发布日期:2024-04-27 浏览次数:次
个人简介 沈林放 LINFANG SHEN博士 教授 运河学者 硕士、博士生导师智能光电所 所长研究领域应用物理、光学工程主要从事电磁超材料和表面等离子激元的研究,近几年专注于电磁波单向模式及其应用的研究,包括光子晶体单向边缘模和单向磁表面等离子。迄今已在Science, Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. B, Opt. Lett等国际刊物上发表SCI论文80多篇。 教学与课程 本科生《电磁场理论基础》 64学时 育人成果 已培养硕士生16名、博士生5名。目前在培养硕士生7名。 科研项目 1. 主持 半导体磁表面等离子单向传播的机理及其应用的研究 2022-2024年 浙江省自然科学基金重点项目2. 主持 磁表面等离子零维谐振腔及其应用的研究 2021-2024年 国家自然基金面上项目3. 主持 单向波导及其在小型化非互易器件上的应用 2014-2017年 国家自然基金面上项目4. 主持 中红外表面等离子体激元及相关功能器件的研究 2015-2017年江西省自然科学基金面上项目5. 主持 新型微波/太赫兹波非互易功能器件的研究 2014-2016年 赣鄱英才555工程创新创业人才项目6. 主持 人工表面等离子体激元及相关器件 2010-2012年国家自然基金面上项目7. 主持 光子晶体光纤的理论和实验研究2003-2005年国家自然基金面上项目 科研成果 代表性论文1. Q. Shen, X. D. Zheng, H. Zhang, Y. You, and Linfang Shen, “Large-area unidirectional surface magnetoplasmons using uniaxial μ-near-zero material”, Optics Letters 46, 5978 (2021).2. Q. Shen, Y. You, J. Xu, Y. Shen, X. H. Deng, Z. Y. Wang, W. D. Min, L. F. Shen, and S. Xiao, “Mechanically scanned leaky-wave antenna based on a topological one-way waveguide”, Frontiers of Physics 15, (33601) 2020.3. J. Xu, S. Xiao, C.-H. Wu, H. Zhang, X. H. Deng, and L. F. Shen, “Broadband one-way propagation and rainbow trapping of terahertz radiations”, Optics Express 27, 10659 (2019).4. C.-H. Wu, L. F. Shen, H. Zhang, J. H. Yan, D.- J. Hou, G. B. Zhou, and Y. L. Wu, “Equivalent circuit parameters of planar transmission lines with spoof surface plasmon polaritons and its application in high density circuits”, Scientific Reports 9, 18853 (2019).5. Y. You, P. Goncalves, L. F. Shen, M. Wubs, X. H. Deng, and S. Xiao, “Magnetoplasmons in monolayer black phosphorus structures”, Optics Letters 44, 554 (2019).6. Q. Shen, L. J. Hong, X. H. Deng, and L. F. Shen, “Completely stopping microwaves with extremely enhanced magnetic fields”, Scientific Reports 8, 15811 (2018).7. L. J. He, J. Xu, Y. You, T. B. Yu, L. F. Shen, and X. H. Deng, “One-way edge modes in a photonic crystal of semiconductor at terahertz frequencies”, Scientific Reports 8, 8165 (2018).8. K. L. Tsakmakidis, L. F. Shen (共同第一作者), S. A. Schulz, X. Zheng, J. Upham, X. H. Deng, H. Altug, A. F. Vakakis, R. W. Boyd, “Breaking Lorentz reciprocity to overcome the time-bandwidth limit in physics and engineering”, Science 356 (6344), 1260–1264 (2017).9. L. F. Shen, X. D. Zheng, and X. H. Deng, “Stopping terahertz radiation without backscattering over a broad band”, Optics Express 23, 11790 (2015)10. L. F. Shen, Z. Y. Wang, X. H. Deng, J.-J. Wu, and T. –J. Yang, “Complete trapping of electromagnetic radiation using surface magnetoplasmons”, Optics Letters 40, 1853 (2015).11. L. F. Shen, Y. You, Z. Y. Wang, and X. H. Deng, “Backscattering-immune one-way surface magnetoplasmons at terahertz frequencies”, Optics Express 23, 950 (2015).12. J.-J. Wu, D. –J. Hou, K. X. Liu, and L. F. Shen, et al., “ Differential microstrip lines with reduced crosstalk and common mode effect based on spoof surface plasmon polaritons”, Optics Express 22, 26777 (2014).13. X. Li, T. Jiang, L. F. Shen, and X. H. Deng, “Subwavelength guiding of channel plasmon polaritons by textured metallic grooves at telecom wavelengths”, Applied Physics Letters 102, 031606 (2013).14. K. X. Liu, L. F. Shen, and S. He, “One-way edge mode in a gyromagnetic photonic crystal slab”, Optics Letters 37, 4110 (2012).15. T. Jiang, L. F. Shen, J.