发布日期:2024-05-10 浏览次数:次
基本信息 科研内容 学生培养 年度论文 English Version 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 (一)邱云峰,副教授/博士生导师 生命科学与医学学部 医学与健康学院 纳米医学与药物中心 微系统与微结构制造教育部重点实验室 主任助理 研究领域:纳米生物技术开发与应用 研究内容:微生物燃料电池、纳米抗菌防污材料、太阳能界面水蒸发和太阳能蒸汽灭菌 主持和参与某部委重点项目、国家自然科学面上项目/青年基金、黑龙江省头雁计划自主课题、中国博士后特别资助、国家重大科技专项子课题、国家重点研发计划子课题等20余项课题。 近年来主要从事微生物燃料电池、纳米抗菌材料等领域的基础研究和应用开发工作。累计发表SCI论文80余篇,其中作为第一作者和通讯作者在JACS, Adv. Mater., Appl. Catal. B-Environ, Small, Chem. Mater., J. Mater. Chem. A等杂志发表SCI论文50余篇,入选ESI高被引论文4篇,Google Scholar学术引用3000余次,h指数33,授权发明专利7项。 (二)国内外学术团体任职情况: 1. 2023年担任国际期刊Materials(IF: 3.748)编委。 2. 2021年担任国际期刊Materials(IF: 3.748)主题编辑(Topic Editor):Special Issue "Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Applications"。 3. 担任教育部学位中心论文评审专家。 4. 担任《当代化工研究》编委 5. 长期担任Energy. Environ. Sci., Adv. Func. Mater, Appl. Catal. B-Environ., J. Mater. Chem. A., Carbon, Chem. Commun., ACS Appl. Mater. Inter, Electrochimica Acta等几十种国际杂志审稿人和仲裁人。 部分主持和参研项目 2023.01-2026.12,主持,国家自然科学基金面上项目 2022.01-2023.12,骨干,某部委重点项目 2021.01-2022.12,主持,国家重点实验室开放课题 2021.01-2022.12,主持,黑龙江省头雁计划自主课题 2020.07-2023.07,主持,省部级课题 2016.01-2017.12,主持,省部级课题 2016.01-2018.12,主持,科技部中-俄国际合作项目子课题 2014.02-2018.12,骨干,国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题 2010.06-2015.12,骨干,国家重大科技专项子课题 2012.01-2014.12,主持,中国博士后特别资助项目 2012.01-2014.12,主持,国家自然科学基金青年项目 职业经历 2009.7-至今,哈尔滨工业大学,讲师/副教授 2012.10-2013.11,美国加州大学伯克利分校 访问学者(博士后研究) 授课 本科生:生物安全与医学伦理 本科生:向大自然学习纳米生物技术 硕士生:纳米材料概论 招生计划 化学、材料、生物、医学等专业背景均可,诚实勤奋、吃苦耐劳就更好了!欢迎来电咨询。 联系方式:15245158280,qiuyf@hit.edu.cn 实验室地址:哈工大科学园科创大厦K1131室 (纳米生物技术研究室) 招生专业:生物医学工程0831 招生方向:微生物燃料电池、纳米抗菌材料、快速止血材料、太阳能水蒸发和生物防污 招收对象:博士研究生、硕士研究生、本科生毕设、大学生竞赛和科创等 教育经历 名称 2006年9月~2009年7月 中科院化学所胶体/界面重点实验室,博士,导师:刘鸣华研究员 2003年9月~2006年7月 东北师范大学化学学院,多酸教育部重点实验室,硕士,导师:许林教授 1999年9月~2003年7月 东北师范大学化学学院,本科 工作经历 名称 2024年04月~至 今 哈尔滨工业大学 生命科学与医学学部 医学与健康学院 副教授 2021年10月~2024年04月 哈尔滨工业大学 医学与健康学院 副教授 2019年01月~2021年10月 哈尔滨工业大学 交叉科学研究中心 副教授 2014年11月~2019年01月 哈尔滨工业大学 基础与交叉科学研究院 副教授 2012年10月~2013年11月 加州大学伯克利分校 访问学者(博士后研究) 2009年07月~2014年12月 哈尔滨工业大学 基础与交叉科学研究院 讲师 友情链接 链接名称 刘绍琴教授课题组(哈尔滨工业大学) 链接地址 http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/shaoqinliu 简单介绍 刘绍琴,女,汉族,1973年生。教授/博士生导师哈尔滨工业大学微纳米技术研究中心 主任微系统与微结构制造教育部重点实验室 副主任先后获得国家杰出青年科学基金、教育部新世纪优秀人才、黑龙江省杰出青年基金等人才项目支持;主持承担国家自然科学基金国际合作项目、重大研究计划、面上项目、863项目子课题等国家级科研项目;荣获国家自然科学奖二等奖、黑龙江省高校科学技术一等奖、吉林省科学技术进步奖一等奖以及加拿大国家科学技术研究委员会奖学金、德国洪堡奖学金、日本JSPS奖学金(未成行)等奖项。 链接名称 刘鸣华研究员课题组(中国科学院化学研究所) 链接地址 http://liumh.iccas.ac.cn/ 简单介绍 实验室简介刘鸣华研究员课题组成立于1998年,由刘鸣华研究员从日本回国建立,主要围绕多层次有序组装结构开展研究,到2013年为止,培养博士31人,硕士5人。曾多次承担"973",基金委重点基金,院方向性项目等研究课题,已在Nat. Commun.; J. Am. Chem. Soc.; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl.; Adv. Mater.等国际核心学术期刊上发表论文200余篇。研究领域手性是自然界的普遍现象,在生命科学、制药以及材料科学中起着重要的作用。除了分子层次的手性以外,分子以上层次的手性问题研究正在日益引起人们的广泛兴趣。随着自组装技术的发展,通过一些非共价的弱相互作用力也能构建手性的立体结构。这种结构可以使得原本不具备手性的分子或发色团在一定条件下表现出手性信号,或者可以使原有的手性通过一定的聚集形态以非线性的方式得以放大,这便是超分子手性,是手性科学研究中的一个新方向。我们课题组首先围绕着"超分子手性如何从无到有"这一基本科学问题,探索了多层系自组装结构中超分子手性的产生,传递,放大,探索了超分子手性的调控规律,并进一步尝试性的探求了超分子手性在手性开关,手性识别,不对称催化等方向的应用。 此外,还深入研究了在胶体与界面体系中多层次有序结构的可控组装及功能化。研究方向1. 超分子手性的产生,调控及功能化2. 多层次有序结构的可控组装3. 超分子凝胶与软物质功能材料 链接名称 许林教授课题组(东北师范大学) 链接地址 http://xulin.nenu.edu.cn/ 简单介绍 许林教授课题组从事多酸型无机-有机杂化材料、多酸分子基功能材料研究。多年来,本课题组以多金属氧酸盐为研究对象,合成了一系列多酸基无机-有机聚合物、官能化多钼酸盐衍生物;同时,本课题组一直致力于对多酸配合物的磁性研究,以及多酸促进半导体光电转换性能研究。迄今,在J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, Inorg. Chem.,等重要学术杂志上发表论文80余篇,所发表的论文多次被国际同行引用。2011年受邀在国际重要无机化学专业期刊Dalton Transactions 上发表关于多酸化学研究的综述性论文(Dalton Trans. 2011,40,1-11)。2009年,许林教授在德国举行的国际多酸化学学术会议上作邀请报告。作为会议主持人之一参与组织举办2010年在美国召开的泛太平洋化学大会多酸分会。曾多次主持承担国家自然科学基金、教育部博士点基金项目和吉林省科委重点项目等课题研究,现主持国家自然科学基金重点项目和国家自然科学基金面上项目。曾获教育部科技进步二等奖和吉林省科学技术进步一等奖。