

发布日期:2024-05-10 浏览次数:

基本信息 科学研究 论文专著 教育教学 English CV 新建主栏目 名称 杨志强,男,汉族,航天学院航天科学与力学系副教授,博士生导师,黑龙江省优青,美国哥伦比亚大学访问学者,哈尔滨工业大学力学流动站博士后。近几年先后负责国家自然科学基金青年项目、黑龙江省优秀青年基金项目、中国博士后一等资助、博士后特别资助、哈工大青年拔尖人才、国家重点实验室基金和哈工大创新基金等项目。参与国家自然科学基金重点项目和重大项目等多项项目。累计发表论文60余篇,其中以一作或通讯在计算力学顶级期刊Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering、Journal of Computational Physics、International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering、Computational Mechanics、传热传质顶级期刊International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、固体力学权威期刊International Journal of Solids and Structures、European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids、机械领域顶级期刊International Journal of Mechanical Sciences、流体领域权威期刊Physics of Fluids、能源领域顶级期刊Nano Energy等著名期刊上发表论文50多篇,JCR一区30多篇,中科院TOP期刊20多篇,Editor's Pick1篇和封面论文2篇。2016年入选哈工大青年拔尖人才,获得2016年度博士后科学基金优秀资助者(全国100人),《航空工程进展》2017、2018年优秀审稿专家,2021年黑龙江省优青。美国Mathematical Reviews 评论员 (编号:147171),中国力学学会会员,教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心学位论文评审专家,全国材料与器件科学家智库-能源材料与器件专家委员会常务委员(2021 年 12 月 14 -2026 年 12 月 31),CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua (SCI JCR 3区)、《应用力学学报》、《海军航空大学学报》青年编委。 工作经历 标题 起讫时间 2020.10-至今 职位/职称 博士生导师 工作单位 哈尔滨工业大学,航天学院,固体力学 简单介绍 标题 起讫时间 2017.12-2018.12 职位/职称 访问学者 工作单位 美国哥伦比亚大学, 土木工程与工程力学系, 合作导师:Jacob Fish教授 简单介绍 2018年以访问学者身份赴美国哥伦比亚大学访学一年,合作导师为Jacob Fish教授(Jacob Fish教授是美国前计算力学协会主席,全球最著名的多尺度专家之一),主要从事复合材料非线性多尺度算法及其在材料损伤、疲劳和断裂研究中的应用。 标题 起讫时间 2016.10-至今 职位/职称 副教授 工作单位 哈尔滨工业大学,航天学院,固体力学 简单介绍 标题 起讫时间 2014.09-2016.10 职位/职称 博士后 工作单位 哈尔滨工业大学,航天学院,固体力学,合作导师:孙毅教授 简单介绍 教育经历 标题 起讫时间 2008.09-2014.06 所学专业 应用数学 学习机构 西北工业大学 学历 博士 简单介绍 博士导师为中国科学院数学与系统科学院崔俊芝院士,博士期间主要利用多尺度方法对周期和随机性构造的多孔材料结构的物理,力学及其热-力学耦合性能进行研究。 标题 起讫时间 2004.09-2008.07 所学专业 统计数学 学习机构 西北工业大学 学历 本科 简单介绍 奖励和荣誉称号 称号名称 哈尔滨工业大学“青年拔尖人才选聘计划(副教授)” 获奖时间 2016.09 颁奖机构 哈尔滨工业大学 简单介绍 称号名称 博士后科学基金优秀资助者(全国100 名) 获奖时间 2016年 颁奖机构 全国博士后管委会 简单介绍 称号名称 黑龙江省优秀青年基金获得者 获奖时间 2021年07月 颁奖机构 黑龙江省科技厅 简单介绍 称号名称 优秀审稿专家 获奖时间 2017 年和2018 年 颁奖机构 《航空工程进展》 简单介绍 学术团体及学术兼职 名称 2019年任美国Mathematical Reviews 评论员 (编号:147171) 中国力学学会会员 《应用力学学报》青年编委 《海军航空大学学报》青年编委 CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua (SCI, JCR 3区)青年编委 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering、International Journal of Solids and Structures、Multiscale Modeling and Simulation、Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 、ASME Journal of Heat Transfer 、International Journal of Mechanical Sciences等多个国内国际期刊审稿人 学术活动 名称 1. 中国力学大会, 上海, 2015.8.15-18, 分会场报告 2. 中国计算力学大会暨国际华人计算力学大会, 杭州, 2016.10.16-20, 分会场报告 3. 中国力学大会-2017暨庆祝中国力学学会成立60周年大会, 北京, 2017.8.13-8.16, 分会场报告 4. 第21届国际复合材料大会, 西安, 2017年8月20日-8月25日, 分会场报告 5. 2018年全国固体力学学术会议, 哈尔滨, 2018.11.23-11.25, 分会场报告 6. 2018年第十三届世界计算力学大学 (13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics) ,2018.7.22-7.27, 美国纽约, 专题研讨会Keynote Speaker(40分钟) 7. 材料模拟的数学理论、方法与应用研讨会,2019.5.23-5.27, 成都, 四川大学, 邀请报告(40分钟) 8. 第十二届全国计算数学年会, 2019.7.31-8.4, 哈尔滨, 分会场邀请报告 9. 中国力学大会-2019, 2019.08.25-08.28, 杭州, 分会场邀请报告 10. 多尺度建模与计算方法及其应用研讨会, 2020.01.05-01.08, 北京 11. 第四届全国复合材料力学与工程研讨会, 2020.10.23-10.25, 西安 12. 中国工业与应用数学学会第十八届年会, 2020.10月29-11月1日 长沙, 分会场报告 13. 第五届全国计算力学青年学术研讨会, 2020.11月13-11月15日 南京,邀请参加(40岁以下优秀青年学者,正式代表全国40人) 14. 