发布日期:2024-05-03 浏览次数:次
更新日期:2021年3月4日 姓 名 何志才 性 别 男 出生年月 1984年5月 籍贯 民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中国共产党党员 最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导 行政职务 Email zhicaihe@scut.edu.cn 工作单位 北区科技园1号楼 邮政编码 通讯地址 单位电话 020-22237063 个人简介 主要研究方向为:有机光电器件及其物理机理研究,包括有机太阳电池,有机发光二极管,有机光电探测器以及其他相关有机光电器件。近年来围绕导致聚合物太阳电池效率偏低的几个关键科学问题,开展多方面深入研究,在高效器件结构设计和器件工作机理研究等方面取得了若干有影响的研究成果;获2015年国家自然科学奖二等奖和2015年教育部高等学校优秀研究成果奖(自然科学)一等奖各一项(排名第5);发表SCI论文60余篇,第一作者/通讯作者论文论文总SCI他引7000多次(单篇论文最高他引3000多次),其中5篇入选ESI高被引论文,三篇研究论文分别入选2011年、2012年和2015年度中国百篇最具影响国际学论文,一项成果入选2012年度中国科学十大进展;主持和参加多项国家级、省部级科研项目。 获奖、荣誉称号 国家自然科学二等奖教育部自然科学一等奖国家优青(2016)教育部青年长江学者(2017)国家特支计划青年拔尖人才(2018) 研究领域 有机光电器件物理 发表论文 5篇代表作:1. Zhicai He,Biao Xiao,Feng Liu,Hongbin Wu (*),Yali Yang,Steven Xiao,Cheng Wang,Thomas P. Russell,Yong Cao,Single-junction Polymer Solar Cells with High Efficiency and Photovoltage,Nature Photonics(影响因子:32.521),2015,9:174-179,SCI他引次数: 17492. Zhicai He , Chengmei Zhong, Shijian Su, Miao Xu, Hongbin Wu(*), Yong Cao, Enhanced power-conversion efficiency in polymer solar cells using an inverted device structure. Nature Photonics(影响因子:32.521),2012, 6, 591-595.SCI他引次数: 32413. Zhicai He, Chengmei Zhong, Xun Huang, Wai-Yeung Wong, Hongbin Wu*, Liwei Chen* , Shijian Su, Yong Cao, "Simultaneous Enhancement of Open-Circuit Voltage, Short-Circuit Current Density, and Fill Factor in Polymer Solar Cells." Adv. Mater. (影响因子:23.77)23, 4636-4643 (2011), SCI他引次数:12604. Chaohua Cui,Zhicai He(*),Yue Wu,Xiao Cheng,Hongbin Wu,Yongfang Li(*),Yong Cao,Wai-Yeung Wong(*),High-performance polymer solar cells based on a 2D-conjugated polymer with an alkylthio side-chain,Energy & Environmental Science(影响因子:32.34),2016 ,9, 885-891. SCI他引次数:150次5. Zhicai He,Hongbin Wu (*),Yong Cao (*),Recent Advances in Polymer SolarCells: Realization of High Device Performance via Incorporating Alcohol/water-soluble Conjugated Polymers as Electrode Buffer Layer,Advanced Materials(影响因子:23.77),2014,26(7):1006-1024.SCI他引次数:150次其它论文:1. Zeng M, Wang X, Ma R, et al. Dopamine Semiquinone Radical Doped PEDOT: PSS: Enhanced Conductivity, Work Function and Performance in Organic Solar Cells[J]. Advanced Energy Materials, 2020: 2000743.2. Liu S, Yuan J, Deng W, et al. High-efficiency organic solar cells with low non-radiative recombination loss and low energetic disorder[J]. Nature Photonics, 2020, 14(5): 300-3053. Wang X, Yi S,Zhicai He(*) et al. An environmentally friendly natural polymer as a universal interfacial modifier for fullerene and non-fullerene polymer solar cells[J]. Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2020, 4(3): 1234-1241.4. Xiaojing Wang, Yidong Yang, Zhicai He(*), Hongbin Wu and Yong Cao, Influence of the acceptor crystallinity on the open-circuit voltage in PTB7-Th: ITIC organic solar cells, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2019, 7(47): 14861-14866. DOI: 10.1039/C9TC05096E5. Chen G, Liu S, Zhicai He(*), et al. Efficient Interface Engineering Enhances Photovoltaic Performance of a Bulk-Heterojunction PCDTBT: PC71BM System[J]. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 2019, 9(5): 1258-1265.6. Zhicai He,Feng Liu(*),Cheng Wang,Jihua Chen, Lilin He,,Dennis Nordlund,Hongbin Wu,(*),Thomas P Russell(*),Yong Cao, Simultaneous spin-coating and solvent annealing: manipulating the active layer morphology to a power conversion efficiency of 9.6% in polymer solar cells,Materials Horizons,2015,2(6):592-5977. Zengqi Xie(#),Biao Xiao(#),Zhicai He(#),Wenqiang Zhang,Xiaoyan Wu,Hongbin Wu(*),Frank Wurthner(*),Chao Wang,Fangyan Xie,Linlin Liu,Yuguang Ma(*),Wai-Yeung Wong,Self-assembled perylene bisimide J-aggregates as promising cathode modifiers for highly efficient inverted polymer solar cells,Materials Horizons,2015,2:514-5188.Zhicai He,Biao Xiao,Feng Liu,Hongbin Wu (*),Yali Yang,Steven Xiao,Cheng Wang,Thomas P. Russell,Yong Cao,Single-junction Polymer Solar Cells with High Efficiency and Photovoltage,Nature Photonics,2015,9:174-1799. Baofeng Zhao(#), Zhicai He,(#),Xiaoping Cheng, Donghuan Qin ,Min Yun Meijuan Wang, Xiaodong Huang,Jianguo Wu,Hongbin Wu(*), Yong Cao,Flexible polymer solar cells with power conversion efficiency of 8.7%,Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2014,2:5077-508210. Y. Xie, W. Huang, Q. Liang, J. Zhu, Z. Cong, F. Lin, S. Yi, G. Luo, T. Yang, S. Liu, Z. He*, Y. Liang*, X. Zhan, C. Gao*, H. Wu*, Y. Cao ,High-Performance Fullerene-Free Polymer Solar Cells Featuring fficient Photocurrent Generation from Dual Pathways and Low Nonradiative Recombination Loss,ACS Energy Lett., 4 (2019), pp. 8-1611. Zhicai He,Hongbin Wu (*),Yong Cao (*),Recent Advances in Polymer SolarCells: Realization of High Device Performance via Incorporating Alcohol/water-soluble Conjugated Polymers as Electrode Buffer Layer,Advanced Materials,2014,26(7):1006-102412.Bin Zhang, Shuwang Yi, Guiting Chen, Zhicai He* , Hong-Bin Wu,Wei Yang, Fangfang Niu, Junle Qu, Pengju Zeng*, Yong Cao,Water- and alcohol-soluble cationic phenanthroline derivatives as efficient cathode interfacial layers for bulk-heterojunction polymersolar cellsJ. Mater. Chem. C, DOI: 10.1039/c7tc00788d13. Guiting Chen, Sha Liu, Jin Xu, Ruifeng He, Zhicai He*, Hong-Bin Wu, Wei Yang, Bin Zhang*,Yong Cao, Dibenzothiophene-S,S-dioxide and Bispyridinium-Based Cationic Polyfluorene Derivative as an Efficient Cathode Modifier for Polymer Solar Cells,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9 (5), pp 4778–478714.Chaohua Cui,Zhicai He(*),Yue Wu,Xiao Cheng,Hongbin Wu,Yongfang Li(*),Yong Cao,Wai-Yeung Wong(*),High-performance polymer solar cells based on a 