曾被聘为国家科学技术奖评审委员,曾被评为吉林省有突出贡献的中青年专业技术人才,2011年被授予“吉林省高级专家”荣誉称号,2006年获国务院政府特殊津贴。现为国际学术杂志J. Am. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. , Inorg. Chem.、Dalton Trans.、J. Mater. Chem. 等审稿人,《分子科学学报》编委,吉林省化学会副理事长。 研究方向 名称 微纳米尺度表面/界面工程调控---非生物/生物界面电子传递---纳米电/生物催化与生物应用 研究方向1:纳米材料修饰电极设计制造,纳米生物催化-微生物燃料电池应用; 研究方向2:植入式器械表面抗菌涂层,光热-纳米酶协同纳米抗菌材料。 学生培养情况 名称 (一)硕士招生:欢迎具有化学、生物、材料、医学等专业,英语基础较好的同学,加入课题组攻读硕士学位。 招收2024年博士研究生,硕士研究生(招收推免生),通过生物医学工程0831专业招生。 (二)培养研究生情况: 1. 2014级硕士:黄彦民(协助指导) 2. 2016级硕士:王凯萱(毕业去向-重庆天齐锂业有限责任公司) 获奖情况:哈工大2018届优秀硕士毕业生 3. 2016级硕士:孙浩浩(毕业去向-武汉理工大学攻读博士) 获奖情况:佳木斯大学2018年研究生国家奖学金 4. 2017级硕士:张园媛(去向:哈工大本部读博-徐平教授) 获奖情况:2019年黑龙江省“三好”学生,哈工大2018年研究生国家奖学金;2019届优秀硕士毕业生;硕士生金奖。 5. 2017级硕士:马天戈(协助指导) 6. 2018级硕士:纪心阳(台积电(南京)有限公司) 获奖情况:哈工大2019年长兴奖学金;哈工大2020届优秀硕士毕业生 7. 2019级硕士:张永霞 获奖情况:哈工大2020年哈工大优秀硕士学位论文 8. 2020级硕士:王艳平 9. 2021级硕士:代晓璠 10. 2022级硕士:王颜霞 11. 2021级硕士:程序森(联合培养) 12. 2021级硕士:齐金腾(联合培养) 13. 2021级硕士:刘珂(联合培养) 14. 2022级硕士:郑清文(联合培养) 15. 2022级硕士:张征(联合培养) 16. 2023级硕士,于淼 (三)培养本科生情况: 2023-2034年:方朱璐妮 2020年,小组成员:应余欣,朱亦雪,蒋轶男,王萨娜,邸雨,邸雪 项目1:石墨烯仿生致动器 项目2:生物质衍生碳基材料的制备与电催化性能的研究 l 2020年哈工大大学生创新创业训练计划项目一等奖(指导教师); l 2020年大学生黑龙江省级科创实验(指导教师); l 2020年哈工大“祖光杯”创新竞赛银奖(指导教师); l 2020年黑龙江省“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛铜奖(指导教师)。 发表论文和专利情况: l Xinyang Ji#, Yuxin Ying#, et. al. Nanotechnology 2019, 30, 445601. (IF: 3.551) l Baoxi Zhang, Yuxin Ying, Yixue Zhu, Yinan Jiang, et. al. Carbon, 2021, 174, 10-23. (IF: 8.821) l 一种泡沫镍负载无定型磷掺杂钼酸镍双功能电催化电极的制备方法及应用,202010556343.1,邱云峰,马卓,应余欣,朱忆雪,蒋轶男,纪心阳 年度论文(*通讯作者,#并列第一作者) 名称 (87) Xusen Cheng, Yunfeng Qiu*, Yanxia Wang, Miao Yu, Jinteng Qi, Zhuo Ma, Tiedong Sun*, Shaoqin Liu*, Conductive and capacitive network for enriching the exoelectrogens and enhancing the extracellular electron transfer in microbial fuel cells, J. Colloid Interface Sci.,2024, 664, 309-318 (86) Yunfeng Qiu*#, Yongxia Zhang#, Miao Yu, Xinyi Li, Yanxia Wang, Zhuo Ma, Shaoqin Liu*, Ni-Co-O-S Derived Catalysts on Hierarchical N-doped Carbon Supports with Strong Interfacial Interactions for Improved Hybrid Water Splitting Performance, Small 2024, in press (85) Ke Liu, Zhuo Ma, Xinyi Li, Yunfeng Qiu*, Danqing Liu*, Shaoqin Liu, N-Doped Carbon Nanowire-Modified Macroporous Carbon Foam Microbial Fuel Cell Anode: Enrichment of Exoelectrogens and Enhancement of Extracellular Electron Transfer, Materials 2023, 17(1), 69 (84) Fang Zhuluni#, Zhou Qingyang#, Zhang Wenbo, Junyi Wang, Yihan Liu, Miao Yu, Yunfeng Qiu*, Zhuo Ma*, Shaoqin Liu*, A Synergistic Antibacterial Study of Copper-Doped Polydopamine on Ti3C2Tx Nanosheets with Enhanced Photothermal and Fenton-like Activities, Materials 2023, 16(24), 7583 (83)Xusen Cheng, Bo Liu, Yunfeng Qiu*, Ke Liu, Zhangluni Fang, Jinteng Qi, Zhuo Ma, Tiedong Sun*, Shaoqin Liu*, Enhanced microorganism attachment and flavin excretion in microbial fuel cells via an N,S-codoped carbon microflower anode, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2023,648, 327-337(82) Huidong Li, Lu Zhang, Ruewen Wang, Jinzhi Sun, Yunfeng Qiu*, Shaoqin Liu., 3D hierarchical carbon foams as high-performance free-standing anodes for microbial fuel cells., ECOMAT, 2022, e12273. (81) Yunfeng Qiu*, Xiaofan Dai, Yanping Wang, Xinyang Ji, Zhuo Ma, Shaoqin Liu, The polyoxometalates mediated preparation of phosphate-modified NiMoO4-x with abudant O-vacancies for H2 production via urea electrolysis, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2023, 629, 297. (80) Yanping Wang, Xusen Cheng, Ke Liu, Xiaofan Dai, Jinteng Qi, Zhuo Ma, Yunfeng Qiu*, Shaoqin Liu, 3D hierarchical Co8FeS8-FeCo2O4/N-CNTs@CF with an enhanced microorganisms-anode interface for improving