

发布日期:2024-05-03 浏览次数:

更新日期:2024年3月18日 姓 名 张波 性 别 男 出生年月 1962年10月 籍贯 民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中国民主促进会会员 最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 工学博士 技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导 行政职务 Email epbzhang@scut.edu.cn 工作单位 电力学院 邮政编码 510641 通讯地址 广东省广州市天河区五山路381号30号楼 单位电话 020-87110613 个人简介 现为华南理工大学电力学院二级教授,“兴华学者人才计划”杰出学者,电力电子系统分析与控制团队负责人,IEEE Fellow,中国电源学会首届会士。 工作经历 1994年至今华南理工大学电力学院讲师、副教授(1995年)、教授(2000年)、博士生导师(2001年),历任701电机教研室副主任(1996-1998)、院长助理(1998-2007)、副院长(2008-2016)。1996.4-1998.11香港大学电机电子工程系;2005.11-2006.11美国IOWA州立大学电机电子工程系。 教育经历 1978.9-1982.7浙江大学电机专业本科学习,获工学学士学位1985.9-1988.7西南交通大学研究生学习,获工学硕士学位1991.4-1994.6南京航空航天大学博士研究生学习,获工学博士学位 获奖、荣誉称号 1、荣誉称号(1)国务院政府特殊津贴专家;(2)中达学者;(3)广东省丁颖科技奖获得者;(4)广东省杰出发明人奖;(5)广东省励志电网科技奖;(6)中国电力科技优秀工作者;(7)1998年南粤教坛新秀。2、科技获奖(1)2014年国家技术发明二等奖,排名第二;(2)2018年中国专利优秀奖,排名第一;(3)2016年中国专利优秀奖,排名第一;(4)2012年中国专利优秀奖,排名第一;(5)2016年中国机械工业科学技术奖(发明类)一等奖,排名第一;(6)2016年高等学校科学技术发明二等奖,排名第一;(7)2018年广东省科学技术奖(技术进步类)一等奖,排名第一;(8)2012年广东省科学技术奖(发明类)二等奖,排名第一;(9)2022年北京市科技进步二等奖,排名第二;(10)2021年中国专利优秀奖,排名第四。3、教学获奖(1)广东省教育教学成果二等奖,2020,排名第一; (2)第九届华南理工大学第九届教学成果一等奖,2019,排名第一;(3)第七届华南理工大学教学成果一等奖,2013,排名第一;(4)第六届年华南理工大学教学成果一等奖,2008,排名第一。4、研究生、本科生培养获奖(1)6次获得广东省、华南理工大学优秀博士、硕士论文指导教师称号;(2)指导研究生、本科生获得全国、广东省科技竞赛一等奖、二等奖20多次。 社会、学会及学术兼职 1、中国电源学会副理事长、副监事长;2、国家自然科学基金委员会专家评审组成员;3、国家科技奖评审专家;4、中国电源学会电磁兼容专业委员会主任;5、中国电源学会无线电能传输技术及装置专业委员会副主任;6、中国电工技术学会无线电能传输技术专业委员副主任;7、中国电工技术学会小功率电机专业委员会副主任;8、广东省电源学会理事长;9、广东省电力电子系统与装置标准委员会主任;10、广东省电源行业协会副会长;11、广东省政府参事。12、IEEE PELS广州分会主席历任全国政协委员、广东省人大常委、广东省政协常委、广东省青联委员,民进广东省副主委、民进中央委员。 研究领域 1、电力电子系统非线性特性分析、故障保护和控制;2、新能源发电系统高性能电力电子变换器构造和设计;3、无线电能传输机理及应用;4、智能电网中的电力电子技术;5、新能源汽车中的电力电子技术;6、柔性直流输电中的电力电子技术;7、直流微电网;8、多尺度、多物理场电力电子系统建模及分析。 科研项目 1、PT对称高频无铁芯变压器机理及关键技术研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目,52130705, 296万元,2021,项目负责人;2、分数阶电路系统谐振无线电能传输机理及关键问题研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目,51437005,2014,项目负责人;3、电力电子系统非线性分析与控制方法研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目,50937001,2009,项目负责人;4、高比例新能源场景下交直流混联电网的暂态稳定分析理论及控制方法—交直流混联电网电力电子设备控制性及系统多级安全稳定控制方法,国家自然科学基金联合基金集成项目子课题,U2166601,235/1280万,2022.1-2025.12,课题负责人;5、大容量电力电子装备多物理场综合分析及可靠性评估方法的研究-大容量电力电子装备多时间尺度耦合仿真方法及平台,国家重点研发计划项目,2018YFB0905800,2018,课题负责人;6、大容量高性能特种工业电源装置及其关键技术研究,十一五国家科技支撑计划,2008BAF34B09,2008,项目负责人;7、电化学行业高效电源装备及工艺过程控制的节能技术,863计划项目,2007AA05Z229,2007,项目负责人;8、混沌态DC-DC开关变换器电磁环境的量化描述及电磁污染控制,国家自然科学基金面上项目,60474066,2004,项目负责人;9、具有快速动态响应的永磁同步电动机反混沌控制机理研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,50177009,2001,项目负责人;10、基于混沌现象的交流传动系统不规则运动分析与控制,国家自然科学基金面上项目,59777008,1997,项目负责人;11、中英间歇性能源与大规模储能研讨会,国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,51381330148,2013,项目负责人;12、大功率LED智能驱动电源研制及产业化,广东省战略性新兴产业专项,20100819,2010,项目负责人;13、大功率LED驱动电源及控制集成系统,广东省粤港关键领域重点突破项目,2008BAF34B09,2008,项目负责人;14、高品质节能型医疗电源装置研制及产业化,广东省省部产学研结合项目,2009B090300363,2009,项目负责人;15、超低电压大电流计算机高频开关直流电源,广东省重点攻关项目,2002A1050103,2002,项目负责人;16、新能源高效电能变换,广东省自然科学基金团队项目,2017B030312001,2017,项目负责人;17、基于潜电路发生机理的电力电子系统动态故障诊断,广东省自然科学基金重点项目,8251064101000014,2008,项目负责人;18、开关变换器混沌抑制EMI量化模型及控制芯片技术,广东省自然科学基金重点项目,05103540,2005,项目负责人;19、应用反混沌控制提高永磁同步电动机动态响应特性的研究,广东省自然科学基金面上项目,011652,2002,项目负责人;20、交流传动系统混沌不规则运动分析与其可靠运行关系研究,广东省自然科学基金面上项目,980579,1998,项目负责人。此外,作为项目第二成员参加国家自然科学基金项目4项;主持企业委托技术开发项目20多项。 发表论文 在国内外刊物上发表论文600多篇,SCI收录230多篇、EI收录250多篇,部分论文如下:[1] Ru Yang, Bo Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu, Zuolian Liu. Time-Frequency and Wavelet Transforms of EMI Dynamic Spectrum in Chaotic Converter. