physics of Fluids, 34, 025106. (69). Changping Yu, Zelong Yuan, Han Qi, Jianchun Wang*, Xinliang Li* and Shiyi Chen. 2022. Kinetic-energy-flux-constrained model using artificial neural network for large-eddy simulation of compressible wall-bounded turbulence, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 932, A23. 2021 (68). Zelong Yuan, Yunpeng Wang, Chenyue Xie and Jianchun Wang*. 2021. Deconvolutional artificial-neural-network framework for subfilter-scale models of compressible turbulence, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 37, 1775-1787. (Special issue on "Artificial intelligence in fluid mechanics") (67). Yuandong Chen, Xiaoning Wang, Zhou Jiang and Jianchun Wang*. 2021. Effect of heat source on statistics and scaling in compressible homogeneous shear turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 33, 125128. (66). Haochen Li, Yaomin Zhao*, Jianchun Wang, and Richard D. Sandberg. 2021. Data-driven model development for large-eddy simulation of turbulence using gene-expression programming, Physics of Fluids, 33, 125127. (65). Wenjin Zhao, Jianchun Wang*, Guiyu Cao and Kun Xu*. 2021. High-order gas-kinetic scheme for large eddy simulation of turbulent channel flows, Physics of Fluids, 33, 125102. (64). Lishu Duan, Qinmin Zheng, Zhou Jiang and Jianchun Wang*. 2021. Dense gas effect on small-scale structures of compressible isotropic turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 33, 115113. (63). Tengfei Luo and Jianchun Wang*. 2021. Effects of Atwood number and stratification parameter on compressible multi-mode Rayleigh-Taylor instability, Physics of Fluids, 33, 115111. (62). Dehao Xu, Jianchun Wang*, Minping Wan, Changping Yu, Xinliang Li and Shiyi Chen*. 2021. Effect of wall temperature on the kinetic energy transfer in hypersonic turbulent boundary layer, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 929, A33. (61). 谢晨月, 王建春*, 万敏平, 陈十一,2021,基于人工神经网络的可压缩湍流大涡模拟模型(国家数值风洞进展及应用专栏),航空学报,42(9): 625723. Chenyue Xie, Jianchun Wang*, Minping Wan and Shiyi Chen. 2021. Artificial neural network model for large eddy simulation of compressible turbulence. Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, 42(9): 625723. (in Chinese) (60). Chenyue Xie*, Xiangming Xiong and Jianchun Wang. 2021. Artificial neural network approach for turbulence models: A local framework, Physical Review Fluids, 6, 084612. (59). Zelong Yuan, Yunpeng Wang, Chenyue Xie and Jianchun Wang*. 2021. Dynamic iterative approximate deconvolution models for large eddy simulation of turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 33, 085125. (58). Yunpeng Wang, Zelong Yuan, Chenyue Xie and Jianchun Wang*. 2021. A dynamic spatial gradient model for the subgrid closure in large-eddy simulation of turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 33, 075119. (57). Wen Zhang, Minping Wan*, Zhenhua Xia, Jianchun Wang, Xiyun Lu and Shiyi Chen*. 2021. Constrained large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow over inhomogeneous rough surfaces, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 11, 100229. (56). Xiaoning Wang, Jianchun Wang*, Hui Li and Shiyi Chen. 2021. Kinetic energy transfer in compressible homogeneous anisotropic turbulence, Physical Review Fluids, 6, 064601. (55). Qinmin Zheng, Jianchun Wang*, Bernd R. Noack, Alam Mahbub, Hui Li and Shiyi Chen. 2021. Transfer of internal energy fluctuation in compressible isotropic turbulence with vibrational nonequilibrium, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 919, A26. (54). Yi Wang, Giulio Vita, Bruño Fraga, Jianchun Wang and Hassan Hemida*. 