发布日期:2024-05-03 浏览次数:次
更新日期:2021年3月5日 姓 名 曹晓东 性 别 男 出生年月 1977年12月 籍贯 浙江武义县 民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中国共产党党员 最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 理学博士 技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导 行政职务 Email caoxd@scut.edu.cn 工作单位 材料科学与工程学院 邮政编码 510006 通讯地址 广东省广州市天河区五山街道381号 单位电话 020-22236066 个人简介 曹晓东,博士,华南理工大学教授、博士生导师,广东省生物医学工程重点实验室副主任,2011年获批“教育部新世纪优秀人才”。从事聚合物纳米复合材料、医用高分子材料、生物3D打印的研究与开发工作,目前主要致力于骨、软骨、椎间盘修复材料的多级仿生构建及其生物适配分子机制的研究。相关研究成果已在Angew Chem Int Ed,Adv. Funct. Mater, Chem Mater, J Mater Chem, ACS Macro Letters,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Biomacromolecules,Polym Chem等国际重要学术期刊上发表SCI论文110余篇,他引超过5000次,H因子36,申请中国发明专利30件,其中18件已获授权。2010年5月以高层次人才引进回国,在华南理工大学材料学院、国家人体组织功能重建工程技术研究中心、广东省生物医学工程重点实验室工作。主持国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目(4项)、广东省重点领域研究计划项目等, 作为核心骨干成员参与“973计划”项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目等。 工作经历 2015年9月至今 教 授 华南理工大学 材料科学与工程学院2010年5月2015年9月 副教授 华南理工大学 材料科学与工程学院 教育经历 2008年5月至2010年5月 博士后 美国,北卡大学和北卡州立大学联合生物医学工程系;北卡州立大学Department of Forest Biomaterials2006年9月至2008年4月 博士后 新加坡,南洋理工大学化学与生物医学工程学院生物工程系2005年10月至2006年9月 博士后 加拿大,联邦政府农业和农业食品部Saskatoon研究中心 2000年9月至2005年6月 博士 武汉大学化学与分子科学学院高分子化学与物理系1995年9月至1999年6月 本科 武汉大学化学与分子科学学院化学人才培养基地班 获奖、荣誉称号 教育部新世纪优秀人才 社会、学会及学术兼职 现任中国生物材料学会理事、评奖委员会委员、科普委员会委员、先进制造分会秘书长、复合材料分会常务委员。担任数十个国际刊物的审稿人,例如Advance Functional Materials, Small, Biomaterials,Biomacromolecules, Carbohydrate Polymers, Bioresource Technology, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Food Chemistry, Progress in Organic Coatings, Polymer Composites, Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, Journal of Electrostatics等。 研究领域 生物医用高分子材料;多功能生物凝胶材料;骨、软骨等组织修复材料;生物3D打印及临床应用研究; 科研项目 在研项目1. 基于液滴微流控技术构建多功能微凝胶/干细胞组装体及其关节软骨再生修复研究(项目批准号: 52073103),直接费用:58.00万元,项目起止年月: 2021年01月至 2024年 12月。2. 广东省重点领域研发计划(Key-Area Research and Development Program of Guangdong Province):生物活性骨修复材料增材制造技术与装备的研究及产业化开发(项目编号: 2020B090924004),2019.11.01至2022.10.31;280万。3. 主持国家自然科学基金(编号:51873069):“透明质酸基多功能水凝胶的构建及其髓核/纤维环一体化再生修复研究”,2019年1月至2022年12月;59万4. 主持十三五重点研发计划课题(2018YFC1106300):“纳米生物活性玻璃粉体制备技术及促进成骨机制研究”,2018年9月至2021年6月;国拨经费:412万5. 主持国家自然科学基金(编号:21574045):“生长因子模拟多肽空间层状修饰多功能水凝胶的构建及其骨/软骨修复研究”,2016年1月至2019年12月;65万 发表论文 1. Qingtao Li1, Sheng Xu1, Qi Feng, Qiyuan Dai, Longtao Yao, Yichen Zhang, Huichang Gao, Hua Dong, Dafu Chen, Xiaodong Cao*,3D printed silk-gelatin hydrogel scaffold with different porous structure and cell seeding strategy for cartilage regeneration,Bioactive Materials, Acceptted.2. Xiaohua Zhang,‡ Xuefeng Yang,‡ Qiyuan Dai, Yichen Zhang, Haotian Pan, Chenxi Yu, Qi Feng, Shuangli Zhu, Hua Dong* and Xiaodong Cao*, Tough thermoplastic hydrogels with re-processability and recyclability for strain sensors, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2021, 9, 176 – 186.3. Sheng Xu‡, Qingtao Li‡, Haotian Pan, Qiyuan Dai, Qi Feng, Chenxi Yu, Xiaohua Zhang, Zhibin Liang, Hua Dong*, and Xiaodong Cao*. Tubular Silk Fibroin / Gelatin-Tyramine Hydrogel with Controllable Layer Structure and Its Potential Application for Tissue Engineering. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2020, 6 (12), 6896–6905.4. Fujian Zhao,‡ Chenguang Zhang,‡ Jia Liua, Lu Liu, Xiaodong Cao, Xiaofeng Chen*, Bo Lei*, Longquan Shao*, Periosteum structure/function-mimicking bioactive scaffolds with piezoelectric/chem/nano signals for critical-sized bone regeneration., Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 402: 126203.5. Qi Feng, Huichang Gao, Hongji Wena, Hanhao Huang, Qingtao Li, Minhua Liang, Yang Liu, Hua Dong*, Xiaodong Cao*, Engineering the cellular mechanical microenvironment to regulate stem cell chondrogenesis: Insights from a microgel model, Acta Biomaterialia, 2020, 113: 393-406.6. 