发布日期:2024-05-03 浏览次数:次
更新日期:2023年1月4日 姓 名 张园 性 别 男 出生年月 1984年12月 籍贯 湖北大悟县 民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中国共产党党员 最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 哲学博士 技术职称 教授 导师类别 博导 行政职务 Email yuanzhang@scut.edu.cn 工作单位 华南理工大学土木与交通学院 邮政编码 510641 通讯地址 广东省广州市天河区五山路381号 单位电话 个人主页 http://www2.scut.edu.cn/jtxy/2021/0427/c1891a427449/page.htm 个人简介 华南理工大学土木与交通学院道路工程系教授、博士生导师,兼任国际材料与结构研究实验联合会(RILEM)沥青表征技术委员会委员以及美国土木工程师协会(ASCE)沥青材料委员会委员等职。一直从事功能性柔性路面、绿色道路建筑技术、以及沥青材料再生等研究与教学工作。近十年主持/参与欧洲、中国香港、美国等发达国家及地区国际道路前沿科研课题十余项,包括荷兰交通部透水路面项目、香港环境及自然保育基金会温拌沥青项目、美国联邦公路管理局沥青再生项目等。近五年发表SCI期刊论文30余篇(JCR一区20余篇),Goolgle Scholar学术总引用1000余次,学术指数H-index19。 工作经历 2021年04月至今工作职务:华南理工大学土木与交通学院道路工程系教授、博导研究方向:功能性路面、可持续道路材料、沥青材料表征、沥青再生等教学课程:道路工程材料、路面工程等 2018年08月至2021年03月工作职务:美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(2021QS排名全球第65)土木与环境工程系副研究员、讲师合作导师:美国战略公路研究计划(SHRP)领军人物、美国威斯康星大学改性沥青研究所所长Hussain Bahia终身教授主要纵向科研项目:(1)美国威斯康星州交通厅(WisDOT)资助科研项目“Material Specificaions for Longitudinal Joint Construction, Remediation and Maintenance”;(2)香港研究资助局资助合作科研课题“Multiscale Characterization of the Short-term and Long-term Interaction between Surface-treatment Emulsion and Porous Asphalt (PA) Mixture towards More Durable PA Road Surfaces”;(3)美国联邦公路管理局(FHWA)资助科研项目“Long-Term Performance of Asphalt Concrete Mixed with RAP and RAS” 2015年12月至2018年07月工作职务:香港理工大学(2021QS排名全球第75)土木及环境工程学系博士后合作导师:国家青年千人计划入选者,香港道路研究所所长,香港理工大学Zhen Leng终身副教授主要纵向科研项目:(1)香港环境及自然保育基金资助科研课题“Feasibility of Building Warm Mix Asphalt Pavements Using Synthetic Zeolite Derived from Sewage Sludge Ash”;(2)香港研究资助局资助科研课题“Compound Modification of Asphalt Mixtures with Crumb Rubber and Warm-mix Additives for Low-noise, Low-emission and Durability Purposes” 2010年12月至2015年06月工作职务:荷兰代尔夫特理工大学(2021QS排名全球第57)道路与铁道工程实验室助理研究员合作导师:欧洲道路工程领域学术泰斗、荷兰柔性路面结构奠基人Andre Molenaar终身教授主要纵向科研项目:荷兰交通部(Rijkswaterstaat)资助重大专项科研课题“Lifespan Extending Maintenance of Porous Asphalt Wearing Courses” 教育经历 2010年10月至2015年06月 工学博士荷兰代尔夫特理工大学(2020QS排名全球第50)土木工程与地球科学学院道路与铁道工程专业(2020QS学科排名全球第2),师从欧洲道路工程领域学术泰斗Andre Molenaar教授,研究课题为“Extending the Lifespan of Porous Asphalt Concrete” 2007年09月至2010年06月 工学硕士武汉理工大学材料科学与工程学院建筑材料与工程专业,硅酸盐国家重点实验室,师从教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”获得者吴少鹏教授,硕士研究课题为“多相复合导电沥青混凝土的制备与服役行为评价” 2003年09月至2007年06月 工学学士武汉理工大学材料科学与工程学院材料科学与工程专业(全国学科评估3A+,并列第1),专业核心课程涵盖材料科学基础、材料工程基础、材料概论、材料研究与测试方法等,本科毕业设计课题为“聚羧酸系高效减水剂的制备及其使用性能评价” 获奖、荣誉称号 2022年03月 广东省科学技术奖科技进步一等奖 社会、学会及学术兼职 担任美国土木工程师协会(ASCE)会员,美国沥青铺面技术协会(AAPT)会员,国际沥青路面协会(ISAP)会员,国际材料与结构研究实验联合会(RILEM)会员,中国公路学会(CHTS)会员,世界交通运输大会(WTC)技术委员会委员 担任十余个SCI期刊审稿人: Journal of Cleaner Production,Construction and Building Materials,Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board,International Journal of Pavement Engineering,Road Materials and Pavement Design,Journal of Testing and Evaluation,Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements,KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering,Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering等 研究领域 功能型柔性路面、绿色道路建筑技术、沥青材料表征、沥青再生、图像处理及数值模拟等 科研项目 2022年10月 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)2022年06月 广东省“珠江人才计划”引进高层次人才项目(青年拔尖人才) 发表论文 1. Zhang Y.