

发布日期:2024-05-10 浏览次数:

基本信息(Basic information) 研究(Research) 研究团队(Team) 新建主栏目 个人简介(CV) 名称 闫春爽 特任研究员、哈工大本科、博士毕业,2021年作为哈工大海外留学归国人才引进。在科研方面,主要从事新型离子电池与电极材料(锂离子电池、钠离子电池、水系锌离子电池、铝离子电池等)的研究工作。近年来以第一作者在《JACS》(2篇)、《Adv. Mater.》、《Adv. Energy Mater.》、《Adv. Funct. Mater.》(2篇)、《Nano Energy》、《ACS Nano》等杂志上发表SCI论文10余篇,以通讯作者在《Energy Storage Mater.》、《ACS Nano》、《J. Energy Chem.》等SCI期刊上发表文章3篇;引用超过3000次,H因子=24。 教育经历(Education experience) 标题 本科学习经历 起讫时间 2009.09-2013.07 所学专业 材料化学 学习机构 哈尔滨工业大学 学历 本科 (bachelor degree) 简单介绍 标题 博士学习经历 (导师:陈刚 教授) 起讫时间 2013.09-2019.01 所学专业 化学工程与技术 学习机构 哈尔滨工业大学 学历 博士 (doctoral degree) 简单介绍 邮箱:gchen@hit.edu.cn;个人主页:http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/chengang 标题 CSC联合培养(supervisor: Prof. Guihua Yu) 起讫时间 2016.09-2018.03 所学专业 Materials Science & Engineering Program 学习机构 The University of Texas at Austin 学历 Visiting scholar 简单介绍 Email: ghyu@austin.utexas.edu; Website: http://yugroup.me.utexas.edu/ 工作经历 标题 博后经历(supervisor:Prof. Alex Qingyu Yan) 工作单位 新加坡南洋理工大学 (Nanyang Technological University) 职位/职称 Research fellow 起讫时间 2019.04-2021.08 简单介绍 Email: alexyan@ntu.edu.sg; Website: https://personal.ntu.edu.sg/alexyan/ 标题 工作经历 工作单位 哈尔滨工业大学-化工与化学学院-新能源材料与器件系 职位/职称 特任研究员 起讫时间 2021.09-至今 简单介绍 招生信息 名称 每年拟招收化学、能源、材料方向博士生2~3名,硕士生3~6名 研究领域 名称 研究方向:1. 锂离子电池电极材料;2. 钠离子电池电极材料;3. 铝离子电池器件设计 Research:1. Lithium ion battery electrode materials; 2. Sodium ion battery electrode materials; 3. Design of aluminum ion battery SCI papers 名称 ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3840-7052 2023: H. Yu, C. Lv, C. Yan,* G. Yu,* Interface Engineering for Aqueous Aluminum Metal Batteries: Current Progresses and Future Prospects. Small Methods 2023, 2300758. link F. Jing, C. Lv, L. Xu*, Y. Shang, J. Pei, P. Song, Y. Wang, G. Chen,* C Yan,* An amorphous manganese iron oxide hollow nanocube cathode for aqueous zinc ion batteries. J. Energy Chem. 2023, 87, 314-321. link Y. Shang, C. Wang, C. Yan,* F. Jing, M. Roostaeinia, Y. Wang,* G. Chen, C. Lv. An efficient and multifunctional S-scheme heterojunction photocatalyst constructed by tungsten oxide and graphitic carbon nitride: Design and mechanism study. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2023, 634, 195-208. link 2022: C. Yan,* C. Lv, B.-E. Jia, L. Zhong, X. Cao, X. Guo, H. Liu, W. Xu, D. Liu, L. Yang, J. Liu, H. H. Hng, W. Chen, L. Song, S. Li, Z. Liu, Q. Yan,* G. Yu*, Reversible Al Metal Anodes Enabled by Amorphization for Aqueous Aluminum Batteries. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 11444-11455. link. C. Lv, C. Lee, L. Zhong, H. Liu, J. Liu, L. Yang, C. Yan,* W. Yu, H. H. Hng, Z. Qi, L. Song, S. Li, K. P. Loh, Q. Yan,* G. Yu*,A Defect Engineered Electrocatalyst that Promotes High-Efficiency Urea Synthesis under Ambient Conditions. ACS Nano 2022, 16, 8213-8222. link (cover) F Jing, Y Liu, Y Shang, C Lv, L Xu, J Pei*, J Liu, G Chen, C Yan,* Dual ions intercalation drives high-performance aqueous Zn-ion storage on birnessite-type manganese oxides cathode. Energy Storage Mater. 