

发布日期:2024-05-10 浏览次数:

基本信息 科学研究 教育教学 论文专著 学术交流 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 袁腊梅,女,汉族,中国共产党党员,教授,博士生导师。研究方向:李理论。 先后主持承担国家自然科学基金青年基金项目、教育部博士点新教师类项目、中国博士后基金项目以及哈工大校内基金项目。 教育经历 名称 2008年9月-2011年6月, 中国科学技术大学, 研究生/博士 2006年9月-2008年7月, 哈尔滨工业大学,研究生/硕士 2002年9月-2006年7月,东北师范大学,本科/学士 工作经历 名称 2023年01月- 至 今 哈工大 数学学院 教授 2018年05月-2022年12月 哈工大 数学学院 副教授 2015年01月-2018年04月 哈工大 基础于交叉科学研究院 副教授 2011年07月-2014年12月 哈工大 基础于交叉科学研究院 讲师 2013年09月-2014年09月 美国罗格斯大学 访问学者 发表论文 (2014年起) 名称 [21] Lamei Yuan, Jiefeng Lie, Twisting theory, relative Rota-Baxter type operators and L∞-algebras on Lie conformal algebras, J. Algebra, 2023, 636: 88–122. [20] Lamei Yuan, O-operators and Nijenhuis operators of associative conformal algebras, J. Algebra, 2022, 609:245–291. [19] Jiefeng Lie, Sihan Zhou, Lamei Yuan, Conformal r-matrix-Nijenhuis structures, symplectic-Nijenhuis structures, and ON-structures, J. Math. Phys., 2022, 63:101701. [18]Lamei Yuan, Jiaxin Li, Biderivations of q-deformed Heisenberg-Virasoro algebra, Comm. Algebra, 2022, 50(9):3651-3663. [17] Lamei Yuan, Qianyi Hua, 1/2-(bi)derivations and transposed Poisson algebra structureson Lie algebras, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 2022, 70(22):7672–7701. [16] Yanyong Hong,Lamei Yuan,Unified products of Leibniz conformal algebras, Comm. Algebra, 2021, 5:2074–2090. [15]Yucai Su, Chunguang Xia, Lamei Yuan, Extensions of conformal modules over Lie conformal algebras of Block type, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 224 (2020), 106232, 24pp. [14] Lamei Yuan, Kaijing Ling, Extensions of Schrodinger-Virasoro conformal modules, Comm. Algebra, 47(7) (2019), 2883–2903. [13] Kaijing Ling, Lamei Yuan, Extensions of modules over a class of Lie conformal algebrasW(b), J. Algebra Appl. 18(9) (2019), 1950164, 13 pp. [12] Jun Zhao, Liangyun Chen, Lamei Yuan, Extending structures of Lie conformal superalgebras, Comm. Algebra, 47(4) (2019), 1541–1555. [11] Y. Su, C. Xia, L. Yuan, Classification of finite irreducible conformal modules over a class of Lie conformal algebras of Block type, J. Algebra 2018, 499:321–336. [10] J. Zhao, L. Yuan, L. Chen, Deformations and Generalized derivations of Hom-Lie conformal algebras, Science China Math. 2018, 61(5) :797–812. [9 H. Wu, L.Yuan, Classification of finite irreducible conformal modules over some Lie conformal algebras related to the Virasoro conformal algebra, J. Math. Phys. 2017, 58:041701. [8] K.Ling, L.Yuan, Extensions of modules of the Henseiberg-Virasoro conformal algebra, Int. J. Math. 2017, 5:1750036. [7] J. Zhao,L.Chen, L. Yuan, Deformaitons and generalized derivations of Lie conformal superalgebra, J. Math. Phys. 2017, 58:111702. [6] L.Yuan, S. Chen, C. He, Hom-Gel'fand-Dorfman Super-bialgebras and Hom-Lie conformal superalgebras, Acta Math. Sinica, English Series, 2017, 33(1): 96–116. [5] L.Yuan, C. He, Lie superbialgebra and quantization of the super Virasoro algebra, J. Math. Phys. 2016, 57(5): 053508. [4] L.Yuan, H.Wu, Sreuctures of W(2,2) Lie conformal algebra, Open Math. 2016, 14: 629–640. [3] L. Yuan, H. Wu, Cohomology of the Heisenberg-Virasoro conformal algebra, J. Lie Theory, 2016, 26(4):1187–1197. [2] L. Yuan, Hom-Gel'fand-Dorfman bialgebras and Hom-Lie conformal algebras, J. Math. Phys. 2014, 55:043507. [1] L. Yuan, H. You, Low-dimensional cohomology of Hom-Lie algebras and q-deformed W(2,2) algebra, Acta Math. Sinica, English Seres, 2014, 30(6): 1073–1082. 