

发布日期:2024-05-10 浏览次数:

基本信息 科学研究 论文专著 Resume 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 郭安薪:男,汉族,1974年生。教授,博士生导师,国家杰出青年基金、优秀青年基金和教育部新世纪优秀人才计划获得者;土木工程学院防灾减灾与桥梁工程学科组副主任。 主要从事桥梁结构地震、风、浪、海啸多灾害方面的研究工作。作为主持人承担多项国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金、优秀青年基金、重大研究计划重点项目子课题和面上项目,科技部重点研发计划课题、863项目、交通部西部交通重大研究专项子课题的研究工作;参与多项国家科技支撑计划、国家973计划课题、地震行业基金等项目的研究工作。发表论文90余篇,其中SCI论文30余篇。获国家科技进步二等奖两项(排名第6和第8)和教育部科技进步一等和二等奖各一项(排名第3和第6)。 主要任职 名称 哈尔滨工业大学防灾减灾与桥梁工程学科组 副主任 哈尔滨工业大学风洞与浪槽联合实验室 副主任 中国振动工程学会结构抗振控制与健康监测专业委员会 秘书长 中国振动工程学会结构抗振控制与健康监测青年委员会 主任委员 国际期刊Structural Control and Health Monitoring 编委 美国土木工程师协会ASCE 会员 教育经历 名称 1992年9月-1996年7月,河海大学,农田水利工程专业,本科 1996年9月-1998年7月,哈尔滨建筑大学,工程力学专业,硕士 1998年9月-2001年7月,哈尔滨工业大学(原哈尔滨建筑大学),工程力学专业,博士(硕博连读) 工作经历 名称 时间 工作单位 职位 2009年7月—至今 哈尔滨工业大学 土木工程学院 教授、博士生导师 2003年12月—2009年06月 哈尔滨工业大学 土木工程学院 副教授 2001年07月—2003年11月 哈尔滨工业大学 土木工程学院 讲师 2008年09月—2009年3月 香港理工大学 土木与结构工程系 Research Fellow 2004年03月—2004年09月 香港理工大学 土木与结构工程系 Research Associate 2002年11月—2003年4月 香港理工大学 土木与结构工程系 Research Associate 2000年05月—2000年10月 香港理工大学 土木与结构工程系 Research Assistant 2001年11月—2003年12月 中国地震局工程力学研究所 博士后 研究领域 名称 研究领域 桥梁结构的多灾害防御 结构振动控制 主要研究方向: 桥梁结构抗震 跨海桥梁海啸、地震、风、浪多灾害作用 结构被动、主动和智能控制 团队成员 名称 博士研究生 李忠军:2004-2009,论文题目:高架桥梁地震碰撞分析及控制,(合作指导,导师:李惠、郭安薪),课题由国家自然科学基金面上项目资助 崔丽丽:2007-, 研究方向:高架桥梁强震非线性分析和抗震性能评估(合作指导,导师:李惠、郭安薪),课题由国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项目资助 高慧兴:2011-, 研究方向:桥梁结构自恢复体系及其抗震性能,自由选题 柏晓东:2011-, 研究方向:跨海特大型桥梁的风-浪联合作用研究,课题由西部交通重大研究专项项目资助 李海涛:2011-, 研究方向:近岸跨海桥梁腐蚀及其抗震性能研究(合作指导,导师:关新春、郭安薪) 方庆贺:2012-, 研究方向:风暴潮巨型波浪作用下跨海桥梁的波浪力作用,课题由国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金资助 苑 微:2013-, 研究方向:跨海桥梁腐蚀和地震多灾害作用下的全寿命分析和设计理论,课题由973项目资助 肖圣超:2013-, 研究方向:海啸的数值模拟及其对跨海桥梁的波浪力作用,课题由国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金资助 硕士研究生 李忠军:2002-2004,论文题目:西部拱桥病害调查及病害数据库 范德宝:2003-2005,论文题目:大跨度斜拉桥非一致地震反应分析及振动控制 崔丽丽:2004-2006,论文题目:城市高架桥梁地震碰撞反应分析及控制 马俊华:2004-2006,论文题目:地震作用下高科技长发工作平台的振动控制 许宗伟:2005-2007,论文题目:桩土相互作用对桥塔TMD风振控制的影响研究 刘鹏飞:2005-2007,论文题目:考虑碰撞作用的城市高架桥梁伸缩缝间距研究 张 磊:2005-2008,论文题目:考虑碰撞和限位作用的三跨悬臂桥地震反应分析 刘兴伟:2006-2009,论文题目:高架桥梁钢筋混凝土桥墩的弹塑性抗震性能分析 苏红霞:2006-2008,论文题目:城市高架桥梁地震碰撞的粘滞阻尼控制 罗少华:2007-2009,论文题目:考虑楼板刚度影响的高层建筑结构地震非线性损伤研究 赵清杰:2008-2010,论文题目:地震作用下高架桥的SMA限位器防落梁研究 李海涛:2009-2011,论文题目:村镇建筑砂垫层隔震性能研究 宋 昊:2009-2011,论文题目:考虑粘滞阻尼器失效影响的高层建筑地震易损性分析 柏晓东:2009-2011,论文题目:深水悬臂桥墩动力特性及地震响应研究 方庆贺:2010-2012,论文题目:跨海近岸桥梁极端波浪作用研究 于妍妍:2010-2012,论文题目:强震作用下高架桥梁非线性损伤和抗震性能评估 梁金艳:2010-2012,论文题目:高层框架剪力墙结构地震损伤破坏与被动控制 肖圣超:2011-2013,论文题目:基于COMCOT的时间和空间解耦的海啸传播数值模型 苑 微:2011-2013,论文题目:腐蚀对于跨海桥梁抗震性能可靠性影响研究 巴 希:2011-2013,论文题目:氯离子腐蚀条件下跨海桥梁桥墩抗震拟静力分析与试验设计 谭 真:2011-2013,论文题目:设置粘弹性阻尼器的预应力节段拼装桥墩抗震性能研究 刘嘉斌:2013- 刘振亮:2013- 朱兴龙:2013- 陈 洵:2013- 期刊论文 名称 Accepted and online paper Lui Jiabin, Guo Anxin*, Fang Qinghe, Li Hui, Hu Hui, Liu Pengfei. Wave action by arrays of vertical cylinders with arbitrary smooth cross section. Journal of Hydrodynamics. (SCI, accepted) Xiao Shengchao, Guo Anxin*. Effects of air relief openings on the mitigation of solitary wave forces on bridge decks, Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B., 2017. (SCI, online) 2019 Qinghe Fang, Rongcan Hong, Anxin Guo*, Hui Li. Experimental investigation of wave forces on coastal bridge decks subjected to oblique wave attack, Journal of Bridge