

发布日期:2024-04-06 浏览次数:

综合介绍 General Introduction 李致朋教授,博士生导师,国家级领军人才,双碳科学与新能源技术中心主任。本科毕业于北京师范大学物理专业,博士毕业于新加坡国立大学材料科学与工程专业。出国学习和工作近20年,先后在新加坡国立材料研究与工程院、日本国立材料研究院、美国国家标准局担任高级研究员。随后在美国硅谷的一线工业界从事产业化的高端制造,在世界500强企业担任首席工程师及项目负责人。拥有从学术到产业化的全链条实践经验,掌握了新能源燃料电池及产业化制造的前沿核心技术,尤其是产业化的一线技术。学术上,在国际一流期刊杂志上发表专业论文50余篇,先后参与撰写了近10本/篇专业丛书和行业综述论文,在国际一流专业会议上做专题报告30余次,多项科研成果被网站、杂志、期刊报道,担任30多个国际一流期刊杂志的专业审稿人。产业应用上,拥有国际国内已授权专利50余项。 个人相册


个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历     2008 - 2009          新加坡国立材料工程院        研发工程师    2009 - 2011  日本国立物质材料研究院     研究员    2011 - 2013  美国国家标准局                    研究员    2013 - 2021     美国西部数据公司                首席工程师&项目负责人    2020 - 至今        日本东京工业大学                 客座科学家    2022 - 至今        西北工业大学                        教授,双碳科学与新能源技术中心主任      1999 - 2003        北京师范大学     2003 - 2008        新加坡国立大学


科学研究 Scientific Research 双碳科学与新能源技术;固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC);质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC);生物燃料电池(MFC);固体氧化物电解池(SOEC);燃料电池能源转换和存储;燃料电池电力电子技术;锂离子电池、钠离子电池等储能电池;氧离子及质子传导陶瓷材料和器件;制氢-加氢-储氢的相关材料及技术;无人值守能源装置的传感和监控电子系统及软件;新型能源高效管控系统;数字能源;智慧能源及微网系统;精准测控技术及设备等。