研究领域 名称 研究领域:李理论 主要方向:李代数、李共形代数的表示和形变理论 科研项目 项目名称 一些非单李共形(超)代数的结构、表示和形变, 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2014-01-01 结束时间 2016-12-01 项目经费 23万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 几类非单李共形代数的表示和形变理论, 项目来源 国家教育部项目 开始时间 2014-01-01 结束时间 2016-12-01 项目经费 4万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 几类Hom-代数的结构与表示 项目来源 中国博士后基金 开始时间 2012-05-01 结束时间 2014-12-01 项目经费 5万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 基于李群李代数误差表征的空天动 力发动机装配精度调控方法 项目来源 哈尔滨工业大学“数学+ X”跨学科交叉研究项 目 开始时间 2022-10 结束时间 2024-10 项目经费 20万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 招生信息 名称 招收基础数学专业代数方向研究生(硕、博)。 已毕业硕士研究生6人(含协助指导1人),其中2人获“哈工大优秀毕业生金奖”, 1人获评“哈尔滨工业大学优秀硕士论文”。 作为副导师指导1名博士生,已毕业。 在读3人 讲授课程 名称 本科生课:高等代数(双语教学),线性代数与解析几何 研究生课:李代数,交换代数 教育经历 名称 2002年-2006年, 东北师范大学,数学系 2006年-2008年,,哈尔滨工业大学,数学系 2008年-2011年,中国科学技术大学,数学系 出版物 出版物名称 抽象代数3----交换代数 作者 孟道冀, 王立云, 袁腊梅* 出版时间 2016-01-01 出版社 科学出版社 简单介绍 交换代数是以含幺交换环为主要研究对象的一门代数学科。它的产生和发展的背景是代数数论和代数几何,同时它又为这两个数学分支提供了统一的新工具。 发表论文 论文标题 Deformations and generalized derivations of Hom-Lie conformal algebras 作者 Juan Zhao, Lamei Yuan, Liangyun Chen 发表时间 期刊名称 Science China Math. 期卷 Vol. 61 No. 5: 797--812 简单介绍 The purpose of this paper is to extend the cohomology and conformal derivation theories of theclassical Lie conformal algebras to Hom-Lie conformal algebras. In this paper, we develop cohomology theoryof Hom-Lie conformal algebras and discuss some applications to the study of deformations of regular Hom-Lieconformal algebras. Also, we introduce u000Bk-derivations of multiplicative Hom-Lie conformal algebras and studytheir properties. 论文标题 Classification of finite irreducible conformal modules over aclass of Lie conformal algebras of Block type 作者 Yucai Su, Chunguang Xia, Lamei Yuan 发表时间 期刊名称 J. Algebra 期卷 499, 321--336 简单介绍 We classify finite irreducible conformal modules over a class of infinite Lie conformal algebras B(p)of Block type, where pis a nonzero complex number. In particular, we obtain that a finite irreducible conformal module over B(p)may be a nontrivial extension of a finite conformal module over Virif p =?1, where Viris a Virasoro conformal subalgebra of B(p). As a byproduct, we also obtain the classification of finite irreducible conformal modules over a series of finite Lie conformal algebras b(n)for n ≥1. 论文标题 Deformations and generalized derivations of Lie conformal superalgebras 作者 Jun Zhao, Liangyun Chen, Lamei Yuan 发表时间 期刊名称 J. Math. Phys. 期卷 58, 111702 (2017) 简单介绍 In this paper, we study deformations and generalized derivations of Lie conformalsuperalgebras. First, we study conformal derivations of the semidirect product of a Lieconformal superalgebra and its conformal module. Second, we extend the cohomologytheory of Lie conformal algebras to the super case and discuss some applicationsto deformations of Lie conformal superalgebras. Finally, we introduce generalizedderivations of Lie conformal superalgebras and study their properties. 论文标题 Classification of finite irreducible conformal modules over some Lie conformal algebras related to the Virasoro conformal algebra 作者 Henan Wu 发表时间 期刊名称 J. Math. Phys. 