Engineering-ASCE, 2019, 24(4): 04019011. (SCI) 2018 Yuan Wenting, Guo Anxin*, Yuan Wei, Li Hui. Experimental investigation on cyclic behavior of coastal bridge piers with non-uniform corrosion under biaxial quasi-static loads. Journal of Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 190:222~234. (SCI) Fang Qinghe, Guo Anxin*, Peter K. Stansby, Li Hui. Analysis of hydrodynamic forces acting on submerged decks of coastal bridges under oblique wave action based on potential flow theory. Ocean Engineering, 2018, 169:242~252. (SCI) Liu Jiabin, Guo Anxin*, Fang Qinghe, Li Hui, Hu Hui, Liu Pengfei. Investigation of linear wave action around a truncated cylinder with non-circular cross-section. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2018, 23(4):866~876. (SCI) Liu Jiabin , Guo Anxin*, Nandasena N.A.K. , Melville Bruce W. , Li Hui . Theoretical and experimental investigation on wave interaction with a concentric porous cylinder form of breakwater. Ocean Engineering, 2018, 160:156~167. (SCI) Ren Hehe, Laima Shujin, Chen Wenli*, Zhang Bo, Guo Anxin, Li Hui*. Numerical simulation and prediction of spatial wind field under complex terrrain. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2018,180:49-65. (SCI) Yuan Wei , Guo Anxin*, Yuan Wenting , Li Hui . Shaking table tests of coastal bridge piers with different levels of corrosion damage caused by chloride penetration. Construction and Building Materials. 2018,173(10):160–171.(SCI) Guo Anxin*, Yuan Wenting, Li Haitao, Li Hui.Structural strength deterioration of coastal bridge piers considering the non-uniform corrosion in the marine environments. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2018,17(2):429-444. (SCI) Liu Jiabin, Guo Anxin*, Li Hui and Hu Hui. Methodology for wave force monitoring of bottom-mounted cylinder using the measurement of the wave surface elevation around the body surface. Journal of Fluid and Structures, 2018,78:197-214. (SCI) 2017 Yuan Wei, Guo Anxin*, Li Hui. Experimental investigation on the cyclic behaviors of corroded coastal bridge piers with transfer of plastic hinge due to non-uniform corrosion. Soild Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2017,102:112-123.(SCI) Guo Anxin*, Liu Zhenliang, Li suchao, Li Hui. Seismic performance assessment of highway bridge networks considering post-disaster traffic demand of a transportation system in emergency conditions. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2017,13(12):1523-1537.(SCI) Yuan Wei, Guo Anxin*, Li Hui. Seismic failure mode of coastal bridge piers considering the effects of corrosion-induced damage. Soil Dynamic and Earthquake Engineering, 2017,93:135-146 (SCI) Guo Anxin*, Shen Yu, Bai Jiulin, Li Hui. Application of the endurance time method to the seismic analysis and evaluation of highway bridges considering pounding effects. Engineering Structures, 2017,131:220-230. (SCI) 2016 Liu Jiabin, Guo Anxin*, Li Hui. Analytical solution for the linear wave diffraction by a uniform vertical cylinder with an arbitrary smooth cross-section. Ocean Engineering, 2016,126:163-175. (SCI) Guo Anxin*, Liu Jiabin, Chen Wenli et al. Experimental study on the dynamic responses of a freestanding bridge tower subjected to coupled actions of wind and wave loads. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2016,159:36-47. (SCI) Bai Xiaodong, Zhang Wei*, Guo AnXin, Wang Yong. The flip-flopping wake pattern behind two side-by-side circular cylinders: A global stability analysis. Physical of Fluids, 2016,28:044102. (SCI) Guo Anxin*, Xiao Shengchao, Li Hui. Time-space decoupled model with a variable-coefficient dispersive condition to simulate tsunamis over slowly varying topography. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 2016,142(4): 04015028. (SCI) Bai Xiaodong, Guo Anxin*, Liu Hao et al. Experimental investigation on a freestanding bridge tower under wind and wave loads. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2016,57(5):951-968. (SCI) Guo Anxin*, Gao Huixing. Seismic Behavior of Posttensioned Concrete Bridge Piers with External Viscoelastic Dampers. Shock and Vibration, 2016:1823015. (SCI) Li Suchao, Guo Anxin*, Li Hui, Mao Chenxi. An analysis of pounding mitigation and stress waves in highway bridges with shape memory alloy pseudo-rubber shock-absorbing devices. Structural Control and Health Monitoring,2016,23(10):1237–1255. (SCI) Bao Yuequan, Li Hui, Chen Zhicheng, Zhang Fujian, Guo Anxin. Sparse l1 optimization-based identification approach for the distribution of moving heavy vehicle loads on cable-stayed bridges. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2016,23(1):144–155. (SCI) 2015 Guo Anxin*, Fang Qinghe, Bai Xiaodong, Li Hui. Hydrodynamic experiment of the wave force acting on the superstructures of coastal bridges. Journal of Bridge Engineering–ASCE, 2015, 20(12):04015012. (SCI) Guo Anxin*, Fang Qinghe, Li Hui. Analytical solution of hurricane wave forces acting on submerged bridge decks. Ocean Engineering,2015,108:519-528. (SCI) Guo Anxin*, Xiao Shengchao, Li Hui. Time-Space Decoupled Explicit Method for Fast Numerical Simulation of Tsunami Propagation, Pure and Applied Geophysics,2015,172(2):569-587. (SCI) Guo Anxin*, Cui Lili, Li Suchao, Li Hui. A phenomenological contact-element model considering slight non-uniform contact for pounding analysis of highway bridges under seismic excitations. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 2015,44(11): 1677-1695 (SCI) Guo Anxin*, Li Haitao, Ba Xi et al. Experimental investigation on the cyclic performance of reinforced concrete piers with chloride-induced corrosion in marine environment. Engineering Structures, 2015,105:1-11. (SCI) Guo Anxin*, Yuan Wei, Lan Chengming, Guan Xinchun, Li Hui. Time-dependent seismic demand and fragility of deteriorating bridges for their residual service life. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2015,13(8):2389-2409. (SCI) 2012 Guo Anxin*, Cui LiLi, Li Hui. Impact stiffness of the contact-element models for the pounding analysis of highway bridges: experimental evaluation. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2012,11:195-204.(SCI) Guo Anxin*, Zhao Qingjie, Li Hui. Experimental study of a higway bridge with shape memory alloy restrainers focusing on the mitigatioin of unseating and pounding. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2012, 11(2):195-204 (SCI) 2011 Guo Anxin*, Li Zhongjun, Li Hui. Point-to-Surface Pounding of Highway Bridges with Deck Rotation Subjected to Bi-directional Earthquake Excitations. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2011, 15(2):274-302 (SCI) 2009 Guo Anxin*, Li Zhongjun, Li Hui. Experimental and analytical study on pounding reduction of base-isolated highway bridges using MR dampers. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 2009, 38(11):1307-1333 (SCI) 2008 Guo Anxin*, Li H. Pounding reduction of highway bridge with pounding effect by using magnetorheological dampers under earthquake excitations. Advances in Structural Engineering. 2008.11(3):317-334. (SCI) 2007 Guo Anxin*, Xu Y.L., Li H. Dynamic characteristics of cable-stayed bridge tower with multi-stage pendulum mass damper under wind excitations during construction I: theory. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2007,6(4) (SCI) Guo Anxin*, Xu Youlin, Li Hui. Dynamic characteristics of cable-stayed bridge tower with multi-stage pendulum mass damper under wind excitations during construction II: experiment. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2007,6(4):64-69. (SCI) 2006 Xu Youlin*, Guo Anxin. Microvibration control of coupled high tech equipment- building system in vertical direction, International Journal of Solid and Structures. 2006,23:6521-6534. (SCI) 2005 Guo Anxin, Xu Youlin*, Li Hui. Road vehicle-induced vibration control of buildings. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration. 2005, 4(1). 2004 Guo Anxin, Xu Youlin*, Li Hui. Hybrid control of microvibration for high technology facilities, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2004,24(1):161- 165. 2002 Guo Anxin, Xu Youlin*, Wu Bo. Seismic reliability analysis of hysteretic structure with viscoelastic dampers. Engineering Structures, 2002, 24: 373-383. (SCI) 会议论文 名称 Fang Qinghe; Guo Anxin; Li Hui, Analytical model and experimental validation of wave forcesacting on the coastal bridge superstructures, International Workshop onPhysical Modeling of Flow and Dispersion Phenomena (PHYSMOD2015),2015/9/7-9/9/2015, Zurich, 2015/9/7. Fang Qinghe; Guo Anxin; Li Hui, Velocity Potential Model of Hurricane Waves Acting ontheSubmerged Bridge Spans, the 6th International Symposium on Innovation &Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering, 2015/7/26-2015/7/27,Beijing, 2015/7/26, 分组报告. Bai Xiaodong; Zhang Wei; Guo Anxin; Jaiman Rajeev,Numerical simulations of free-surface wave tracking by ALE and internal masssourcetechniques, the 6th International Symposium on Innovation &Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering, 2015/7/26-27/7/2015,Beijing, 2015/7/26. Guo Anxin; Li Haitao; Ba Xi; Guan Xinchun; Li Hui, Seismic behavior of corroded RCbridge pier under cyclic loading, the 6th International Symposium on Innovation& Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering, 2015/7/26-27/7/2015,Beijing, 2015/7/26. Guo Anxin; Liu Jiabin; Chen Wenli; Liu Gao; Liu Tiancheng; Chen Shangyou; Li Hui, Dynamic performance of freestanding tower under wind and wave , the 6th International Symposium on Innovation& Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering, 2015/7/26-27/7/2015,Beijing, 2015/7/26. Guo Anxin; Liu Zhenliang; Li Hui, Evaluation of highway bridge networkperformance under earthquakes , the6th International Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability of Structures inCivil Engineering, 2015/7/26-27/7/2015, Beijing, 2015/7/26. Liu Jiabin; Guo Anxin; Liu Gao; Liu Tiancheng; Chen Shangyou; Chen Wenli; Li Hui, Effects of wind and wavecoupling actions onthe dynamic response of freestanding bridge tower , 3rdSymposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control, 2015/7/5-9/7/2015,Perth, 2015/7/5. 