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基本信息(Basic info)) About Haiping Xu Research Interest Publications(文章发表) Patent(专利) Team Member Posision availlable招聘位置 News ... Team Member Posision availlable招聘位置 News 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 徐海平, 哈尔滨工业大学化工与化学学院教授、博士生导师、国家级青年人才、2022年海外人才引进回国。 主要从事新能源存储和转化、单原子催化剂、先进功能材料及其储能器件方面的研究工作。在学术成果方面,徐海平在Nature Energy 发表论文一篇(影响因子60.8); 合作发表Science一篇; 美国授权发明专利3篇; 获得美国2020年全球科技创新大奖(2020 R&D 100 Award); 研发的新型铜单原子电催化剂将二氧化碳转化成乙醇的研究被美国能源部认定为2020年最先进的八大科研之一。在科研方面,徐海平在美国阿贡国家实验室作为项目共同主持人主持美国能源部项目3项,其中两项已经结题,主要是关于碳负载的金属单原子应用在二氧化碳还原成乙醇项目,同时该项目被美国能源部选为国家实验室研发科技成果转化培训项目,徐海平作为成果转化的技术首席领导Entrepreneur Leader;同时作为项目第一研发人员参与阿贡国家实验室与美国科技公司,智利SQM公司和丰田北美研发中心联合研发锂电池和燃料电池电极材料的项目3项, 已经申请并授权美国实用专利1项。其中,以第一/通讯作者/合作者在Nature Energy,Science 等国际顶尖杂志发表论文10余篇。 Haiping Xu, Full Professor, Join the Harbin Insititue of Technology in Sep, 2022. Excellent Young Scientists Fund Program Research fields: Project 1: 1: Carbon supported metal single atoms or clusters as catalyst for CO2 reduction. 2: To create prototype that converts carbon dioxide to ethanol by using electrolyzer 3: To scale-up the carbon loaded metal single atoms catalysts Project 2: 1: Develop the non-PGM catalyst OR Ultra-low Pt dispersed MOF-based catalysts for the MEA devices to evaluate the performance of designed materials by using Fuel cell test system. 2: Develope MOF based porous materials by using electrospin method for OER/ORR/HER. Project 3: 1: MOF-based materials as high-capacity electrode materials for LIB application 2: R&D of lithium salts in stabilizing the Li-Rich NMC materials for Advanced Batteries 3: R&D of high-Ni NMCor Co-free cathode materials for Advanced Batteries. 4: R&D of Ultra-thin Li sheet/film for the Li Metal Battery 荣誉称号 称号名称 2020全球科技创新大奖(2020 R&D 100 Award) 获奖时间 2020 获奖地点 美国 简单介绍 Recognizing the 100 most innovative technologies of the past year, the R&D 100 Awards are considered the “Oscars” of innovation. Sponsored by R&D World magazine, the renowned worldwide competition received entries from all of the world countries and regions." This awards program is so well recognized across the R&D community. Being named as one of the R&D 100 is an incredible honor," said Paul J. Heney, Vice President, Editorial Director for R&D World. "These 100 winning products and technologies are the disruptors that will change industries and make the world a better place in the coming years."R&D 100 Award 2020, Versatile Method for Preparing Highly Effective Electro-catalyst for CO2 to Chemical Conversion. 称号名称 国家级青年人才项目 获奖时间 2022 获奖地点 中国 简单介绍 教育经历 标题 博士学习经历 起讫时间 2015,08 - 2020,03 所学专业 化学 学习机构 美国北伊利诺伊大学 Northern Illinois University 学历 博士研究生 (Doctoral Degree) 简单介绍 标题 阿贡国家实验室联合培养 起讫时间 2017,06 - 2020, 03 所学专业 化学 学习机构 美国阿贡国家实验室 (Argonne National Laboratory) 学历 博士研究生(Doctoral Degree) 简单介绍 工作经历 标题 哈尔滨工业大学 工作单位 哈尔滨工业大学电化学工程系 职位/职称 教授 起讫时间 2022.09-至今 简单介绍 标题 美国阿贡国家实验室(Argonne National Laboratory) 工作单位 Argonne National Laboratory-Chemistry Science and Engineering 职位/职称 助理研究员/Postdoctoral Appointee 起讫时间 2020.03-2022.07 简单介绍 标题 美国阿贡国家实验室(Argonne National Laboratory) 工作单位 Argonne National Laboratory - Chemistry Science and Engineering 职位/职称 研究助理/Research Assistant 起讫时间 2017.06 - 2020. 03 简单介绍 标题 美国北伊利诺伊大学(Northern Illinois University) 工作单位 Northern Illinois University - Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry 职位/职称 助教/ Teaching Assistant 起讫时间 2015. 08- 2017. 