期卷 58, 041701 (2017) 简单介绍 In this paper, we classify all finite irreducible conformal modules over a class of Lieconformal algebrasW(b) with b 2 Crelated to theVirasoro conformal algebra. Explicitly,any finite irreducible conformal module overW(b) is proved to be isomorphicto Mu0001,u000B,f with u0001 , 0 or f , 0 if b = 0, or Mu0001,u000B with u0001 , 0 if b , 0. As a byproduct, allfinite irreducible conformal modules over the Heisenberg-Virasoro conformal algebraand the W(2, 2) Lie conformal algebra are classified. Finally, the same thing isdone for the Schr¨odinger-Virasoro conformal algebra. Published 论文标题 Extensions of modules over the Heisenberg–Virasoro conformal algebra 作者 Kaijing Ling, Lamei Yuan 发表时间 期刊名称 International Journal of Mathematics 期卷 Vol. 28, No. 5 (2017) 1750036 简单介绍 In this paper, extensions between finite conformal modules over the Heisenberg–Virasoro conformal algebra are classified. 论文标题 Hom-Gel’fand–Dorfman Super-bialgebras and Hom-Lie Conformal Superalgebras 作者 Lamei Yuan, Sheng Chen, Caixia He 发表时间 期刊名称 Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 期卷 Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 96–116 简单介绍 The aim of this paper is to introduce and study Hom-Gel’fand–Dorfman super-bialgebrasand Hom-Lie conformal superalgebras. In this paper, we provide different ways for constructing Hom-Gel’fand–Dorfman super-bialgebras. Also, we obtain some infinite-dimensional Hom-Lie superalgebrasfrom affinization of Hom-Gel’fand–Dorfman super-bialgebras. Finally, we give a general construction ofHom-Lie conformal superalgebras from Hom-Lie superalgebras and establish the equivalence betweenquadratic Hom-Lie conformal superalgebras and Hom-Gel’fand–Dorfman super-bialgebras. 论文标题 Structures of W(2,2) Lie conformal algebra 作者 Lamei Yuan, Henan Wu 发表时间 期刊名称 Open Math. 期卷 2016; 14: 629–640 简单介绍 The purpose of this paper is to study W.2; 2/ Lie conformal algebra, which has a free C?@?-basis fL;Mgsuch that ?Lu0015L? D .@ C 2u0015/L, ?Lu0015M? D .@ C 2u0015/M, ?Mu0015M? D 0. In this paper, we study conformal derivations,central extensions and conformal modules for this Lie conformal algebra. Also, we compute the cohomology ofthis Lie conformal algebra with coefficients in its modules. In particular, we determine its cohomology with trivialcoefficients both for the basic and reduced complexes. 论文标题 Cohomology of the Heisenberg-Virasoro Conformal Algebra 作者 Lamei Yuan, Henan Wu 发表时间 期刊名称 J. Lie Theory 期卷 26 (2016) 1187{1197 简单介绍 We compute the cohomology groups of the Heisenberg-Virasoroconformal algebra with coeu000Ecients in its modules C;Ca and Mu0001;u000B;f . In par-ticular, we completely determine the cohomology groups with trivial coeu000Ecientsboth for the basic and reduced complexes. 论文标题 Lie super-bialgebra and quantization of the super Virasoro algebra 作者 Lamei Yuan, Caixia He 发表时间 期刊名称 J. Math. Phys. 期卷 57, 053508 (2016); 简单介绍 In this paper, we study Lie super-bialgebra and quantization of the super Virasoroalgebra, whose even part is the centerless twisted Heisenberg-Virasoro algebra. Byusing some Liu-Pei-Zhu’s results, we prove that all Lie super-bialgebra structureson the super Virasoro algebra are triangular coboundary. Furthermore, we quantizethe super Virasoro algebra by the Drinfel’d twist quantization technique and obtain aclass of noncommutative and noncocommutative Hopf superalgebras. 