

发布日期:2024-05-03 浏览次数:

更新日期:2018年7月5日 姓 名 曾新安 性 别 男 出生年月 1972年10月 籍贯 民 族 政治面貌 最后学历 最后学位 技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导 行政职务 Email 工作单位 邮政编码 通讯地址 单位电话 个人简介 入选国家“万人计划”领军人才、科技部“科技创新领军人才”、教育部“新世纪优秀人才”、任中国食品科技学会非热分会副理事长、葡萄酒国家评酒委员。20多年来从事农产品加工、食品非热加工、果酒酿造及感官评价研究等,特别地在脉冲电场食品非热加工领域研究处于全球前列。主持国家十三五重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金及省部级项目20多项,企业委托项目30多项, 任“J Food Process Preserv”(IF1.510) 副主编,“Int J Food Sci Tech”(IF2.383)编委,发表SCI论文110多篇,他引1400多次,成果被《New Scientist》、《Nature China》等亮点报道,入选ESI农业领域前1.3‰高被引学者(列672/5012位)。出版著作1部,参编著作3部。申请国际专利5件,授权2件;申请国内发明专利80多件,授权50多件。获中国专利优秀奖(排名1)、广东省科技一等奖3项(排名1,3,3),广东省专利金奖2项(均排名第1),教育部发明二等奖1项(排名第1)等奖励。联合国粮农组织(FAO)南南合作技术会议特邀报告,获颁国际农业工程委员会“CIGR突出贡献奖”。 工作经历 2017/07-至今,任食品科学与工程学院院长2008/12 – 至今,华南理工大学食品科学与工程学院,教授、博士生导师2007/05 –2007/10 ,澳大利亚蒙纳士大学,工程学院,访问学者2006/08 – 2007/05,新西兰奥克兰大学,工程学院,国家公派访问学者2008/09 – 2009/09,广东帝浓酒业有限公司,技术总监,省部科技特派员2004/06– 2008/12,华南理工大学,轻工与食品学院,副教授2000/04– 2004/06,华南理工大学,轻工与食品学院,讲师1997/04– 2001/04,华南理工大学,轻工与食品学院,助教 教育经历 1998/09–2001/07,华南理工大学,轻工与食品学院,博士1994/09–1997/04,华南理工大学,轻工与食品学院,硕士1990/09–1994/06,湘潭大学,化工系,本科 获奖、荣誉称号 1)曾新安,于淑娟,曾杨.超声协同养晶的果汁冷冻浓缩方法与设备,中国专利优秀奖,2017.122)孙大文,何勇,曾新安(排名12)等. 农产品品质波谱快速无损检测技术与装备研发及应用. 教育部科学技术进步奖二等奖,2017.23)曾新安,于淑娟,曾杨.超声协同养晶的果汁冷冻浓缩方法与设备,广东省专利金奖,2015.124)曾新安,孙大文,韩忠,杨李益,扶雄,于淑娟等. 果汁果酒与水果提取物绿色加工技术与装备,广东省科学技术一等奖,2015.15)于淑娟,扶雄,曾新安,管永光,朱思明,张本山. 高值化糖品绿色加工关键技术及应用,广东省政府,科学技术一等奖,2012(2013.2);6)曾新安,耿予欢,张本山,李国基. 一种电磁场加速白兰地酒橡木陈酿的方法.广东省专利优秀奖,2012;7)曾新安,于淑娟,扶雄,张本山,耿予欢,李国基.强电场处理食品绿色加工技术与装备,高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖技术发明奖二等奖,2010 年1 月;8)曾新安. 广东省、教育部科技部“省部优秀企业科技特派员”,2010.89)曾新安,扶雄,于淑娟,张本山. 高压脉冲电场灭菌方法及装置,广东省专利金奖,2007 年6 月;国际发明展览会金奖,2008 年10 月;10)曾新安,李琳,于淑娟,扶雄,李国基,何小维. 食品加工过程强电场处理技术及装备,中国轻工业联合会科技进步二等奖,2007 年3 月;11)李琳,于淑娟,曾新安,扶雄,肖凯军等15 人. 食品粘稠物系精制新技术,广东省科学技术一等奖,2005 年12 月2016.12,入选国家万人计划领军人才2016.8,入选ESI农业科学前1%高被引科学家,列672/5012(2018.5.25)2016.4,入选科技部“科技创新领军人才”2015.3,入选广东省特支计划“科技创新领军人才”2015.7,联合国粮农组织(FAO)南南合作会议特邀发言人(南非开普敦)2011/11,入选教育部新世纪人才 社会、学会及学术兼职 2016.7,受聘为SCI期刊“J Food Process Preserv”副主编2015.6,受聘为SCI期刊“Int J Food Sci Tech”编委,2016.10特刊主编2015.7,联合国粮农组织(FAO)南南合作会议特邀发言人(南非开普敦)2014.11,云南省政府授牌成立“曾新安专家工作站”(茅粮集团)2013.12.4,当选为中国食品科学技术学会非热加工技术分会副理事长2013.11.3,第八届国际农业工程委员会技术会议召集人、执行副主席2011/06,入选葡萄酒国家评酒委员 研究领域 脉冲电场食品非热加工技术与装备;运动营养学、特需食品研究;果蔬加工 科研项目 1)课题负责人:曾新安,飞行远航特需食品制造关键技术研究与新产品创制,十三五重点研发计划项目“特殊保障食品制造关键技术研究及新产品创制”,2017YFD0500500,417万,2017-20202)项目负责人:曾新安,柚子全果利用综合加工技术及生产示范,广东省农业厅项目,60万,2017-20183)项目负责人:曾新安,柑橘类加工副产物脉冲电场强化提取高值化利用技术,广东省科技厅,2017B020207001,100万,2017-20204)项目负责人:曾新安. 广东省科技创新领军人才专项经费,80万,2014TX01N260,2015.4-2018.35)项目负责人(骨干成员):曾新安.广东省自然科学基金团队项目,亚热带果汁果酒加工的品质变化规律与调控机制,75(总经费300万),2015A030312001,2015.8.1-2020.8.16)项目负责人:曾新安. 国家自然科学基金:基于细胞膜脂质体相变温度下脉冲电场致死微生物基础研究,编号21576099,78万,2016.1—2019.127)项目负责人:曾新安. 国家“863计划”子课题:食品非热加工装备开发与新技术研究,编号2011AA100801,27.3万,2011.1-2015.12,8)项目负责人:曾新安. 