06 简单介绍 Research Experience 名称 Haiping Xu, Full Professor, Join the Harbin Insititue of Technology in Sep, 2022. Befor Joining HIT, Haiping Xu worked in Argonne National Laboratory in the United State of America. Argonne National Lab (ANL), Chemical Science & Engineering Division 06/2017-07/2022 Project 1: R&D of highly efficient and durable ultralow Pt-Co fuel cell catalysts with Toyota Motor North America. l Examined the feasibility of a new catalyst design concept that can potentially overcome the “scaling rule” of oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) using the catalyst system developed by ANL. More specifically, investigated catalyst design principals and the performance of Pt-Co core-shell nanoparticles (NPs) over MOF-derived TM-Nx-Cy substrate of catalysts in membrane electrode assembly (MEA) to understand its impact to MEA performance and durability. Identified potential improvement opportunities to involve the use of active support material as the secondary active sites, from/to which the reaction intermediates may migrate, to bypass the high activation energy barriers of ORR. l Good working experience/knowledge in MOF design and synthesis, ZIF-8, ZIF67 and ZIF-8@67 core-shell structure. l In-depth knowledge of PEM fuel cells structures, properties as well as the effects to the performance and durability. l Familiar with mechanical and chemical durability PEMFC testing and gas diffusion layer investigation into PEMFC performance by using Fuel cell test system (850e multi range) at ANL. Prepare test stations, instrumentation, or data acquisition systems for use in 850e multi range of fuel cell components or systems. l Worked in close collaboration with Toyota Motor North America Research center to study the mechanism and synergistic effect of Pt-Co alloys in the MOF-supported ultralow loading Pt catalysts in the improved PEMFC performance. l Responsible for writing high impact proposals of in-situ synchrotron X-ray absorption spectra and performing the experiments for our research groups at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) and Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM) at ANL. Project 2: Carbon supported metal single atoms or alloys as catalyst for energy conversion, CO2 reduction. (DOE) l Developed advanced electrocatalysts (e.g., single metal atom and bimetallic) for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), oxygen evolution reaction (OER), and the CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR). l Most transition metals and main group metals (Cu, Zn, Pt, Pd, Fe, Co et al) can be synthesized as supported metal single atom catalysts for CO2 conversion to C2+ products with high faradaic efficiency, selectivity, and robust durability. l Studied the different reaction mechanism of the formation of ethanol, acetate and formate via in-situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) caused by the particles size, from metal single atom to clusters to nanoparticles. l To explore the large-scale application of the developed highly efficient carbon supported metal single atoms catalysts, H-cell or Membrane Electrode Assemblies (MEA) electrolyzer were adopted to evaluate the electrochemical performance of catalysts. l Developed novel synthesis methods and evaluated the electrocatalytic activity of the electrocatalysts. l Characterize components, micro-structures using ex-situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) and using TEM and SEM at Argonne’s Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM). Personally responsible for writing beam time and instrument user proposals and for operating the beam lines and microscopes. Project 3: Lab technology