2021. Effect of the Inlet Boundary Conditions on the Flow over Complex Terrain Using Large Eddy Simulation, Designs, 5, 34. (53). Dehao Xu, Jianchun Wang*, Minping Wan, Changping Yu, Xinliang Li and Shiyi Chen*. 2021. Compressibility effect in hypersonic boundary layer with isothermal wall condition, Physical Review Fluids, 6, 054609. (52). Yunpeng Wang, Zelong Yuan, Chenyue Xie and Jianchun Wang*. 2021. Artificial neural network-based spatial gradient models for large-eddy simulation of turbulence, AIP Advances, 11, 055216. (51). Wen Zhang, Minping Wan*, Zhenhua Xia, Jianchun Wang, Xiyun Lu and Shiyi Chen*. 2021. Constrained large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow over rough walls, Physical Review Fluids, 6, 044602. (50). Jian Teng, Jianchun Wang*, Hui Li and Shiyi Chen*. 2021. Inter-scale kinetic energy transfer in chemically reacting compressible isotropic turbulence, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 912, A36. (49). 陈十一*,王建春,郑钦敏,王小宁,滕健,万敏平,2021,可压缩湍流的多尺度分析(综述文章),空 气动力学学报,39(1): 1-17. Shiyi Chen*, Jianchun Wang, Qinmin Zheng, Xiaoning Wang, Jian Teng and Minping Wan. 2021. Multi-scale analyses of compresible turbulence (Review Article), Acta Aerodynamica Sinica, 39(1): 1-17. (in Chinese) (48). 谢晨月, 袁泽龙, 王建春*, 万敏平, 陈十一,2021,基于人工神经网络的湍流大涡模拟方法(综述文章),力学学报,53(1): 1-16. Chenyue Xie, Zelong Yuan, Jianchun Wang*, Minping Wan and Shiyi Chen. 2021. Artificial neural network-based subgrid-scale models for large-eddy simulation of turbulence (Review Article), Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 53(1): 1-16. (in Chinese) 2020 (47). Tianyi Li, Minping Wan*, Jianchun Wang, and Shiyi Chen*. 2020. Spectral energy transfers and kinetic-potential energy exchange in rotating stratified turbulence, Physical Review Fluids, 5, 124804. (46). Tao Chen, Xin Wen, Lian-Ping Wang*, Zhaoli Guo, Jianchun Wang and Shiyi Chen. 2020. Simulation of three-dimensional compressible decaying isotropic turbulence using a redesigned discrete unified gas kinetic scheme, Physics of Fluids, 32, 125104. (45). Zelong Yuan, Chenyue Xie and Jianchun Wang*. 2020. Deconvolutional artificial neural network models for large eddy simulation of turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 32, 115106. (44). Chenyue Xie, Zelong Yuan and Jianchun Wang*. 2020. Artificial neural network-based nonlinear algebraic models for large eddy simulation of turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 32, 115101. (43). Zheng Yan, Xinliang Li*, Changping Yu* and Jianchun Wang. 2020. Cross-chirality transfer of kinetic energy and helicity in compressible helical turbulence, Physical Review Fluids, 5, 084604. (42). Jian Teng, Jianchun Wang*, Hui Li and Shiyi Chen*. 2020. Spectra and scaling in chemically reacting compressible isotropic turbulence, Physical Review Fluids, 5, 084601. (41). Chenyue Xie, Jianchun Wang* and Weinan E. 2020. Modeling subgrid-scale forces by spatial artificial neural networks in large eddy simulation of turbulence, Physical Review Fluids, 5, 054606. (40). Zheng Yan, Xinliang Li, Changping Yu*, Jianchun Wang and Shiyi Chen. 2020. Dual channels of helicity cascade in turbulent flows, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 894, R2. (39). Qinmin Zheng, Jianchun Wang*, Bernd R. Noack, Hui Li, Minping Wan and Shiyi Chen*. 