崔丽丽;郭安薪;李素超;李惠, 基于现象的高架桥梁碰撞力学模型及试验验证, 第八届全国防震防灾工程学术研讨会, 2014/12/18-20/12/2014, 广州, 2014/12/18. 方庆贺;郭安薪;李惠, 台风波浪对跨海近岸桥梁作用力研究, 第十三届全国水动力学学术会议暨第二十六届全国水动力学研讨会, 2014/8/22-27/8/2014, p 6, 青岛, 2014/8/22. 方庆贺;郭安薪;李惠, 台风波浪对跨海近岸桥梁作用力研究, 中国力学学会、《水动力学研究与进展》编委会、中国造船工程学会、中国石油大学(华东), 2014/8/22-2014/8/27, p 6, 中国山东青岛, 2014/8/22, 分组报告. Yuan Wei; Guo Anxin; Lan Chengming; GuanXinchun; Li Hui, Time-dependent seismic performance ofcoastal bridges considering the coupling effects of corrosion deterioration andresidual service life, 1st Huixian International Forum on EarthquakeEngineering for Young Researchers, 2014/8/16-19/8/2014, Harbin, 2014/8/16. XiaoShengchao; Guo Anxin; Li Hui, A fast high order accurate methodfor tsunami propagation, 10th U.S. National Conference on EarthquakeEngineering: Frontiers of Earthquake Engineering, NCEE 2014,2014/7/21-25/7/2014, Anchorage, AK, United states, 2014/7/21. Guo Anxin; Xiao Shengchao; Li Hui, A fast high-order accurate methodfor tsunami propagation, Tenth U.S. National Conference on EarthquakeEngineering, 2014/7/21-25/7/2014, Anchorage, Alaska, 2013/10/31. Cui Lili; Guo Anxin; Li Hui, Investigation of theparameters of hertz impact model for the pounding analysis of highway bridge,12th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction,EASEC12, 2011/1/26-28/1/2011, pp 2773-2778, Hong Kong, Hong kong, 2011/1/26. Guo Anxin; Cui Lili; Li Hui, 3D Impact model of highway bridge during seismic events, 11thInternational Symposium on Structural Engineering, 2010/12/18-20/12/2010, pp2122-2129, Guangzhou, 2010/12/18. 郭安薪;罗少华;李惠, 考虑楼板刚度影响的高层建筑结构增量动力分析, 低碳经济与土木工程科技创新——2010中国(北京)国际建筑科技大会, 2010/11/14-2010/11/15, pp 168-177, 中国北京, 2010/11/14. Guo Anxin; Cui Lili; Li Hui, A displacement-based design procedure of SMA restrainers forunseating mitigation of highway bridges, The 5th World Conference on StructuralControl and Monitoring, 2010/7/12-14/7/2010, Tokyo, 2010/7/12. Guo Anxin; Zhao Qingjie; Li Hui, Highway bridge unseating andreduction analysis using SMA restrainers under earthquake excitations, 2ndInternational Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering,2009/7/8-11/7/2009, Weihai, China, 2009/7/8. Li H.; Ou J.P.; Wu B.; Guo A.X.; Guan X.C., RECENT ADVANCES IN STRUCTURALVIBRATION AND FAILURE MODE CONTROL AT HIT: THEORY, EXPERIMENT AND APPLICATION,10th International Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young Experts,2008/10/19-2008/10/21, pp 64-71, Changsha, PEOPLES R CHINA, 2008/10/19. 欧进萍;李惠;吴斌;郭安薪, 地震工程灾害与防御(Ⅰ)——汶川地震灾害调查与恢复重建对策, 汶川地震建筑震害分析与重建研讨会, 2008/6/28-2008/6/29, 中国北京, 2008/6/28. 