(通讯作者), Swiertz D., & Bahia H.U. Use of blended binder tests to estimate performance of mixtures with high RAP/RAS content, Accepted by the TRB 100th Annual Meeting, Transporation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 20212. Zhang Y.(通讯作者), & Bahia H.U. Effects of recycling agents on rutting resistance and moisture susceptibility of mixtures with high RAP/RAS content, Accepted by Constr Build Mater., 2021 (SCI收录, IF 4.419, JCR一区)3. Yan C., Huang W., Zhang Y., Lv Q., Guan W., & Zhang J. Evaluation of the terminal blend crumb rubber/SBS composite modified asphalt, Accepted by Constr Build Mater., 2021 (SCI收录, IF 4.419, JCR一区)4. Zhou L., Huang W., Zhang Y., Lv Q., & Sun L. Mechanical evaluation and mechanism analysis of the stripping resistance and healing performance of modified asphalt–basalt aggregate combinations, Accepted by Constr Build Mater., 2021 (SCI收录, IF 4.419, JCR一区)5. Chen H., Zhang Y.(通讯作者), & Bahia H.U. Estimating asphalt binder fatigue at multiple temperatures using a simplified Pseudo-strain energy analysis approach in the LAS test. Constr Build Mater., Vol. 266, 2021, 120911 (SCI收录, IF 4.419, JCR一区)6. Zhang Y.(通讯作者), Chen H., & Bahia H.U. Extending aging performance of high RAP mixtures and the role of softening oils, Accepted by Int. J. Pavement Eng., 2020 (SCI收录, IF 2.298, JCR二区)7. Yan C., Huang W., Xu J., Yang H., Zhang Y.(通讯作者), & Bahia H.U. Quantification of re-refined engine oil bottoms (REOB) in asphalt binder using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy associated with partial least squares (PLS) regression. Accepted by Road Mater. Pavement Des., 2020 (SCI收录, IF 1.980, JCR二区)8. Chen H., Zhang Y.(通讯作者), & Bahia H.U. The role of binders in mixture cracking resistance measured by IDEL-CT test, Int J Fatigue, Vol. 142, 2020, 105947 (SCI收录, IF 4.369, JCR一区)9. Yan C., Zhang Y.(通讯作者), & Bahia H.U. Predicting rutting performance of asphalt mixture from binder properties and mixture design variables. Road Mater. Pavement Des., Online, 2020 (SCI收录, IF 1.980, JCR二区)10. Xu J., Pei J., Yan C., Zhang Y.(通讯作者), & Bahia H.U. Rheology measurements of recycling oils and their aging resistance in asphalt binders. Int. J. Pavement Eng., Online, 2020 (SCI收录, IF 2.298, JCR二区)11. Yan C., Zhang Y.(通讯作者), & Bahia H.U. Comparison between SCB-IFIT, un-notched SCB-IFIT, and IDEAL-CT for measuring cracking resistance of asphalt mixtures. Constr Build Mater., Vol. 252, 2020, 119060 (SCI收录, IF 4.419, JCR一区)12. Jiang J., Li Y., Zhang Y.(通讯作者), & Bahia H.U. Distribution of mortar film thickness and its relationship to mixture cracking resistance. Int. J. Pavement Eng., Online, 2020 (SCI收录, IF 2.298, JCR二区)13. Qian Y., Guo F., Leng Z., Zhang Y., & Yu H. Simulation of the field aging of asphalt binders in different reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) materials in Hong Kong through laboratory tests, Constr Build Mater., Vol. 265, 2020, 120651 (SCI收录, IF 4.419, JCR一区)14. Zhang J., Huang W., Zhang Y., Lv Q., & Yan C. Evaluating four typical fibres used for OGFC mixture modification regarding