第八届全国交通运输领域复合材料科技会议-航空航天复合材料应用研讨(NCCT-8,复合材料领域的行业专家近400人参加), 2021年05月8-10日, 浙江省桐乡市乌镇, 邀请报告 15. 第五届全国复合材料力学与工程研讨会(包括院士,长江、杰青等200多人参加), 2021年06月18-20日,中国·哈尔滨, 大会邀请报告 16.“复合材料与结构多物理场耦合性能预测的高阶多尺度方法”, 2022年6月10日,中国民航大学, 邀请报告 17. “复合材料与结构非线性热力耦合问题的降阶多尺度方法”, 2022年10月21日,大连海事大学, 邀请报告 18. 中国力学大会-2021+, 2022年11月6-10日,中国·成都, 专题研讨会(多尺度理论与计算、复合材料与结构力学)报告,专题研讨会主持人 19. 多尺度建模与计算方法及其应用研讨会, 2022年12月3-4日,中国·北京, 邀请报告 20. 第六届全国计算力学青年学术研讨会, 2023年3月17-3月19日 重庆,邀请参加 21. 东北四省区力学学术会议2023, 2023年4月8-4月9日 长春,分会场报告 22.12th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials,ACCM12,Hangzhou,2023.4.25- 28,Invited Speaker 23. 第七届全国复合材料力学与工程研讨会, 2023年05月13-15日,中国·上海, 大会邀请报告 24. 第13届南方计算力学会议, 2023年05月19-21日,中国·广州, 分会场报告 25. The 29th International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, 2023.05.26-29, China, Shenzhen, Oral speaker 26. 第21届华东固体力学学术会议,2023年07月7-9日,中国·上海, 邀请报告 27. 中国复合材料学会第93期高端青年沙龙,2023年07月21日,中国·北京, 邀请报告 28. 中国计算力学大会2023,2023年08月20-23,中国·大连, 邀请报告 29. 计算固体力学新方法专题研讨会,2023年09月22-24,中国·昆明, 邀请报告 30. 计算力学和工程会议,2023年11月24-26,中国·南京, 邀请报告 31. 极端环境下先进材料与结构力学学术会议,2023年11月17-19,中国·武汉, 分会场报告 32. The 5th International Conference on Modeling in Mechanics and Materials (CMMM2023),2023年12月08-10,China Nanning, Keynote Speaker 研究团队 名称 孙毅教授 http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/sunyi 崔俊芝院士 http://homepage.amss.ac.cn/research/homePage/7c98177290ea438aa989559f0e3fa4c7/myHomePage.html http://lsec.cc.ac.cn/~cjz/cn/index_cn.htm Jacob Fish教授 https://www.multi-scale.com/ 研究领域 名称 研究方向: 主要从事多尺度相关的计算和实验研究 1. 复合材料多尺度多物理场计算 周期/随机复合材料综合热传输、热-力耦合、力-电-化学场耦合问题的高阶多尺度模型和数值研究 2. 非均匀材料非线性力学性能研究 周期/随机复合材料塑性、损伤、疲劳等材料非线性性能预测的高阶多尺度降阶模型、算法和实验研究 3. 固体电解质裂纹扩展的多尺度方法研究 利用多尺度计算方法对含裂纹电解质耦合场下的力学行为进行研究,确定不同耦合场情况下材料的断裂韧度及裂纹发生的过程,为固体燃料电池中电解质膜的安全设计与寿命评估奠定理论基础 科研项目 项目名称 多孔材料结构综合热传输问题的多尺度方法研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金青年项目 开始时间 2018.01 结束时间 2020.12 项目经费 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 非均匀多孔材料热-力耦合问题的多尺度模型和算法 项目来源 哈尔滨工业大学青年拔尖人才计划 开始时间 2017.01 结束时间 2019.12 项目经费 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 多孔材料板结构热传输及其热-力耦合问题的多尺度分析 项目来源 中国博士后基金委特别资助 开始时间 2016.06 结束时间 2016.11 项目经费 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 多孔材料与结构多物理场耦合问题的多尺度分析和计算 项目来源 中国博士后基金委一等资助 开始时间 2015.09 结束时间 2016.10 项目经费 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 10篇代表性论文 名称 [1] Zhiqiang Yang*, Yizhi Liu, Yi Sun, Yuhang Jing, Qiang Ma*. A novel second-order reduced homogenization approach for nonlinear thermo-mechanical problems of axisymmetric structures with periodic micro-configurations, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 368, 15 August 2020, 113126.(Top1 journal, IF: 6.756) [2] Hao Dong*, Xiaojing Zheng, Junzhi Cui, Yufeng Nie, Zhiqiang Yang*, Qiang Ma. Multi-scale computational method for dynamic thermo-mechanical performance of heterogeneous shell structures with orthogonal periodic configurations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2019, 354(1), 143-180.(Top1 journal, IF: 6.756) [3] Zhiqiang Yang*, Yi Sun, Junzhi Cui, Qiang Ma*. A high-order three-scale reduced homogenization for nonlinear heterogeneous materials with multiple configurations, Journal of Computational Physics, 2021, Volume 425, 15 January 2021, 109900.