to market of carbon supported copper single atom catalysts. ((DOE) l Plan or conduct experiments to validate new materials, optimize startup protocols, reduce conditioning time, or examine contaminant tolerance of the catalysts for CO2 conversation to ethanol. l Scale-up and achieve the milestone of 5 kg the carbon supported Cu single atom catalyst by amalgamated Li metal method. l Plan or implement catalysts cost reduction or product improvement projects in collaboration with other engineers, suppliers, support personnel, and manufacture. l The developed catalysts open a huge potential of developing the next-generation electrolyzer for CO2-to-chemical production. Further to improve the catalysts suitable for a low temperature electrolyzer of chemical production using CO2 emission from the power plant. Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division 03/2020-07/2022 · Good working experience/knowledge in Advanced Lithium-Ion Batteries to fabricate the pouch cells/coin cells in dry room · Broad knowledge and R&D experience in various lithium battery chemistry and materials (electrodes, electrolyte, etc.), with deep penetration in cathode domain (e.g., LCO, NMC, LMO, LFO, binary compounds, etc.). · Intensive hands-on experience in material characterization and high-performance lithium battery development. Characterized the cathode materials using in-situ X-ray diffraction spectroscopy to understand the phase transition from O3 to H1-3 or O6 at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) during the cycling test. HAADF-STEM technique was used to find the crystal structure transition from Rock-salt on the surface to spinel domain on sub-surface to layer structure inside at Argonne’s Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM) and University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). · Solid background on materials science and understanding of materials property relationship fundamentals. Testing protocol development and battery testing equipment operation: MACCOR, LAND. · Cells level development and validation electrode engineering, cell design & fabrication, failure analysis, etc. · Systematic and efficient problem solver, with demonstrated success accomplishing highly challenging projects. Strong observation and analysis skills, detail oriented. Process development, design of experiments, data collection and analysis. Northern Illinois University, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry 08/2015–08/2017 Project 1: Exotic synthesis of carbon supported metal single atoms and bimetallic via Metal-Li amalgam method. l The main goal is to prepare metal single atom (Metals in transition and main groups) and apply these metal single atom materials as catalysts to evaluate their electrocatalytic performance. Responsible for designing the catalyst materials, performing experiments, data collection and analysis. Meanwhile, assisting Prof. Xu to write the NSF and DOE funding proposals. 单原子催化剂--Electrochemcial CO2 reduction 名称 Xu discovered a new electrocatalyst that converts carbon dioxide (CO2) and water into ethanol with very high energy efficiency, high selectivity for the desired final product and low cost. Ethanol is a particularly desirable commodity because it is an ingredient in nearly all gasoline and is widely used as an intermediate product in the chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. Cited: https://www.anl.gov/article/turning-carbon-dioxide-into-liquid-fuel 超锂技术制备超薄锂片--Ultra-Thin Li Sheet for Battery 名称 Xu developed a new kind of metastable doped Li metal technology, which can be used for Lithium metal battery. Meanwhile, this new kind of ultra-thin Li sheet can be used as anode addtive of Li as well.The "metastable prepared Li sheet" demonstrated superior electrochemical performance and dry air stability property, which can solve problems of the formation of "Dead Li" in the battery application. 