国家自然科学基金:脉冲电场极化修饰氨基酸与蛋白质及强化反应研究,编号21376094,85万,2014.1—2017.129)云南省院士专家工作站重点项目、云科合发[2014]5号、特色白花木瓜深加工技术集成及资源综合利用、240万元、2014/10-2017/09、在研、主持,主要研究基于白花木瓜的酿造与提取技术。10)项目负责人:曾新安.广东省产学研合作项目:荔枝营养健康增值生物转化产品研究,2013B09110004,20万,2014.1-2016.1211)项目负责人:曾新安.教育部新世纪人才专项经费,20万,2012.1—2013.1212)项目负责人:曾新安. 广东省科技攻关项目:大宗柚子分解加工及产品综合开发核心技术研究,2012A020200002,50万,2013.1-2015.1213)项目负责人:曾新安.广东省科技攻关项目:亚热带果蔬加工品质调控关键技术研究,2012A020100005,30万,2013.1-2015.1214)项目负责人:曾新安. 国家自然科学基金:电场强化食品常温非催化酯化反应研究,编号21076088, 38万,2011.1—2013.1215)项目负责人:曾新安. 广东省国际合作项目:食品低温绿色加工技术研究及产业化,编号2008B05040002,,60 万元,2009.11—2012.1016)项目负责人:曾新安. 中央财政专项基本科研业务重点项目:脉冲电场非热灭菌技术研究及中试系统建立,编号2009zz0057,25万元,2009.10-2011.917)项目负责人:曾新安. 广州市重大科技攻关项目:SY-300型脉冲电场低温灭菌器的研发及其应用,编号09A32080517,50万,2009.1-2011.1218)项目负责人:曾新安. 2008年度粤港关键领域重点突破招标项目:荔枝汁系列产品绿色加工关键技术研究与示范,编号2008A024200002,2009.10 -2011.12, 22.8万元19)项目负责人:曾新安. 广东梅县帝浓酒业公司委托项目:梅县金柚酒庄建设, 2011.3-2015.2,50万元,主要承担整厂技术方案。20)项目负责人:曾新安. 云南高原葡萄酒业公司委托项目:第三代变频式酒类老熟机研制,2010.9-2013.12,25万元,主要研发新一代高强电场酒类催陈设备。21)项目负责人:曾新安. 广东祯州集团委托项目:岭南特色果酒绿色酿造,2010.3-2013.12,30万元22)项目负责人:曾新安.湖南株洲千金药业公司委托项目.千金女性功能性果酒系列产品开发,86万元,2013.8-2015.12,50万元23)项目负责人:曾新安. 云南茅粮酒业集团委托项目.白花木瓜资源开发基础研究,48万元,2013.2-2015.12 发表论文 1)Wang MS, Wang LH, Bekhit Alaa EI-Din, Zeng XA*(2018). A review of sublethal effects of pulsed electric field on cells in food processing, Journal of Food Engineering, 223, 32-412)Wenhong Gao, Yangping Huang, Ruixue He, Xin-an Zeng*.(2018).Synthesis and characterization of a new soluble soybeanpolysaccharide-iron(III) complex using ion exchange column, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2017.11.0383)Jing-Ni Wei,Xin-An Zeng,Ting Tang, Zhuo Jiang, Charles S. Brennan. (2018). Unfolding and Nanotube formation of Ovalbumin Induced by Pulsed Electric Field, Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 45, 249-254.4)Hong J, Zeng XA*,Han Z.(2018). Effect of pulsed electric fields treatment on the nanostructure of esterified potato starch and their potential glycemic digestibility, Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 10.1016/j.ifset.2017.11.009,45, 438-446.5)Shi N.,Narciso J.O.,Gou XiB.,Brennan M.A., Zeng X.A., and C.S. Brennan.(2017).Manipulation of antioxidant and glycaemic properties of extruded rice based breakfast cereal products using pomelo fruit by-products material. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops& Foods, 9(4): 489-4956)A.K.M. Mofasser Hossain, M.A. Brennan, Susan L. Mason, Xinbo Guo, Xin An Zeng, and C.S. Brennan.(2017). The effect of Astaxanthin-Rich Microalgae “Haematococcus pluvialis” and Wholemeal Flours Incorporation in improving the phycial and functional properties of cookies. Foods, 6,57-7)He TF, Zeng XA*.