microbial fuel cell performance, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2022, 14, 35809. (79) Yuanyuan Zhang, Yunfeng Qiu*, Zhuo Ma, Yanping Wang, Yongxia Zhang, Yuxin Ying, Yinan Jiang, Yixue Zhu, Shaoqin Liu*,Core-corona Co/CoP Clusters strung on carbon nanotubes as a Schottky catalyst for glucose oxidation assisted H2 production, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021, 9, 17, 10893-10908. (78) Yongxia Zhang, Yunfeng Qiu,* Yanping Wang, Bing Li, Yuanyuan Zhang, Zhuo Ma,* and Shaoqin Liu*, Coaxial Ni-S@N-doped carbon nanofibres derived hierarchical electrodes for efficient H2 production via urea electrolysis ACS Applied Mater. Interface, 2021, 13, 3, 3939-3948. (77) Baoxi Zhang, Yuxin Ying, Yixue Zhu, Yinan Jiang, Yongxia Zhang, Yunfeng Qiu*, Interfacial engineering in PDMS/graphene composites via anchoring polypyrrole nanowires to enhance its electro-photo thermal performance Carbon, 2021, 174, 10-23. (76) Ji, X. Y.; Zhang, Y. X.; Ma, Z.*; Qiu, Y. F*. Oxygen Vacancy-rich Ni/NiO@NC Nanosheets with Schottky Heterointerface for Efficient Urea Oxidation Reaction. ChemSusChem 2020, 13 (18), 5004-5014. (75) Sun, H.; Gao, Y.; Hu, N.*; Zhang, Y.; Guo, C.*; Gao, G.; Ma, Z.*; Ivan Ivanovich, K.; Qiu, Y*. Electronic coupling between molybdenum disulfide and gold nanoparticles to enhance the peroxidase activity for the colorimetric immunoassays of hydrogen peroxide and cancer cells. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2020, 578 366-378. (74) Zhang, S. C.; Qiu, Y. F.; Yang, H. H.; Wang, D.; Hu, Y. X.; Lu, X. B.; Li, Z. H.; Hu, P. A*. The role of hybrid dielectric interfaces in improving the performance of multilayer InSe transistors. J. Mater. Chem. C 2020, 8 (20), 6701-6709. (73) Xinyang Ji, Kaixuan Wang, Yao Zhang, Haohao Sun, Yuanyuan Zhang, Tiange Ma, Zhuo Ma*, PingAn Hu and Yunfeng Qiu*, MoC based Mott–Schottky electrocatalyst for boosting the hydrogen evolution reaction performance, Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2020, In press. (72) Shuai Wei, Chuanyang Ge, Lijie Zhou, Shichao Zhang, Mingjin Dai, Feng Gao, Yi Sun, Yunfeng Qiu, Zhenlong Wang, Jia Zhang*, PingAn Hu, Performance Improvement of Multi-layered SnS2 Field Effect Transistors through Synergistic Effect of Vacancy Repairing and Electron Doping Introduced by EDTA. ACS Applied Electronic Materials. 2019 In press (71) Long, L., Zhou, W.*, Qiu, Y.*, Lan, Z. Coking and gas products behavior of supercritical n-decane over NiO nanoparticle/nanosheets modified HZSM-5. Energy, 2019, 116540. (70) Guangbo Liu#, Zhonghua Li#, Jianjian Shi#, Kun Sun, Yujin Ji, Zhiguo Wang, Yunfeng Qiu*, Yuanyue Liu*, Zhijiang Wang*, PingAn Hu*. Black reduced porous SnO2 nanosheets for CO2 electroreduction with high formate selectivity and low overpotential. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 260, 118134 (69) F. Gao, Y. Qiu, S. Wei, H. Yang, J. Zhang, P. Hu*, Graphene nanoparticle strain sensors with modulated sensitivity through tunneling types transition, Nanotechnology, 30 (2019) 425501. (68) X. Ji#, Y. Ying#, C. Ge#, Y. Zhu, K. Wang, Y. Di, S. Wang, D. Li*, J. Zhang, P. Hu, Y. Qiu*, Asymmetrically synchronous reduction and assembly of graphene oxide film on metal foil for moisture responsive actuator, Nanotechnology, 30 (2019) 445601. (67) B. Zhang#, K. Wang, X. Ji#, S. Wang, Z. Ma, Y. Qiu*, A self-powered moisture detector using graphene oxide film constructed by asymmetric metal electrodes, J. Alloys Compd., 810 (2019) 151880. (66) M. Dai, Z. Wang, F. Wang, Y. Qiu, J. Zhang, C.-Y. Xu, T. Zhai, W. Cao, Y. Fu, D. Jia, Y. Zhou, P.