

发布日期:2024-05-10 浏览次数:

基本信息 方向与学生培养 论文情况 新建主栏目 论文期刊 论文标题 Coordinated matrix deformation induced ductility in multilayer graphene/aluminum composites 作者 Boyu Ju, Zhenhe Yu, Huasong Gou, Wenshu Yang, Guoqin Chen, Gaohui Wu 发表时间 2023 期刊名称 Carbon 期卷 202 (2023) 31–40 简单介绍 A new strategy to improve strength and ductility by coordinated deformation mechanism of multilayer graphene(MLG) in graphene/aluminum composite was proposed, and the coordinated deformation induced ductility inMLG/Al composite by in-situ tensile tests in this work. Fabricated by a three-step powder metallurgy routes,including flaky ball-milling, horizontal sintering by spark plasma sintering and vertical hot-extrusion, themicrostructure of densely distributed MLG with aligned orientation in aluminum matrix was achieved in theMLG/Al composite to take full advantage of MLG in enhancing ductility. Besides 22% and 15% increment inyield and tensile strength, the composite exhibited exciting 11% increment in ductility, which originated fromgood uniform elongation (6.8%) and especially excellent post-necking elongation (9.5%) which was increased69% than that of the Al matrix. The evolution behavior of graphene during deformation was analyzed by in-situTEM. In-situ analysis revealed that the premature fracture before necking was suppressed by rotation andstraightening of MLG, while the post-necking elongation was improved substantially by the crack bridging,interlayer sliding and asynchronous delamination fracture of the MLG. Distinguished to the traditional characteristicsof dimples, fractured MLGs were mainly distributed along tear ridge 论文标题 Effect of interfacial microstructure on the mechanical properties of GNPs/Al composites 作者 Boyu Ju, Wenshu Yang, Puzhen Shao, Murid Hussain, Qiang Zhang, Ziyang Xiu, Xuwei Hou, Jing Qiao, Gaohui Wu 发表时间 2020 期刊名称 Carbon 期卷 162 (2020) 346e355 简单介绍 The interfacial bonding affects the performance of Graphene/Al matrix composites significantly. However,the relationship between interfacial structure and mechanical properties has not been fully understoodyet. In the present work, the GNPs/Al composites were prepared by pressure infiltrationmethod, and the interface structure of Graphene-Al2O3eAl and graphene-(Al4C3, Al2OC)eAl was preparedby addition of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) as process control agent (PCA). The tensile strength ofthe GNPs/Al composite material with Al2O3 interfacial bonding was 303 MPa, which was about 30%higher than that with Al4C3 and Al2OC interface. Moreover, calculated by first-principle, it has been foundthat the interfacial shear strength of the graphene-Al2O3eAl interface (378 MPa) was much higher thanthat of graphene-Al (37 MPa), graphene-Al4C3 (83 MPa) and graphene-Al2OC (66 MPa), which leads tothe improved mechanical properties. 论文标题 Anisotropic microstructure and mechanical properties of as-forged (Ti, Nb) B/Ti2AlNb composites 作者 Boyu Ju, Ningbo Zhang, Taiqing Deng, Junhai Zhan, Daqing Zhang, Haiyan Xu, Caogen Yao, Zhijun Wang, Mingda Liu, Guoqin Chen, Ziyang Xiu, Wenshu Yang 发表时间 2023 期刊名称 Materials Science & Engineering A 期卷 872 (2023) 144935 简单介绍 In situ boride reinforced Ti2AlNb-based composites are a new type of lightweight material that has excellenthigh-temperature performance exceeding that of Ti-based composites. Forging is one of the effective methods toimprove the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti2AlNb-based composites. After forging, the mechanicalproperties of the composites exhibit evident anisotropy, but the anisotropic mechanism remains unclear.In this study, the anisotropic mechanical properties of the as-forged (Ti, Nb)B/Ti2AlNb composite and its formationmechanism were investigated. It was found that the as-forged composite possessed higher yield strengthalong the radial direction (RD) and better plasticity along the compression direction (CD). The microstructuralanalysis results demonstrated that the O phase formed [100]O//CD fiber texture, and the (Ti, Nb)B reinforcementexhibited [010](Ti, Nb)B//RD fiber texture in the as-forged composite. The analysis based on In-Grain MisorientationAxes (IGMA) suggested that the {1 1 0}<110> was the main activated slip system of the O phase duringthe deformation. The difference in both the Schmid factor of {11 0}<110> slip system caused by the [100]O//CDtexture and the strengthening efficiency induced by [010](Ti, Nb)B//RD texture led to the anisotropy of yieldstrength. The anisotropy of prior particle boundaries (PPBs) contributed to the different crack propagation modesof the as-forged composite under different loading directions, resulting in plastic anisotropy. 