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 24, no. 3-4, pp: 1083-1092, May 2009.[2] Xuemei Wang, Bo Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu. The Quantitative Characterization of Symbolic Series of a Boost Converter. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 26, no. 8, pp: 2101-2105, Aug. 2011.[3] Junfeng Han, Bo Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu. Bi-Switching Status Modeling Method for DC-DC Converters in CCM and DCM Operations. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 3, pp: 2464 - 2472, Mar. 2017.[4] Min Li, Bo Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu and Guidong Zhang. Sneak Circuit Phenomena in a DCM Boost Converter Considering Parasitic Parameters. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 5, pp: 3946-3958, May 2017.[5] Guidong Zhang, Herbert Ho-Ching Iu, Bo Zhang, Zhong Li, Tyrone Fernando, Sizhe Chen, and Yun Zhang. An Impedance Networks Boost Converter with High-voltage Gain. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 9, pp: 6661-6665, Sep. 2017.[6] Xi Chen, Yanfeng Chen, Bo Zhang, and Dongyuan Qiu. A Modeling and Analysis Method for Fractional-order DC-DC Converters. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 9, pp: 7034 - 7044, Sep. 2017[7] Neng Zhang, Guigong Zhang, Khay Wai See, and Bo Zhang. A Single-Switch Quadratic Buck-Boost Converter with Continuous Input and Output Currents. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 33, no. 5, pp: 4157-4166, May 2018.[8] Guidong Zhang, Zhiyang Wang, Herbert Ho-Ching Iu, Sizhe Chen, Yuanmao Ye, Bo Zhang, and Yun Zhang. Unique Modular Structure of Multi-Cell High-Boost Converters with Reduced Component Currents. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 33, no. 9, pp:7795-7804, Sep. 2018.[9] Hong Li, Yangbin Zeng, Bo Zhang, Qionglin Zheng, Ruixiang Hao, and Zhichang Yang. An Improved H5 Topology with Low Common-mode Current for Transformerless PV Grid-connected Inverter. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no.2, pp: 1254-1265, Feb. 2019.[10] Xiaoquan Zhu, Bo Zhang, and Dongyuan Qiu. A New Half-Bridge Impedance Source Inverter with High Voltage Gain. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no.4, pp: 3001-3008, Apr 2019. [11] Guidong Zhang, Zhiyang Wang, Samson Shenglong Yu, Sizhe Chen, Bo Zhang, Herbert Ho-Ching Iu, and Yun Zhang. A Generalized Additional Voltage Pumping Solution (GAVPS) for High-Step-Up Converters. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no.7, pp: 6456 - 6467, Jul. 2019.[12] Jiang Yanwei and Bo Zhang. A Fractional-order Wireless Power Transfer System Insensitive to Resonant Frequency. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 5, pp: 5496-5505, May 2020.[13] Lihao Wu, Bo Zhang, Jiali Zhou. Efficiency Improvement of the Parity-Time-Symmetric Wireless Power Transfer System for Electric Vehicle Charging. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 11, pp: 12497-12508, Apr. 2020.[14] Guidong Zhang, Siyuan Zou, Samson Shenglong Yu, Si-Zhe Chen, Bo Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu, and Yun Zhang. Enhanced One-Cycle Control for Multi-cell Power Converters. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 8, pp: 8846-8855, Aug. 2020. [15] Pingan Tan, Tao Peng, Xieping Gao, Bo Zhang. Flexible Combination and Switching Control for Robust Wireless Power Transfer System with Hexagonal Array Coil. