

发布日期:2024-04-06 浏览次数:

综合介绍 General Introduction I 教育经历2013年9月~2017年6月,福州大学,物理与信息工程学院, 工学学士;2017年9月~2023年6月,厦门大学,物理科学与技术学院, 理学博士。II 工作经历2023年1月-至今,西北工业大学,物理科学与技术学院,准聘副教授,硕士生导师。III 研究方向 光场调控、超构材料、二维材料极化激元。IV 学术成果[1]. Y. L. Zeng, Q. L. Duan, J. Y. Xu J, Z. L. Yang, H. Y. Chen* and Y. N. Liu*. Tunable circular conversion dichroism of single-layer twisted graphene patterned metasurface. iScience, 26(3), 106115(2023). [2]. Y. L. Zeng#, Q. D. Ou#, Lu Liu, C. Q. Zheng, Z. Y. Wang, Y. N. Gong, X. Liang, Y. P. Zhang, G. W. Hu, Z. L. Yang, C.-W. Qiu, Q. L. Bao*, H. Y. Chen*, and Z. G Dai*. Tailoring topological transition of anisotropic polaritons by interface engineering in biaxial crystals. Nano Letters, 22(10), 4260-4268 (2022). (封面文章)[3]. Y. L. Zeng, J. Y. Xu, W. Xiao, Z. L. Yang, H. Y. Chen* and Y. N. Liu*. Giant 2D-chiroptical response in an achiral metasurface integrated with black phosphorus. Optics Express, 30(5), 8266-8274. (2022). [4]. Y. L. Zeng#, H. Feng#, W. Xiao, Y. Y. Xu, B. Hou, Q. L. Bao, L. F. Ye*, and H. Y. Chen*. Manipulating Evanescent Waves in a Gradient Waveguide. Physical Review Applied, 13(6), 064049 (2020).[5]. Y. L. Zeng, Y. Y. Zhou, M. M. Zhou, and H. Y. Chen*. Illusion Elastics in a Fluid Background. Physical Review Applied, 11(1), 014015(2019). [6]. S. W. Xue#, Y. L. Zeng#(共同一作), S. C. Tao, T. Hou, S. Zhu, C. J. Hu and H. Y. Chen*. Vortex-induced quasi-Shear Polaritons. Advanced Photonics Nexus, 2(1), 015001(2023).[7]. S. W. Xue#, Y. L. Zeng#(共同一作), Q. L. Bao, S. Zhu*, and H. Y. Chen*. Tunable Cherenkov radiation based on a van der Waals semiconductor α-MoO3 and graphene hybrid. Optics Letters, 47(10), 2458-2461(2022). [8]. C. H. Hu, Y. L. Zeng, Y. N. Liu, and H. Y. Chen*. Three-Dimensional Broadband Acoustic Waveguide Cloak. Chinese Physics Letters, 37(5), 054302 (2020).[9]. S. C. Tao, T. Hou, Y. L. Zeng, G. W. Hu, Z. X. Ge, J. K. Liao, S. Zhu, T. Zhang, C. W. Qiu, and H. Y. Chen*. Anisotropic Fermat’s principle for controlling hyperbolic van der Waals polaritons. Photonics Research, 10(10), B14-B22(2022).[10]. W. Fang, Y. Chen, Y. L. Zeng, C. J. Ou, G.-X. Li and Y. P. Yang*. Anisotropic mode excitations and enhanced quantum interference in quantum emitter-metasurface coupled systems. New Journal of Physics, 24(9), 093006 (2022).[11]. W. Xiao, P. F. Zhao, Y. X. Ge, S. C. Tao, Y. L. Zeng, L. Xu, and H. Y. Chen*. De Sitter space with generalized Poincaré lens. Physical Review D, 106(2), 023507 (2022). 个人相册






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