龚舟,彭涛,曹黎明,曹晓东*,陈玉坤*,基于天甲橡胶的高性能生物基弹性体制备及性能研究,高分子学报(Acta Polymerica Sinica)(纪念张俐娜院士80诞辰专刊),2020,V51,No.8, 951-960.7. Haotian Pan,‡ Huichang Gao,‡ Qingtao Li, Zefeng Lin, Qi Feng, Chenxi Yu, Xiaohua Zhang, Hua Dong, Dafu Chen* and Xiaodong Cao*, Engineered Macroporous Hydrogel Scaffolds via Pickering Emulsions Stabilized by MgO Nanoparticles Promote Bone Regeneration, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2020, 8: 6100-6114.8. Lu Liu,‡ Fujian Zhao,‡ Xiaoyu Chen, Man Luo, Zhen Yang, Xiaodong Cao, Guohou Miao, Dafu Chen* and Xiaofeng Chen*,Local delivery of FTY720 in mesoporous bioactive glass improves bone regeneration by synergistically immunomodulating osteogenesis and osteoclastogenesis, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2020,8, 6148-6158. 9. Chenxi Yu,‡ Huichang Gao,‡ Qingtao Li, and Xiaodong Cao*, Injectable dual cross-linked adhesive hyaluronic acid multifunctional hydrogel scaffolds for potential applications in cartilage repair, Polym. Chem., 2020, 11, 3169-3178.10. Xijie Gao, Qiyuan Dai, Longtao Yao, Hua Dong, Qingtao Li*, Xiaodong Cao*, A medical adhesive used in a wet environment by blending tannic acid and silk fibroin, Biomater. Sci., 2020, 8, 2694-2701.11. Hongji Wen, Jinyang Li, Gregory F Payne*, Qi Feng1, Minhua Liang, Jingxuan Chen, Hua Dong* and Xiaodong Cao*, Hierarchical patterning via dynamic sacrificial printing of stimuli-responsive hydrogels, Biofabrication 12 (2020) 035007.12. Jingxuan Chen, Hongji Wen, Guoliang Zhang, Fan Lei, Qi Feng, Yang Liu, Xiaodong Cao*, and Hua Dong*, Multifunctional Conductive Hydrogel/Thermochromic Elastomer Hybrid Fibers with a Core−Shell Segmental Configuration for Wearable Strain and Temperature Sensors, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 7565-7574. 13. Kangwei Mo, Meng He, Xiaodong Cao, and Chunyu Chang*,Direct current electric field induced gradient hydrogel actuators with rapid thermo-responsive performance as soft manipulators, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020, 8, 2756.14. Qi Feng, Qingtao Li, Hongji Wen, Jingxuan Chen, Minhua Liang, Hanhao Huang,Dongxu Lan, Hua Dong*, Xiaodong Cao*, Injection and Self-Assembly of Bioinspired Stem Cell-Laden Gelatin/Hyaluronic Acid Hybrid Microgels Promote Cartilage Repair In Vivo, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 1906690.15. Huimin He,Jinyang Li, Xiaodong Cao*,Changshun Ruan, Qi Feng, Hua Dong*, Gregory F. Payn* Reversibly Reconfigurable Cross-Linking Induces Fusion of Separate Chitosan Hydrogel Films. ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 2018, 1, 1695-1704.16. Gang Wang, Xiaodong Cao*, Hua Dong, Lei Zeng, Chenxi Yu, Xiaofeng Chen*, A Hyaluronic Acid Based Injectable Hydrogel Formed via Photo-Crosslinking Reaction and Thermal-Induced Diels-Alder Reaction for Cartilage Tissue Engineering, Polymers 2018, 10, 949.17. Qiongqiong Liu,Qingtao Li, Sheng Xu, Qiujian Zheng*, and Xiaodong Cao*, Preparation and Properties of 3D Printed Alginate–Chitosan Polyion Complex Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering,Polymers 2018, 10(6), 664.18. Qingtao Li, Wenwu Xiao, Fen Zhang, Qiongqiong Liu, Jiandong Ye, Hua Dong*, Xiaodong Cao*, Tannic acid-derived metal-phenolic networks facilitate PCL nanofiber mesh vascularization by promoting the adhesion and spreading of endothelial cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2018, 6, 2734 – 2738.19. Fen