论文标题 Super Hom-Gel’fand-Dorfman bialgebras and Hom-Lie conformal superalgebras 作者 Lamei Yuan, Sheng Chen, Caixia He 发表时间 期刊名称 http://www.paper.edu.cn 期卷 简单介绍 The purpose of this paper is to introduce and study super Hom-Gel’fand-Dorfmanbialgebras and Hom-Lie conformal superalgebras. In this paper, different ways forconstructing super Hom-Gel’fand-Dorfman bialgebras are provided and a class ofinfinite-dimensional Hom-Lie superalgebras from affinization of super Hom-Gel’fand-Dorfmanbialgebras are obtained. Also, a general construction of Hom-Lie conformal superalgebrasfrom Hom-Lie superalgebras is given and equivalence of quadratic Hom-Lie conformalsuperalgebras and super Hom-Gel’fand-Dorfman bialgebras is established. Finally,one-dimensional central extensions of quadratic Hom-Lie conformal superalgebras are studied. 论文标题 Hom Gel@#?nd-Dorfman bialgebras and Hom-Lie conformal algebras 作者 Lamei Yuan 发表时间 期刊名称 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 期卷 55, 043507 简单介绍 The aim of this paper is to introduce the notions of Hom Gel’fand-Dorfman bialgebraand Hom-Lie conformal algebra. In this paper, we give four constructions of HomGel’fand-Dorfman bialgebras. Also, we provide a general construction of Hom-Lieconformal algebras from Hom-Lie algebras. Finally, we prove that a Hom Gel’fand-Dorfman bialgebra is equivalent to a Hom-Lie conformal algebra of degree 2. 论文标题 Schr?dinger-Virasoro Lie conformal algebra 作者 Yucai Su, Lamei Yuan* 发表时间 期刊名称 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 期卷 54, 053503 简单介绍 We first construct two new nonsimple conformal algebras associated with theSchr¨odinger-Virasoro Lie algebra and the extended Schr¨odinger-Virasoro Lie algebra,respectively. Then we study conformal derivations and free nontrivial rankone conformal modules of these two conformal algebras. Also, we provide acomputation of their universal central extensions. 论文标题 Hom-Lie Color Algebra Structures 作者 Lamei Yuan 发表时间 期刊名称 Communications in Algebra 期卷 40: 575–59 简单介绍 The aim of this article is to introduce the notion of Hom-Lie color algebras. This classof algebras is a natural generalization of the Hom-Lie algebras as well as a specialcase of the quasi-hom-Lie algebras. In the article, homomorphism relations betweenHom-Lie color algebras are defined and studied. We present a way to obtain Hom-Liecolor algebras from the classical Lie color algebras along with algebra endomorphismsand offer some applications. Also, we introduce a multiplier u0001 on the abelian group u0002and provide constructions of new Hom-Lie color algebras from old ones by the u0001-twists.Finally, we explore some general classes of Hom-Lie color admissible algebras anddescribe all these classes via G–Hom-associative color algebras, where G is a subgroupof the symmetric group S3. 论文标题 q-Deformation of W(2, 2) Lie Algebra Associated with Quantum Groups 作者 Lamei Yuan 发表时间 期刊名称 Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 期卷 2012, Vol. 