-J. Wu, T.-J. Yang, Z. Ruan, and L. X. Ran, “Realization of tightly confined channel plasmon polaritons at low frequencies”, Applied Physics Letters 99, 261103 (2011).16. L. F. Shen, X. D. Chen, X. F. Zhang, and L. Pan, “Blue-shifted contra-directional coupling between a periodic and conventional dielectric waveguides,” Optics Express 18, 9341 (2010).17. L. F. Shen and S. S. Xiao, “Reply to “Comment on “Stability and quality factor of a one-dimensional subwavelength cavity resonator containing a left-handed material”, Physical Review B 79, 207102 (2009).18. W. Yan, L. F. Shen, “Open waveguide cavity using a negative index medium”, Optics Letters 33, 2806 (2008).19. L. F. Shen, J.-J. Wu, and T.-J. Yang, “Anisotropic medium with parabolic dispersion”, Applied Physics Letters 92, 261905 (2008).20. L. F. Shen, T.-J. Yang, and Y.-F. Chau, “Effect of internal period on the optical dispersion of indefinite-medium materials”, Physical Review B 77, 205124 (2008).21. Y. Yuan, L. F. Shen, L. X. Ran, T. Jiang, J. T. Huangfu, and J. A. Kong, “Directive emission based on anisotropic metamaterials”, Physical Review A 77, 053821 (2008).22. L. F. Shen, X. D. Chen, Y. Zhong, and K. Agarwal, “Effect of absorption on terahertz surface plasmon polaritons propagating along periodically corrugated metal wires”, Physical Review B 77, (075408) 2008.23. L. F. Shen, X. D. Chen, and T. J. Yang, “Terahertz surface plasmon polaritons on periodically corrugated metal surfaces”,Optics Express 16, 3326 (2008).24. D. R. Chen, T.-J. Yang, J.-J. Wu, L. F. Shen, K.-L. Liao, and S. He, “Band-rejection fiber filter and fiber sensor based on a Bragg fiber of transversal resonant structure”, Optics Express 16, 16489 (2008).25. L. F. Shen, T.-J. Yang, and Y.-F. Chau, “A 50/50 beam splitter using a one-dimensional metal photonic crystal with a parabola-like dispersion behavior”,Applied Physical Letters 90, 251909 (2007).26. J. Zhang, H.S. Chen, Y. Luo, Y. Yuan, L. F. Shen, L. X. Ran, and J. A. Kong, Wideband backward coupling based on anisotropic left-handed metamaterial, Applied Physics Letters 90, 043506 (2007).27. H. F. Zhang, L. F. Shen, et al, “Layered superlensing in two-dimensional photonic crystals”, Optics Express 14, 11178 (2006).28. L. F. Shen, S. He, and S. S. Xiao, “Stability and quality factor of a one-dimensional subwavelength cavity resonator containing a left-handed material”, Physical Review B 69, 115111 (2004).29. L. Chen, S. L. He, and L. F. Shen, “Finite-size effects of a left-handed material slab on the image quality”, Physical Review Letters 92, 107404 (2004).30. L. F. Shen, Z. Ye, and S. He, “Design of two-dimensional photonic crystals with large absolute band gaps using a genetic algorithm”, Physical Review B 68, 035109 (2003).31. L. Wu, S. He, and L. F. Shen, “Band structure for a one-dimensional photonic crystal containing left-handed materials”, Physical Review B 67, 235103 (2003).32. L. F. Shen, S. He, and S. S. Xiao, “Large absolute band gaps in two-dimensional photonic crystals formed by large dielectric pixels”, Physical Review B 66, 165315 (2002). 社会服务