(2017).Determination of membrane disruption and genomic DNA binding of cinnamaldehyde to Escherichia coli by use of microbiological and spectro,scopic techniques,Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology,10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2017.11.0158)Wang LH, Wang MS, Zeng XA*,Xu Xi-Ming, Charles S. Brennan. (2017). Membrane and genomic DNA dual-targeting of citrus flavonoid naringenin against Staphylococcus aureus, Integrative Biology, 9(10): 820-8299)Wang LH, Zeng XA*,(2018).Modification of membrane properties and fatty acids biosynthesis-related genes in Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus: Implications for the antibacterial mechanism of naringenin,Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Biomembranes,10.1016/j.bbamem.2017.11.007,1860(2),481-49010)Aadil Rana M, Zeng XA*, Han Z. (2018), Combined effects of pulsed electric field and ultrasound on bioactive compounds and microbial quality of grapefruit juice, Journal of Food Process and Preservation, 42(2), e1350711)Yang HF,Zeng XA, Wang LH, (2017), Ethyl carbamate control by genomic regulation of arginase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae EC1118 in sugarcane juice fermentation,41(6), e1326112)Tang Zhong-sheng, Zeng Xin-An*, Brennan Charles S., Xie Wei-Qi.(2017). A Novel Method for Detection of Fusel Oil in Wine by the Use of Headspace Gas Chromatography. Food Analytical Methods,201710(10),3338-334913)Gao Wen-hong, Lin Ping-zhou, Zeng Xin-An*, Brennan Margaret A.(2017). Preparation, characterisation and antioxidant activities of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) polysaccharides extracted by ultra-high pressure. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2017, 52(8), 1739-175014)Wang LH, Zhang ZH, Zeng XA*, Gong DM, Wang MS.(2017) .Combination of microbiological, spectroscopic and molecular docking techniques to study the antibacterial mechanism of thymol against Staphylococcus aureus: membrane damage and genomic DNA binding. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. Vol 409(11), 1615-162515)Ou Yun, Xin-An Zeng,* ,Charles S. Brennan & Liu Zhi-wei.(2017). Temperature alters the structure of membrane lipids and pulsed electric field (PEF) resistance of Salmonella Typhimurium. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52, 424–43016)Ou Y, Liu ZW, Zeng XA*,Han Z.(2016). Salmonella typhimurium resistance on pulsed electric fields associated with membrane fluidity and gene regulation, Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 36,252-25917)Liu DM,Guo J,Zeng XA*,Sun DW,Charles S. Brennan, Zhou QX & Zhou JS. (2016).The probiotic role of Lactobacillus plantarum in reducing risks associated with cardiovascular disease. International Journal of Food Science and Technology,52(1), 127-136,doi:10.1111/ijfs.1323418)Zhang ZH,Han Z, Zeng XA*, Wang MS.(2017). The preparation of Fe-glycine complexes by a novel method (pulsed electric fields). Food Chemistry, 219, 468-476.19)Liu ZW, Zeng X A*, Michael Ngadi, Han Z.(2017)Modification in Membrane Fatty Acid Composition of Escherichia coli ATCC25922 in Response to the Growth Temperature and the Resistance to Pulsed Electric Field Treatment, LWT- Food Science and Technology.  