2022, 49, 164-171. link C. Lv, X. Zhou, L. Zhong, C. Yan, M. Srinivasan, Z. W. Seh, C. Liu, H. Pan, S. Li,* Y. Wen,* Qingyu Yan*, Machine Learning: An Advanced Platform for Materials Development and State Prediction in Lithium-Ion Batteries, Adv. Mater. 2022, 34, 2101474 link B. -E. Jia, A. Q. Thang, C. Yan, C. Liu, C. Lv, Q. Zhu, J. Xu, J. Chen,* H. Pan, Q. Yan*, Rechargeable Aqueous Aluminum-Ion Battery: Progress and Outlook, Small 2022, 26, 2107773. link 2021: C. Lv, L. Zhong, H. Liu, Z. Fang, C. Yan, M. Chen, Y. Kong, C. Lee, D. Liu, S. Li,* J. Liu, L. Song,* G. Chen, Q. Yan,* G. Yu*, Selective electrocatalytic synthesis of urea with nitrate and carbon dioxide, Nat. Sustain. 2021, 4, 868–876. link (Highlighted in Nature Sustainability Community) L. Sun, Z. Dai,* L. Zhong, Y. Zhao, Y. Cheng, S. Chong, G. Chen, C. Yan, X. Zhang, H. Tan, L. Zhang, K. N. Dinh, S. Li, F. Ma,* Q. Yan*, Lattice strain and atomic replacement of CoO6 octahedra in layered sodium cobalt oxide for boosted water oxidation electrocatalysis, Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 2021, 297, 120477. link H. Kong, W. Cui, C. Yan, Y. Kong, C. Lv,* G. Chen*, Interface engineering on cobalt selenide composites enables superior Alkali-Ion storage, Chem. Eng. J. 2021, 419, 129490. link H. Kong, C. Lv, Y. Wu, C. Yan,* G. Chen*, Integration of cobalt selenide nanocrystals with interlayer expanded 3D Se/N Co-doped carbon networks for superior sodium-ion storage, J Energy Chem. 2021, 55, 169-175. link 2012~2020: C. Yan, C. Lv, L. Wang, W. Cui, L. Zhang, K. N. Dinh, H. Tan, C. Wu, T. Wu, Y. Ren, J. Chen, Z. Liu, M. Srinivasan, X. Rui,* Q. Yan,* G. Yu,* Architecting a Stable High-Energy Aqueous Al-Ion Battery, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 36, 15295–15304. (Cover)link (highlighted by Science) C. Yan, Y. Zhu, Z. Fang, C. Lv, X. Zhou, G. Chen,* G. Yu,* Heterogeneous molten salt strategy toward coupling cobalt-cobalt oxide and carbon for efficient energy conversion and storage, Adv. Energy Mater. 2018, 8, 1800762. link C. Yan, Y. Zhu, Y. Li, Z. Fang, L. Peng, X. Zhou, G. Chen,* G. Yu,* Local built-in electric field enabled in carbon-doped Co3O4 nanocrystals for superior lithium-ion storage, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018, 28, 1705951. link C. Yan, Z. Fang, C. Lv, X. Zhou, G. Chen,* G. Yu,* Significantly improving lithium ion transport via conjugated anion intercalation in inorganic layered hosts, ACS Nano 2018, 12, 8670-8677. link C. Yan, C. Lv, Y. Zhu, G. Chen,* J. Sun, G. Yu,* Engineering 2D nanofluidic Li-ion transport channels for superior electrochemical energy storage, Adv. Mater. 2017, 29, 1703909. (Front Cover) link C. Yan, G. Chen,* X. Zhou,* J. Sun, C. Lv, Template-based engineering of carbon-doped Co3O4 hollow nanofibers as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2016, 26, 1428-1436. (ESI 1%) link C. Yan, G. Chen,* J. Sun,* X. Zhou C. Lv, A novel anode comprised of C&N co-doped Co3O4 hollow nanofibres with excellent performance for lithium-ion batteries, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2016, 18, 19531-19535. link C. Yan, G. Chen,* Y. Zhang, D. Chen, J. Pei, Z. Qiu, CuSe1-xSx nanosheets with an ordered superstructure