2020. Vibrational relaxation in compressible isotropic turbulence with thermal non-equilibrium, Physical Review Fluids, 5, 044602. (38). Chenyue Xie, Jianchun Wang*, Hui Li, Minping Wan and Shiyi Chen. 2020. Spatial artificial neural network model for subgrid-scale stress and heat flux of compressible turbulence, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 10, 27-32. (37). Chenyue Xie, Jianchun Wang*, Hui Li, Minping Wan and Shiyi Chen. 2020. An approximate second-order closure model for large eddy simulation of compressible isotropic turbulence, Communications in Computational Physics, 27, 775-808. (36). Xiaoning Wang, Song Chen, Jianchun Wang*, Hui Li, Minping Wan, and Shiyi Chen*. 2020. Effect of compressibility on the local flow topology in homogeneous shear turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 32, 015118. (35). Tengfei Luo, Jianchun Wang*, Chenyue Xie, Minping Wan, and Shiyi Chen*. 2020. Effects of compressibility and Atwood number on the single-mode Rayleigh-Taylor instability, Physics of Fluids, 32, 012110. (Featured Article). (34). Chenyue Xie, Jianchun Wang*, Hui Li, Minping Wan and Shiyi Chen*. 2020. Spatially multi-scale artificial neural network model for large eddy simulation of compressible isotropic turbulence, AIP Advances, 10, 015044. (Featured Article). (33). Tianyi Li, Minping Wan*, Jianchun Wang, and Shiyi Chen*. 2020. Flow structures and kinetic-potential exchange in forced rotating stratified turbulence, Physical Review Fluids, 5, 014802. (32). Jianchun Wang*, Minping Wan, Song Chen, Chenyue Xie, Qinmin Zheng, Lian-Ping Wang and Shiyi Chen*. 2020. Effect of flow topology on the kinetic energy flux in compressible isotropic turbulence, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 883, A11. 2019 (31). Chenyue Xie, Ke Li, Chao Ma and Jianchun Wang*. 2019. Modeling subgrid-scale force and divergence of heat flux of compressible isotropic turbulence by artificial neural network, Physical Review Fluids, 4, 104605. (30). Song Chen, Xiaoning Wang, Jianchun Wang*, Hui Li, Minping Wan and Shiyi Chen*. 2019. Effects of bulk viscosity on compressible homogeneous turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 31, 085115. (Editor's Pick) (29). Chenyue Xie, Jianchun Wang*, Hui Li, Minping Wan and Shiyi Chen*. 2019. Artificial neural network mixed model for large eddy simulation of compressible isotropic turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 31, 085112. (28). Wen Zhang, Peiqing Liu, Hao Guo, Minping Wan*, Jianchun Wang and Shiyi Chen*. 2019. Identifying the pattern of breakdown in a laminar-turbulent transition via binary sequence statistics and cellular-automaton simulations, Physical Review E, 100, 023110. (27). Jianchun Wang*, Minping Wan*, Song Chen, Chenyue Xie, Lian-Ping Wang and Shiyi Chen. 2019. Cascades of temperature and entropy fluctuations in compressible turbulence, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 867, 195-215. (26). Chenyue Xie, Jianchun Wang*, Ke Li and Chao Ma. 2019. Artificial neural network approach to large-eddy simulation of compressible isotropic turbulence, Physical Review E, 99, 053113. (25). Chao Ma, Jianchun Wang and Weinan E*. 