
种明喆 Ming-Zhe Chong

发布日期:2024-04-29 浏览次数:

Ming-Zhe Chong was born in February 1999 in Lanzhou, China. He received his bachelor's degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in 2021, and is currently studying for his PhD degree in Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology at Peking University (PKU), under the supervision of Prof. Ming-Yao Xia. His research focuses on: metasurfaces, terahertz technology, electromagnetic wave manipulation, etc. He has published many SCI papers in Nanoscale, Optical Materials and so on.

种明喆,男,1999年2月出生于兰州。2021年获得华中科技大学工学学士学位,目前在北京大学电子学院攻读理学博士学位,专业为电磁场与微波技术,导师夏明耀教授。研究领域包括:超表面、太赫兹技术、电磁波前操控等。目前已在国际知名期刊发表SCI论文多篇,包括NanoscaleOptical Materials等。


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