2D-conjugated polymer with an alkylthio side-chain,Energy & Environmental Science,2016 ,9, 885-891. DOI: 10.1039/c5ee03684d 15. Guoping Luo,Xingang Ren,Su Zhang,Hongbin Wu(*),Wallace C. H. Choy(*),Zhicai He(*), Yong Cao,Recent Advances in Organic Photovoltaics: Device Structure and Optical Engineering Optimization on the Nanoscale,Small,2016,12,12,1547-157116. Jun Yan,Zhicai He(*),Guoping Luo,Biao Xiao,Hongbin Wu(*),Yong Cao ,Origin of high fill factor in polymer solar cells from semiconducting polymer with moderate charge carrier mobility,Organic Electronics,2015,24:125-13017. Jingsheng Miao,Hui Chen,Feng Liu,Baofeng Zhao,Lingyu Hu,Zhicai He,Hongbin Wu(*) ,Efficiency enhancement in solution-processed organic small molecule: Fullerene solar cells via solvent vapor annealing,Applied Physics Letters,2015,106(18)18.Guoping Luo,Xiaoping Cheng,Zhicai He,Hongbin Wu(*),Yong Cao,High-performance inverted polymer solar cells based on thin copper film,Journal of Photonics for Energy,2015,5, 05720619.Yang Zou (#), Zhicai He(#),Baofeng Zhao,Yuan Liu, Chuluo Yang(*),Hongbin Wu(*),Yong Cao, Alcohol-soluble Star-shaped Oligofluorenes as Interlayer for High Performance Polymer Solar Cells,Scientific Reports,2015,5,1732920. Ruidong Xia (*),Dong-Seok Leem,Kirchartz, Thomas,Spencer, Steve,Murphy, Craig,Zhicai He,Hongbin Wu,Shijian Su,Yong Cao,Ji Seon Kim,,deMello, John C.,Donal D. C. Bradley,Jenny Nelson,Investigation of a Conjugated Polyelectrolyte Interlayer for Inverted Polymer:Fullerene Solar Cells,Advanced Energy Materials,2013,3(6):718-723 21. Zhicai He,Feng Liu (*),Cheng Wang,Jihua Chen, Lilin He,Dennis Nordlund,Hongbin Wu,(*),Thomas P Russell(*),Yong Cao, Simultaneous spin-coating and solvent annealing: manipulating the active layer morphology to a power conversion efficiency of 9.6% in polymer solar cells,Materials Horizons,2015,2(6):592-597 , Times Cited: 2422. Zhicai He , Chengmei Zhong, Shijian Su, Miao Xu, Hongbin Wu(*), Yong Cao, Enhanced power-conversion efficiency in polymer solar cells using an inverted device structure. Nat. Photonics. 2012, 6, 591-595. Times Cited: 324123. Zhicai He, Chengmei Zhong, Xun Huang, Wai-Yeung Wong, Hongbin Wu*, Liwei Chen* , Shijian Su, Yong Cao, "Simultaneous Enhancement of Open-Circuit Voltage, Short-Circuit Current Density, and Fill Factor in Polymer Solar Cells." Adv. Mater. 23, 4636-4643 (2011), Times Cited:126024. Zhicai He,Zhang, Chen Zhang, Xiaofeng Xu, Lianjie Zhang, Liang Huang,Junwu Chen, Hongbin Wu, Yong Cao, Largely Enhanced Efficiency with a PFN/Al Bilayer Cathode in High Efficiency Bulk Heterojunction Photovoltaic Cells with a Low Bandgap Polycarbazole Donor,Adv. Mater. 23, 3086-3089(2011), Times Cited:150 科研创新 申请发明专利10项,已获得授权4项。 教学活动 主讲本科生光电班《固体物理》,研究生《材料结构与表征》 指导学生情况 主持本科生SRP项目2项。 我的团队 团队目前有实验员1人,博士生5人,硕士生6人。