-A. Hu*, Two-Dimensional van der Waals Materials with Aligned In-Plane Polarization and Large Piezoelectric Effect for Self-Powered Piezoelectric Sensors, Nano Lett., 19 (2019) 5410-5416. (65) B. Zhang, S. Wang, Z. Ma, Y. Qiu, Ni0-rich Ni/NiO nanocrystals for efficient water-to?hydrogen conversion via urea electro-oxidation, Appl. Surf. Sci., 496 (2019) 143710. (64) Yuanyuan Zhang, Yunfeng Qiu*, Xinyang Ji, Tiange Ma, Zhuo Ma, PingAn Hu*. Direct growth of CNTs@CoSxSe2(1‐x)on carbon cloth for overall water splitting. ChemSusChem. 2019, In press (63) Ji X, Wang S, Zhang E, Zhang Y, Ma Z, Qiu Y*. Chlorinated Graphene via the Photodecomposition of Metal Chlorides. ACS Sustainable Chem Eng. 2019, 7, 12, 11024-11034 (62) Ma, Tiange; Qiu,Yunfeng*; Zhang, Yuanyuan; Ji,Xinyang; Hu, PingAn*. Fe-Doped Ni5P4 Ultrathin Nanoporous Nanosheetsfor Water Splitting and On-Demand Hydrogen Release via NaBH4 Hydrolysis. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2019, in press (61) Huihui Yang, Lifeng Wang, Feng Gao, Mingjin Dai, Yunxia Hu, Hongyu Chen, Jia Zhang, Yunfeng Qiu, De Chang Jia, Yu Zhou and PingAn Hu*, Shape evolution of two dimensional hexagonal boron nitride single domains on Cu/Ni alloy and its applications in ultraviolet detection. Nanotechnology 2019,30, 245706 (60) Qun Zhang, Weicheng Huang, Chunyu Yang, Fei Wang, Chuanqi Song, Yan Gao, Yunfeng Qiu*, Mei Yan*, Bin Yang and Chongshen Guo*. Theranostic Nanoagent of Mo2C for Multi-modal Imaging-Guided Cancer Synergistic Phototherapy. Biomater. Sci., 2019, In press (59) Zhang B., Zhang E., Wang S, Zhang Y., Ma Z., Qiu Y.*, Bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst derived from photochlorinated graphene for rechargeable solid-state Zn-air battery. J. Colloid. Inter. Sci. 2019; In press. (58) Zhang Y, Sun H, Qiu Y*, Ji X, Ma T, Gao F, et al. Multiwall carbon nanotube encapsulated Co grown on vertically oriented graphene modified carbon cloth as bifunctional electrocatalysts for solid-state Zn-air battery. Carbon. 2019;144:370-81. (57) Sun H#, Ji X#, Qiu Y*, Zhang Y, Ma Z, Gao G-G, et al. Poor crystalline MoS2 with highly exposed active sites for the improved hydrogen evolution reaction performance. J Alloys Compd. 2019;777:514-23. (56) Zhang Y, Sun H, Qiu Y*, Zhang E, Ma T, Gao G-G, et al. Bifunctional hydrogen evolution and oxygen evolution catalysis using CoP-embedded N-doped nanoporous carbon synthesized via TEOS-assisted method. Energy. 2018, 165, 537-548. (55) Long, L.#; Lan, Z.#; Han, Z.; Qiu, Y.*; Zhou, W.* Co3O4 Nanosheet Wrapped Commercial HZSM-5 for Promoting Catalytic Cracking of n-Decane and Anticoking Activities. ACS Applied Energy Materials 2018. In press. (54) Ma, Z.#; Wang, K.#; Qiu, Y.*; Liu, X.; Cao, C.; Feng, Y.; Hu, P. Nitrogen and sulfur co-doped porous carbon derived from bio-waste as a promising electrocatalyst for zinc-air battery. Energy 2018, 143, 43-55. (53) Haohao, S.#; Zhuo, M.#; Yunfeng, Q.*; Hong, L.; Guang-gang, G*. Ni@NiO Nanowires on Nickel Foam Prepared via “Acid Hungry” Strategy: High Supercapacitor Performance and Robust Electrocatalysts for Water Splitting Reaction. Small 2018, 1800294. (52) Wang, K.; Qiu, Y.*; Zhang, Y.; Ma, T.; Ma, Z.; Hu, P*. Graphene Oxide Film Based Moisture-driven Nanogenerator and Its Application as Self-powered Relative Humidity Sensor. Chem. Lett. 2018, 47 (7), 853-856. (51) Zheng W#, Huang W#, Gao F, Yang H, Dai M, Liu G, et al. Kirigami-Inspired Highly Stretchable Nanoscale Devices Using Multidimensional Deformation of Monolayer MoS2. Chem Mater. 2018;30(17):6063-70. (50) Wei, Z.#; Yunfeng, Q.