论文标题 Enhanced mechanical properties of GNPs/6061Al composites by Si atoms repairing the graphene defects: The first-principle calculation and experiment 作者 Boyu Ju, Wenshu Yang, Ziyang Xiu, Boyang Zhao, Ningbo Zhang, Qiang Zhang, Jing Qiao, Gaohui Wu 发表时间 2022 期刊名称 Applied Surface Science 期卷 585 (2022) 152640 简单介绍 The mechanical properties of graphene are significantly affected by its in-plane holes defects. Studies have foundthat Si element was expected to spontaneously dope into the hole defects of graphene during the materialprocessing process to increase the strength of graphene containing hole defects. First-principle calculated thatwhen 2% and 10% Si doped into graphene, the strength was increased by 7% and 13% compared with graphenecontaining hole defects. In this paper, the Si atoms decomposed from PDMS at high temperature were used torealize the preparation of Si modified graphene/Al composites. Raman and XPS found that under the condition oflong-term heat preservation at 600 ?C, the content of hole defects in graphene decreased, and a new Si-C bondwas produced. Under the joint action of graphene defect regulation and other strengthening mechanisms, thetensile strength of the composites has increased 9.4% from 338 MPa to 370 MPa, and the yield strength increasedby 10.7%, while the plasticity did not decrease significantly. The performance improvement of the compositeswas due to the Si modification, which caused the strength of graphene to be improved compared with graphenecontaining holes. 论文标题 Preparation and fracture behavior of bionic layered SiCp/Al composites by tape casting and pressure infiltration 作者 Qiqi Zhao, Boyu Ju, Tingting Guo, Wenshu Yang, Pengchao Kang, Wei Xue, Hao Liu, Ziyang Xiu, Guoqin Chen, Longtao Jiang, Gaohui Wu 发表时间 2023 期刊名称 Ceramics International 期卷 49 (2023) 9060–9068 简单介绍 In this study, the bioinspired laminated composites with alternating soft Al layers and hard SiCp/Al werefabricated through the tape casting followed by pressure infiltration. In-situ bending and digital image correlationtechnology (DIC) analysis were carried out on the laminated composites. The results showed that theuniform layers of SiCp/Al and Al were obtained with the thickness of 30 μm and 10 μm, respectively. The interfacesbetween layers had an intimated combination. The bending deformation process of the laminatedcomposites could be divided into three stages, i.e., crack initiation, crack stable diffusion and crack propagationinstability. During deformation, the laminated structure changed the state of strain and strain distribution,further restricted the development of the crack, and the whole materials presented a stepped fracture. This studyprovides support for preparation and fracture process analysis of biomimetic layered composites prepared bytape casting. 论文标题 纳米复合材料界面调控与强化机制研究进展 作者 鞠渤宇,杨文澍,武高辉 发表时间 2020 期刊名称 中国材料进展 期卷 39, 9 简单介绍 基本信息 名称 围绕金属基复合材料发展前沿问题,开展纳米铝基复合材料研究。第一作者/通讯作者发表论文20篇,授权国家发明专利6项;研制的新型纳米铝基复合材料正在我国新一代装备上开展应用研究。 提出通过Si基过程控制剂聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)抑制石墨烯-铝界面反应的设计方法,实现Al2O3界面层(310~630 MPa)、Al4SiC4界面层(83~85 MPa)在石墨烯/铝复合材料中原位制备的技术路线,揭示了聚二甲基硅氧烷分解产物抑制C-Al界面反应的动力学机制,解决了抑制脆性相Al4C3生成的关键问题。 开展第一性原理模拟研究,计算了多种复合材料界面结构(直接结合界面、反应结合界面、过渡层结合界面)的物理性质,采用特征参数“界面剪切强度”实现了界面结合性能的量化评估。筛选了强结合界面体系,指导开展复合材料界面调控;解决了弱界面结合石墨烯/铝复合材料中石墨烯强化效率低的关键问题。 根据界面剪切强度(τi)与基体屈服强度(σm)的关系,提出了“τi/σm>0.5”作为强结合界面的筛选指标,阐明了界面-基体之间的强度匹配性问题,构建了同时适用于弱结合界面(直接结合界面)和强结合界面(Al2O3、Al4SiC4过渡层界面)的剪切滞后表观强化模型,较为准确的预测了GNPs/Al复合材料屈服强度;模型有效量化分析石墨烯强化效率的诸多影响因素,解决了石墨烯/铝复合材料设计缺乏理论指导的问题,为石墨烯/Al复合材料的成分设计、界面结构优化及性能调控提供理论依据。 工作经历 名称 2023.04-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 硕士生导师 2022.09-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 材料科学与工程 讲师/助理教授 教育经历 名称 2017.09-2022.07 哈尔滨工业大学 材料学 博士 2013.09-2017.07 哈尔滨工业大学 化工与化学学院 学士 研究领域 名称 1、面向特定性能需求的纳米铝基复合材料的界面效应及多尺度强韧化机制研究 2、高强韧石墨烯/铝复合材料界面结构调控与强化机制 招生信息 名称 本科生招生:招收材料学本科生1~2名。 硕士招生:招收硕士研究生1~2名,欢迎材料、物理、化学等相关专业的同学们。 有意者可以联系juby@hit.edu.cn,欢迎各位同学前来咨询。

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