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 4, pp: 3868-3882, Apr. 2021.[16] Xujian Shu, Bo Zhang, Zhihao Wei, Chao Rong, Shubin Sun. Extended-Distance Wireless Power Transfer System with Constant Output Power and Transfer Efficiency Based on Parity-Time-Symmetric Principle. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 8, pp: 8861-8871, Aug. 2021.[17] Zhihao Wei, Bo Zhang. Transmission Range Extension of PT-Symmetry-Based Wireless Power Transfer System. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 10, pp: 11135-11147, Oct. 2021.[18] Yuan Chen, Bo Zhang, Fan Xie, Dongyuan Qiu and Yanfeng Chen. The Time-Invariant Polynomial Model of Fixed-Frequency PWM DC-DC Converter Applying Normalized Coordinate Transformation. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 11, pp: 13200-13214, Nov. 2021.[19] Hong Li, Yuhang Ding, Chongmo Zhang, Zhichang Yang, Zhichao Yang and Bo Zhang. A Compact EMI Filter Design by Reducing the Common-Mode Inductance with Chaotic PWM Technique. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 1, pp: 473-484, Jan. 2022.[20] Dongyuan Qiu, Changhai Yuan, Bo Zhang, Mingbin Ke, Yanfeng Chen, Fan Xie. An Improved Electric Spring Topology Based on LCL Filter. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 5, pp: 5984-5994, May 2022.[21] Huali Yv, Fan Xie, Yanfeng Chen, Bo Zhang, Zhihao Wei. Small-Step Discretization Method for Modeling and Stability Analysis of Cascaded DC-DC Converters with Considering Different Switching Frequencies. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 8, pp: 8855- 8872, Aug. 2022.[22] Chao Rong, Bo Zhang, Yanwei Jiang, Xujian Shu, Zhihao Wei. A Misalignment-Tolerant Fractional-order Wireless Charging system with Constant Current or Voltage Output.  IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 9, pp: 11356-11368, Sept. 2022.[23] Libin Zeng, Yanfeng Chen, Bo Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu. Accurate Modeling of the VHF Resonant Boost Converter Considering Multiple Parasitic Parameters. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 12, pp: 14902-14915, Dec. 2022.[24] Yufu Qu, Bo Zhang, Guwen Chao, Xujian Shu. Wireless Power Transfer System with High-Order Compensation Network Based on Parity-Time-Symmetric Principle and Relay Coil. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 38, no. 1, pp: 1314-1323, Jan. 2023.[25] Xinyue Geng, Fan Xie Yanfeng Chen, Bo Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu, Yanfeng Chen, Runnan Wang. Identifying Coexisting Attractors and Quantifying Dynamics Characteristics of DC-DC Converter Based on Improved Variational Mode Decomposition and Wavelet Transform. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 38, no. 3, pp: 3928-3938, March 2023.[26] Fan Xie, Bo Zhang, Ru Yang, and H. C. Iu. Detecting Bifurcation Types and Characterizing Stability in DC-DC Switching Converters by Duplicate Symbolic Sequence and Weight Complexity. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 60, no. 8, pp: 3145-3156, Aug. 2013.[27] Guidong Zhang, Zhong Li, Bo Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu, Wenxun Xiao, and Wolfgang A. Halang. A Z-Source Half-Bridge Converter. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 61, no. 3, pp: 1269-1279, Mar. 2014.[28] Guidong Zhang, Bo Zhang, Zhong Li, Dongyuan Qiu, Liqiang Yang, and W A. Halang. A 3-Z-Network Boost Converter. