

发布日期:2024-04-06 浏览次数:

综合介绍 General Introduction 桑为民教授研究团队,目前主要从事飞行器气动设计和计算流体力学的科研和教学工作。欢迎有志于力学和航空航天相关领域的同学加入研究团队! 联系方式:邮箱 sangweimin@nwpu.edu.cn 个人相册


个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 1992-1996,西北工业大学空气动力学与飞行力学专业学士学位1996-1999,西北工业大学流体力学专业硕士学位1999-2003,西北工业大学流体力学专业博士学位2003-2005,西北工业大学航空宇航科学与技术专业博士后2005-2015,西北工业大学副教授,硕导2013-2014,英国利兹大学(University of Leeds, UK)访问学者2016-至今,西北工业大学教授,硕导/博导


学科信息 Subject information


教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 招生方向: 1、流体力学; 2、空气动力学; 3、航空航天安全工程主要研究方向:       1、飞行器气动布局设计与性能分析研究       2、CFD核心算法及其综合应用研究       3、飞机结冰机理与防/除冰方法研究已毕业研究生去向:       毕业后加入一飞院、630所、601所、611所、航天一院、航天四院和中国商飞等科研院所,进入德国亚琛工业大学、法国里昂大学、西班牙马德里理工大学、西班牙加泰罗尼亚理工大学、美国加州大学旧金山分校、美国佛罗里达大学继续深造攻读博士学位或博士后流动站科研工作。联系方式:       邮箱:sangweimin@nwpu.edu.cn


社会兼职 Social Appointments 1、中国航空学会会员,美国AIAA会员 2、国内外著名期刊Int J Heat Mass Transfer、Computers & Fluids、Int J for Numerical Methods in Fluids、力学学报、航空学报、上海交通大学学报的审稿专家 3、国家自然科学基金评审专家