欧进萍;李惠;吴斌;郭安薪, 地震工程灾害与防御(Ⅱ)——建筑抗震设计规范分析与比较, 汶川地震建筑震害分析与重建研讨会, 2008/6/28-2008/6/29, 中国北京, 2008/6/28. Guo, A. X.; Li, Zh. J.; Li, H., Semi-active control of highway bridges with pounding effect byusing magnetorheological dampers under earthquake excitations - art. no.642310, International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology inEngineering, 2007/7/1-2007/7/4, p 42310,Harbin, PEOPLES R CHINA, 2007/7/1. Guo Anxin; Li Zhongjun; Li Hui, Semi-active control of highwaybridges with pounding effect by using magnetorheological dampers underearthquake excitations, International Conference on Smart Materials andNanotechnology in Engineering, 2007/7/1-4/7/2007, Harbin, China, 2007/7/1. Guo Anxin; Li Zhongjun; Li Hui, Pounding analysis of elevatedbridges subjected to earthquake excitations by using explicit finite elementmethod, International Conference on bridge engineering - challenges in the 21stcentury, 2006/11/1-3/11/2006, Hongkong, 2006/11/1. Guo Anxin; Li Zhongjun; Li Hui, The pounding effect analysis ofelevated bridge induced from earthquake motion with the explicit finite elementmethod, The Proceeding of 4th China-Japan-US Symposium on Structural Controland Monitoring, 2006/10/16-17/10/2006, 2006/10/16. Guo Anxin; Li Zhongjun; Li Hui, Bi-direction seismic control ofsemiconductor facilities with hybrid isolation platform by using MR dampers,The 4th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering,2006/10/12-13/10/2006, 2006/10/12. Guo Anxin; Cui Lili; Li Hui, Structural control of seismically induced pounding of elevatedbridges by using magnetorheological dampers, 3rd International Conference onBridge Maintenance, Safety and Management - Bridge Maintenance, Safety,Management, Life-Cycle Performance and Cost, 2006/7/16-19/7/2006, pp 685-686,Porto, Portugal, 2006/7/16. Guo Anxin; Cui Lili; Li Hui, Semiactive Control of Structural Pounding of Elevated Bridgewith MR Dampers under Earthquake Excitations, The 4th World Conference onStructural Control and Monitoring, 2006/7/11-13/7/2006, San Diego, 2006/7/11. Guo Anxin; Li Zhongjun; Li Hui, Pounding analysis of elevatedbridges subjected to earthquake excitations by using explicit finite elementmethod, The 100th Anniversary Earthquake Conference Commemorating the 1906 SanFrancisco Earthquake, 2006/4/18-22/4/2006, San Francisco, 2006/4/18. Guo A.X.; Li Z.J.; Li H., Pounding analysis methods and control of highway bridges underseismic excitations, 2nd International Conference on Structural HealthMonitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, 2005/11/16-2005/11/18, pp 699-703,Shenzhen, PEOPLES R CHINA, 2005/11/16. Guo A.X.; Li Z.J.; Li H., Damage research of steel tube concrete arch bridges, 2ndInternational Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of IntelligentInfrastructure, 2005/11/16-2005/11/18, pp 951-955, Shenzhen, PEOPLES R CHINA,2005/11/16. Guo A.X.; Xu Y.L.; Wang Y.B., Dynamic analysis of hybrid control platform for protectingbuildings subject to traffic-induced ground motion, Proceedings of the 1stInternational Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart StructuresTechnology, 2004/7/21-2004/7/24, 2004/7/21. Xu Y.L.; Guo A.X.; Li H.; Ng C.L., Hybrid control ofmicrovibration of high tech facility under horizontal and vertical groundmotion, Smart Structures and Materials 2004 - Sensors and Smart StructuresTechnologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems, 2004/3/15-2004/3/18,pp 50-60, San Diego, CA, United states, 2004/3/15. 