v 76, p 18-25 20)Wang LH, Wang MS,Zeng XA*,Gong DM & Huang YB. (2017).An in vitro investigation of the inhibitory mechanism of β-galactosidase by cinnamaldehyde alone and in combinationwith carvacrol and thymol. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta- General Subjects, 1861(1),2189-319821)Xin-An Zeng*. (2016) Editorial: Food research from China: a special issue for IJFST. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51, 2149-215022)Zhi-Hong Zhang, Lang-Hong Wang, Xin-An Zeng* ,Charles S. Brennan* ,Margaret Brennan & Han Zhong. (2016).The role of pulsed electric fields treatment in enhancing the A stability of amino acid – sugar complexes:- interactions between L-Phenylalanine and b-Cyclodextrin. International Journal of Food Science and Technology,,51(9), 1988-1996, doi:10.1111/ijfs.1315023)Lang-Hong Wang, Man-Sheng Wang,Xin-An Zeng*, Zhi-Hong Zhang, De-Ming Gong and Yan-Bo Huang. (2016).Membrane Destruction and DNA Binding of Staphylococcus aureus Cells Induced by Carvacrol and Its Combined Effect with a Pulsed Electric Field. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 64(32), 6355-636324)Ou Yun, Xin-An Zeng*, Charles S. Brennan* and Zhong Han. (2016).Effect of Pulsed Electric Field on Membrane Lipids and Oxidative Injury of Salmonella typhimurium. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 17,1374-138725)Ou Yun, Zhi-Wei Liu, Xin-An Zeng*, Zhong Han.(2016).Salmonella Typhimurium resistance on pulsed electric fields associated with membrane fluidity and gene regulation.Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies,  v 36, p 252-25926)Wang LH, Wang MS, Zeng XA*, Liu ZW.(2016).Temperature-mediated variations in cellular membrane fatty acid composition of Staphylococcus aureus in resistance to pulsed electric fields. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta- Biomembranes,  1858, 1791–180027)Liu ZW, Han Z, Zeng XA*, Sun DW*, Rana Muhammad Aadil.(2016). Effects of vesicle components on the electro-permeability of lipid bilayers of vesicles induced by pulsed electric fields (PEF) treatment. Journal of Food Engineering, 179, 88-9728)Liu ZW, Zeng XA*, Han Z*. (2016).Effects of the content of cholesterol on the permeability of vesicles membranes induced by pulsed electric fields. IFMBE Proceedings, v 53, p 179-182, 2016, 1st World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine and Food and Environmental Technologies, WC 201529)Hong J, Zeng XA*, Buckow R, Han Z, Wang MS. (2016).Nanostructure, morphology and functionality of cassava starch after pulsed electric fields assisted acetylation. Food Hydrocolloids,54:139-15030)Zeng F, Gao QY, Han Z, Zeng XA, Yu SJ. (2016).Structural properties and digestibility of pulsed electric field treated waxy rice starch. Food Chemistry. 