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 62, no. 1, pp: 278-288, Jan. 2015.[29] Hanyun Shen, Bo Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu, and Liping Zhou. A Common Grounded Z-Source DC-DC Converter with High Voltage Gain. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 63, no. 5, pp: 2925-2935, May. 2016.[30] Hanyun Shen, Bo Zhang, and Dongyuan Qiu. Hybrid Z-Source Boost DC-DC Converters. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 64, no. 1, pp: 310-319, Jan. 2017.[31] Gongjun Liu, Bo Zhang, and Dongyuan Qiu. Discussion on “Expansion of the Ohm’s Law in Nonsinusoidal AC Circuit”. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 64, no. 2, pp: 1620-1622, Feb. 2017. [32] Hong Li, Zhichang Yang, Boyu Wang, Vassilios G. Agelidis, and Bo Zhang. On Thermal Impact of Chaotic Frequency Modulation SPWM Techniques. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 64, no. 3, pp: 2032-2043, Mar. 2017.[33] Guozheng Li, and Bo Zhang. A Novel Weak Signal Detection Method via Chaotic Synchronization Using Chua's Circuit. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 64, no. 3, pp: 2255-2265, Mar. 2017.[34] Lei Wang, and Bo Zhang. A Novel Valley-Fill Single-Stage Boost-Forward Converter with Optimized Performance in Universal-Line Range for Dimmable LED Lighting. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 64, no. 4, pp: 2770-2778, Apr. 2017.[35] Yanfen Wang, Ru Yang, Bo Zhang, and Wei Hu. Smale Horseshoes and Symbolic Dynamics in Buck-boost DC-DC Converter. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 68, no. 1, pp: 800-809, Jan. 2018.[36] Yanwei Jiang, and Bo Zhang. A High Power Fractional-Order Capacitor with 1<α<2 Based on Power Converter. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 65, no. 4, pp: 3157-3164, Apr. 2018.[37] Wenbin Wang, Bo Zhang, and Fan Xie. A Novel SVPWM for Three-Level NPC Inverter Based on m-Mode Controllability. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 65, no. 8, pp: 6055-6065, Aug. 2018.[38] Zhu Chen, Yanfeng Chen, and Bo Zhang. An Equivalent Voltage Source Placement Rule for Impedance Source Network and Performance Assessment. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 65, no. 10, pp: 8382-8392, Oct. 2018.[39] Yuanwei Gu, Yanfeng Chen, and Bo Zhang. Enhanced-boost Quasi-z-source Inverter with an Active Switched Z-network. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 65, no. 10, pp: 8372-8381, Oct. 2018.[40] Jiali Zhou, Bo Zhang, Wenxun Xiao, Dongyuan Qiu, and Yanfeng Chen. Nonlinear Parity-time-symmetric Model for Constant Efficiency Wireless Power Transfer: Application to a Drone-in-flight Wireless Charging Platform. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 66, no.5, pp: 4097-4107, May 2019. [41] Yanfeng Chen, Wenxuan Xiao, Zhipeng Guan, Bo Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu, and Meiyu Wu. Nonlinear Modeling and Harmonic Analysis of Magnetic Resonant WPT System Based on Equivalent Small Parameter Method. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 66, no. 8, pp: 6604-6612, Aug. 2019.[42] Guidong Zhang, Jie Chen, Samson Shenglong Yu, Dongyuan Qiu, Bo Zhang, Herbert Iu, Tyrone Fernando, Yun Zhang. A Waveform-Subtraction Based Single-Stage Ripple-Suppression Converter Family for Multiple Waveform Generation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 67, no. 3, pp: 1890-1898, Mar. 2020.