

发布日期:2024-05-03 浏览次数:

张国栋 561 个人信息Personal Information 硕士生导师 教师拼音名称:Zhang Guodong 学历:博士研究生毕业 毕业院校:Ruhr-Universität Bochum 学科:有机化学 其他联系方式Other Contact Information 移动电话 : 15938755615 邮箱 : guodong.zhang@yzu.edu.cn 同专业硕导 个人简介Personal Profile basic information Guodong Zhang was born in Shangqiu city, China, in 1990. He obtained his B.Sc (2012) and M.Sc dgree (2015) in organic chemistry from Zhengzhou university, China. In 2019, he completed his Ph.D study from Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany, under the supervision of Prof. Lukas Gooβen. Currently, he is working as an assistant professor in the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Yangzhou University. His present research is radical chemistry and green synthesis. publications 22.    G. Zhang,* W. Tan, D. Zhang,*  K. Wang, P. Gao, S. Wang, S.-L. Liu,  F. Chen,*  Org. Lett. 2024, 26, 536−541: Regioselective Hydro(deutero)silylation of 1,3-Enynes Enabled by Photoredox/Nickel Dual Catalysis. 21.    G. Zhang,* K. Wang, D. Zhang,* C. Zhang, W. Tan, Z. Chen, F. Chen,*  Org. Lett. 2023, 25, 7406-7411: Decarboxylative Allylation of Silanecarboxylic Acids Enabled by Organophotocatalysis. 20.      G. Zhang,* C. Zhang, Y. Tian,  F. Chen,* Org. Lett. 2023, 25, 917−922: Fe-Catalyzed Direct Synthesis of Nitriles from Carboxylic Acids with Electron-Deficient N-Cyano-N-aryl–arylsulfonamide. 19.      G. Zhang,* C. Zhang, H. Jiao,*  F. Chen,* J. Catal. 2023, 418, 312-319: Photoredox/nickel cooperatively catalyzed radical allylic silylation of allyl acetates – Scope and mechanism. 18.    G. Zhang,* Y. Tian,  C. Zhang, X. Li,* F. Chen,* Chem. Commun. 2023, 59, 2449-2452: Decarboxylative C–H silylation of N-heteroarenes with silanecarboxylic acids. 17.       G. Zhang,* L.Wang, L. Cui, P. Gao,*  F. Chen,* Org. Biomol. Chem. 2023,21, 294-299: Deaminative defluoroalkylation of α-trifluoromethylalkenes enabled by photoredox catalysis. 16.      P. Gao,* L. Cui,   G. Zhang,* F. Chen,* Catal. Sci. Technol. 2023,13, 1628-1632: Visible-Light-Induced Decarboxylation/Defluorosilylation Protocol for Synthesis of gem-Difluoroalkenes. 15.     X. Li, Y. Shen, G. Zhang, X. Zheng, Q. Zhao, Z. Song, Org. Lett. 2022, 24, 5281–5286: Ru(II)-Catalyzed Decarbonylative Alkylation and Annulations of Benzaldehydes with Iodonium Ylides under Chelation Assistance. 14.       G. Zhang, Y. Cheng, M. Beller,* F. Chen,* Adv. Synth. Catal. 2021, 363, 1583–1596: Direct Carboxylation with Carbon Dioxide via Cooperative Photoredox and Transition-Metal Dual Catalysis. 13.       X.-Q. Hu,* Z.-K. Liu, Y.-X. Hou, G. Zhang,* Y. Gao.* Chem. Commun. 2021, 57, 1113−1116: Ru-catalysed C(sp2)–H vinylation/annulation of benzoic acids and alkynes: rapid access to medium-sized lactones. 12.  Z.  Hu, F. Belitz, G. Zhang, F. Papp,  L. J. Gooßen.* Org. Lett. 2021, 23, 3541−3545:Ru-Catalyzed (E)‑Specificortho-C−H Alkenylation of ArenecarboxylicAcids by Coupling with Alkenyl Bromides. 11.       Z. Hu, X.-Q. Hu, G. Zhang, L. J. Gooßen.* Org. Lett. 2019, 21, 6770−6773: Ring-Opening Ortho-C−H Allylation of Benzoic Acids with Vinylcyclopropanes: Merging Catalytic C−H and C−C Activation Concepts. 10.       G. Zhang, Z. Hu, G. Bertoli, L. J. Gooßen.* ACS Catal. 2019, 9, 8153−8158: Iridium-Catalyzed Synthesis of Substituted Indanones from Aromatic Carboxylates and Unsaturated Ketones.  9.       G. Zhang, Z. Hu, F. Belitz, Y. Ou, N. Pirkl, L. J. Gooßen.* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 6435−6439: Rh-Catalyzed Annelation of Benzoic Acids with α,β-Unsaturated Ketones with Cleavage of C−H, CO−OH, and C−C Bonds. 8.       G. Zhang, F. Jia, L. J. Gooßen.* Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 4537–4541: Regioselective C−H Alkylation via Carboxylate‐Directed Hydroarylation in Water. 7.       X.-Q. Hu, Z. Hu, G. Zhang, N. Sivendran, L. J. Gooßen.* Org. Lett. 2018, 20, 4337−4340: Catalytic C–N and C–H Bond Activation: ortho-Allylation of Benzoic Acids with Allyl Amines. 6.       X.-Q. Hu, Z. Hu, A. S. Trita, G. Zhang, L. J. Gooßen.* Chem. Sci. 2018, 9, 5289–5294: Carboxylate-directed C–H allylation with allyl alcohols or ethers. 5.       L. Huang, A. Biafora, G. Zhang, V. Bragoni, L. J. Gooßen.* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 6933–6937: Regioselective C−H Hydroarylation of Internal Alkynes with Arenecarboxylates: Carboxylates as Deciduous Directing Groups.  4.   G. Zhang, S. Sun, F. Yang,* Q. Zhang, J. Kang, Y. Wu,* Y. Wu. * Adv. Synth. Catal. 2015, 357, 443–450: Arylmethyl Chlorides: New Bifunctional Reagents for Palladium-Catalyzed ortho-Chlorination and Acylation of 2-Arylpyridines.  3.   G. Zhang, P. Wang, F. Yang,* Y. Wu.* Tetrahedron 2015, 71, 57–63: Copper-catalyzed synthesis of 2-arylbenzoxazoles from o-aminophenol derivatives with arylmethyl chlorides.  2.   K. Xu, S. Sun, G. Zhang, F. Yang,* Y. Wu* RSC Adv. 2014, 4, 32643–32646: One-pot synthesis of unsymmetrical diarylacetylenes via Sonogashira/deacetonation/Sonogashira cross-coupling of two different aryl chlorides with 2-methyl-3-butyn-2-ol.  1.   K. Xu, F. Yang,* G. Zhang, Y. Wu.* Green Chem. 2013, 15, 1055–1060: Palladacycle-catalyzed phosphonation of aryl halides in neat water.  Awards                                                               Outstanding Master's Thesis of Henan Province in 2015 Outstanding Master's Thesis of Zhengzhou University in 2015 Best Poster Presentation Award at the 10th European Organic Chemistry Conference in 2019 教育经历Education Background 工作经历Work Experience 2012.9 2015.7 郑州大学 有机化学 理学硕士学位 2008.9 2012.7 郑州大学 化学 理学学士学位 2015.10 2019.7 德国波鸿大学 化学 理学博士学位 2019.12 至今 扬州大学 College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 研究方向Research Focus 社会兼职Social Affiliations 有机合成方法学 暂无内容

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