(Top1 journal, IF: 3.553) [4] Zhiqiang Yang*, Yi Sun, Junzhi Cui, Zihao Yang*, Tianyu Guan, A three-scale homogenization algorithm for coupled conduction-radiation problems in porous materials with multiple configurations, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 125, 1196-1211.(Top1 journal, IF: 5.584) [5] Zhiqiang Yang*, Junzhi Cui, Yi Sun, Transient heat conduction problem with radiation boundary condition of statistically inhomogeneous materials by second-order two-scale method , International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 100, 362-377.(Top1 journal, IF: 5.584) [6] Zhiqiang Yang*, J.Z. Cui, S. Zhou, Thermo-mechanical analysis of periodic porous materials with microscale heat transfer by multiscale asymptotic expansion method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 92: 904-919.(Top1 journal, IF: 5.584) [7] Zhiqiang Yang*, Zhiwei Hao, Yi Sun, Yizhi Liu, Hao Dong*. Thermo-mechanical analysis of nonlinear heterogeneous materials by second-order reduced asymptotic expansion approach. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2019, 178–179, 91-107.(Top journal, IF: 3.900) [8] Zhiqiang Yang, Junzhi Cui, Yi Sun*, Jun Liang, Zihao Yang, Multiscale analysis method for thermo-mechanical performance of periodic porous materials with interior surface radiation, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2016, 105(53), 323-350.(Top journal, IF: 3.477) [9] Zhiqiang Yang*, Yizhi Liu, Yi Sun, Qiang Ma*. A second-order reduced multiscale method for nonlinear shell structures with orthogonal periodic configurations, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Volume 123, Issue 1, Pages: 128-157, 15 January 2022. [10] Zhiqiang Yang*, Yipeng Rao, Yi Sun, Junzhi Cui, Meizhen Xiang*. A second-order strain gradient fracture model for the brittle materials with micro-cracks by a multiscale asymptotic homogenization, Computational Mechanics, 71, pages1093–1118 (2023), https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00466-023-02281-3. 论文专著 名称 详细论文目录参考:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zhiqiang_Yang5/publications Researchgate Page 2024 [1] Runze Huang, Yi Sun*, Zhiqiang Yang*, Multi-scale numerical simulation of fracture behavior for the gadolinia-doped ceria (GDC) under mechano-electrochemical coupling fields at high temperature, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Volumes 286–287, 1 January 2024, 112564. [2] Hong Zuo, Ying Yin*, Zhiqiang Yang*, Shouchun Deng, Haibo Li,Haiming Liu. High-order models for convection–diffusion-reaction transport in multiscale porous media, Chemical Engineering Science, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0009250923012198, 2023. (Top journal 化工领域顶级期刊) [3] Hong Zuo, Zhiqiang Yang*, Junzhi Cui, Shouchun Deng, Haibo Li, Zitao Guo. High-order models for hydro-mechanical coupling problems in multiscale porous media, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2024, In Press. 