Zhang, Qingtao Li, Zefeng Lin, Limin Ma, Sheng Xu, Qi Feng, Hua Dong,* Yu Zhang, Xiaodong Cao*, Engineered Fe(OH)3 nanoparticle-coated and rhBMP-2-releasing PLGA microsphere scaffolds for promoting bone regeneration by facilitating cell homing and osteogenic differentiation, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2018, 6, 2831 – 2842.20. Xiaodong Cao, Wenxiu Li, Yimei Fan, Hua Dong*, Effective enzyme co-immobilization and synergistic catalysis on hierarchically porous inorganic/organic hybrid microbeads fabricated via droplet-based microfluidics. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics. Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2018, 1800106.21. Jinhua Guo, Rongrong Zhang, Lina Zhang∗,Xiaodong Cao∗,4D Printing of Robust Hydrogels Consisted of Agarose Nanofibers and Polyacrylamide, ACS Macro Lett. 2018, 7, 442−446.22. Wenwu Xiao, Qingtao Li, Huimin He, Wenxiu Li, Xiaodong Cao∗, Hua Dong∗, Patterning Multi-Nanostructured Poly(l-lactic acid) Fibrous Matrices to Manipulate Biomolecule Distribution and Functions, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10 (10), 8465–8473.23. Gang Wang, Jiehua Zhu, Xiaofeng Chen, Hua Dong, Qingtao Li, Lei Zeng and Xiaodong Cao∗, Alginate based antimicrobial hydrogels formed by integrating Diels–Alder “click chemistry” and the thiol-ene reaction, RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 11036.24. Baihao You1, Qingtao Li1, Hua Dong, Tao Huang, Xiaodong Cao∗, Hua Liao∗, Bilayered HA/CS/PEGDA hydrogel with good biocompatibility and self-healing property for potential application in osteochondral defect repair, J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 34, (2018), 1016-1025.25. Shuiping Wu, Feng Yu*, Hua Dong, Xiaodong Cao*, A hydrogel actuator with flexible folding deformation and shape programming via using sodium carboxymethyl cellulose and acrylic acid, Carbohydrate Polymers, Volume 173, 1 October 2017, Pages 526-534.26. Zhiqiang Zhang, Fei Li, Ruimin Chen, Tianfu Zhang, Xiaodong Cao, Shujun Zhang, Senior Member, IEEE,Thomas R. Shrout, Hairong Zheng, K. Kirk Shung, Life Fellow, IEEE, Mark S. Humayun, Weibao Qiu, Senior Member, IEEE, and Qifa Zhou, High-Performance Ultrasound Needle Transducer Based on Modified PMN-PT Ceramic With Ultrahigh Clamped Dielectric Permittivity. EEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS, FERROELECTRICS, AND FREQUENCY CONTROL. 2018, 7, vol.65, NO. 227. Zhiqiang Zhang, Ruimin Chen, Bo Wang, Tianfu Zhang, Min Su, Rong Liu, Jiaxing Yang, Xiaodong Cao, Yongxiang Li, Hairong Zheng, K. Kirk Shung, Life Fellow, IEEE, Mark S. Humayun, Qifa Zhou, and Weibao Qiu. Development of a KNN Ceramic-Based Lead-Free Linear Array Ultrasonic Transducer. EEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS, FERROELECTRICS, AND FREQUENCY CONTROL.2018, 11, vol.65, NO.11.28. Ting Ma, Xijie Gao, Hua Dong∗, Huimin He, Xiaodong Cao*, High-throughput generation of hyaluronic acid microgels via microfluidics-assisted enzymatic crosslinking and/or Diels–Alder click chemistry for cell encapsulation and delivery, Applied Materials Today 9 (2017) 49–59. 