#; Wei, F.; Jingxin, C.; Huihui, Y.; Shiwei, W.; Dechang, J.; Yu, Z.; PingAn, H. Controlled growth of six-point stars MoS2 by chemical vapor deposition and its shape evolution mechanism. Nanotechnology 2017, 28 (39), 395601. (49) Liu, G.; Qiu, Y.; Wang, Z.; Zhang, J.; Chen, X.; Dai, M.; Jia, D.; Zhou, Y.; Li, Z.; Hu, P. Efficiently Synergistic Hydrogen Evolution Realized by Trace Amount of Pt-Decorated Defect-Rich SnS2 Nanosheets. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2017, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b11413. (48) Chen, X.; Qiu, Y.; Yang, H.; Liu, G.; Zheng, W.; Feng, W.; Cao, W.; Hu, W.; Hu, P. In-Plane Mosaic Potential Growth of Large-Area 2D Layered Semiconductors MoS2–MoSe2 Lateral Heterostructures and Photodetector Application. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2017, 9 (2), 1684-1691. (47) Chen, X.; Qiu, Y.; Liu, G.; Zheng, W.; Feng, W.; Gao, F.; Cao, W.; Fu, Y.; Hu, W.; Hu, P. Tuning electrochemical catalytic activity of defective 2D terrace MoSe2 heterogeneous catalyst via cobalt doping. J. Mater. Chem. A 2017, 5 (22), 11357-11363. (46) Zheng, W.; Lin, J.; Feng, W.; Xiao, K.; Qiu, Y.; Chen, X.; Liu, G.; Cao, W.; Pantelides, S. T.; Zhou, W. Patterned Growth of P-Type MoS2 Atomic Layers Using Sol–Gel as Precursor. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2016, 26 (35), 6371-6379. (45) Zheng, W.; Feng, W.; Zhang, X.; Chen, X.; Liu, G.; Qiu, Y.; Hasan, T.; Tan, P.; Hu, P. A. Anisotropic Growth of Nonlayered CdS on MoS2 Monolayer for Functional Vertical Heterostructures. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2016, 26 (16), 2648-2654. (44) Zhang, B.; Zhang, X.; Hong, C.; Qiu, Y.; Zhang, J.; Han, J.; Hu, P. Electrostatic Assembly Preparation of High-Toughness Zirconium Diboride-Based Ceramic Composites with Enhanced Thermal Shock Resistance Performance. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2016, 8 (18), 11675-11681. (43) Qiu, Y.#; Liu, J.#; Lu, Y.; Zhang, R.; Cao, W.; Hu, P. Hierarchical Assembly of Tungsten Spheres and Epoxy Composites in Three-Dimensional Graphene Foam and Its Enhanced Acoustic Performance as a Backing Material. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2016, 8 (28), 18496-18504. (42) Osman, M.; Huang, Y.; Feng, W.; Liu, G.; Qiu, Y.*; Hu, P. Modulation of opto-electronic properties of InSe thin layers via phase transformation. RSC Adv. 2016, 6 (74), 70452-70459. (41) Makkawi, O.; Qiu, Y.*; Feng, W.; Hu, P. A. The Modulation of Photoluminscences Band Gap of Two-Dimensional InSe Nanosheets on h-BN Substrate. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2016, 16 (9), 9813-9819. (40) Ma, Z.; Jin, B.; Qiu, Y.* Gemini Surfactants and Polyoxometalates Hybrid Assemblies: Spacer Controlled Oxidative Desulfurization Activity. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2016, 16 (8), 8387-8395. (39) Ma, Z.; Chai, D.; Wen, D.; Wang, H.; Hu, Y.; Qiu, Y.*; Gao, G. Synergistic Effect of Polyoxometalates and rGO for Enhancing the Photocurrents of TiO2-based Composite Film. Chem. Lett. 2016, 45 (8), 958-960. (38) Liu, N.; Zhang, J.; Qiu, Y.; Yang, J.; Hu, P. Fast growth of graphene on SiO2. Science China Chemistry 2016, 59 (6), 707-712. (37) Li, X.; Qiu, Y.*; Hu, P. A. Three Dimensional P-doped Graphene Synthesized by Eco-Friendly Chemical Vapor Deposition for Oxygen Reduction Reactions. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2016, 16 (6), 6216-6222. (36) Huang, Y.; Zheng, W.; Qiu, Y.*; Hu, P. Effects of Organic Molecules with Different Structures and Absorption Bandwidth on Modulating Photoresponse of MoS2 Photodetector. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2016, 8 (35), 23362-23370. (35) Huang, Y.; Ma, Z.; Hu, Y.; Chai, D.; Qiu, Y.*; Gao, G.; Hu, P. An efficient WSe2/Co0.85Se/graphene hybrid catalyst for electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction. RSC Adv. 2016, 6 (57), 51725-51731. (34) Chen, X.; Wang, Z.; Qiu, Y.; Zhang, J.; Liu, G.; Zheng, W.; Feng, W.; Cao, W.; Hu, P.; Hu, W. Controlled growth of vertical 3D MoS2(1-x)Se2x nanosheets for an efficient and stable hydrogen evolution reaction. J. Mater. Chem. A 2016, 4 (46), 18060-18066. (33) Chai, D.-F.; Ma, Z.; Qiu, Y.*; Lv, Y.-G.; Liu, H.; Song, C.-Y.; Gao, G.-G. Oxidase-like mimic of Ag@Ag3PO4 microcubes as a smart probe for ultrasensitive and selective Hg2+ detection. Dalton Trans. 2016, 45 (7), 3048-3054. (32) Zhang, B.; Zhang, X.; Qiu, Y.; Han, J.; Hu, P.; Hong, C.; Peng, Z.; Han, W.; Chen, G.; Hu, P. Enhanced thermal shock resistance of ultra-high temperature ceramic by biomimetic surface modification. J. Mater. Chem. A 2015, 3 (5), 2199-2206. (31) Xu, G.-B.; Cui, J.-M.; Liu, H.; Gao, G.-G.; Qiu, Y.-F.*; Zhang, S.-M.; Wu, D.-M. Highly selective detection of cellular guanine and xanthine by polyoxometalate modified 3D graphene foam. Electrochim. Acta 2015, 168, 32-40. (30) Wang, X.#; Qiu, Y.#; Cao, W.; Hu, P. Highly Stretchable and Conductive Core–Sheath CVD Graphene Fibers and Their Applications in Safe Strain Sensors. Chem. Mater. 2015, 20 (27), 6969-6975. (26) Song, C.-Y.; Chai, D.-F.; Zhang, R.-R.; Liu, H.; Qiu, Y.-F.*; Guo, H.-D.; Gao, G.-G. A silver-alkynyl cluster encapsulating a fluorescent polyoxometalate core: enhanced emission and fluorescence modulation. Dalton Trans. 2015, 44 (9), 3997-4002. (28) Qiu, Y.#; Liu, J.#; Yang, H.; Gao, F.; Lu, Y.; Zhang, R.; Cao, W.; Hu, P. Graphene oxide-stimulated acoustic attenuating performance of tungsten based epoxy films. J. Mater. Chem. C 2015, 3 (41), 10848-10855. (27) Qiu, Y.#; Liu, H.#; Liu, J.-X.#; Zhang, C.; Hu, P.; Ma, Z.; Gao, G.-G. Moisture-responsive Films Consisted of Luminescent Polyoxometalate and Agarose. J. Mater. Chem. C 2015, 3 (24), 6322-6328. (26) Ma, Z.; Qiu, Y.*; Yang, H.; Huang, Y.; Liu, J.; Lu, Y.; Zhang, C.; Hu, P. Effective synergistic effect of dipeptide-polyoxometalate-graphene oxide ternary hybrid materials on peroxidase-like mimics with enhanced Performance. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2015, 7 (39), 22036-22045. (25) Ma, Z.; Qiu, Y.*; Huang, Y.; Gao, F.; Hu, P. Chitosan Assisted Synthesis of 3D Graphene@ Au Nanosheets Composites: Catalytic Reduction of 4–nitrophenol. RSC Adv. 2015, 5, 79456-79462. (24) Li, X.; Wang, Z.; Qiu, Y.*; Pan, Q.; Hu, P. 3D graphene/ZnO nanorods composite networks as supercapacitor electrodes. J. Alloys Compd. 2015, 620 (0), 31-37. (23) Han, J.; Wang, X.; Qiu, Y.; Zhu, J.; Hu, P. Infrared-transparent films based on conductive graphene network fabrics for electromagnetic shielding. Carbon 2015, 87, 206-214. (22) Chai, D.-F.; Ma, Z.; Yan, H.; Qiu, Y.*; Liu, H.; Guo, H.; Gao, G.-G. Synergistic Effect of Sandwich Polyoxometalates and Copper-Imidazole Complexes for Enhancing Peroxidase-like Activity. RSC Adv. 2015, 5, 78771-78779. (21) Wang, W.; Qiu, Y.; Xu, L. Supramolecular coexistence of Co (II) and Ag (I) complexes based on polyoxotungstate and imidazoles: synthesis, crystal structure, and spectroscopic study. J. Coord. Chem. 2014, 67 (5), 797-806. (20) Qiu, Y.; Sun, H.; Ma, Z.; Xia, W. Efficient, stable, and reusable Lewis acid–surfactant-combined catalyst: One-pot Biginelli and solvent-free esterification reactions. J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem. 2014, 392 (0), 76-82. (19) Qiu, Y.; Qin, Y.; Ma, Z.; Xia, W. Chitosan-supported Zinc Nitrate: Preparation and Catalyst for Condensation Reaction of Aldehydes, Amines, and Terminal Alkynes Leading to the Formation of Propargylamines. Chem. Lett. 2014, 43 (8), 1284-1286. (18) Qiu, Y.; Ma, Z.; Hu, P. Environmentally benign magnetic chitosan/Fe3O4 composites as reductant and stabilizer for anchoring Au NPs and their catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol. J. Mater. Chem. A 2014, 2 (33), 13471-13478. (17) Liu, H.; Zou, Y.