科学研究 Scientific Research 主要科研项目:1、翼身融合-背撑发动机布局综合设计技术研究,国家专项科研项目,2019-20212、飞机多尺度结冰的数值模拟,国家专项科研项目,2017-20203、微纳米涂层民用大型客机减阻与防冰设计技术,国家专项科研项目,2017-20214、翼身融合布局宽体客机总体设计关键技术,国家专项科研项目,2015-20185、基于自适应Cartesian网格的高精度方法XXX研究,XXX工程科研项目,2020-20226、翼身融合布局全翼面防除冰热载荷规划研究,航空科学基金项目,2018-20207、冰脊形成机制及其防护措施数值研究,航空科学基金项目,2015-20178、大水滴多尺度分布翼面结冰过程数值研究,航空科学基金项目,2011-20139、基于LBM和自适应直角网格的翼面结冰过程数值研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2011-2013XXX10、气动导数计算及风洞试验分析,国家863项目子课题,2008-200911、复杂条件下飞行动力学及环境系统开发,校企科研课题,2020-202212、弯扭导叶导流体设计与仿真,611所科研课题,2016-201713、XXX飞机翼身架舱设计,航空工业集团一飞院项目,2010-201114、XXX机翼及翼梢小翼优化设计,中国商飞上飞院项目,2010-201115、XXX导弹气动弹性分析研究,203所科研项目,2009-201016、高升阻比翼型设计,611所科研项目,2011-201217、相对运动物体非定常流动模拟研究,中科院力学所科研课题,2012-201318、某型机吊舱后气动特性计算分析,630所科研课题,2011-201219、内埋式武器舱气动关键技术研究,611所科研课题,2009-201020、民用飞机防除冰技术研究,上飞院民机项目,2008-201221、大型客机对比方案翼身融合布局可行性论证,中国商飞民机项目,2009-201122、大型客机气动布局方案优化设计研究,中国商飞上飞院项目,2009-2011主要学术论文:1、Junjie Niu, Weimin Sang(*), Feng Zhou and Dong Li. Numerical Investigation of an Anti-icing Method on Airfoil Based on the NSDBD Plasma Actuator. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 93(4): 592–606, 20212、Shuya Du, Run Pang, Weimin Sang(*), Guangjun Yang. Numerical Simulation Study on Boundary Layer Flow and Drag Reduction Characteristics of Riblets. 32nd Congress of the ICAS, 20213、Ruixuan Xie, Weimin Sang(*). A Local Correlation-based Algebraic Transition Model Compressibility and Crossflow Correction. 32nd Congress of the ICAS, 20214、Junjie Niu, Weimin Sang(*), Aoxiang Qiu, Qilei Guo, Dong Li. An Optimization of Anti-icing Chamber Based on POD and Kriging Model. 32nd Congress of the ICAS, 20215、Qilei Guo, Weimin Sang(*), Junjie Niu, Aoxiang.Qiu. A Numerical Prediction of the Aircraft Icing Meteorological Environment. 32nd Congress of the ICAS, 20216、Aoxiang Qiu, Weimin Sang(*), Run Pang. Numerical Investigation on Flow Interference between Blended-Wing-Body Aircraft and Overhanging Nacelle. 32nd Congress of the ICAS, 20217、H. Y .Gu, W. M. Sang(*), Y. Cai. Numerical Simulation of Flow Field around an Iced Airfoil Using Lattice Boltzmann Method. Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, 16-18 October 20188、Junjie Niu, Weimin Sang(*), Yunze Jia. Numerical Simulation of Ice Ridge and Effects of NSDBD Plasma Actuator on Ice Ridge. Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, 16-18 October 20189、Pang Run, Sang Weimin(*), Cai Yang. Two-dimensional Simulation Study on Aerodynamic Drag Reduction Characteristics of Superhydrophobic Structures. Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, 16-18 October 201810、A. X. Qiu, W. M. Sang(*), S. H. Hu. Numerical Simulation of the Effect on External Store Separation in Helicopter Flow Field. Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, 16-18 October 201811、Wang J T, Sang W M(*), Lu T. Numericial Investigation of Ice Accretion Effects at Supercooled Large Droplet Conditions. Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, 16-18 October 201812、Sang Weimin(*), Shi Yu and Xi Chao. Numerical Simulation of Icing Effect and Ice Accretion on Three-dimensional Configurations. SciChinaTech Sci, Vol. 56, No. 9, September 201313、Weimin Sang(*) and Yu Shi. Comparison of Octree and Omni-Tree Cartesian Grid for Civil-Plane High-Lift Model Simulations. Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 50, No. 4, July–August 201314、Weimin Sang(*) and Jiangang Yu. Numerically Analyzing More Efficiently High-Lift Aerodynamics of Wing/Body Model with Omni-tree Cartesian Grids. Aerospace Science and Technology 15 (2011) 375-380, July–August 201115、Weimin Sang(*) and Fengwei Li. An Unstructured/structured Multi-layer Hybrid Grid Method and Its Application. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 53, No. 7, March 200716、Weimin Sang(*) and Fengwei Li. Numerical Simulations for Transport Aircraft High-lift Configurations Using Cartesian Grid Methods. Journal of Aircraft. Vol.43, No.4, 200617、Wei-min SANG(*), Yang CAI.A Curvature-Corrected Cartesian Grid Method and Its Application. 2015 International Conference on Materials Engineering and Industrial Applications, 20-21 September, 201518、Bo An, Weimin Sang(*). Numerically Analysis of Ice Accretion and Icing Effects on Airfoils. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 249-250 (2013), pp 40-4519、Chao Xi, Weimin Sang(*). Study of Civil-plane High-lift Model using Omni-tree Cartesian Grids. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 249-250 (2013), pp 1019-102420、郭琪磊, 牛俊杰, 安博, 桑为民(*), 周峰. 混合相态冰晶积冰的数值研究. 空气动力学学报, 39(2): 168-175, 202121、顾洪宇, 桑为民(*), 庞润, 王寄同. 机翼热气防冰及冰脊形成数值模拟. 气体物理, 4(4): 41-49, 201922、贾韫泽, 桑为民(*), 蔡旸. 基于数值模拟的NSDBD等离子体激励器防冰特性. 航空学报, 2018, 39(4): 12165223、桑为民(*), 蔡旸, 鲁天. 变形破碎特性对SLD结冰过程影响. 航空动力学报, 32(7): 1537-1544, 201724、安博, 桑为民(*). 基于不同网格结构的LBM算法研究. 力学学报, Vol.45, N1o5, 2013

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