29. Shuiping Wu, Hua Dong, Qingtao Li, Gang Wang, Xiaodong Cao*, High strength, biocompatible hydrogels with designable shapes and special hollow-formed character using chitosan and gelatin, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2017(15 July), 168, Pages 147–152.30. Huimin He, Xiaodong Cao, Hua Dong,* Ting Ma, and Gregory F. Payne*, Reversible Programing of Soft Matter with Reconfigurable Mechanical Properties,Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 1605665.31. Jie Hou, Fen Zhang, Delin Cheng*, Xuetao Shi, Xiaodong Cao*, Mineralization of a superficially porous microsphere scaffold via plasma modification, RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 3521–3527.32. Tao Hu, Qingtao Li, Hua Dong,* Wenwu Xiao, Ling Li, and Xiaodong Cao*,Patterning Electrospun Nanofibers via Agarose Hydrogel Stamps to Spatially Coordinate Cell Orientation in Microfluidic Device,Small,2017, 13, 1602610. DOI: 10.1002/smll.201602610.33. Xiaoguang Lin, Jie Yao, Hua Dong*, Xiaodong Cao*, Effective Cell and Particle Sorting and Separation in Screen-Printed Continuous-Flow Microfluidic Devices with 3D Sidewall Electrodes. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2016, 55, 13085−13093.34. Juqing Song, Huichang Gao, Guanglin Zhu, Xiaodong Cao, Xuetao Shi*, Yingjun Wang*, The construction of three-dimensional composite fibrous macrostructures with nanotextures for biomedical applications. Biofabrication 8 (2016) 03500935. Beibei Ding, Huichang Gao, Jianhui Song, Yaya Li, Lina Zhang, Xiaodong Cao,* Min Xu, and Jie Cai*, Tough and Cell-Compatible Chitosan Physical Hydrogels for Mouse Bone Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Vitro, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8, 19739−19746. 36. Ting Pan, Wenjing Song,* Huichang Gao, Tianjie Li, Xiaodong Cao, Shizhen Zhong, Yingjun Wang*, miR-29b-Loaded Gold Nanoparticles Targeting to the Endoplasmic Reticulum for Synergistic Promotion of Osteogenic Differentiation, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 8, 19217−19227.37. Jie Hou, Huichang Gao, Yingjun Wang, Delin Cheng*, Xiaodong Cao*, Effect of Mineralized Layer Topographies on Stem Cell Behavior in Microsphere Scaffold, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 32 (2016) 971–977. 38. Huichang Gao, Xiaodong Cao, Hua Dong*, Xiaoling Fu, YingjunWang*, Influence of 3D Microgrooves on C2C12 Cell Proliferation, Migration, Alignment, F-actin Protein Expression and Gene Expression, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 32 (2016) 901–908.39. Ting Pan, Wenjing Song*, Xiaodong Cao, Yingjun Wang*, 3D Bioplotting of Gelatin/Alginate Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering: Influence of Crosslinking Degree and Pore Architecture on Physicochemical Properties, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 32 (2016) 889–900.40. Kai Li, Junchao Huang, Huichang Gao, Yi Zhong, Xiaodong Cao, Yun Chen, Lina Zhang, Jie Cai*, Reinforced Mechanical Properties and Tunable Biodegradability in Nanoporous Cellulose Gels: Poly ( L ‑lactide-co-caprolactone) Nanocomposites, Biomacromolecules 2016, 17, 1506−1515.41. Fen Zou, Naru Zhao, Xiaoling Fu,* Jingjing Diao, Yijuan Ma, Xiaodong Cao, Shuangyan Wan, Shizhen Zhong and Yingjun Wang*, Enhanced osteogenic differentiation and biomineralization in mouse mesenchymal stromal cells on a b-TCP robocast scaffold modified with collagen nanofibers, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 23588–23598.42. Xiaodong Cao, Biyan Zhu, Tao Chen, Xufeng Zhang, Hua Dong*. "Recombinant protein A immobilized on cross-linked cellulose microspheres for immunoglobulin G adsorption from human plasma," BioRes. 2016, 11(2), 4885-4898.43. Yimei Fan, Xiaodong Cao*, Tao Hu, Xiaoguang Lin, Hua Dong*, Xuenong Zou, Enhancement of Enzymatic Activity Using Microfabricated Poly(ε–caprolactone)/Silica Hybrid Microspheres with Hierarchically Porous Architecture. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2016, 120 , 3955–396344. Delin Cheng, Jie Hou, Lijing Hao, Xiaodong Cao*, Huichang Gao, Xiaoling Fu, Yingjun Wang* Bottom-up topography assembly into 3D porous scaffold to mediate cell activities, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 2016, 104B: 1056-1063. 45. Xiaodong Cao, Biyan Zhu, Xufeng Zhang, Hua Dong*, Polymyxin B immobilized on cross-linked cellulose microspheres for endotoxin adsorption, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2016, 136, 12-18.46. Hua Dong, Guannan Tang, Ting Ma, Xiaodong Cao*, One-step fabrication of inorganic/organic hybrid microspheres with tunable surface texture for controlled drug release application, J Mater Sci: Mater Med (2016) 27:7. 47. Beibei Ding, Dan Zhao, Jianhui Song, Huichang Gao, Duoduo Xu, Min Xu, Xiaodong Cao, Lina Zhang, Jie Cai*, Light weight, mechanically strong and biocompatible α-chitin aerogels from different aqueous alkali hydroxide/urea solutions, Sci China Chem, 2016(11):1405-1411.48. Feng Yu, Xiaodong Cao*, Jie Du, Gang Wang, Xiaofeng Chen*, Multifunctional Hydrogel with Good Structure Integrity, Self-Healing, and Tissue-Adhesive Property Formed by Combining Diels−Alder Click Reaction and Acylhydrazone Bond, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7, 24023−24031.49. Xiaodong Cao, Wenxiu Li, Ting Ma, Hua Dong*, One-step fabrication of polymeric hybrid particles with core–shell, patchy, patchy Janus and Janus architectures via a microfluidic-assisted phase separation process, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 79969-79975. 50. Yukun Chen, Yuanbing Zhang, chuanhui Xu*, Xiaodong Cao*, Cellulose nanocrystals reinforced foamed nitrile rubber nanocomposites, Cabohydrate Polymers, 2015, 130, 149-154. 出版年: OCT 5 201551. Juqing Song, Huichang Gao, Guanglin Zhu, Xiaodong Cao, Xuetao Shi, Yingjun Wang, The preparation and characterization of polycaprolactone/graphene oxide biocomposite nanofiber scaffolds and their application for directing cell behaviors, CARBON, 95, 1039-1050. 出版年:DEC 2015.52. Huichang Gao,# Hua Dong,# Xiaodong Cao, Xiaoling Fu, Ye Zhu, Chuanbin Mao,* Yingjun Wang* Effective Spatial Separation of PC12 and NIH3T3 Cells by the Microgrooved Surface of Biocompatible Polymer Substrates, Langmuir. 31(24): 6797-806. 2015 Jun 23; 53. Wenxiu Li, Hua Dong*, Guannan Tang, Ting Ma, Xiaodong Cao*, Controllable microfluidic fabrication of Janus and microcapsule particles for drug delivery applications, RSC advances, 2015, 5(30), 23181-23188. 54. Feng Yu, Xiaodong Cao*, Yuli Li, Xiaofeng Chen*, Diels–Alder Click-Based Hydrogels for Direct Spatiotemporal Postpatterning via Photoclick Chemistry, ACS Macro Letters, 2015, 4(3), 289-292. 16 Feb.201555. Delin Cheng, Xiaodong Cao*, Huichang Gao, Jie Hou, Lijing Hao, Yingjun Wang* Engineering poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)/hydroxyapatite microspheres with diverse macropores patterns and the cellular responses, RSC Advances, 2015, 5(23), 17466-17473. First published online 04 Feb 201556. Guannan Tang, Wenxiu Li, Xiaodong Cao, Hua Dong* In situ microfluidic fabrication of multi-shape inorganic/organic hybrid particles with controllable surface texture and porous internal structure. RSC Adv., 2015, 5(17), 12872-12878. First published online 05 Jan 201557. Donglin Tian, Sonakshi Maiti, Dagang Liu*, Zhongshi Ma, Xiaodong Cao*, Structure and morphology of fractions separated from mechanical-assisted enzyme hydrolyzed chitin microfibrils. Cellulose. 