194, p1313-131931)Jing Hong, Rujiao Chen, Xin-An Zeng*, Zhong Han. (2016).Effect of pulsed electric fields assisted acetylation on morphological, structural and functional characteristics of potato starch. Food Chemistry, 192,15-2432)Wang, M. S., Zeng, X. A*, Brennan, C. S., Brennan, M. A., Han, Z..(2015). Effects of Pulsed Electric Fields on the Survival Behavior of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Suspended in Single Solutions of Low Concentration. International Journal of Food Science & Technology. doi:10.1111/ijfs.13007,51(1),171-17933)Ma J, Sun DW, Qu JH, Liu D, Pu HB, Gao WH, Zeng XA. (2016).Applications of computer vision for assessing quality of Agri-food products: A review of recent research advances, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, v56,n1, p113-127,2016/3/634)Zeng, X. A., Zhou, K., Liu, D. M*., Brennan, C. S., Brennan, M., Zhou, J. S., & Yu, S. J. (2016).Preparation of fructooligosaccharides using Aspergillus niger 6640 whole-cell as catalyst for bio-transformation. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 65, 1072-107935)Zhi-Hong Zhang, Zhong Han, Xin-An Zeng*, Xia-Yu, Xiong Yu-Jia Liu. (2015).Enhancing mechanical properties of chitosan films via modification with vanillin. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,81,638-64336)Zhang, Z. H., Zeng, X. A*., Brennan, C. S., Brennan, M., Han, Z., & Xiong, X. Y. (2015).Effects of Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF) on Vitamin C and Its Antioxidant Properties. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 16(10), 24159-2417337)Rana Muhammad Aadil, Zeng XA*, Amjad Ali, Zeng Feng, Muhammad Adil Farooq, Zhong Han, Saudi Khalid and Saqib Jabbar. (2015).Influence of different pulsed electric field strengths on the quality of grapefruit juice. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, ,10:2290-229638)Xiong L., Huang C, Yang XY, Lin XQ, Chen XF, Wang C, Wang B, Zeng XA*, Chen XD.(2015).Beneficial effect of corncob acid hydrolysate on the lipid production by Oleaginous Yeast Trichosporon dermatis. Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology, V 45(5), 421-429,201539)Rana M Aadil, XA Zeng*, DW Sun, MS Wang, ZW Liu, ZH Zhang. (2015).Combined effects of sonication and pulsed electric field on selected quality parameters of grapefruit juice. LWT- Food Science and Technology,62(1),890-893 201540)Xiong L, Huang C, Li, XM, Chen XF, Wang B, Wang C, Zeng XA*, Chen XD. (2015). Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol (ABE) Fermentation Wastewater Treatment by Oleaginous Yeast Trichosporon cutaneum.  Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, April 12, 2015,176(2):1-941)ZH zhang, Q Yu, XA Zeng*, DW Sun, Rana M Aadil, Z Han. (2015).Effects of pulsed electric field on selecte properties of L-tryptophan. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 50(5),1130-1136, 201542)Rana M Aadil, XA Zeng*, MS Wang, ZW Liu, Z Han, J Hong, Saqib Jabbar. (2015).A potential of ultrasound on minerals, micro-organisms, phenolic compounds and colouring pigments of grapefruit juice. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 50(5),1275-1282, 201543)Rana M Aadil, XA Zeng*, ZH Zhang, MS Wang, H Jing, Saqib Jabbar. (2015). Thermosonication: a potential technique that influences the quality of grapefruit juice. International Journal of Food Science and Technology,50(5),1144-1150, 201544)ZW Liu, XA Zeng*, DW Sun, Z Han, Rana M Aadil. (2015).Synergistic effect of thermal and pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment on the permeability of soya PC and DPPC vesicles.Journal of Food Engineering, 153, 124-131, 201545)MS Wang, XA Zeng*, DW Sun, Z Han. (2015).Quantitative analysis of sublethally injured Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells induced by pulsed electric fields. LWT- Food Science and Technology, 60, 2, 672-677, 201546)Dai Q, Cheng JH, Sun DW*, Pu HB, Zeng XA, Xiong ZJ. (2015).Potential of visible/near-infrared hyperspectral imaging for rapid detection of freshness in unfrozen and frozen prawns.Journal of Food Engineering,V149, 97–10447)B Hu, K Huang, PJ Zang, XA Zeng, Z Han, SJ Yu*.  (2015).Pulsed electric field effect on sucrose nucleation at low supersaturation. Sugar Tech, 17(1): 77-84, 201548)Xiong ZJ, Sun DW*, Dai Q, Han Z, Zeng XA, Wang L. (2015).Application of visible hyperspectral imaging for prediction of springiness of fresh chicken meat. Food Analytical Methods. 8, 2, 380-391, 201549)Qu JH, Liu D, Cheng JH, Sun DW, Ma J, Pu HB, Zeng XA. (2015). Applications of Near-infrared Spectroscopy in Food Safety Evaluation and Control: A Review of Recent Research Advances.Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.55(13), 1939-195450)Liu D, Zeng XA, Sun DW. (2015). Recent development and applications of hyperspectral imaging for quality evaluation of agricultural products: A Review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.55(12), 1744-175751)Dai Q, Cheng JH,Sun DW*, Zeng XA. (2015).Advances in Feature Selection Methods for Hyperspectral Image Processing in Food Industry Applications: A Review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.55(10), 1368-1382, 201552)Xu ZY, Sun DW, Zeng XA, Liu D, Pu HB. (2015). Research Developments in Methods to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of the Food System: A Review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.55(9), 1270-1286, 201553)Xiong ZJ, Xie AG, Sun DW, Zeng XA, Liu D. 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Pulsed Electric Fields Assisted Acetylation of Starch,Handbook of Electroporation, Springer International Publishing AG2016, 10.1007/978-3-319-26779-1_142-13)曾新安(编委). 食品物理加工技术与装备发展战略研究,参编2章节,4万字. 科学出版社,北京,2016, ISBN: 978-7-03-046810-94)曾新安(主编),陈勇,高文宏. 脉冲电场非热灭菌技术. 中国轻工业出版社,北京,2015 科研创新 1)授权专利:曾新安, 刘志伟, 韩忠, 王启军.一种低温应激强化脉冲电场杀灭单增李斯特菌的方法. 专利号:CN 104222715B. 