

发布日期:2024-05-10 浏览次数:

基本信息 教育教学 科学研究 论文专著 高速撞击动力学实验室简介 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 张伟,男,汉族,1964年生,内蒙古赤峰市人。工学博士,教授,固体力学学科博士生导师;哈尔滨工业大学航天学院高速撞击动力学实验室。 教育经历 名称 1987年, 东北林业大学机械设计与制造专业,获工学学士学位 1989年, 东北林业大学机械设计及理论学科, 获工学硕士学位 2000年,哈尔滨工业大学飞行器设计学科,获工学博士学位 工作经历 名称 1993.12-1997.06:哈尔滨工业大学汽车学院讲师; 1997.06-1999.07:哈尔滨工业大学航天学院讲师; 1998.10-1999.02:俄罗斯萨玛拉航空航天大学飞行器设计系进修空间站设计技术; 2000.07-2000.11:俄罗斯萨玛拉航空航天大学飞行器设计系进修航天器防护技术; 1999.08-2004.08:哈尔滨工业大学航天学院副教授; 2004.08-目前:哈尔滨工业大学航天学院教授; 2005- 目前:哈尔滨工业大学航天学院固体力学学科博士生导师; 2008.1~2008.4 英国曼彻斯特大学 访问学者。 教学工作 名称 为本科生和研究生讲授飞行器优化设计、结构优化设计理论与方法等课程 招生信息 名称 博士生招生: 每年计划招收力学学科博士研究生2名 从事高速撞击动力学及其模拟技术、材料动态力学性能、侵彻穿甲、爆炸毁伤效应等方向科学研究工作 硕士招生: 每年计划招收力学学科硕士研究生2名 主要面向力学、机械和航天工程等相关专业方向招生 热情欢迎大家报考!加入我们团队! 毕业的博士研究生及去向 肖新科,南阳理工学院; 郭子涛,中国矿业大学; 慕忠成,上海交通大学; 任 鹏,江苏科技大学; 邓云飞,中国民航大学; 魏 刚,中国民航大学; 蔡宣明,中北大学; 张艳艳,中国民用航空飞行学院; 高玉波,中北大学; 黄 威,华中科技大学 叶 楠,河北工业大学 谢文波,中国电建集团昆明勘测设计研究院 李达诚,中国飞机强度研究所 主要研究方向 名称 超高速撞击动力学理论及其模拟技术研究; 材料动态力学性能研究; 侵彻毁伤力学; 爆炸毁伤效应研究; 外物与飞行器高速撞击毁伤特性研究; 高速粒子侵蚀效应研究; 微生物及种子在极端环境下的生存性研究。 主持的主要科研项目: 1. ******毁伤侵彻机理研究,******研究重点项目, 2006.01-2010.12 2. 金属动能弹失效模式及机理研究,国家自然科学基金,2011.01-2013.12 3. 非药式水下冲击波作用下夹层结构力学响应与毁伤机理研究, 国家自然科学基金,2014.01-2017.12 4.动态力学性能研究,中国航天科技集团-哈工大联合技术创新重点项目,2013.01-2016.12 5. 动能弹体跨声速斜入水弹道稳定及机理研究,国家自然科学基金,2017.01-2020.12 6. 非药式水下冲击波与高速破片耦合加载结构响应及毁伤机理研究,国家自然科学基金,2019.01-2022.12 已授权发明专利: (1) 张伟,王聪,魏刚,孙钊,一种可转动的轻气炮装置,2016.3.16,中国,ZL201410765306.6。 (2) 张伟,任鹏,魏刚,一种双密封破膜器,2015.2.18,ZL201310275164.0。 (3) 张伟,魏刚,任鹏,冯恩举,一种小型二级轻气炮,2014.12.17,ZL201310279413.3。 (4) 张伟,任鹏,一种柱形非药式水下爆炸冲击波等效加载实验装置,2015.12.9,ZL201310275300.6。 (5)张伟,姜雄文等。非药式水下爆炸冲击波与高速破片耦合加载的实验系统 ,2018.11.27, ZL201811426190.8 (6)张伟,姜雄文等。模拟爆炸冲击波与高速破片耦合载荷的轻气炮发射装置,2019.06.24,ZL201910549016.0 (7)张伟 李达诚 姜雄文等.空气炮鸟撞试验装置。2019.07.24,ZL201910673653.9 (8)张伟,赵庚,姜雄文,陈拓,魏宏健,徐施佳,单宝路,冯文举。一种用于冲击波高速数字阴影成像的可视化装置。2021.02.02,ZL202110142294.1 论著成果 名称 发表的主要论文如下: 1. Xinke Xiao, Wei Zhang, Gang Wei, Zhongcheng Mu. Effect of projectile hardness on deformation and fracture behavior in the Taylor impact test. Materials & Design. 2010; 31(10):4913-4920. 2. Xinke Xiao, Wei Zhang, Gang Wei, Zhongcheng Mu. Experimental and numerical investigation on the deformation and failure in the Taylor Test. Materials & Design. 2011; 32(5): 2663-2674. 3. ZhongCheng Mu, Wei Zhang. An investigation on mass of ogival projectiles penetrating concrete targets. International Journal of Impact Engineering 2011; 38(8-9): 770-778. 4. ZhongCheng Mu, A. N. Dancygier, Wei Zhang, D. Z. Yankelevsky. Revisiting the dynamic compressive behavior of concrete-like materials. International Journal of Impact Engineering,2012; 49: 91-102. 5. Wei Zhang, Yunfei Deng, Zongsheng Cao, Gang Wei. Experimental Investigations on the Ballistic Performance of Monolithic and Layered Metal Plates Subjected to Impact by Blunt Rigid Projectiles. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2012, 49: 115-129. 6. Yunfei Deng, Wei Zhang, Zongsheng Cao. Experimental investigation on the ballistic resistance of monolithic and multi-layered plates against hemispherical-nosed projectiles impact. Materials and Design 2012, 41:266–281. 7. Yunfei Deng, Wei Zhang, Zongsheng Cao. Experimental investigation on the ballistic resistance of monolithic and multi-layered plates against ogival-nosed rigid projectiles impact. Materials and Design. 2013, 44:228-239. 8. Yunfei Deng, Wei Zhang, Zongsheng Cao. The ballistic performance of metal plates subjected to impact by blunt-nosed projectiles of different strength. Materials and Design. 