2019. Model Reduction with Memory and the Machine Learning of Dynamical Systems, Communications in Computational Physics, 25, 947-962. (24). Zheng Yan, Xinliang Li, Jianchun Wang and Changping Yu*. 2019. Effect of pressure on joint cascade of kinetic energy and helicity in compressible helical turbulence, Physical Review E, 99, 033114. (23). Song Chen, Jianchun Wang*, Hui Li, Minping Wan, and Shiyi Chen. 2019. Effect of compressibility on small scale statistics in homogeneous shear turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 31, 025107. (Editor's Pick) (22). Luoqin Liu, Jianchun Wang, Yipeng Shi, Shiyi Chen and X. T. He*. 2019. A hybrid numerical simulation of supersonic isotropic turbulence, Communications in Computational Physics, 25, 189-217. 2018 (21). Song Chen, Jianchun Wang*, Hui Li, Minping Wan and Shiyi Chen. 2018. Spectra and Mach number scaling in compressible homogeneous shear turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 30, 065109. (20). Chenyue Xie, Jianchun Wang*, Hui Li, Minping Wan and Shiyi Chen. 2018. A modified optimal LES model for highly compressible isotropic turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 30, 065108. (19). Jianchun Wang*, Minping Wan*, Song Chen, Chenyue Xie and Shiyi Chen. 2018. Effect of shock waves on the statistics and scaling in compressible isotropic turbulence, Physical Review E, 97, 043108. (Editors' Suggestion) (18). Jianchun Wang*, Minping Wan*, Song Chen and Shiyi Chen. 2018. Kinetic energy transfer in compressible isotropic turbulence, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 841, 581-613. 2017 (17). J. Wang*, T. Gotoh, and T. Watanabe. 2017. Scaling and intermittency in compressible isotropic turbulence, Physical Review Fluids, 2, 053401. (16). J. Wang*, T. Gotoh, and T. Watanabe. 2017. Shocklet statistics in compressible isotropic turbulence, Physical Review Fluids, 2, 023401. (15). J. Wang*, T. Gotoh, and T. Watanabe. 2017. Spectra and statistics in compressible isotropic turbulence, Physical Review Fluids, 2, 013403. 2010-2016 (14). Y. Yang, J. Wang, Y. Shi*, Z. Xiao, X. He, and S. Chen. 2016. Intermittency caused by compressibility: a Lagrangian study. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 786, R6. (13). Weinan E* and J. Wang. 2016. A thermodynamic study of the two-dimensional pressure driven channel flow. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 36, 4349-4366. (12). J. Wang, Q. Li, and Weinan E*. 2015. Study of the instability of the Poiseuille flow using a thermodynamic formalism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112, 9518-9523. (11). S. Chen*, Z. Xia, J. Wang, Y. Yang. 2015. Recent progress in compressible turbulence. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 31, 275-291. (10). Y. Yang, J. Wang, Y. Shi*, Z. Xiao, X. He, and S. Chen. 2014. Interactions between inertial particles and shocklets in compressible turbulent flow. Physics of Fluids, 26, 091702. (9). J. Wang, Y. Yang, Y. Shi, Z. Xiao, X. He, and S. Chen*. 2013. Statistics and structures of pressure and density in compressible isotropic turbulence. Journal of Turbulence, 14, 21-37. (8). J. Wang, Y. Yang, Y. Shi*, Z. Xiao, X. He, and S. Chen*. 