2023 [1] Hong Zuo, Zhiqiang Yang*, Shouchun Deng, Haibo Li. High-order asymptotic solutions for gas transport in heterogeneous media with multiple spatial scales, Physics of Fluids, 35, 013106 (2023). [2] Runze Huang, Yi Sun*, Zhiqiang Yang*, Yizhi Liu, Shaofeng Yue. A novel ReaxFF multi-scale method for analyzing the fracture behavior of the CeO2, Computational Materials Science, Volume 219, 25 February 2023, 112002 [3] Zhiqiang Yang*, Yipeng Rao, Yi Sun, Junzhi Cui, Meizhen Xiang*. A second-order strain gradient fracture model for the brittle materials with micro-cracks by a multiscale asymptotic homogenization, Computational Mechanics, 71, pages1093–1118 (2023). [4] Zhiqiang Yang*, Ming Li, Yi Sun, Shanqiao Huang, Qiang Ma, Junzhi Cui. A Second-order Reduced Homogenization for Nonlinear Structures with Periodic Configurations in Cylindrical Coordinates, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Volume 119, July 2023, Pages 1-26. [5] Wenfeng Guo,Tianyu Guan, Zhiqiang Yang*,Junyan Liu*, Yi Sun, Runze Huang. Multi-scale simulation of the fracture behavior of non-stoichiometric gadolinia-doped ceria solid electrolytes under the coupled mechanical and electrochemical field, European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids, Volume 100, July–August 2023, 104989. [6] Jie Gao, Xiaofei Cao, Mi Xiao*, Zhiqiang Yang, Xiaoqiang Zhou, Ying Li, Liang Gao*, Wentao Yan, Timon Rabczuk, Yiu-Wing Mai, Rational designs of Mechanical Metamaterials: Formulations, Architectures, Tessellations and Prospects, Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports, Volume 156, December 2023, 100755. (Top journal, IF=31,每年发表文章不到20篇,作者主要负责均匀化方法的综述工作) 华中科技大学新闻网进行了报道:https://news.hust.edu.cn/info/1003/49965.htm?share_token=d08c9f98-a177-4f76-87c9-48ea835772ed [7] Jianjin Gong, Zhiqiang Yang*, Runze Huang, Jian Zhou, Yizhi Liu*, An effective multiscale analysis for the mechanical properties of 3D braided composites considering pore defects, Acta Mechanica, 234, pages6629–6647 (2023), https://doi.org/10.1007/s00707-023-03733-w. [8] Xu Liu, Yizhi Liu*, Fante Liu, Z.D. Zhang, Z.Y. Zhang, Zhiqiang Yang*, High-Performing Honeycomb-Structured Triboelectric Nanogenerator Enhanced by Triple Electrodes for Utilizing Wind Power, Nano Energy, Volume 118, Part A, 15 December 2023, 108961. DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2023.108961(TOP journal). 2022 [1] Zhiqiang Yang*, Yizhi Liu, Yi Sun, Qiang Ma*. A second-order reduced multiscale method for nonlinear shell structures with orthogonal periodic configurations, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Volume 123, Issue 1, Pages: 128-157, 15 January 2022. Featured Cover:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/nme.6903. [2] Zhiqiang Yang*, Ming Li, Yi Sun, Yizhi Liu, Wei Sun*. A multiscale reduced homogenization approach for nonlinear viscoelastic problems of periodic heterogeneous materials, Composite Structures, Volume 279, 1 January 2022, 114864. [3] Xu Liu#, Yizhi Liu#,Tinghai Cheng*,Yufei Gao*, Zhiqiang Yang*. A high performing piezoelectric and triboelectric nanogenerator based on a large deformation of the novel lantern-shaped structure, Nano Energy, Volume 92, February 2022, 106699. 