2014, 54:1056–1067 9. Deng Yunfei, Zhang Wei, Yang Yonggang, Wei Gang. The ballistic performance of metal plates subjected to impact by projectiles of different strength. Materials and Design. 2014,58:305-315 10. Deng Yunfei, Zhang Wei, Yang Yonggang, Shi Lizhong, Wei gang.Experimental investigation on the ballistic performance of double-layered plates subjected to impact by projectile of high strength. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2014, 70:38-49 11. Zitao Guo, Wei Zhang, Xinke Xiao, Gang Wei, Peng Ren. An investigation into horizontal water entry behaviors of projectiles with different nose shapes. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2012, 49:43-60. (SCI000308623800005) 12. Zitao Guo, Wei Zhang. Experimental and theoretical study on the high-speed horizontal water entry behaviors of cylindrical projectiles. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 2012, 24(2): 217-225. 13. Gang Wei , Wei Zhang**, Wei Huang, Nan Ye, Yubo Gao, Yugang Ni. Effect of strength and ductility on deformation and fracture of three kinds of aluminum alloys during Taylor tests. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2014,73:75-90 14. Yubo Gao , Wei Zhang , Gang Wei, Yugang Ni, Xuanming Cai, Nan Ye, Wei Huang. A new method for Hugoniot equation of state of polycarbonate. Measurement, 2015,68:246-256 15. Huang Wei, Zhang Wei, Guo Zitao, Ren Peng, Li Dacheng, Ye Nan, Gao Yubo. An Experimental Investigation of Water-Filled Tank Subjected to Horizontal High Speed Impact. Experimental Mechanics, 2015, 55:1123-1138 16. Cai Xuanming, Zhang Wei. Initiation and energy release characteristics studies on polymer bonded explosive materials under high speed impact. Materials and Design. 2015, 68:18–23 17. Yubo Gao, Tiegang Tang, Chenhong Yi, Wei Zhang, Dacheng Li, Wenbo Xie, Wei Huang, Nan Ye. Study of static and dynamic behavior of TiB2–B4C composite. Materials and Design. 2016, 92:814–822 18. Wei Huang, Bin Jia, Wei Zhang*, Xianglin Huang, Dacheng Li, Peng Ren. Dynamic Failure of Clamped Metallic Circular Plates Subjected to Underwater Impulsive loads. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2016, 94:96-108 19. Wenbo Xie, Wei Zhang*, Naihang Kuang, Dacheng Li ,Wei Huang, Yubo Gao , NanYe , Licheng Guo,Peng Ren. Experimental investigation of normal and oblique impacts on CFRPs by high velocity steel sphere. Composites Part B,2016,99:483-493 20. Wei Huang, Wei Zhang*, Nan Ye, Dacheng Li, Yubo Gao, Wenbo Xie. Dynamic Response and Failure of PVC Foam Core Metallic Sandwich Subjected to Underwater Impulsive Loading. Composites Part B,2016, 97:226-238 21. Wei Huang, Wei Zhang*, Dacheng Li, Yubo Gao, Nan Ye, Peng Ren. Dynamic Failure of Honeycomb-core Sandwich Structures Subjected to Underwater Impulsive Loads. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids,2016, 60: 39-51 22. Wei Huang, Wei Zhang*, Xianglin Huang, Dacheng Li, Wenbo Xie. Dynamic response of aluminum corrugated sandwich subjected to underwater impulsive loading: Experiment and numerical simulation. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2017, 109:78-91 23. Nan Ye, Wei Zhang*, Wei Huang, Dacheng Li, Gao Yubo, Peng Ren. Dynamic response and failure of sandwich plates with PVC foam core subjected to impulsive loading. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2017,109:121-130 (SCI) 24. Ren Peng, Zhou Jiaqi, Tian Ali, Zhang Wei, Huang Wei. EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE DYNAMIC BEHAVIOR OF CLAMPED THIN PANEL SUBJECTED TO UN-DERWATER BLAST LOADING.Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures. 2017, 14:978-999 25. X Z Kong, H Wu, Q Fang, W Zhang, Y K Xiao. Projectile penetration into mortar targets with abroad range of striking velocities: Test and analyses. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2017, 106:18-29 26. Xianglin Huang, Wei Zhang, Yunfei Deng, Xiongwen Jiang. Experimental investigation on the ballistic resistance of polymer-aluminum laminated plates. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2018, 113:212-221 27. Wei Huang, Wei Zhang*, Tuo Chen, Xiongwen Jiang, Jiayi Liu. Dynamic response of circular composite laminates subjected to underwater impulsive loading. Composites Part A. 2018, 109 (2018) 63–74 28. Peng Ren, Ali Tian, Jiaqi Zhou, Lu Shi, Renchuan Ye, Wei Zhang, Wei Huang. Experimental investigation on dynamic failure of carbon/epoxy laminates under underwater impulsive loading. Marine Structures. 2018, 59:285-300 29. Peng Ren, Jiaqi Zhoua, Ali Tian, Renchuan Ye, Lu Shi, Wei Zhang. Experimental investigation on dynamic failure of water-filled vessel subjected to projectile impact. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2018, 117:153-163 30. Wenbo Xie, Wei Zhang*. The shock and spallation behaviour of a carbon fibre reinforced polymer composite. Composites Part B,2018,153:176-183 31. Yubo Gao, Wei Zhang*, Peng Xu, Xuanming Cai, Zhiqiang Fan. Influence of epoxy adhesive layer on impact performance of TiB2-B4C composites armor backed by aluminum plate. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2018, 122:60-72 32. Huang Wei, Zhang wei*, Li Dacheng,etc. Analytical model of the dynamic response of clamped metallic sandwich subjected to underwater impulsive loading. Marine Structures. 2019,63:333-350 33. Yongqi Yang, Li Zhang, Licheng Guo*, Wei Zhang, etc. Dynamic response and research of 3D braided Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics subjected to ballistic impact loading. Composite Structures. 2018, 206: 578–587 34. Yubo Gao*, Chenhong Yi, Wei Zhang*, Yongjun Deng. Effect of TiB2 on dynamic response of TiB2‐B4C composites under shock wave loading. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology. 2019, 16:59–68 35. Yubo Gao*, Chenhong Yi, Wei Zhang. Experimental and analytical study of failure behavior in TiB2-B4C composite under shock loading. Results in Physics. 2019, 13:102143 36. Yubo Gao, Dacheng Li, Wei Zhang*, Zitao Guo, et al. Constitutive modelling of the TiB2-B4C composite by experiments, simulation and neutral network. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2019,132,103310 37. Tuo Chen, Wei Huang, Wei Zhang , Yafei Qi, Zitao Guo. Experimental investigation on trajectory stability of high-speed water entry projectiles. Ocean Engineering. 2019, 175: 16-24 38. Wei Huang, Zihao Fan, Wei Zhang, et al. Impulsive response of composite sandwich structure with tetrahedral truss core. Composites Science and Technology,2019, 176: 17-28 39. Peng Ren, Dongliang Chai, Jie Wu, Lu Shi, Renchuan Ye, Wei Zhao, Wei Zhang, zhongcheng mu. A combined experimental and numerical investigation on projectiles penetrating into water-filled container. Thin-Walled Structures. 