授权日期:2017年02月22日2)授权国际专利:孙大文,曾新安,韩忠,徐中岳,樊荣,一种冰晶破壁柚皮精油提取方法,PCT/CN2012/086834,2012.12.18,Pomelo peel essential oil extraction method by peel icing and breaking, US9200238B2, 2015.12.13)授权国际专利:孙大文,胡芬,曾新安,王启军,高文宏.变功率超声波改善盐水浸渍法冷冻鱼片的方法,PCT/CN2013/090061, 2013.12.10 Method for improving , by using power-variable ultrasonic waves, frozen fish fillets treated by means of salt-water immersion process. US 9497976B2, 2016.11.224)申请国际专利:孙大文,程丽娜,曾新安,王启军,朱志伟. 变压直流电场辅助提高果汁冷冻浓缩品质的方法,PCT/CN2014/093072,2014.4.12; Method for improving freeze concentration quality of fruit juice with the assistance of variable-voltage direct-current electric field5)申请国际专利:曾新安,洪静,韩忠,刘志伟. 一种高压脉冲协同超微粉碎生产全谷物粉的方法,ZL 201510547007.X, 2015.8.28,PCT/CN2015/099640,Method for producing whole-cereal flour by means of high-voltage pulses in collaboration with unltafine pulverization6)申请国际专利:孙大文,程丽娜,朱志伟,曾新安,王启军,张孜. 变频交流电场辅助冻干药物脂质体粉的方法和设备,PCT/CN2015/099639, 2015.12.29. Method and device for freeze-drying medicine and liposome powder assisted by variable-drequency alternating-current electric field7)授权发明专利:曾新安,刘志伟,孙大文,韩忠,王满生. 用于靶向释放药物载体的脉冲电场敏感脂质体的制备方法,2014103532876,授权日2016.10.58)授权发明专利:曾新安,刘志伟,韩忠,王启军. 一种低温应激强化脉冲电场杀灭单增李斯特菌的方法, ZL 201410421710.1,授权日2017.2.229)授权发明专利:曾新安,张智宏, 韩忠, 王满生, 刘志伟, 韩忠. 一种超声协同脉冲电场制备花粉营养液的方法, ZL201410156150.1, 申请日2014.04.17,授权日2015.08.26, A23L1/076(2006.01)I10)授权发明专利:曾新安,赵丹,孙大文,韩忠. 脉冲电场强化降解制备低聚花青素的方法, ZL201210332841.3, 申请日2012.9.10,授权日2015.3.11,C07D311/62(2006.01)I11)授权发明专利:孙大文,杨艺超,曾新安,蒲洪彬,一种基于高光谱的种子发芽率在线检测装置及方法,ZL201310585694.5,申请日2013.11.20,授权日2015.3.1112)授权发明专利:张斌,曾新安,薛子光,孙大文,林炜铁,一种氧化还原电位协同高压及微氧催陈白兰地酒的方法,ZL201310486896.4,申请日2013.10.17,授权日2015.1.21,C12H1/16(2006.01)I13)授权发明专利:刘丹,曾新安,孙大文,王启军,脉冲电场辅助逆流提取葡萄皮渣多酚的装置及方法,ZL201310141353.9,申请日2013.4.22,授权日2014.12.31,B01D11/02(2006.01)I14)授权发明专利:孙大文,蒲洪彬,曾新安,王启军,韩忠. 一种应用于脉冲电场处理室的半导体冷却装置, ZL 201310118608.X, 申请日2013.04.03, 授权日2014.12.03, A23L3/36(2006.01)I  15)授权发明专利:韩忠,曾新安,孙大文,脉冲电场协同臭氧制备低分子量水溶性壳聚糖的装置与方法,ZL201210335277.0,申请日2012.9.22,授权日2014.11.12,C08B37/08(2006.01)I16)授权发明专利:蒲洪彬,曾新安,孙大文,王启军,一种脉冲电场处理室,ZL201310118625.3,申请日2013.4.3,授权日2014.10.8,A23L3/32(2006.01)I17)授权发明专利:孙大文,曾新安,杨星,王启军,一种加快葡果酒老熟的方法,ZL201310064885.7,申请日2013.2.28,授权日2014.9.10,C12H1/14(2006.01)I18)授权实用新型专利:孙大文,谢安国,曾新安,刘丹,韩忠.一种基于高光谱的果蔬表面损伤检测装置, ZL201420183159.7, 申请日2014.4.15,授权日2014.9.1019)授权实用新型专利:孙大文,谢安国,曾新安,王启军. 一种安装与冷库中的肉品品质检测装置. ZL 201420053787.3,申请日2014.1.27,授权日2014.7.1620)授权发明专利:孙大文,胡芬,曾新安,王启军,高文宏,变功率超声波改善盐水浸渍法冷冻鱼片的方法,ZL201310100237.2,申请日2013.3.26,授权日2014.5.7, A23B4/06(2006.01)I  21)授权发明专利:曾新安,杨星,朱思明,樊荣,一种干葡萄酒陈酿时间的检测方法及装置,ZL201110220385.9,申请日2011.8.3, 授权日2014.2.12,G01N27/27(2006.01)I22)授权发明专利:孙大文,曾新安,杨星,一种微氧高静压加快干红葡萄酒老熟的方法,ZL201210140879.0,申请日2012.5.8,授权日2014.2.1223)授权发明专利:刘加强,王恭堂,杨华峰,曾新安,于淑娟,利用纯甘蔗汁生产浓香型黑朗姆酒的方法,ZL201210342538.1,申请日2012.9.14,授权日2014.1.2224)授权发明专利:曾新安,杨星,孙大文,一种电磁场微氧协同陈酿果酒的方法及其装置,ZL201210119168.5,申请日2012.4.20,授权日2013.12.11,C12H1/12(2006.01)I25)授权实用新型专利:孙大文,蒲洪彬,曾新安,王启军,韩忠,一种半导体冷却装置,201320169891.4,ZL2013 20169891.4,申请日2013.4.3,授权日2013.9.2526)授权实用新型专利:浦洪彬,曾新安,孙大文,王启军,一种新型脉冲电场处理室,ZL201320169912.2,申请日2013.4.3,授权日2013.9.2527)授权发明专利:曾新安,张天义,杨华峰,徐中岳,高文宏,一种除去果酒中杂醇油的装置及方法,ZL201310087150.6,申请日2013.03.18,授权日2014.07.1628)授权发明专利:孙大文,胡芬,曾新安,张志航,高文宏.