as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries, New J Chem. 2016, 40, 6588-6592. link C. Yan, G. Chen,* J. Sun,* C. Lv, J. Pei, Edge dislocation surface modification: a new and efficient strategy for realizing outstanding lithium storage performance, Nano Energy 2015, 15, 558-566. link C. Yan, G. Chen,* X. Shi, J. Pei,* J. Sun, D. Chen, Y. Zhang, The S-hindered synthesis of PbSe/PbS nanosheets with enhanced electrochemical activities, New J Chem. 2015, 39: 3513-3519. link C. Yan, G. Chen,* D. Chen, J. Pei, J. Sun, H. Xu, Y. Zhang, Z. Qiu, Double surfactant-directed controllable synthesis of Sb2S3 crystals with comparable electrochemical performances, CrystEngComm 2014, 16, 7753-7760. link C. Yan, G. Chen*, R. Jin, X. Zou, H. Xu, C. Lv, Well-defined Sb2S3 nanostructures: citric acid-assisted synthesis, electrochemical hydrogen storage properties, Cryst. Res. Technol. 2013, 48, 566-573. link C. Lv, L. Zhong, Y. Yao, D. Liu, Y. Kong, X. Jin, Z. Fang, W. Xu, C. Yan, K. N. Dinh, M. Shao, L. Song, G. Chen, S. Li, Q. Yan,* G. Yu*, Boosting Electrocatalytic Ammonia Production through Mimicking "π Back-Donation", Chem 2020, 6, 2690-2702. link C. Wu, H. Tan, W. Huang, W. Li, K. N. Dinh, C. Yan, W. Wei, L. Chen,* Q. Yan*, A New Scalable Preparation of Metal Nanosheets: Potential Applications for Aqueous Zn-Ion Batteries Anode, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 2003187. link W. Yang, D. Chen, Y. She, M. Zeng, X. Lin, E. H. Ang, C. Yan, Y. Qin,* X. Rui*, Rational design of vanadium chalcogenides for sodium-ion batteries, J. Power Sources 2020, 478, 228769. link Z. Qin, C. Lv, J. Pei,* C. Yan, Y. Hu, G. Chen*, A 1D Honeycomb-Like Amorphous Zincic Vanadate for Stable and Fast Sodium-Ion Storage, Small 2020, 16, 1906214. link H. Kong, Y. Wu, W. Hong, C. Yan, Y. Zhao, G. Chen*, Structure-designed synthesis of Cu-doped Co3O4@N-doped carbon with interior void space for optimizing alkali-ion storage, Energy Sotrage Mater. 2020, 24, 610-617. link H. Kong, C. Yan, C. Lv, J. Pei,* G. Chen*, Electric field effect in a Co3O4/TiO2 p–n junction for superior lithium-ion storage, Mater. Chem. Front. 2019, 3, 909-915. link C. Lv, C. Yan, G. Chen,* Y. Ding, J. Sun, Y. Zhou, G. Yu*, An Amorphous Noble-Metal-Free Electrocatalyst that Enables Nitrogen Fixation under Ambient Conditions, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 6073-6076. (Cover, ESI 1%) link C. Lv, Y. Qian, C. Yan, Y. Ding, Y. Liu, G. Chen*, G. Yu*, Defect Engineering Metal-Free Polymeric Carbon Nitride Electrocatalyst for Effective Nitrogen Fixation under Ambient Conditions, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 10246-10250. (ESI 1%) link L. Peng, Z. Fang, Y. Zhu, C. Yan, G. Yu*, Holey 2D Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Energy Storage, Adv. Energy Mater. 2018, 8, 1702179. link Y. Zhu, L. Peng, Z. Fang, C. Yan, X. Zhang, G. Yu*, Structural Engineering of 2D Nanomaterials for Energy Storage and Catalysis, Adv. Mater. 