2015, 22(1), 1-8. Feb. 201558. Yukun Chen, Chuanhui Xu, Xiaodong Cao*, Dynamic rheology studies of of carboxylated butadiene-styrene rubber/cellulose nanocrystals nanocomposites: vulcanization process and network structures. Polymer Composites, 2015, 36(4), 623-629. Apr 2015 59. Weikang Xu, Xinmiao Wei, Kun Wei*, Xiaodong Cao, Shizhen Zhong. A mesoporous silicon/poly-(DL-lactic-co-glycolic) acid microsphere for long time anti-tuberculosis drug delivery. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2014, 476(1-2), 116-123.10 Dec.201460. Zicheng Liang, Lei Zeng, Xiaodong Cao, Qun Wang, Xiaohui Wang*, Runcang Sun, Sustainable carbon quantum dots from forestry and agricultural biomass with amplified photoluminescence by simple NH4OH passivation. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2014, 2(45), 9760-9766. 07 Dec. 201461. Feng Yu, Xiaodong Cao*, Yuli Li, Lei Zeng, Jiehua Zhu, Gang Wang, Xiaofeng Chen*, Diels-Alder crosslinked HA-PEG hydrogels with high elasticity and fatigue resistance for cell encapsulation and articular cartilage tissue repair. Polymer Chemistry, 2014, 5 (17), 5116 - 5123. 07 Sep. 201462. Zhuqun Shi, Huichang Gao, Jiao Feng, Beibei Ding, Xiaodong Cao*, Shigenori Kuga, Yingjun Wang, Lina Zhang, Jie Cai*, In-situ synthesis of robust conductive cellulose/polypyrrole composite aerogels and their potential application in nerve regeneration, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 53(21), 5380-5384. 19 May, 201463. Delin Cheng, Xiaodong Cao*, Huichang Gao, Xiaoling Ye, Wenxiu Li, Yingjun Wang*, Engineering PLGA doped PCL microspheres with alayered architecture and an island–sea topography, RSC Advances, 2014, 4(18), 9031-9038.10 Dec. 201364. Feng Yu, Xiaodong Cao*, Yuli Li, Lei Zeng, Bo Yuan, Xiaofeng Chen *, An injectable hyaluronic acid/PEG hydrogel for cartilage tissue engineering formed by integrating enzymatic crosslinking and Diels-Alder “click chemistry”, Polymer Chemistry, 2014, 5(3), 1082-1090 . 07 Feb. 201465. Delin Cheng, Huichang Gao, Lijing Hao, Xiaodong Cao*, Yingjun Wang*, Facile development of a hollow composite microsphere with porous surface for cell delivery, Materials Letters, 2013, 111, 238-241.15 November 2013 66. Liming Cao, Xiaodong Cao, Xiujuan Jiang, Chuanhui Xu, Yukun Chen*, In Situ Reactive Compatibilization and Reinforcementof Peroxide Dynamically Vulcanized Polypropylene/Ethylene-Propylene-Diene Monomer TPV by ZincDimethacrylate, Polymer Composites, 2013, 34(8), 1357-1366. Aug.201367. Wanting Peng, Zhongmin Qiao, Qing Zhang, Xiaodong Cao, Xiaofeng Chen, Hua Dong*, Jingwen Liao, Chengyun Ning*, Micropatterned TiO2 nanotubes: fabrication, characterization and in vitro protein/cell responses, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2013, 1(28), 3506-3512. 28 July 201368. Delin Cheng, Xiaodong Cao*, Huichang Gao, Yingjun Wang*, Engineering poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)/calciumcarbonate microspheres with controllable topographyand their cell response. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2013, 1(26), 3322-3329. 14 July 2013(1区)69. Delin Cheng, Xiaodong Cao*, Huichang Gao, Yingjun Wang*, Superficially porous poly(lactic-co-glycolic)/calcium carbonate microsphere developed by spontaneous pore-forming method for bone repair, RSC Advances, 2013, 3(19), 6871-6878. 21 May 2013(IF:2.67)70. Xiaodong Cao, Chuanhui Xu, Yanpeng Wang, Yu Liu, Yuhong Liu, Yukun Chen*, New nanocomposite materials reinforced with cellulose nanocrystals in nitrile rubber. Polymer Testing, 2013, 32(5), 819-826. Aug. 2013(3区)71. Xiaodong Cao, Chuanhui Xu, Yuhong Liu, Yukun Chen*. Preparation and properties of carboxylated styrene butadiene rubber/cellulose nanocrystals composites. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2013, 92(1), 69-76. 