

发布日期:2024-05-10 浏览次数:

个人简历 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 宫晓博 副教授,硕士生导师 哈尔滨工业大学(威海)-海洋工程学院 Email: xiaobogong@hit.edu.cn, xbgonghit@163.com 教授课程 名称 船舶结构力学 Ansys流动仿真 研究领域 名称 智能材料与结构力学:围绕变体飞行器和智能风电叶片的柔性变形需求,开展智能变形结构的设计与研制工作; 水下智能装备:从事水下机器人(AUV/ROV), 海洋结构物健康监测系统研发 代表性论文 名称 Gong Xiaobo, Xie F, Liu L, Liu Y, & Leng J. (2020) Electro-active Variable-Stiffness Corrugated Structure Based on Shape-Memory Polymer Composite. Polymers, 12-2-378 Liu W, Li H, Zhang J, Gong Xiaobo, Wang Y, & Ge X. (2020) Tensile and shear properties of star-shaped cellular lattice structure. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 1537-6494 Gong Xiaobo, Liu L, Liu Y, & Leng J. (2017). Variable stiffness corrugated composite structure with shape memory polymer for morphing skin applications. Smart Materials and Structures, Xie F, Liu L, Gong, Xiaobo, Huang L, Leng J & Liu Y. Effects of accelerated aging on thermal, mechanical and shape memory properties of cyanate-based shape memory polymer: I vacuum ultraviolet radiation. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 138, 91-97 Gong Xiaobo, Liu L, Scarpa F, et al. Variable stiffness corrugated composite structure with shape memory polymer for morphing skin applications[J]. Smart Material Structures, 26 (2017), 035052. Gong, Xiaobo, Liu, L., Liu, Y., & Leng, J. (2016). An electrical-heating and self-sensing shape memory polymer composite incorporated with carbon fiber felt. Smart Materials and Structures, 25 (2016), 035036. Gong, Xiaobo, Huang, J., Scarpa, F., Liu, Y., & Leng, J. (2015). Zero Poisson's ratio cellular structure for two-dimensional morphing applications. Composite structures, 134(2015), 384-392. Huang, J., Gong, Xiaobo, Zhang, Q., Scarpa, F., Liu, Y., & Leng, J. (2016). In-plane mechanics of a novel zero Poisson's ratio honeycomb core. Composites Part B: Engineering, 89, 67-76.

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