[43] Yangbin Zeng, Hong Li, Wencai Wang, Bo Zhang, Trillion Q. Zheng. High-Efficient High-Voltage-Gain Capacitor Clamped DC-DC Converters and Their Construction Method. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 68, no. 5, pp: 3992-4003, May 2021.[44] Jialin Luo, Wenxun Xiao, Guidong Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu, Bo Zhang, Fan Xie, Yanfeng Chen. Novel Cuk-Based Bridgeless Rectifier of Wireless Power Transfer System with Wide Power Modulation Range and Low Current Ripple. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 69, no. 3, pp: 2533-2544, Mar. 2022.[45] Shubin Sun, Bo Zhang, Chao Rong, Xujian Shu, Zhihao Wei. A Multireceiver Wireless Power Transfer System Using Self-Oscillating Source Composed of Zero-Voltage Switching Full-Bridge Inverter. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 69, no. 3, pp: 2885-2895, Mar. 2022.[46] Lihao Wu, Bo Zhang, Yanwei Jiang. Position-Independent CC/CV Wireless EV Charging System Without Dual-Side Communication and DC-DC Converter. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 69, no. 8, pp: 7930-7939, Aug. 2022.[47] Wenjie Ma, Bo Zhang. Periodic Time-triggered Hybrid Control for DC/DC Converter Based on Switched Affine. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 70, no. 1, pp: 311-321, Jan. 2023.[48] Wenjie Ma, Bo Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu, Huadong Sun. Switching Control Strategy for DC-DC Converters Based on Polynomial Lyapunov Function and Sum-of-Squares Approach. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 70, no. 4, pp: 3663-3673, April 2023.[49] Chao Cheng, Fan Xie, Bo Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu, Wenxun Xiao, Huayv Ji. Modeling and Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Cascaded DC-DC Converter Systems Based on Simplified Discrete Mapping. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 70, no. 6, pp: 5830-5839, June 2023.[50] Zhong Li, Jin Bae Park, Young Hoon Joo, Bo Zhang, and Guanrong Chen. Bifurcations and Chaos in a Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, vol. 49, no. 3, pp: 383-387, Aug. 2002.[51] Hong Li, Zhong Li, Wolfgang A. Halang, Bo Zhang, and Guanrong Chen. Analyzing chaotic spectra of DC-DC converters using the Prony method. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II-Express Briefs, vol. 54, no. 1, pp: 61-65, Jan. 2007.[52] Duqu Wei, Bo Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu, and Xiaoshu Luo. Effects of Current Time-Delayed Feedback on the Dynamics of a Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II-Express Briefs, vol. 57, no. 6, pp: 456-460, Jun. 2010.[53] Fan Xie, Ru Yang, and Bo Zhang. Bifurcation and Border Collision Analysis of Voltage-Mode-Controlled Flyback Converter Based on Total Ampere-Turns. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-Express Briefs, vol. 58, no. 9, pp: 2269-2280, Sep. 2011.[54] Duqu Wei, Bo Zhang, Xiaoshu Luo, Shangyou Zeng, and Dongyuan Qiu. Effects of Couplings on the Collective Dynamics of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II-Express Briefs, vol. 60, no. 10, pp: 692-696, Oct. 2013.[55] Fan Xie, Bo Zhang, Ru Yang, and Dongyuan Qiu. Quantifying the Complexity of DC-DC Switching Converters by Joint Entropy. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II-Express Briefs, vol. 61, no. 8, pp: 579-583, Aug. 2014.