30 Jan. 2013(3区)72. Dagang Liu*, Changqing Zhu, Kai Peng, Yi Guo, Peter R. Chang, Xiaodong Cao*, Facile Preparation of Soy Protein/Poly(vinyl alcohol) Blend Fibers with High Mechanical Performance by Wet-Spinning, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52 (18), 6177-6181. 8 May 2013(2区)73. Feng Yu, Xiaodong Cao*, Lei Zeng, Qing Zhang, Xiaofeng Chen*, An Interpenetrating HA/G/CS Biomimic Hydrogel via Diels-Alder Click Chemistry for Cartilage Tissue Engineering, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2013, 97(1), 188-195. 14 Aug. 201374. Chuanhui Xu, Xiaodong Cao, Xiujuan Jiang, Xingrong Zeng, Yukun Chen. Preparation, structure and properties of dynamically vulcanized polypropylene/acrylonitrile butadiene rubber/zinc dimethacrylate ternary blend composites containing maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene. Polymer Testing, 2013, 32(3), 507–515. May 2013(3区)75. Yukun Chen, Chuanhui Xu, Liming Cao, Xiaodong Cao. Highly toughened polypropylene/ethylene-propylene-diene monomer/zinc dimethacrylate ternary blends prepared via peroxide-induced dynamic vulcanization. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2013, 138(1): 63-71. 15 Feb. 2013 (2区)76. Yukun Chen, Chuanhui Xu, Liming Cao, Yanpeng Wang, Xiaodong Cao. PP/EPDM-based dynamically vulcanized thermoplastic olefin with zinc dimethacrylate: preparation, rheology, morphology, crystallization and mechanical properties. Polymer Testing, 2012, 31(6), 728-736. Sep. 2011(3区)77. Mengjiao Yu, Rendang Yang, Lianghui Huang, Xiaodong Cao, Fei Yang, Detao Liu. “Preparation and Characterization of Bamboo Nanocrystalline cellulose”. BioResources 2012, 7(2), 1802-1812. May 2012(3区)78. Xiaomei Wang, Peter R. Chang, Zonghuan Li, Hui Wang, Hui Liang, Xiaodong Cao*, Yun Chen*, “Chitosan-Coated Cellulose/Soy Protein Memberanes with Improved Physical Properties and Hemocompatibilty”, BioResources 2011, 6(2), 1392-1413. May 2011(3区)79. Xiaodong Cao, Youssef Habibi, Washington L. Esteves Magalhães, Orlando Rojas, Lucian A. Lucia, “Cellulose Nanocrystals-Based Nanocomposites: A Fruit of the Biosucceed Biomass Platform,” Current Science 2011, 100(8), 1172-1176. 25 Apr. 2011(3区)80. Jiaan Zhou, Caixia Xu, Gang Wu, Xiaofeng Chen*, Xiaodong Cao, Liangming Zhang, Zhichen Zhai, Zhiwen Zheng, Yingjun Wang*. “In vitro generation of an osteochondral differentiation of human marrow mesenchymal stem cells in novel collagen-hydroxyapatite layered scaffolds”. Acta Biomaterialia 2011, 7(11), 3999-4006. Nov. 201181. Washington L. Esteves Magalhães, Xiaodong Cao, Magaly, A. Ramires, Lucian A. Lucia, “Novel all-cellulose composite displaying aligned cellulose nanofibers reinforced with cellulose nanocrystals”, TAPPI JOURNAL, 2011, 10(4), 19-25.Apr. 2011.(4区)82. Guihua Yang, Lucian A. 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Xiaodong Cao, Yun Chen, Peter R. Chang*, A. D. Muir, G. Falk, Starch-based nanocomposites reinforce with flax cellulose nanocrystals. Express Polymer Letters 2008, 2(7), 502-510. 92. Xiaodong Cao, Yun Chen, Peter R. Chang*, M. Stumborg, Michel A. Huneault, Green composites reinforced with hemp nanocrystals in plasticized starch. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2008, 109(6), 3804-3810. 93. Yun Chen, Xiaodong Cao, Peter R. Chang*, Michel A. Huneault, Comparative study on the films of poly(vinyl alcohol)/pea starch nanocrystals and poly(vinyl alcohol)/native pea starch. Carbohydrate Polymer. Carbohydrate Polymers 2008, 73(1), 8-17. 