非铂或低铂催化剂--Non-PGM/Ultra-low Pt catalysts for Fuel Cell 名称 Xu is interested in examined the feasibility of a new catalyst design concept that can potentially overcome the “scaling rule” of oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) using the catalyst system. More specifically, investigated catalyst design principals and the performance of Pt-Co core-shell nanoparticles (NPs) over MOF-derived TM-Nx-Cy substrate of catalysts in membrane electrode assembly (MEA) to understand its impact to MEA performance and durability. Identified potential improvement opportunities to involve the use of active support material as the secondary active sites, from/to which the reaction intermediates may migrate, to bypass the high activation energy barriers of ORR. 论文期刊 论文标题 La- and Mn-doped cobalt spinel oxygen evolution catalyst for proton exchange membrane electrolysis 作者 LINA CHONG,GUOPING GAO , HAIXIA LI, HAIPING XU, ZACH GREEN,JOSHUA D. SUGAR, A. JEREMY KROPF ,WENQIAN XU ,XIAO-MIN LIN , HUI XU,LIN-WANG WANG, DI-JIA LIU 发表时间 2023,05 期刊名称 Science 期卷 380(6645)609-616 简单介绍 Discovery of earth-abundant electrocatalysts to replace iridium for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) in a proton exchange membrane water electrolyzer (PEMWE) represents a critical step in reducing the cost for green hydrogen production. We report a nanofibrous cobalt spinel catalyst codoped with lanthanum (La) and manganese (Mn) prepared from a zeolitic imidazolate framework embedded in electrospun polymer fiber. The catalyst demonstrated a low overpotential of 353 millivolts at 10 milliamperes per square centimeter and a low degradation for OER over 360 hours in acidic electrolyte. A PEMWE containing this catalyst at the anode demonstrated a current density of 2000 milliamperes per square centimeter at 2.47 volts (Nafion 115 membrane) or 4000 milliamperes per square centimeter at 3.00 volts (Nafion 212 membrane) and low degradation in an accelerated stress test. 论文标题 Oxygen reduction reaction catalysts prepared by platinizing thermally activated zeolitic imidazolate frameworks 作者 Haiping Xu, Li Qin Zhou, Hao Wang,Hongfei Jia and Di-Jia Liu 发表时间 2023,05 期刊名称 Electrochimica Acta 期卷 142550 简单介绍 Highly efficient and low-cost oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) catalyst is essential to improve the cost competitiveness of the proton-exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). One potential approach of cost reduction is to apply low loading Pt over a catalytically active support made of platinum metal group free (PGM-free) material to compensate the overall ORR activity through synergistic catalysis between Pt and PGM-free support. In this report, we investigated a series of catalysts prepared by adding low-loading Pt over ORR active support prepared through thermally activated Co/Zn methyl-imidazolate framework (Co/Zn-ZIF) at various Co/Zn ratios. Catalytic activity measurement and structural characterization were performed in an attempt to gain better understanding of certain structural factors that could influence the catalytic performance. 