2013. Cascade of kinetic energy in three-dimensional compressible turbulence. Physical Review Letters, 110, 214505. (7). Y. Yang, J. Wang, Y. Shi*, Z. Xiao, X. He, and S. Chen*. 2013. Acceleration of Passive Tracers in Compressible Turbulent Flow. Physical Review Letters, 110, 064503. (6). J. Wang*, Y. Shi, L.-P. Wang, Z. Xiao, X. He, and S. Chen*. 2012. Effect of compressibility on the small scale structures in isotropic turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 713, 588-631. (5). J. Wang, Y. Shi, L.-P. Wang, Z. Xiao, X. He, and S. Chen*. 2012. Scaling and Statistics in Three-Dimensional Compressible Turbulence. Physical Review Letters, 108, 214505. (4). S. Chen, Z. Xia, S. Pei, J. Wang, Y. Yang, Z. Xiao, and Y. Shi*. 2012. Reynolds stress-constrained large eddy simulation of wall-bounded turbulent flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 703, 1-28. (3). Q. Ni*, F. Hussain, J. Wang, and S. Chen*. 2012. Analysis of Reynolds number scaling for viscous vortex reconnection. Physics of Fluids, 24, 105102. (2). J. Wang*, Y. Shi, L.-P. Wang, Z. Xiao, X. He, and S. Chen*. 2011. Effect of shocklets on the velocity gradients in highly compressible isotropic turbulence. Physics of Fluids, 23, 125103. (1). J. Wang, L.-P. Wang*, Z. Xiao, Y. Shi, and S. Chen*. 2010. A hybrid numerical simulation of isotropic compressible turbulence. Journal of Computational Physics, 229, 5257-5279. 个人简介 研究领域 湍流的数值模拟和理论、基于机器学习的湍流模拟方法、流动稳定性、计算流体力学 教学 MAE204 理论力学II MAE405 空气动力学 学术成果 查看更多 学术成果: (1)研究了可压缩湍流的多过程物理机理和多尺度性质,包括:速度和热力学量在各类可压缩情况下的谱、动能和热力学量的多尺度传输、流场的小尺度结构等。 (2)基于湍流的多尺度性质和机器学习方法,发展了湍流大涡模拟的高精度亚格子模型。和传统模型相比,新模型在先验验证和后验验证中都能更精确地预测湍流的各类统计性质和流场结构。 (3)发展了基于数据驱动的湍流快速模拟方法,在精度和效率上都显著超过传统的大涡模拟方法。 (4)发展了热力学方法,研究了泊肃叶流动的亚临界失稳问题,确定了层流发生非线性失稳的临界雷诺数,并计算了系统的自由能、作用量和热力学关系式。 代表性论文: (1). Zhijie Li, Wenhui Peng, Zelong Yuan and Jianchun Wang*. 2023. Long-term predictions of turbulence by implicit U-Net enhanced Fourier neural operator, Physics of Fluids, 35, 075145. (2). Chenyue Xie, Zelong Yuan, Jianchun Wang*, Minping Wan and Shiyi Chen. 2021. Artificial neural network-based subgrid-scale models for large-eddy simulation of turbulence (Review Article), Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 53(1): 1-16. (in Chinese) (3). Jianchun Wang*, Minping Wan*, Song Chen, Chenyue Xie, Lian-Ping Wang and Shiyi Chen. 2019. Cascades of temperature and entropy fluctuations in compressible turbulence, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 867, 195-215. (4). J. Wang*, T. Gotoh, and T. Watanabe. 2017. Spectra and statistics in compressible isotropic turbulence, Physical Review Fluids, 2, 013403. (5). J. Wang, Q. Li, and Weinan E*. 2015. Study of the instability of the Poiseuille flow using a thermodynamic formalism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112, 9518-9523. (6). J. Wang, Y. Yang, Y. Shi*, Z. Xiao, X. He, and S. Chen*. 2013. Cascade of kinetic energy in three-dimensional compressible turbulence. Physical Review Letters, 110, 214505. 更新日期 2021/2/1 新闻动态 更多新闻 课题组在可压缩混合层中大尺度结构界面处的统计特性和流动结构方面取得新进展 2024-02-27 祝贺课题组学生荣获大学生“攀登计划”专项资金校级项目资助! 2023-11-09 祝贺滕健研究助理教授获得教职! 2023-11-02 团队成员 查看更多 PrevNext UpDown 加入团队 课题组常年招收研究助理教授、博士后、科研助理、硕士和博士研究生,待遇优厚,欢迎联系。有意者请将简历发送至邮箱:wangjc@sustech.edu.cn,简历标题请注明:姓名+毕业院校+专业+申请岗位。 查看更多 联系我们 联系地址 广东省深圳市南山区 南方科技大学 工学院北楼918室 办公电话 0755-88018151 电子邮箱 wangjc@sustech.edu.cn