2019, 143:106230 40. Dacheng Li, Wei Zhang, Li-cheng Guo, Wei Huang, Wenbo Xie, Nan Ye, Yubo Gao, Xianglin Huang, Xiongwen Jiang. Energy absorption of aluminum panels subjected to gelatin projectile impact. Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures. 2019 ,16(7) ,e209 41. Cai Xuanming,Zhang Wei,et al. Dynamic mechanical behavior, damage mode and mechanism of multi-scale high energy insensitive particulate reinforced composites of a new type of anti-missile sandwich wall structure. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2019, 161–162, 105070 42. Cai Xuanming, Zhang Wei, Gao Yubo, Fan Zhiqiang. Influence mechanism of impact pressure on energy release behavior of high-energy insensitive particle reinforced composites. Materials Letters, 2019, 254: 107-111. 43. Zitao Guo, Tuo Chen, Zhong cheng Mu, Wei Zhang*. An investigation into container constraint effects on the cavity characteristics due to high-speed projectile water entry. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 210:107449 44. Zitao Guo, Tuo Chen, Wei Zhang*, Zhong cheng Mu .Cavity dynamics in hydrodynamic ram analysis of confined containers under ballistic impacts. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 218:108036 45. Yubo Gao, Yanxin Ge, Peng Xu, Wei Zhang, Xuanming Cai, Jianjun Zhang. Dynamic fracture mechanism and fragmentation analysis of fine grained Al2O3/SiC composite. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2021,826:141976. 46. Wei Huang, Liangzhan Lu, Zihao Fan, Wei Zhang, Jiayi Liu, Caiyu Yin. Underwater impulsive resistance of the foam reinforced composite lattice sandwich structure. Thin-Walled Structures, 2021,166:108120 47. Xiongwen Jiang,Wei Zhang*, Dacheng Li, Tuo Chen,Yu Tang, Zitao Guo. Experimental analysis on dynamic response of pre-cracked aluminum plate subjected to underwater explosion shock loading. Thin-Walled Structures. 2021, 159:107256, 48. Yongqiang Zhang, Yue Li, Jialei Zhang, Jinwu Pan, Li Zhang, Fuli Tan, Hongjian Wei, Wei Zhang*. High-Temperature Effect on the Tensile Mechanical Properties of Unidirectional Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Plates. Materials,2021, 14(23), 7214; 49. Yuping Tian, Wei Zhang*, Zhuhua Tan, Chongdu Cho. Chiral edge states for phononic crystals based on shunted piezoelectric materials. Extreme Mechanics Letters. 2022,50:101568, 50. Dacheng Li, Xiongwen Jiang, Wei Zhang*, Licheng Guo. Parameter determination for ice material model based on a bidirectional long short-term memory neural network. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 2022,161:104110 51. Dacheng Li, Xiongwen Jiang, Wei Zhang*. An Experimental study of the dynamic responses of CFRP composite laminates subjected to ice impact. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. 2022, 52. Tuo Chen, Geng Zhao, Zitao Guo, Wei Zhang. A Discrete method and experimental study for the propagation of shock wave induced by high-speed projectile entering water filled tanks. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 248:110835 53. Xie Wenbo, Zhang wei, et al.Mechanical behavior and damage kinetics of a unidirectional carbon/epoxy laminated composite under dynamic compressive loading. Polymer Composites,2022, 43:2909-2923 54. Yu Tang, Xiongwen Jiang, Jiuzhou Zhao, Wenbo Xie, Tuo Chen, Wei Zhang*. Experimental investigations on phenomenological constitutive model of closed-cell PVC foam considering the effects of density, strain rate and anisotropy. Composites Part B,2022,238:109885 55. Zitao Guo, Tuo Chen, Geng Zhao, Wei Zhang. Hydrodynamic ram analysis during high-speed projectile penetrating water-filled vessels. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 251:111092 56. Xie Wenbo, Zhang wei, et al. Experimental investigation of high velocity impact response of CFRP laminates subjected to flyer plate impact. Thin-Walled Structures. 2022, 57. Yuping Tian, Wei Zhang*etc. Edge states in a non-Hermitian chiral lattice. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2022 58.Yongqiang Zhang ,Jinwu Pan, Shuhan Zhou, Qianfeng Yin, Jialei Zhang, Wenbo Xie, Fuli Tan, Wei Zhang. Experimental Investigation on Ablation Behaviors of CFRP Laminates in an Atmospheric Environment Irradiated by Continuous Wave Laser. Polymers, 2022, 14(23), 5082; 59. Xiongwen Jiang, Yu Tang, Hongjian Wei, Yue Li, Wenbo Xie, Dacheng Li, Wei Zhang*.Deformation response research on aluminum sheets with different central pre-cracked defects under quasi-static hydraulic pressure loading.Thin-Walled Structures. 2023,184:110443, (SCI) 60. Yuping Tian, Zhuhua Tan, Wei Zhang, et al. Analogous quadrupole topology induced by non-Hermiticity. Physical Review B, 2023, 107: 094107 (SCI) 61. Shijia Xu, Shuai He, Wei Zhang *, Jiayi Li, Beiyao Xiao. A progressive damage model for quasi-static tension of 2D woven composites and FEM implementation. Composite Structures, 2023,320:117168(SCI) 62. Shijia Xu, Yue Li, Shuhan Zhou, Xiongwen Jiang, Wenbo Xie, Wei Zhang*. Ballistic performance and damage analysis of CFRP laminates under uniaxial pretension and precompression.International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2023, 178:104260(SCI) 63. Tang, Yu; Li, Yue; Jiang, Xiongwen; Zhao, Jiuzhou; Zhao, Geng; Xie, Wenbo; Zhang, Wei. Tensile properties of transversely isotropic closed-cell PVC foam under quasi-static and dynamic loading. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials. 2023, (SCI) 64. Geng Zhao, Tuo Chen, Zitao Guo,Wei Zhang. Experimental study on ballistic stability of truncated cone projectile in high-speed oblique water entry.Ocean Engineering,2023,283:115078 (SCI) 高速撞击动力学实验室简介 名称 哈尔滨工业大学高速撞击动力学实验室(High Velocity Impact Dynamics Lab),主要从事超高速撞击损伤特性、材料状态方程、材料动态本构关系和失效模型、外物(鸟、冰和砂石)对结构和材料的毁伤特性,弹体跨声速入水弹道稳定性研究,空中及水下爆炸冲击波与破片侵彻毁伤效应等相关领域的研究工作。高速撞击动力学研究实验室拥有国内外先进的实验条件和仪器设备,弹体的发射速度从几米每秒到几公里每秒,速度覆盖的范围广。拥有口径分别为3毫米、6毫米、7.6毫米、12.7毫米、14.5毫米、16毫米、20毫米、40毫米和65毫米的非火药驱动的一级轻气炮,口径为20/6毫米的非火药驱动二级轻气炮。拥有管径为92毫米的霍普金森拉管,20毫米霍普金森拉杆,40毫米霍普金森压杆,16毫米霍普金森压杆,6毫米霍普金森压杆,液压气动中低应变率拉伸/压缩试验机,25毫米单脉冲作用的霍普金森扭杆等材料动态力学性能试验系统,可实现低-中-高应变率的动态加载实验研究。拥有弹体高速入水弹道稳定特性试验系统、水下爆炸冲击波和破片耦合加载毁伤效应模拟试验系统、空气爆炸模拟用66毫米口径的激波管和200毫米口径的激波管试验系统、200毫米口径深海条件下内爆模拟试验装置等。拥有高速相机、三维全场散斑非接触动态变形测试系统、激光应变测试系统、阴影成像系统、高速波形存储示波器等配套的测试、诊断和分析仪器设备,以及非线性动力学数值仿真软件ABAQUS,AUTODYN 和LS-DYNA。具备为用户完成高水平实验及仿真研究工作的能力,并可为有关用户设计加工相关的成套瞬态加载设备。 实验室学术氛围浓厚、勇于创新,重视人才的培养,拥有一支年轻化、学术水平高、特别能攻关、特别能战斗的科研队伍。在梯队建设方面,重视学术队伍素质和水平的提高,营造宽松的学术环境和努力创新的学术气氛,大力培养和推举年轻人,加速年轻人的成长,形成一支专业方向全面、勇于创新的学术梯队。在科研与教学基地建设方面,结合科研与人才培养的发展和需要,努力建设国内一流的教学科研条件,为取得一流的成果、培养一流的人才、建设一流的队伍提供保证。 实验室拥有兼职和客座教授4人,英国曼彻斯特大学教授李庆明博士,国家杰出青年基金获得者-北京理工大学教授陈小伟博士,中国工程物理研究院流体物理研究所总工谷岩研究员和汤铁刚研究员。具有广泛的国际交流与合作渠道,几年来共有5位博士研究生与国外著名大学联合培养,与曼彻斯特大学、密歇根州立大学、以色列理工大学、佐治亚理工大学、挪威理工大学等建立了友好的交流合作关系。 热情欢迎有关单位、研究人员及学生来实验室进行相关的合作与交流! 联系电话:张伟 13845139588

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