变频超声波强化提高荔枝冷冻速度与品质的方法, ZL201310100261.6, 申请日2012.6.26,授权日2014.11.12, A23B7/00(2006.01)I29)授权发明专利:孙大文,曾新安,韩忠,徐中岳,樊荣,一种冰晶破壁柚皮精油提取方法,ZL201210117126.8,申请日2012.4.19,授权日2013.7.330)授权发明专利:利用纯甘蔗汁生产清香型甘蔗果酒的方法. 刘加强,杨华峰,王恭堂,于淑娟,曾新安, ZL201210126055.8, 2012.4.26,授权日2013.5.2231)授权实用新型专利:韩忠,曾新安,孙大文,脉冲电场协同臭氧制备低聚分子量水溶性壳聚糖的装置与方法,ZL201210335277.0,2012.09.11, 2014.11.1232)授权发明专利:韩忠,曾新安,于淑娟. 一种利用电磁场调控大花蕙兰花期的方法,ZL 2011 10116661.7,2011.5.6,授权日2013.4.10,A01G7/04(2006.01)I33)授权发明专利:曾新安,于淑娟,曾杨.超声协同养晶的果汁冷冻浓缩方法与设备,ZL200910052309.2,2009.7.10,授权日2012.8.22,A23L2/12(2006.01)I34)授权发明专利:曾新安,于淑娟,朱思明,一种物理场酒类老熟方法及其装置,ZL200710031217.9,2007.11.2,授权日2012.8.8,C12H1/16(2006.01)I35)授权发明专利:于淑娟,曾新安,管永光,王湘茹,张平军. 糖蜜酚酸盐的制备方法,ZL200810220662.4,申请日2008.12.31,授权日2012.6.2736)授权实用新型专利:曾新安,杨星,樊荣. 一种干葡萄酒陈酿时间的检测装置,ZL201120279109.5,2011.8.3,授权日2012.3.2837)授权发明专利:曾新安,于淑娟,韩忠,管永光,林花.一种脉冲电场强化促进低温美拉德反应的方法,200910040201.3,ZL 2009 10040201.3 2009.6.12授权日2011.12.7,A23L1/00(2006.01)I38)授权发明专利:朱思明,于淑娟,曾新安,陈志江,杨永军,向荣华. 一种二混蜜脱钾树脂的再生方法,200810218805.8,2008.10.31,授权日2011.6.839)授权发明专利:曾新安,于淑娟,资智洪,张斌.外源氨基酸调控果酒的酿造方法,ZL200810027467.X,2008.4.17,授权日2011.5.18,C12G3/02(2006.01)I40)授权发明专利:曾新安,韩忠,于淑娟.一种利用脉冲电场制备低分子量壳聚糖的方法,ZL200910037364.6,2009.2.27,授权日2011.5.11,C08J3/28(2006.01)I41)授权发明专利:曾新安,张本山,韩忠,于淑娟.一种利用脉冲电场制备非晶颗粒态淀粉的方法,ZL200810028986.8,2008.6.24,授权日 2010.12.8,C08J3/12(2006.01)I42)授权发明专利:曾新安,秦贯丰,张庆.一种高剪切力微晶乳糖制备方法,ZL200810025630.9,2008.1.4,授权日 2010.10.27,C07H3/04(2006.01)I43)授权发明专利:陈勇,曾新安.一种荔枝烈酒及其生产方法, ZL2006100364554,2006.7.12授权日2009.6.1044)授权发明专利:曾新安,于淑娟,岳强,陈勇. 一种冷冻浓缩后超低温发酵荔枝酒的酿造方法,ZL200610032678.3,2006.1.06授权日2008.2.13,C12G3/02(2006.01)I45)授权发明专利:曾新安,岳强,扶雄,张本山.一种带壳浸色发酵荔枝酒的酿造方法,ZL200610032684.9,授权日2008.2.13,C12G3/02(2006.01)I46)授权实用新型专利:扶雄, 曾新安, 于淑娟, 罗志刚. 沸点进料降膜蒸发用料液分布器ZL200620061545.4, 申请日2006.07.12授权日2007.07.1847)授权发明专利:曾新安,耿予欢,张本山,李国基. 一种电磁场加速白兰地酒橡木陈酿方法,ZL 200410052115.1,2006.1.6授权日2007.3.7,C12H1/1648)授权发明专利:曾新安,扶雄,于淑娟,高文宏.预极化脉冲电场灭菌方法及其设备,ZL200410077405.1,2004.12.20授权日2006.11.22,A23L3/3249)授权发明专利:曾新安,李国基,秦贯丰.脉冲电场灭菌设备的处理器,ZL02152160.3,2002.12.6授权日2005.3.30,A61L2/0250)授权发明专利:曾新安,扶雄,于淑娟,张本山. 高压脉冲电场灭菌方法及其装置,ZL01130064.7,2001.12.12授权日2004.11.10,A61L2/0251)授权发明专利:张本山梁勇, 杨连生,于淑娟,曾新安,扶雄.酶法淀粉降解物及其制备方法, ZL 02134336.5, 申请日2002.07.11, 授权日2004.11.0352)授权实用新型专利:曾新安,于淑娟,李国基,张本山. 去除酱油沉淀的装置,ZL00260065.X ,2000.12.20授权日2002.1.3053)授权发明专利:于淑娟, 高大维, 曾新安.苦丁茶啤酒及其生产方法, ZL 991161149,申请日1999.04.05授权日2002.01.3054)授权实用新型专利:曾新安, 李国基, 高大维, 于淑娟, 潘永康. 管道式酒类高压电磁场快速催陈装置, ZL99236237.7,申请日1999.06.04授权日2000.05.2455)授权实用新型专利:李国基, 曾新安, 高大维, 于淑娟. 瓶装酒快速陈酿装置ZL97212055.6申请日1997.03.07授权日1998.12.09 教学活动 目前主讲本科生课程1门,研究生课程2门,全部为全英课程,分别是本科生课程《食品营养与健康》,博士课程《Food green processing》,硕士课程《Food green process technologies》。

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