论文标题 Highly selective electrocatalytic CO2 reduction to ethanol by metallic clusters dynamically formed from atomically dispersed copper 作者 Haiping, Xu, D. Rebollar, L. Chong, Y. Z. Liu, C. Liu, C-J Sun, T. Li, J. V. Muntean, R. E. Winans, D-J Liu, and T. Xu 发表时间 2020,07 期刊名称 Nature Energy 期卷 6 简单介绍 IF= 60.8 论文标题 Modulating reactivity and stability of metallic lithium via atomic doping 作者 Ke Lu, Haiping Xu, Haiying He, Siyuan Gao, Xun Li, Chong Zheng, Tao Xu and Yingwen Cheng 发表时间 2020,05 期刊名称 J. Mater. Chem. A, 期卷 8 简单介绍 IF = 11.3 论文标题 LixNiO/Ni heterostructure with strong basic lattice oxygen enables electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution with Pt-like activity 作者 K. Lu, Y. Z. Liu, F. Lin, I. Cordova, S. Y. Gao, B. M. Li, Hai Ping. Xu, J. Kaelin, D. Coliz, C. Wang, Y. Y. Shao and Y. W. Cheng 发表时间 2020 期刊名称 J. Am. Chem. Soc 期卷 142 简单介绍 IF= 14.6 论文标题 Atomically dispersed palladium catalyses Suzuki–Miyaura reactions under phosphine-free conditions 作者 G. D. Ding, L. D. Hao, H. P. Xu, L. G. Wang, J. Chen, T. Li, X. M. Tu and Q. Zhang 发表时间 2020 期刊名称 Communications Chemistry 期卷 3, 43 简单介绍 论文标题 Atomically Dispersed Copper-Catalyzed Hydroxylation of Aryl Iodides under Atmospheric Conditions 作者 G. D. Ding, X. Y. Li, H. P. Xu, E. Sarnello, T. Li, Q. Zhang 发表时间 2021 期刊名称 RSC advance 期卷 简单介绍 论文标题 Nickel/gallium modified HZSM-5 for ethane aromatization: influence of metal function on reactivity and stability 作者 S. Fadaeerayeni, J. J. Shan, E. Sarnello, H. P. Xu, H, Wang, J. H. Cheng, T. Li, H. Tohiani, Y. Z. Xiang 发表时间 2020 期刊名称 Applied Catalysis A: General 期卷 601, 5, 117629 简单介绍 论文标题 Large-scale synthesis of lithium and manganese rice materials with uniform thin-film Al2O3 coating for stable cathode cycling 作者 Y. Q. Kang, J. G. Li, K. Qian, Y. Zhao, H. P. Xu, X. M. He, F. Y. Kang, and T. Li 发表时间 2020 期刊名称 Science China Materials 期卷 63, 9, 1683-1692 简单介绍 论文标题 Amorphous Boron Nanorod as Anode Material for Lithium-ion Batteries at Room Temperature 作者 C. J. Deng, M. L. Lau, H. M. Barkholtz, H. P. Xu, Riley. Parrish, M. Y. (Olivia) Xu, T. Xu, Y. Z. Liu, H. Wang, J. G. Connell, K. A Smith, and H. Xiong 发表时间 2017 期刊名称 Nanoscale 期卷 9, 10757-10763 简单介绍 论文标题 Fluorine-Doped Tin Oxide Nanocrystal/Reduced Graphene Oxide Composites as Lithium-Ion Battery Anode Material with High Capacity and Cycling Stability 作者 H. P. Xu, S. Yuan, Z. Y. Wang, Y. Zhao, J. H. Fang, and L. Y. Shi 发表时间 2015 期刊名称 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 期卷 7, 27486?27493 简单介绍 论文标题 Tuning the morphology, stability and photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanocrystal colloids by tungsten doping 作者 H. P. Xu, J. H. Liao, S. Yuan, Y. Zhao, M. H. Zhang, Z. Y. Wang, and L. Y. Shi 发表时间 2014 期刊名称 Materials Research Bulletin. 期卷 51, 326-331 简单介绍 论文标题 Graphene anchored with ZrO2 nanoparticles as anodes of lithium-ion batteries with enhanced electrochemical performance 作者 H. P. Xu, S. Yuan, Z. Y. Wang, Y. Zhao, J. H. Fang, and L. Y. Shi 发表时间 2014 期刊名称 RSC Adv. 期卷 4, 8472 简单介绍 专利 专利名称 CARBON SUPPORTED SINGLE ATOM CARBON DIOXIDE REDUCTION ELECTRO CATALYSTS 专利号 US 20190276943A1 发明人 Di-Jia Liu, Tao Xu, Dominic Rebollar, and Haiping Xu 申请时间 2018 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 美国授权发明专利 专利名称 DOPED LITHIUM ANODE, BATTERY HAVING A DOPED LITHIUM ANODE, AND METHODS OF USE THEREOF 专利号 US20200335775A1 发明人 Yingwen Cheng, Tao Xu, Ke Lu, Haiping Xu 申请时间 2020 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 美国授权发明专利 专利名称 METHOD OF PREPARING ELECTROCATALYSTS FOR CONVERTING CARBON DIOXIDE TO CHEMICALS 专利号 US20220062864A1 发明人 Di-Jia Liu, Tao Xu and Haiping Xu 申请时间 2020 