

发布日期:2024-05-10 浏览次数:

Work experience Publications 新建主栏目 Work experience title Harbin Institute of Technology workplace School of Astronautics, International Center for Applied Mechanics position Professor all time February 2023 - Present introduction I am happy to join Harbin Institute of Technology to proceed with my scientific and educational activities. title Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) (MIPT) workplace Department of Computational Physics position Associate Professor all time September 2014 - June 2022 introduction I had been working at MIPT since 2009, starting in the position of teaching assistant. I finished working at MIPT in 2022 as an Associate Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of two PhD students. I have developed and taught two graduate courses, titled "Numerical Simulation of Reactive Flows" and "Computational Gas Dynamics". They were taught to students (50 per year since 2010) of MIPT School of Aerospace Technologies. I also taught undergraduate courses on the Basics of Numerical Methods and on Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations in 2014–2016 at MIPT. title Institute for Computer Aided Design of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICAD RAS) workplace Department of numerical methods and turbulence position Senior Research Associate all time May 2014 - June 2022 introduction I had been working at ICAD RAS since 2005, starting in the position of a programmer. I finished working at ICAD RAS in 2022 as a Senior Research Associate and Associate Director for scientific work. My area of expertise is Computational Fluid Dynamics of compressible flows. Peer-reviewed publications title Characteristic analysis of the dynamics of shock wave propagation in a medium with a nonuniform density distribution author Ya.E. Poroshyna, A.I. Lopato, P.S. Utkin release time 2022 periodical name Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B phase volume 16:4, 670-679, https://doi.org/10.1134/S1990793122040273 introduction This paper is devoted to the numerical study of shock wave propagation in a medium with a nonuniform density distribution. The mathematical model is based on the Euler equations, which are solved in the shock-attached frame. This approach makes it possible to carry out an accurate characteristic analysis of the problem. First, the problems of shock wave propagation in a medium with finite-length segments with linearly increasing and decreasing density are considered. The obtained results are compared with the known analytical solutions. Then the case of a continuous change in the density of the medium in front of the shock wave according to the sinusoidal law is considered. The resulting flow is described and explained using the results for the case of a linear density gradient. title Three-dimensional Cartesian grid method for the simulations of flows with shock waves in the domains with varying boundaries author V.V. Elesin, D.A. Sidorenko, P.S. Utkin release time 2021 periodical name International Journal of Computational Methods phase volume 18:4, 2050046, https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219876220500462 introduction This paper is devoted to the development and quantitative evaluation of the properties of the numerical algorithm of the Cartesian grid method for three-dimensional simulation of shock-wave propagation in areas of varying shape. The detailed description of the algorithm is presented. The algorithm is relatively simple to implement and does not require solving the problem of determination of the shape of the body's boundary intersection with regular computational cell. The accuracy of the algorithm is demonstrated by comparing the simulated and experimental data in the problems of the interaction of a shock wave with a nonmoving sphere and a moving particle. title Nonlinear dynamics of pulsating detonation wave with two-stage chemical kinetics in the shock-attached frame author Ya.E. Poroshyna, A.I. Lopato, P.S. Utkin release time 2021 periodical name Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems phase volume 29:4, 557-576, https://doi.org/10.1515/jiip-2020-0032 introduction The paper contributes to the clarification of the mechanism of one-dimensional pulsating detonation wave propagation for the transition regime with two-scale pulsations. For this purpose, a novel numerical algorithm has been developed for the numerical investigation of the gaseous pulsating detonationwave using the two-stage model of kinetics of chemical reactions in the shock-attached frame. The influence of grid resolution, approximation order and the type of rear boundary conditions on the solution has been studied for four main regimes of detonationwave propagation for this model. Comparison of dynamics of pulsations with results of other authors has been carried out.

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