学术成果 Academic Achievements 期刊文章1. Z. P. Li, M. Singh, E. S. Tok, J. P. Tan, M. Lin, and Y. L. Foo, ‘‘Kinetically Constraint Zero- and One-Dimensional Heteroepitaxial Island Growth’’, Applied Physics Letters 90, 101914 (2007).2. Z. P. Li*, T. Mori, G. Auchterlonie, J. Zou, and J. Drennan, ‘‘Direct Evidence of Dopant Segregation in Gd-doped Ceria’’, Applied Physics Letters 98, 093104 (2011).  3. Z. P. Li*, T. Mori, G. Auchterlonie, J. Zou, J. Drennan and M. Miyayama, ‘‘Diffusion and Segregation along Grain Boundary at the Electrolyte-Anode Interface in Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (IT-SOFC)’’, Solid State Ionics 191, 55 (2011).  4. Z. P. Li*, T. Mori, G. Auchterlonie, J. Zou, and J. Drennan, ‘‘Mutual Diffusion Occurring at the Interface Between La0.6Sr0.4Co0.8Fe0.2O3 Cathode and Gd-doped Ceria Electrolyte during IT-SOFC Cell Preparation’’, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 3, 2772 (2011).5. Z. P. Li*, T. Mori, G. Auchterlonie, J. Zou, J. Drennan, and M. Miyayama, ‘‘The Diffusions and Associated Interfacial LayerFormation between Thin Film Electrolyte and Cermet Anode in IT-SOFC”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509, 9679 (2011). 6. Z. P. Li*, T. Mori, G. Auchterlonie, J. Zou, and J. Drennan, ‘‘Structural Phase Transformation through Defect Cluster Growth in Gd-doped Ceria’’, Physical Review B (Rapid Communication) 84, 180201 (2011). 7. Z. P. Li*, T. Mori, J. Zou, and J. Drennan, ‘‘Ordered structures of defect clusters in gadolinium-doped ceria.’’, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 134, 224708 (2011).8. Z. P. Li*, T. Mori, J. Zou, and J. Drennan, ‘‘Optimization of Ionic Conductivity in Solid Electrolytes through Dopant-dependent Defect Cluster Analysis’’, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14, 8369 (2012). 9. Z. P. Li*, T. Mori, J. Zou, and J. Drennan, ‘‘Mutual Diffusion and Microstructure Evolution at the Electrolyte-Anode Interface in Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell’’, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115, 6877 (2011).10. Z. P. Li*, T. Mori, G. Auchterlonie, J. Zou, and J. Drennan, ‘‘Microstructure Evolution of Yttria-doped Ceria in Reducing Atmosphere’’, Renewable Energy 50, 494 (2013). 11. Z. P. Li*, E. Tok , Y. L. Foo, “Shape transition of endotaxial islands growth from kinetically constrained to equilibrium regimes”, Materials Research Bulletin 48, 2998 (2013).12. S. Zheng, F. Yi, Z. P. Li, Y. Zhu, Y. Xu, C. Luo, J. Yang, and C. Wang, ‘‘Copper-stabilized Sulphur-microporous Carbon Cathodes for Li-S Batteries’’, Advanced Functional Materials 24, 4156 (2014).13. Z. P. Li, Y. Yasui, S. Takeuchi, A. Creuziger, S. Maruyama, A. Herzing, I. Takeuchi, L. A. Bendersky, ‘‘Structural Study of Epitaxial LiCoO2 Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition on Single Crystal SrTiO3 Substrates’’, Thin Solid Films, 612, 472 (2016).14. Z. P. Li*, S. P. Li, Y. K. Zheng, L. F. Chen, J. Fang, L. Hong, H. F. Wang, ‘‘The study of origin of interfacial perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in ultra-thin CoFeB layer on the top of MgO based magnetic tunnel junction’’, Applied Physics Letters, 109, 182403 (2016).15. Z. P. Li, D. R. Ou, F. Ye, ‘‘Interdiffusion and Interaction Associated Micro-structure Evolution between Fe-Co Thin Film and Al2O3 Substrate’’, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 49, 03 (2020).16. X. Wang, J. Zou, Z. P. Li, W. Hua, “N-heteroaromatic fuesed-ring cyanides extended as redox polymers for high rate capability aqueous zinc-ion battery”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 11, 2412, (2023).17. Q. Peng, J. Rehman,* M. K. Butt, Z. P. Li, “Two-Dimensional SnS and SnSe as Hosts of K?Ion Storage: A FirstPrinciples Prediction”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127, 15730, (2023). 已授权专利1. 薄膜电池制备装置及方法201910022823.72. 具有微纳结构的全固态薄膜锂电池的制备方201910066265.43. 具有三维微纳结构的全固态薄膜锂电池的制备方法201910066263.54. 固态薄膜燃料电池的制备方法201910246032.25. 一种双极板的制备方法以及双极板201910272310.16. 电池测试中间体的制备方法201910400292.07. 电池测试中间体的制备方法201910500660.98. 固态薄膜燃料电池的制备方法201910525741.49. 一种管型固体氧化物燃料电池及其制备方法201811250609.910. 一种固体氧化物燃料电池组的制备工艺201811269936.911. 基于支撑结构的固态燃料电池的制作方法201910280008.012. 一种膜电极结构的制作方法及燃料电池201910282832.X13. 电池材料镀膜设备201822238451.514. 电池材料测试中间体201822223429.315. 电池材料镀膜设备201822268448.816. 燃料电池测试系统201920397143.917. 燃料电池测试系统201920402694.X18. 固态薄膜燃料电池201920412152.019. 一种具有微纳级别气体通道的双极板及其燃料电池201920455369.X20. 一种集流板、燃料电池及其前体201920459643.0



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