2018, 30, 1706347. link C. Lv, J. Sun,* G. Chen,* C. Yan, D. Chen, Achieving Ni3V2O8 amorphous wire encapsulated in crystalline tube nanostructure as anode materials for lithium ion batteries, Nano Energy, 2017, 33, 138-145. link H. Kong, C. Lv, C. Yan, G. Chen*, Engineering Mesoporous Single Crystals Co-Doped Fe2O3 for High-Performance Lithium Ion Batteries, Inorg. Chem. 2017, 56, 7642–7649. link D. Chen, G. Chen,* J. Pei, C. Yan, Y. Hu, Z. Qin, Metal–organic framework-induced formation of core–shell ZnCo2O4 spheres composed by nanoparticles with enhanced lithium storage properties, New J. Chem. 2017,41, 6973-6976. link Z. Fang, L. Peng, H. Lv, Y. Zhu, C. Yan, S. Wang, P. Kalyan, X. Wu, G. Yu*, Metallic Transition Metal Selenide Holey Nanosheets for Efficient Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysis, ACS Nano 2017, 11, 9550–9557. link Y. Jiao, J. Pei,* D. Chen, C. Yan, Y. Hu, Q. Zhang, G. Chen*,Mixed-metallic MOF based electrode materials for high performance hybrid supercapacitors, J. Mater. Chem. A 2017, 5, 1094-1102. link Y. Hu, C. Yan, D. Chen, C. Lv, Y. Jiao, G. Chen*, One-dimensional Co3O4 nanonet with enhanced rate performance for lithium ion batteries: Carbonyl-β-cyclodextrin inducing and kinetic analysis. Chem. Eng. J. 2017, 321, 31-39. link D. Chen, L. Peng, Y. Yuan, Y. Zhu, Z. Fang, C. Yan, G. Chen, R. Shahbazian-Yassar, J. Lu, K. Amine, G. Yu*,Two-Dimensional Holey Co3O4 Nanosheets for High-Rate Alkali-Ion Batteries: From Rational Synthesis to in Situ Probing, Nano Lett. 2017, 17, 3907–3913. link Y. Jiao, J. Pei,* C. Yan, D. Chen, Y. Hu, G. Chen*, Layered nickel metal–organic framework for high performance alkaline battery-supercapacitor hybrid devices, J. Mater. Chem. A 2016, 4, 13344-13351. link Y. Zhou, G. Chen,* Y. Yu, C. Yan, J. Sun, F. He, Synthesis of metal oxide nanosheets through a novel approach for energy applications, J. Mater. Chem. A 2016, 4, 781-784. link C. Lv, G. Chen,* J. Sun,* C. Yan, H. Dong, C. Li, One-dimensional Bi2O3 QD-decorated BiVO4 nanofibers: electrospinning synthesis, phase separation mechanism and enhanced photocatalytic performance, RSC Adv. 2015, 5, 3767-3773. link Y. Zhao, G. Chen,* C. Yan, C. Lv, R. Wang, J. Sun, Stabilising a Mn3O4 nanosheet on graphene via forming a 2D–2D nanostructure for improvement of lithium storage, RSC Adv. 2015, 5, 106206-106212. link H. Xu, G. Chen*, R. Jin, D. Chen, Y. Wang, J. Pei, C. Yan, Y. Zhang, Z. Qiu, Enhancement of the Seebeck Coefficient in Stacked Bi2Se3 Nanoplates by Energy Filtering, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2014.16, 2625-2630. link H. Xu, G. Chen*, R. Jin, D. Chen, Y. Wang, J. Pei, Y. Zhang, C. Yan, Z. Qiu, Microwave-assisted synthesis of Bi2Se3 ultrathin nanosheets and its electrical conductivities, CrystEngComm 2014, 16, 3965-3970. link R. Jin, G. Chen*, C. Yan, D. Chen, H. Xu, J. Pei*, Glucose assisted synthesis and growth mechanism of hierarchical antimony chalcogenides, CrystEngComm 2012,14, 8547-8553. link J. Ren, G. Chen*, J. Pei*, C. Yan, Hydrothermal synthesis and thermoelectric transport property of PbS–PbTe core–shell heterostructures, New J. Chem. 2012, 36, 2574-2579. link 论文封面 名称 在读博士生(PhD Candidates) 名称 20级博士(陈刚老师名下): 22级博士: 在读硕士生(Master Students) 名称 22级硕士:

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