郭安薪;欧进萍;李惠;关新春;杨蔚彪, 广畅国际大厦抗震和抗风的磁流变和粘滞阻尼减振分析, 第八届全国振动理论及应用学术会议, 2003/11/27-2003/11/28, p 173, 中国上海, 2003/11/27. Guo A.X.; Li H., Analysis of composite shallow shellwith discretely distributed piezoelectric actuator and sensor patches, 7thInternational Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young Experts,2002/8/28-2002/8/31, pp 399-405, TIANJIN, PEOPLES R CHINA, 2002/8/28. Li H.; Suzuki Y.; Peng J.Y.; Guo A.X., Damagecontrol of hysteretic structures by active control and smei-active control, 7thInternational Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young Experts,2002/8/28-2002/8/31, pp 380-385, TIANJIN, PEOPLES R CHINA, 2002/8/28. 吴波;郭安薪;王光远, 大震作用下软钢耗能器广义疲劳荷载研究, 国际结构控制与健康诊断研讨会, 2000/12/9, 深圳, 2000/12/9. 郭安薪;吴波, 用粘弹性阻尼器连接的相邻结构非线性随机地震反应分析, 国际结构控制与健康诊断研讨会, 2000/12/9, 深圳, 2000/12/9. 吴波;郭安薪;王光远, 安装被动控制装置的钢筋混凝土框架结构弹塑性层间最大位移反应的概率统计分析, 国际结构控制与健康诊断研讨会, 2000/12/9, 深圳, 2000/12/9. Basic Information 名称 Dr. Anxin Guo, Male, Professor of School of Civil Engineering. Prof. Guo dedicates his research in the fields of earthquake engineering, seismic engineering of bridges and structural vibration control. He takes charge of three research funds from the National Natural Science Foundation of China as principal investigator, and also participate the researches of several national research projects. He has published about 40 papers, including nine of which were published on international journals. He is also obtained two awards due to the outstanding research works. Position 名称 Vice Director of Disaster Mitigation and Bridge Engineering Division Vice Director of the Joint Lab. of Wind Tunnel and Wave Flume Address for Correspondence 名称 Prof. Anxin Guo Tel: 86-451-86283190 Fax: 86-451-86283190 E-mail: guoanxin@hit.edu.cn Postcode: 150090 Address: P.O.Box 2537, School of Civil Engineering, the 2nd Campus, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China EDUCATION 名称 September 1998 - July 2001, Postgraduate scholar with a PhD degree, School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Speciality: Engineering Mechanics September 1996 - July 2001, Postgraduate student with a MEngSc degree, School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Speciality: Engineering Mechanics September 1992 - July 1996, Undergraduate student, Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing, Major: Irrigation and Drainage Engineering RESEARCH AND PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE 名称 July 2001 - present, Professor (9/2009-present), Associate Professor (12/2003-8/2009), Assistant Professor (7/2001-11/2003), School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China September 2008 - March 2009, Research Fellow, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong March 2004 - September 2004, Research Associate, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Kowloon, Hong Kong November 2001 - December 2003, Post Doctoral Fellow, Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration,Harbin, China November 2002 - April 2003, Research Associate, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong May 2000 - October 2000, Research Assistant, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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