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 美国申请发明专利 专利名称 石墨烯及石墨烯-氧化物复合物的制备方法 专利号 CN103332678B 发明人 施利毅,王竹仪,徐海平,袁帅,赵尹,张美红 申请时间 2014 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 已授权 专利名称 一种锂离子电池负极材料及制备方法 专利号 CN104852022B 发明人 施利毅,袁帅,毕越,王帅,徐海平 申请时间 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 已授权 Principle Investigator 名称 Haiping Xu, PhD Full Professor School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Harbin Insititute of Technology B.Sc., Qingtao Agricultural University, 2011 M.S., Shanghai University, 2014 Ph.D., Northern Illinois University, 2020Postdoctoral, Argonne National Laboratory, 2020-2022 Email: haipingxu@hit.edu.cn 团队成员-Postdoctoral Appointee 名称 团队成员-Ph.D Candidates 名称 团队成员-Masters 名称 招生信息-Welcome Join us 名称 每年拟招收电化学、材料化学、能源化学等方向博士生2~3名,硕士生2~3名 (刚刚归国,名额充足) 研究生院链接 欢迎青年人才加入团队 助理教授和常规博士后待遇详见网页:http://www.hit.edu.cn/11572/list.htm 欢迎对前沿科技技术转化的优质有志青年加入我们团队!!! 欢迎对新能源材料与“双碳”政策下的前沿科技感兴趣的本科生报名科技创新项目!!! 请联系PI:haipingxu@hit.edu.cn Positions for graduate students are routinely available in Xu's group. We are looking for highly motivated, skilled candidates with a background either in electrochemistry, Electrode materials (Cathode and anode), catalysis for CO2 reduction and ORR, OER, nanoparticle synthesis and assembly, synchrotron characterization, molecular dynamics, and R&D of commercial batteries. Preferred candidates will have a master's degree in chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science or a related field. Undergraduate candidates with strong research background are also encouraged to apply. Interested applicants should send their CV and cover letter to Haiping Xu at haipingxu@hit.edu.cn ; suitable candidates will be contacted for further interview. We also welcome the visiting student and scientist to join our group. Contact School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Harbin Insititute of Technology Building Mingde C812 Email: haipingxu@hit.edu.cn 个人新闻 新闻标题 Turning-carbon-dioxide-into-liquid-fuel 发布时间 2020 https://www.anl.gov/article/turning-carbon-dioxide-into-liquid-fuel https://www.eurek.org/news-releases/759115, https://phys.org/news/2020-08-electrocatalyst-carbon-dioxide-liquid-fuel.html, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/08/200805160947.htm, https://news.uchicago.edu/story/new-catalyst-can-make-ethanol-out-carbon-dioxide, https://newatlas.com/energy/carbon-dioxide-water-ethanol-catalysis/, https://www.newswise.com/doescience/turning-carbon-dioxide-into-liquid-fuel/?article_id=735942 新闻标题 New electrocatalyst converts carbon dioxide into ethanol 发布时间 This work was highlighted and evaluated as one of the eight ways Argonne advanced science in 2020 https://www.anl.gov/article/eight-ways-argonne-advanced-science-in-2020 新闻标题 R&D 100 Award 2020, Versatile Method for Preparing Highly Effective Electro-catalyst for CO2 to Chemical Conversion 发布时间 2020 It was reported by R&D World and Argonne news. https://www.rdworldonline.com/rd-100-2020-winner/versatile-method-for-preparing-highly-effective-electro-catalyst-for-co2-to-chemical-conversion/ https://www.anl.gov/article/argonne-captures-five-rd-100-awards-and-fields-three-finalists, https://newsroom.niu.edu/2020/08/10/niu-argonne-scientists-turn-carbon-dioxide-into-liquid-fuel/ 新闻标题 Project launched to create prototype that converts carbon dioxide to ethanol 发布时间 2021 ANL/Northern Illinois University, $2M, was reported by Argonne new: https://www.anl.gov/article/project-launched-to-create-prototype-that-converts-carbon-dioxide-to-ethanol

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