-L.; Zhang, L.; Liu, J.-X.; Song, C.-Y.; Chai, D.-F.; Gao, G.-G.; Qiu, Y.-F.* Polyoxometalate cobalt–gatifloxacin complex with DNA binding and antibacterial activity. J. Coord. Chem. 2014, 67 (13), 2257-2270. (16) Gao, G.-G.; Song, C.-Y.; Zong, X.-M.; Chai, D.-F.; Liu, H.; Zou, Y.-L.; Liu, J.-X.; Qiu, Y.-F.* Solvent-controlled 3D lanthanide–polyoxometalate frameworks: reduction and stabilization of Ag nanocomposites and catalytic properties. CrystEngComm 2014, 16 (23), 5150-5158. 2010年 (15) Yao, P.; Qiu, Y.; Chen, P.; Ma, Y.; He, S.; Zheng, J. Y.; Liu, M. Interfacial molecular assemblies of metalloporphyrins with two trans or one axial ligands. ChemPhysChem 2010, 11 (3), 722-729. (14) Qiu, Y.; Chen, P.; Liu, M. Evolution of various porphyrin nanostructures via an oil/aqueous medium: controlled self-assembly, further organization, and supramolecular chirality. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132 (28), 9644-9652. (13) Qiu, Y.; Chen, P.; Liu, M. Interfacial assemblies of atypical amphiphilic porphyrins: hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity of substituents, annealing effects, and supramolecular chirality. Langmuir 2010, 26 (19), 15272-15277. 2008年 (12) Qiu, Y.; Chen, P.; Liu, M. Interfacial assembly of an achiral zinc phthalocyanine at the air/water interface: a surface pressure dependent aggregation and supramolecular chirality. Langmuir 2008, 24 (12), 7200-7207. (11) Qiu, Y.; Chen, P.; Guo, P.; Li, Y.; Liu, M. Supramolecular chiroptical switches based on achiral molecules. Adv. Mater. 2008, 20 (15), 2908-2913. (10) Yang, Y.; Xu, L.; Jia, L.; Gao, G.; Li, F.; Qu, X.; Qiu, Y. Crystal structure and electrochemical properties of the supramolecular compound [Himi] 6 [As2Mo18O62]11H2O. Cryst. Res. Technol. 2007, 42 (10), 1036-1040. (9) Yang, Y.; Xu, L.; Gao, G.; Li, F.; Qiu, Y.; Qu, X.; Liu, H. Transition‐Metal (MnII and CoII) Complexes with the Heteropolymolybdate Fragment [AsVMo9O33] 7–: Crystal Structures, Electrochemical and Magnetic Properties. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2007, 2007 (17), 2500-2505. (8) Qu, X.; Xu, L.; Qiu, Y.; Gao, G.; Li, F.; Yang, Y. New Series of Porous Ionic Crystals Constructed from Various Polyoxometalate Anions and Macrocations: Syntheses, Crystal Structures, and Comparison with Diverse Spatial Arrangement. Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2007, 633 (7), 1040-1047. 2006年 (7) Wang, W.; Xu, L.; Gao, G.; An, W.; Qiu, Y.; Wang, Z. A novel selenium–molybdenum oxide chain inserted with copper (II) complex: Synthesis, structure, and magnetic property. Inorg. Chem. Commun. 2006, 9 (1), 29-33. (6) Qiu, Y.; Xu, L.; Gao, G.; Wang, W.; Li, F. A new arylimido derivative of polyoxometalate (Bu4N)2[Mo6O17(NAr)2] [Ar: 2,6-(CH3)2C6H3]: Synthesis, structure and physicochemical properties. Inorg. Chim. Acta 2006, 359 (2), 451-458. (5) Fan, L.; Xu, L.; Gao, G.; Li, F.; Li, Z.; Qiu, Y. A novel polyoxometalate chain constructed from sandwich lanthanide-containing polyanion [Ce(PW11O39)2]10- and sodium ion linker. Inorg. Chem. Commun. 2006, 9 (12), 1308-1311. 