纳米发电机详细报道: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/6E8ypb5IweTIJu_yA8xkUw;(Top journal, IF=17.881) 2021 [1] Zhiqiang Yang*, Yi Sun, Junzhi Cui, Qiang Ma*. A high-order three-scale reduced homogenization for nonlinear heterogeneous materials with multiple configurations, Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 425, 15 January 2021, 109900. [2] Tianyu Guan, Zhiqiang Yang (Co-Supervisor), Yi Sun*, Yizhi Liu*, Yuhang Jing, Wenfeng Guo. The fracture behavior of non-stoichiometric gadolinia-doped ceria solid electrolytes using molecular dynamics simulations, Materials Today Communications, Volume 26, March 2021, 101793. [3] Zhiqiang Yang*, Yi Sun, Yizhi Liu*, Junzhi Cui. Prediction on nonlinear mechanical performance of random particulate composites by a statistical second-order reduced multiscale approach, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 37, pages570–588 (2021),编辑推荐当期封面:https://link.springer.com/journal/10409/volumes-and-issues/37-4;AMS官方微信对文章进行了详细介绍:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/sDj8kkQNAs6gOz4OkKx-ug;Editor's Pick:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ZPX0hTQGnK_UGVlJigcCwg [4] Qiang Ma, Shuyu Ye, Junzhi Cui, Xue Jiang, Zhiqiang Yang*. Two-scale and three-scale asymptotic computations of the Neumann-type eigenvalue problems for hierarchically perforated materials, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Volume 92, April 2021, Pages 565-593 [5] Zhiqiang Yang*, Yi Sun, Shanqiao Huang, Zihao Yang. A Higher-order Three-scale Reduced Homogenization Approach for Nonlinear Mechanical Properties of 3D Braided Composites, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Volume 208, 15 October 2021, 106684. 2020 [1] Zhiqiang Yang*, Chuanzhou Long, Yi Sun. A high-order three-scale reduced asymptotic approach for thermo-mechanical problems of nonlinear heterogeneous materials with multiple spatial scales. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, Volume 80, March–April 2020, 103905 [2] Zhiqiang Yang*, Yi Sun, Tianyu Guan, Hao Dong. A high-order three-scale approach for predicting thermo-mechanical properties of porous materials with interior surface radiation, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Volume 79, Issue 9, 1 May 2020, Pages 2742-2770. [3] Tianyu Guan, Zhiqiang Yang (Co-Supervisor), Yi Sun*, Yuhang Jing. Atomistic simulations of anisotropic mechanical behavior in non-stoichiometric gadolinia-doped ceria solid electrolytes, International Journal of Energy Research, 2020, 44(5): 3547–3557. [4] Zhiqiang Yang*, Yizhi Liu, Yi Sun, Yuhang Jing, Qiang Ma*. A novel second-order reduced homogenization approach for nonlinear thermo-mechanical problems of axisymmetric structures with periodic micro-configurations, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 368, 15 August 2020, 113126. [5] Zhiqiang Yang*, Yi Sun, Yizhi Liu, Qiang Ma. A Second-Order Reduced Multiscale Approach for Non-linear Axisymmetric Structures with Periodic Configurations, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Volume 88, December 2020, Pages 791-809. [6] Tianyu Guan, Yi Sun, Zhiqiang Yang, Yuhang Jing, Wenfeng Guo. Multi-scale simulations of fracture behavior in CeO2, Ceramics International, Volume 46, Issue 18, Part A, 15 December 2020, Pages 28613-28620. 