简单介绍 The q-deformation of W(2, 2) Lie algebra is well defined based on a realization of this Liealgebra by using the famous bosonic and fermionic oscillators in physics. Furthermore, the quantumgroup structures on the q-deformation of W(2, 2) Lie algebra are completely determined. Finally, the1-dimensional central extension of the q-deformed W(2, 2) Lie algebra is studied, which turns out tobe coincided with the conventional W(2, 2) Lie algebra in the q → 1 limit. 论文标题 Low Dimensional Cohomology of Hom-Lie Algebras and q-deformed W(2, 2) Algebra 作者 Lamei Yuan, Hong You 发表时间 期刊名称 Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 期卷 2014, Vol. 简单介绍 This paper aims to study low dimensional cohomology of Hom-Lie algebras and the qdeformedW(2, 2) algebra. We show that the q-deformed W(2, 2) algebra is a Hom-Lie algebra. Also,we establish a one-to-one correspondence between the equivalence classes of one-dimensional centralextensions of a Hom-Lie algebra and its second cohomology group, leading us to determine the secondcohomology group of the q-deformed W(2, 2) algebra. In addition, we generalize some resultsof derivations of finitely generated Lie algebras with values in graded modules to Hom-Lie algebras.As application, we compute all αk-derivations and in particular the first cohomology group of theq-deformed W(2, 2) algebra. 论文标题 A nonsimple Lie conformal algebra of rank 2 作者 Lamei Yuan, Hong You 发表时间 期刊名称 http://www.paper.edu.cn 期卷 简单介绍 Conformal derivations, central extensions, free rank one conformal modules andlow-dimensional cohomologies of a rank 2 Lie conformal algebra associated to the centerlessW(2, 2) Lie algebra are determined. 论文标题 Derivations and Automorphism Group of Completed Witt Lie Algebra 作者 Yongping Wu, Ying Xu, Lamei Yuan 发表时间 期刊名称 Algebra Colloquium 期卷 19 : 3 (20 简单介绍 In this paper, a simple Lie algebra, referred to as the completed Witt Liealgebra, is introduced. Its derivation algebra and automorphism group are completelydescribed. As a by-product, it is obtained that the ˉrst cohomology group of this Liealgebra with coe±cients in its adjoint module is trivial. Furthermore, we completelydetermine the conjugate classes of this Lie algebra under its automorphism group, andalso obtain that this Lie algebra does not contain any nonzero ad-locally ˉnite element. 论文标题 Quantization of Schr¨odinger-Virasoro Lie algebra 作者 Yucai Su, Lamei Yuan 发表时间 期刊名称 Front. Math. China 期卷 5(4): 701-712 简单介绍 In this paper, we use the general quantization method by Drinfel’dtwists to quantize the Schr¨odinger-Virasoro Lie algebra whose Lie bialgebrastructures were recently discovered by Han-Li-Su. We give two different kindsof Drinfel’d twists, which are then used to construct the corresponding Hopfalgebraic structures. Our results extend the class of examples of noncommutativeand noncocommutative Hopf algebras. 论文标题 Lie Bialgebra Structures on the Extended Schr?odinger-Virasoro Lie Algebra 作者 Lamei Yuan, Yongping Wu, Ying Xu 发表时间 期刊名称 Algebra Colloquium 期卷 18 : 4 (20 简单介绍 In this paper, Lie bialgebra structures on the extended Schr?odinger-VirasoroLie algebra L are classiˉed. It is obtained that all the Lie bialgebra structures on L aretriangular coboundary. As a by-product, it is derived that the ˉrst cohomology groupH1(L;L - L) is trivial.

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