94. Hua Dong, Xiaodong Cao, Chang Ming Li*, Weihua Hu, An In Situ Electrochemical Surface Plasmon Resonance Immunosensor with Polypyrrole Propylic Acid Film: Comparison between SPR and Electrochemical Responses from Polymer Formation to Protein Immunsensing. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2008, 23, 1055-1062.95. Xiaodong Cao, Chang Ming Li*, Haifeng Bao, Qiaoliang Bao, Hua Dong, Fabrication of strongly fluorescent quantum dots-polymer composite in aqueous solution. Chemistry of Materials 2007, 19, 3773-3779. 96. Xiaodong Cao, Hua Dong, Chang Ming Li*, New nanocomposite materials reinforced with flax cellulose nanocrystals in waterborne polyurethane. Biomacromolecules 2007, 8, 899-904. 97. Xiaodong Cao, Yun Chen, Peter R. Chang*, Michel A. Huneault, Preparation and properties of plasticized starch/multiwalled carbon nanotubes composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2007, 106, 1431-1437.98. Chang Ming Li*, Hua Dong, Xiaodong Cao, John H.T. Luong, Xueji Zhang, Implantable Electrochemical Sensors for Biomedical and ClinicalApplications: Progress, Problems, and Future Possibilities”, Current Medicinal Chemistry 2007, 14, 937-951.99. Hua Dong, Chang-Ming Li*, Yi-Fan Zhang, Xiaodong Cao, Ye Gan, Screen-printed microfluidic device for electrochemical immunoassay. 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Chinese Journal of Polymer Science 2001, 19(4), 415-419. 出版专著和教材 1. 曹晓东, 第五章“淀粉材料”,2.5万字,张俐娜主编《天然高分子改性材料及应用》,化学工业出版社, 2006年4月。2. 曹晓东, 第八章第4节,“淀粉及材料”,2万字,黄进等主编《生物质化工与生物质材料》,化学工业出版社, 2009年8月。 科研创新 已授权专利:1. 曹晓东,余晨希,李庆涛。一种透明质酸基双交联水凝胶的制备方法,申请号:202010064478.6;申请日:2020年01月20日,授权日:2021年02月12日.2. 曹晓东,刘琼琼。一种海藻酸钠-壳聚糖聚离子复合物水凝胶及其3D打印制备方法。发明专利申请号:ZL201710730886.9;授权日:2020年11月24日。3. 曹晓东,潘昊田。一种以Pickering乳液法制备GelMA大孔水凝胶的方法及应用,申请日:2019年03月14日, 授权日:2020年4月28日,专利号:ZL201910194710.5;4. 董华,曹晓东,肖文武。一种银纳米线微图案化的制备方法,申请日:2017年11月23日;授权日:2019年10月18日,专利号:ZL201711181702.4。5. 曹晓东,朱杰华,吴水平,游柏浩,一种共价接枝抗菌多肽的抗菌凝胶及其制备方法,授权日:2019年4月9日,专利号:CN201610280846.4.6. 曹晓东,游柏浩,董华,李庆涛,一种双相骨软骨修复支架及其制备方法,授权日:2019年1月29日,专利号:CN201610280857.2.7. 曹晓东,吴水平, 一种可自成管状或杯状的高强度水凝胶及其制备方法,授权公告日:2018年9月14日,专利号:ZL201610949080.4.8. 曹晓东,马婷,董华,一种基于微流控技术的聚合物微凝胶的制备方法,授权公告日:2018年9月14日,专利号:CN201611064201.3.9. 曹晓东,张禹,胡光豫,吴焯然,赵欣,陈钰蓝,黄岳山,肖斯宇,一种聚乙二醇修饰的维生素E脂质体及制备方法与应用,中国发明专利:ZL201510472476.X,授权公告日:2018年5月15日。10. 曹晓东,张禹,黄岳山,吴焯然,赵欣,胡光豫,陈钰蓝,肖斯宇,一种聚乙二醇修饰的维生素E脂质体面膜及其制备方法,中国发明专利:ZL201510646507.9,授权公告日:2018年4月13日。11. 曹晓东,吴水平,朱杰华,李庆涛,一种离子共价双网络水凝胶及其制备方法,中国发明专利,专利号:201511025598.0,授权公告日:2018年4月13日。12. 曹晓东,朱杰华,游柏浩,吴水平,一种海藻酸钠双交联水凝胶及其制备方法与应用,中国发明专利:ZL201511034484.2,授权日:2018年2月27日。13. 王迎军,曹晓东,程德林,叶晓玲,“具有分层结构和海岛型形貌PLGA/PCL复合微球的制备方法”, 中国发明专利,ZL201310364246.2,授权日期:2016.3.14. 董华,李文秀,曹晓东,生物可降解PLGA/PCL复合微胶囊以及制备方法,中国发明专利:ZL201410488900.5,授权日:2018年1月2日。15. 王迎军,程德林,曹晓东,“一种具有多孔壳层的PLGA/碳酸钙复合微球及其制备方法”,中国发明专利,ZL 201210234174.5,授权日期:2014.06.16. 王迎军,程德林,曹晓东,高会场,郝丽静“PLGA/羟基磷灰石/碳酸钙复合微球及其制备方法”,中国发明专利,ZL 201210244725.6,授权日期:2014.5.17. 张俐娜,曹晓东, “一种半互穿聚合物网络材料及其制备方法和用途”,中国发明专利: ZL 200410012815.8 (2006, 9).18. 张俐娜,曹晓东,黄进,王晓华 “一种水性聚氨酯粉末的制备方法”,中国发明专利:ZL 02147776.0 (2004, 11). 教学活动 教授研究生课程“”组织工程学“教授生物医学工程系本科生必修课“组织工程概论” 指导学生情况 在结合学生自身兴趣与课题组相关研究基础下开展学生的科研工作,鼓励学生发挥自主创新能力,同时予以学生最大的帮助和支持。已毕业4名博士,13名硕士;在读研究生15名,博士后(包括企业博士后)5名。 我的团队 本团队长期致力于生物材料和3D打印领域,重点关注组织再生修复高分子材料、生物活性玻璃的制备与研究,具体涉及多功能水凝胶、聚合物微球等材料的设计、成型及其生物医学应用。本课题组属于华南理工大学国家人体组织功能重建工程技术研究中心(科技部所属) 及广东省生物医学工程重点实验室的一部分, 研究中心拥有生物材料和3D打印研究所需的各种仪器设备: 场发射扫描电镜、 环境扫描电镜, XRD、 FTIR、 AFM、 BET、 ICP、 DSC、 压汞仪、 紫外接枝装置、 Micro-CT、动态生物力学测定仪、 石英晶体微天平、 表面接触角测定仪、 流变仪、 激光粒度仪、 表面电位测定仪、 等离子喷涂系统、 静电纺丝机、 微弧氧化设备、 喷墨式三维打印设备(Z corp 450) 、 第四代生物材料三维成型系统(3D Bioplotter) , 超高精度三维打印机(Project HD3500 Plus) 、 微量挤出机、 无机纳米粉体及胶原制备系统等。 可以满足大部分材料合成、成型及测试要求。