2019 [1] Zhiqiang Yang*, Yi Sun, Junzhi Cui, Tianyu Guan. A Second-Order Two-Scale Algorithm for Thermo-Mechanical Coupling Problems in Quasi-Periodic Porous Materials. Communications in Computational Physics, 2019,25(4),1144-1176.(数学T1类期刊) [2] Zhiqiang Yang*, Yi Sun, Junzhi Cui, Jingran Ge*. A three-scale asymptotic expansion for predicting viscoelastic properties of composites with multiple configuration. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 2019,76, 235-246. [3] Zhiqiang Yang*, Yi Sun, Yizhi Liu, Qiang Ma*. A second-order multiscale approach for viscoelastic analysis of statistically inhomogeneous materials. Composite Structures, 2019, 220, 550-565. [4] Jacob Fish (Supervisor), Zhiqiang Yang, Zifeng Yuan. A Second-Order Reduced Asymptotic Homogenization Approach for Nonlinear Periodic Heterogeneous Materials. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2019;119, 469–489. [5] Zhiqiang Yang*, Yi Sun, Yizhi Liu,Tianyu Guan, Hao Dong. A three-scale asymptotic analysis for ageing linear viscoelastic problems of composites with multiple configurations. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2019,71, 223-242. [6] Hao Dong*, Xiaojing Zheng, Junzhi Cui, Zhiqiang Yang*, Zihao Yang. Multiscale Computational Method for Dynamic Thermo-Mechanical Problems of Composite Structures with Diverse Periodic Configurations in Different Subdomains. Journal of Scientific Computing, 2019,79(3), 1630-1666. [7] Zhiqiang Yang*, Tianyu Guan, Yi Sun. Chemo-mechanical coupling analysis of composites by second-order multiscale asymptotic expansion. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2019, 89(4), 769-788. [8] Hao Dong*, Xiaojing Zheng, Junzhi Cui, Yufeng Nie, Zhiqiang Yang*, Qiang Ma. Multi-scale computational method for dynamic thermo-mechanical performance of heterogeneous shell structures with orthogonal periodic configurations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2019, 354(1), 143-180. [9] Zhiqiang Yang*, Zhiwei Hao, Yi Sun, Yizhi Liu, Hao Dong*. Thermo-mechanical analysis of nonlinear heterogeneous materials by second-order reduced asymptotic expansion approach. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2019, 178–179, 91-107. [10] Qiang Ma, Hao Wang*, Zhiqiang Yang*, Zhihui Li, Junzhi Cui. Second-Order Asymptotic Analysis and Computations of Axially and Spherically Symmetric Piezoelectric Problems for Composite Structures, Journal of Scientific Computing, 2019, 81(2), 689–731. [11] Tianyu Guan, Yi Sun, Zhiqiang Yang, Yuhang Jing. Anisotropic mechanical behavior of gadolinia-doped ceria solid electrolytes under electromechanical coupling field using atomistic simulations, Ceramics International, 2019, 45(17), 23355-23363. [12] Hao Dong, Xiaojing Zheng, Junzhi Cui, Zhiqiang Yang, Zihao Yang. High-order three-scale computational method for dynamic thermo-mechanical problems of composite structures with multiple spatial scales. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2019,169, 95-121. 2018 [1] Hao Dong*, Junzhi Cui, Yufeng Nie, Zihao Yang, Zhiqiang Yang*. Multiscale computational method for heat conduction problems of composite structures with diverse periodic configurations in different subdomains. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2018, 76, 2549-2565. [2] Zhiqiang Yang*, Junzhi Cui, Yi Sun, Hao Dong. Prediction of mechanical properties in statistically inhomogeneous core–shell materials by second-order two-scale method. Acta Mechanica, 2018, 229(11), 4495-4519. [3] Zhiqiang Yang*, Yi Sun, Junzhi Cui, Zihao Yang, Tianyu Guan. A three-scale homogenization algorithm for coupled conduction-radiation problems in porous materials with multiple configurations. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 125,1196-1211. [4] Tianyu Guan, Zhiqiang Yang (Co-supervisor), Yi Sun*, Wenfeng Guo. Anisotropic mechanical behavior of gadolinia-doped ceria solid electrolytes under tensile loading. Ceramics International, 2018, 45,1293-1301. [5] Zhiqiang Yang*, Ziqiang Wang, Yi Sun. Multiscale analysis and computation for coupled conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer problem in porous materials. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2018, 326, 56-74. [6] Zhiqiang Yang*, Yi Sun, Junzhi Cui, Xiao Li. A Multiscale Algorithm for Heat Conduction-Radiation Problems in Porous Materials with Quasi-Periodic Structures. Communications in Computational Physics, 2018, 24,204-233. (数学T1类期刊) 2017 [1] Zhiqiang Yang*, Yi Sun, Junzhi Cui, Zihao Yang. The hole-filling method and multiscale algorithm for the heat transfer performance of periodic porous materials. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2017, 96, 89-101. [2] Zhiqiang Yang*, Yi Sun, Junzhi Cui, Zihao Yang. Thermo-mechanical coupling analysis of statistically inhomogeneous porous materials with surface radiation by second-order two-scale method. Composite Structures, 2017, 182(15),346-343. [3] Zhiqiang Yang*, Yi Sun, Junzhi Cui, Yizhi Liu, Youcai Xiao. A stochastic multiscale method for thermo-mechanical analysis arising from random porous materials with interior surface radiation. Advances in Engineering Software, 2017, 104, 12-27. [4] Jingran Ge, Yi Sun*, Jun Xu, Zhiqiang Yang, Jun Liang. Fatigue life prediction of metal structures subjected to combined thermal-acoustic loadings using a new critical plane model. International Journal of Fatigue, 2017, 96, 89-101. [5] Zihao Yang, Yang Zhang, Hao Dong, Junzhi Cui, Zhiqiang Yang. High-order three-scale method for mechanical behavior analysis of composite structures with multiple periodic configurations. Composites Science and Technology, 2017, 152, 198-210. [6] Youcai Xiao, Yi Sun*, Zhiqiang Yang, Licheng Guo.Study of the dynamic mechanical behavior of PBX by Eshelby theory. Acta Mechanica, 2017, 228(6), 1993-2003. [7] Yi Sun*, Mengxin Cao, Zhiqiang Yang. Mechanical behavior of cracked solid electrolyte under the coupled mechanical and chemical fields. Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics, 2017, 34(5), 657-664. 2016 [1] Zhiqiang Yang*, J.Z. Cui, S. Zhou, Thermo-mechanical analysis of periodic porous materials with microscale heat transfer by multiscale asymptotic expansion method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 92: 904-919. [2] Zhiqiang Yang*, J.Z. Cui, Y. Sun, Transient heat conduction problem with radiation boundary condition of statistically inhomogeneous materials by second-order two-scale method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 100: 362-377. [3] Zhiqiang Yang, J.Z. Cui, Y. Sun*, J. Liang, Z.H. Yang, Multiscale analysis method for thermo-mechanical performance of periodic porous materials with interior surface radiation, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2016, 105(53): 323-350.