drainage, ravelling, rutting and fatigue resistance. Constr Build Mater., Vol. 253, 2020, 119131 (SCI收录, IF 4.419, JCR一区)15. Zhou L., Huang W., Zhang Y., Lv Q., Yan C., & Jiao Y. Evaluation of the adhesion and healing properties of modified asphalt binders. Constr Build Mater., Vol. 251, 2020, 119026 (SCI收录, IF 4.419, JCR一区)16. Lv Q., Huang W., Zheng M., Sadek H., Zhang Y., & Yan C. Influence of gradation on asphalt mix rutting resistance measured by Hamburg Wheel Tracking test. Constr Build Mater., Vol. 238, 2020, 117674 (SCI收录, IF 4.419, JCR一区)17. Yan C., Huang W., Zheng M., Zhang Y., & Lin P. Influence of aging on high content polymer modified asphalt mixture stripping, cracking and rutting performances. Road Mater. Pavement Des., Online, 2020 (SCI收录, IF 1.980, JCR二区)18. Chen H., Zhang Y., & Bahia H.U. The role of binders in cracking resistance of mixtures measured with the IFIT procedure. Proceedings of the 64th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Technical Asphalt Association (CTAA), Montreal, Canada, November 201919. Li R., Leng Z., Zhang Y., & Ma X. Preparation and characterization of waterborne epoxy modified bitumen emulsion as a potential high-performance cold binder. J. Clean. Prod., Vol. 235, 2019, pp. 1265-1275 (SCI收录, IF 7.246, JCR一区)20. Yan C., Huang W., Lin P., Zhang Y., & Lv Q. Chemical and rheological evaluation of aging properties of high content SBS polymer modified asphalt. Fuel, Vol. 252, 2019, pp. 417-426 (SCI收录, IF 5.128, JCR一区)21. Zhang Y., Leng Z., Zou F., Wang L., Chen S.S., & Tsang D.C.W. Synthesis of zeolite A using sewage sludge ash for application in warm mix asphalt. J. Clean. Prod., Vol. 172, 2018, pp. 686-695 (SCI收录, IF 7.246, JCR一区)22. Sreeram A., Zhen L., Zhang Y., & Padhan P.K. Evaluation of RAP binder mobilisation and blending efficiency in bituminous mixtures: An approach using ATR-FTIR and artificial aggregate. Constr Build Mater., Vol. 179, 2018, pp. 245-253 (SCI收录, IF 4.419, JCR一区)23. Zhang Y., Leng Z., Dong Z., Liu Z., Zhang Z., & Tan Z. Performance verification of various bulk density measurement methods for open- and gap-graded asphalt mixtures using X-ray computed tomography. Constr Build Mater., Vol. 158, 2018, pp. 855-863 (SCI收录, IF 4.419, JCR一区)24. Leng Z., Zhang Z., Zhang Y., Wang Y., Yu H., & Ling T. Laboratory evaluation of electromagnetic density gauges for asphalt mixture density measurement. Constr Build Mater., Vol. 158, 2018, pp. 1055-1064 (SCI收录, IF 4.419, JCR一区)25. Zhang Y., & Leng Z. Quantification of bituminous mortar ageing and its application in ravelling evaluation of porous asphalt wearing courses. Mater. Des., Vol. 119, 2017, pp. 1-11 (SCI收录, IF 6.289, JCR一区)26. Zhang Y.(通讯作者), van de Ven M.F.C., Molenaar A.A.A., & Wu S. Assessment of effectiveness of rejuvenator on artificially aged porous asphalt concrete. Constr Build Mater., Vol. 110, 2016, pp. 286-292 (SCI收录, IF 4.419, JCR一区)27. Zhang Y.(通讯作者), van de Ven M.F.C., Molenaar A.A.A., & Wu S. Preventive maintenance of porous asphalt concrete using surface treatment technology. Mater. Des., Vol. 99, 2016, pp. 262-272 (SCI收录, IF 6.289, JCR一区)28. Zhang Y.