[56] Xianhui Mai, Duqu Wei, Bo Zhang, Xiaoshu Luo. Controlling Chaos in Complex Motor Networks by Environment. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II-Express Briefs, vol. 62, no. 6, pp: 603-607, Jun. 2015.[57] Dongdong Wang, Bo Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu, Fan Xie, and Duqu Wei. Stability Analysis of the Coupled Synchronous Reluctance Motor Drives. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 64, no. 2, pp: 196-200, Feb. 2017.[58] Dongdong Wang, Bo Zhang, Fan Xie, and Dongyuan Qiu. On the Super-Lorenz Chaotic Model for the Virtual Synchronous Generators. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 65, no. 4, pp: 511-515, Apr. 2018.[59] Gongjun Liu, and Bo Zhang. Analytical Model of a 25-50m Robust Single-wire Electric-field Coupling Power Transfer System Using a Limiter. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 66, no. 6, pp: 978-982, Jun 2019.[60] Yanwei Jiang and Bo Zhang. Comparative Study of Riemann-Liouville and Caputo Derivative Definitions in Time-Domain Analysis of Fractional-order Capacitor. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 67, no. 10, pp: 2184-2188, Oct. 2020.[61] Chao Rong, Bo Zhang and Yanwei Jiang. Analysis of a Fractional-Order Wireless Power Transfer System. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 67, no. 10, pp: 1755-1759, Oct. 2020. [62] Weiyue Zhang, Bo Zhang, Siqi Li. A Wide-Stable-Region Logarithm-Type Slope Compensation for Peak-Current-Mode Controlled Boost Converter. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, Vol. 69, No. 6, pp: 2927- 2931, June 2022.[63] Wenjie Ma, Yuanpeng Guan, Bo Zhang. Active Disturbance Rejection Control Based Control Strategy for Virtual Synchronous Generators. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 35, no. 4, pp: 1747-1761, Dec. 2020.[64] Yuanwei Gu, Yanfeng Chen, Bo Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu, and Fan Xie. 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IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, vol. 9, no. 4, pp: 10-28, Fourth Quarter 2009. 出版专著和教材 1、Bo Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu, Sneak Circuits of Power Electronics Converters,IEEE-Wiley Press,20142、Bo Zhang, Xuemei Wang, Chaos Analysis and Chaotic EMI Suppression of DC-DC Converters,IEEE-Wiley Press,2014 3、Bo Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu, Multi-terminal High-voltage Converter,IEEE-Wiley Press,20184、Bo Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu, m-Mode SVPWM Technique for Power Converters,Springer,20185、Bo Zhang ,Xujian Shu, Fractional-Order Electrical Circuit Theory, Springer,20226、Yanfeng Chen, Bo Zhang, Equivalent-Small-Parameter Analysis of DC-DC Switched-Mode Converter,Springer,20187、Guidong Zhang, Bo Zhang,Zhong Li, Designing Impedance Networks Converters,Springer,20188、张波, 黄润鸿 ,疏许键,无线电能传输原理, 科学出版社,2018 9、张波,谢帆,电力电子变换器分岔和混沌,科学出版社,201810、张波、丘东元,电力电子学基础,机械工业出版社,“十三五”国家重点出版物出版规划项目, 2020 科研创新 获得美国发明专利3件,中国发明专利230多项。 教学活动 主讲电力电子技术、电力电子前沿技术、电力电子概论、先进控制技术、新能源技术、交流电机高性能控制等课程。 指导学生情况 已培养博士后5人、毕业博士33人、硕士125人,此外还接收国内访问学者10余人。毕业学生中1人为洪堡学者、1人为全国三八红旗手、1人为国家自然科学杰出基金获得者、1人为国家自然科学优秀青年基金获得者、1人为省青年科技奖获得者、1人为广东省自然科学杰出基金获得者;10多人成为国内外高校教授、博士生导师;多人担任高校学院院长、副院长;6人获得广东省、华南理工大学优秀博士、硕士论文;众多学生担任国内外企业总经理、董事长和技术高管。 我的团队 团队共有8名成员,其中博士生导师5人;教授4人、副教授2人;讲师2人,团队平均每年有50名博士后、博士和硕士研究生在读。团队连续三个考核期(15年)获得优秀,其中获得特别优秀团队1次。

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