[4] Zhiqiang Yang*, Y. Sun, J.Z. Cui, J. G. Ge, Multiscale computation for transient heat conduction problem with radiation boundary condition in porous materials, 2015, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design,102–103(15): 7-18.[5] Zhiqiang Yang*, J.Z.Cui, Z.Q. Wang, Yang Zhang. Multiscale Computational Method for Nonstationary Integrated Heat Transfer Problem in Periodic Porous Materials, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 2016, 32(2), 510-530. [6] Zhiqiang Yang*, Shi-Wei Liu, and Yi Sun, Statistical second-order two-scale analysis and computation for heat conduction problem with radiation boundary condition in porous materials, Chinese Physics B, Vol. 25, No. 9 (2016) 090202. 讲授课程 名称 《弹性力学》:面向土木学院大三专业课,每学年约32学时 《力学中的数学方法》:研究生专业课,每学年约64学时 教学成果 成果名称 黑龙江省精品课程《弹性力学》主要参与人 2019年,《弹性力学》获得黑龙江省一流本科课程 (排名2) 2021年,指导学生获得第七届黑龙江“互联网+“大学生创新创业大赛铜奖;第十三届中国深圳创新创业大赛哈尔滨赛三等奖 2021年,哈尔滨工业大学研究生课程思政教学改革项目,负责人 2022年,哈尔滨工业大学研究生教育教学改革研究项目,负责人 2022年,哈尔滨工业大学航天学院一流本科课程提升计划-培育建设课程,负责人 2022年,哈尔滨工业大学研究生精品课程培育项目,负责人 2022年,研究生课程《力学中的数学方法》获得校研究生教学成果二等奖(排名2) 2023年,高水平研究生教材建设项目《有限元基础理论与应用》(副主编) 2023年,黑龙江省高等教育学会“2023年高等教育课题”项目,负责人 2024年,黑龙江省研究生课程思政建设项目-课程思政案例,负责人 招生信息 名称 硕士招生: 每年招收具有力学背景和计算数学背景的研究生 博士招生: 每年招收具有力学背景和计算数学背景的研究生 课题组学生 名称 在读学生 2019级博士生 黄润泽 研究方向:固体电解质多物理场耦合的断裂行为研究 2021级硕士生 龚建瑾 研究方向:纤维增强复合材料宏观性能预测的多尺度方法研究 2022级硕士生 周健 研究方向:复合材料宏观性能预测的多尺度方法研究 已毕业学生 2016级博士生 管天宇 《力-电化学场耦合作用下固体氧化物燃料电池电解质力学行为的多尺度研究》 毕业去向:华为公司 2016 硕士 曹梦欣 《固体电解质在力-化学场耦合作用下的断裂行为研究》 毕业去向:航天科技集团第七研究院 2019级 硕士生 龙川洲 《周期构造复合材料力学性能分析的高阶多尺度模型和数值算法》 毕业去向:福建光电信息科学与技术创新实验室 2020级硕士生 李明 《具有周期构造粘弹塑性复合材料的降阶多尺度分析及数值算法研究》 毕业去向:航天科工第十研究院 2019 本科 史家豪 《复合材料非线性力学行为的降阶多尺度分析》 毕业去向:读研 2019 本科 杨金川 《固体电解质断裂行为的多尺度分析》 毕业去向:本校读研 2021 本科 周健 《含孔隙缺陷纤维增强复合材料宏观性能预测有效方法研究》 毕业去向:本校读研 Personal Information 名称 Dr. Zhiqiang Yang Associate Professor of Department of Astronautic Science and Mechanics, School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology Tel.: +86 (0)451 86418100 Fax.: +86 (0)451 86418124 Email: yangzhiqiang@hit.edu.cn Education 名称 Doctor of Philosophy (2008.09-2014.06) Department of Applied Mathematics, Northwestern Polytechnical University Major: Applied Mathematics Advisor: Prof. Cui Junzhi Bachelor of Science (2004.09-2008.07) Department of Applied Mathematics, Northwestern Polytechnical University Major: Statistics Professional Affiliations 名称 2017.12-2018.12 Visiting scholar, Columbia University, U.S.A 2016.10-Present Associate Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, China 2014.10-2016.9 Postdoctoral Fellow, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Research Interests 名称 Computational MechanicsComposite MaterialsFinite Element Methods Multiscale Modeling and Computation Publications 名称 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zhiqiang_Yang5/publications Researchgate Page

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