(通讯作者), van de Ven M.F.C., Molenaar A.A.A., & Wu S. Assessment of effectiveness of rejuvenators on artificially aged mortar. J. Mater. Civ. Eng., Vol. 28, Issue. 9, 2016 (SCI收录, IF 1.984, JCR二区)29. Zhang Y.(通讯作者), Liu Q., van de Ven M.F.C., Molenaar A.A.A., & Wu S. Identification of rejuvenators on porous asphalt concrete using optical microscopy and nanoindentation technology. J. Mater. Civ. Eng., Vol. 27, Issue 8, 2015 (SCI收录, IF 1.984, JCR二区)30. Zhang Y.(通讯作者), Verwaal W., van de Ven M.F.C., Molenaar A.A.A., & Wu S. Using high-resolution industrial CT scan to detect the distribution of rejuvenation products in porous asphalt concrete. Constr Build Mater., Vol. 100, 2015, pp. 1-10 (SCI收录, IF 4.419, JCR一区)31. Van de Ven M.F.C., Qiu J., & Zhang Y. Increasing the functional service life of porous surfacing: Development of test methods to study the effect of rejuvenating binders, The 15th AAPA International Flexible Pavements Conference(两年一届), Brisbane, Australia, September 201332. Zhang Y.(通讯作者), van de Ven M.F.C., Molenaar A.A.A., Woldekidan M.F., & Wu S., 2013. Mechanical properties of porous asphalt concrete with rejuvenators, The 9th International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields(四年一届), Trondheim, Norway, June 201333. Wu S., Pan P., Chen M., & Zhang Y. Analysis of characteristics of electrically conductive asphalt concrete prepared by multiplex conductive materials. J. Mater. Civ. Eng., Vol. 25, Issue 7, July 2013 (SCI收录, IF 1.984, JCR二区)34. Zhang Y.(通讯作者), van de Ven M.F.C., Molenaar A.A.A., Wu S., 2012. Increasing the service life of porous asphalt with rejuvenator, Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials: Design, Performance, and Application, Wuhan, China, October 201235. Wang H., Wu S., Chen M., & Zhang Y. Numerical simulation on the thermal response of heat-conducting asphalt pavements. Phys Scr, Vol. 2010, T139, 2010 (SCI收录, IF 2.151, JCR二区)36. Chen M., Wu S., Zhang Y., & Wang H. Effects of conductive fillers on temperature distribution of asphalt pavements. Phys Scr, Vol. 2010, T139, 2010 (SCI收录, IF 2.151, JCR二区)37. Wu S., Zhang Y., & Wang J. A novel potential flame-retarded bitumen: Nanoclay modified bitumen. Road Mater. Pavement Des., Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 115-128 (SCI收录, IF 1.980, JCR二区)38. Wu S., Zhang Y., & Chen M., 2009. Research on mechanical characteristics of conductive asphalt concrete by indirect tensile test, Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Singapore, November 200939. Wu S., Liu G., Wang J., & Zhang Y. Influence of nanoparticles modification on the properties of bitumen. Mater. Sci. Forum, Vol. 614, 2009, pp. 197-200 (SCI收录, IF 0.399, JCR四区)40. Liu C., Wu S., Wang H., & Zhang Y. Investigation on preparation and performance of micro-powder rubber modified asphalt. Mater. Sci. Forum, Vols. 620-622, 2009, pp. 351-354 (SCI收录, IF 0.399, JCR四区)41. Wu S., Wang J., & Zhang Y. Preparation and properties of Nanoclay /TPS /asphalt ternary binders. Mater. Sci. Forum, Vols. 620-622, 2009, pp. 497-500 (SCI收录, IF 0.399, JCR四区) 教学活动 本科专业核心课程《路面工程》本科全英课程《Engineering Materials》