2005年 (4) Li, F.; Xu, L.; Wei, Y.; Qiu, Y.; Wang, Z.; Wang, E. A novel cobalt (II) complex with polyoxometalate-based ligand by virtue of coexistence of both a capped-Keggin anion and a neutral unit. J. Coord. Chem. 2005, 58 (18), 1751-1758. (3) Gao, G.; Xu, L.; Wang, W.; Wang, Z.; Qiu, Y.; Wang, E. Electrochromic multilayer films based on trilacunary Dawson-type polyoxometalate. Electrochim. Acta 2005, 50 (5), 1101-1106. (2) Gao, G.; Xu, L.; Wang, W.; Wang, Z.; Qiu, Y.; Wang, E. Electrochromic and pH-sensitive multilayer films based on nickel-substituted Dawson-type polyoxometalate. J. Electrochem. Soc. 2005, 152 (7), H102-H106. (1) Gao, G.; Xu, L.; Wang, W.; An, W.; Qiu, Y.; Wang, Z.; Wang, E. Electrochromic multilayer films of tunable color by combination of copper or iron complex and monolacunary Dawson-type polyoxometalate. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2005, 109 (18), 8948-8953. 基本信息 名称 Yunfeng Qiu, Associate Processor Affiliation: Micro/NanoTechnology Research Center, Academy of Fundmental and Interdisciplinary Sciences, Harbin Institute of Technology Tel: 0451-86403493;15245158280 Fax: 0451-86403483 E-mail: qiuyf@hit.edu.cn Zip Code: 150001 Address: Room404, Building No.B1, Yikuang Street No.2,Science Park of Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin Institute of Technology,Nangang District, City of Harbin, 150080 Working Experience 标题 1 起讫时间 2009.7-2014.12 职位/职称 Lecturer 工作单位 Harbin Institute of Technology 简单介绍 标题 2 起讫时间 2015.1-present 职位/职称 Associate Processor 工作单位 Harbin Institute of Techn 简单介绍 Education Experience 标题 Ph.D study 起讫时间 2006.09-2009.07 所学专业 Physical chemistry 学习机构 Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences 学历 Ph.D 简单介绍 Part of Publications 新闻标题 Papers 发布时间 Research at HIT 1. Qiu, Y.; Chen, P.*; Liu, M*. Evolution of Various Porphyrin Nanostructures Via an Oil/Aqueous Medium: Controlled Self-Assembly, Further Organization, and Supramolecular Chirality. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 9644-9652. 2. Qiu, Y.; Chen, P.; Guo, P.; Li, Y.; Liu, M.* Supramolecular Chiroptical Switches Based on Achiral Molecules. Adv. Mater. 2008, 20, 2908-2913. 3. Liu G.#; Li Z.#; Shi J.#; Sun K.#; Ji Y.; Wang Z.; Qiu Y.*; Liu Y.* Wang Z.*; Hu P.* Black Reduced Porous SnO2 Nanosheets for CO2 Electroreduction with High Formate Selectivity and Low Overpotential. Appl. Catal. B 2020, 260, 118134. (ESI highly cited) 4. Wang, X.#; Qiu, Y.#; Cao, W.; Hu, P.* Highly Stretchable and Conductive Core–Sheath Cvd Graphene Fibers and Their Applications in Safe Strain Sensors. Chem. Mater. 2015, 20, 6969-6975. (# Equal contributions) 5. Haohao Sun#; Zhuo Ma#; Yunfeng Qiu*; Hong Liu; Guang-gang Gao* Ni@ NiO Nanowires on Nickel Foam Prepared via “Acid Hungry” Strategy: High Supercapacitor Performance and Robust Electrocatalysts for Water Splitting Reaction[J]. Small, 2018: 1800294. (# Equal contributions) 6. Yuanyuan Zhang, Yunfeng Qiu*, Zhuo Ma, Yanping Wang, Yongxia Zhang, Yuxin Ying, Yinan Jiang, Yixue Zhu, Shaoqin Liu*, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021, 9, 17, 10893-10908. 7. Qiu, Y.; Ma, Z.; Hu, P.* Environmentally Benign Magnetic Chitosan/Fe3O4 Composites as Reductant and Stabilizer for Anchoring Au Nps and Their Catalytic Reduction of 4-Nitrophenol. J. Mater. Chem. A 2014, 2, 13471-13478. 8. Yongxia Zhang, Yunfeng Qiu,* Yanping Wang, Bing Li, Yuanyuan Zhang, Zhuo Ma,* and Shaoqin Liu*, Coaxial Ni-S@N-doped carbon nanofibres derived hierarchical electrodes for efficient H2 production via urea electrolysis ACS Applied Mater. Interface, 2021, In press. 9. Huang, Y.; Zheng, W.; Qiu, Y.*; Hu, P.* Effects of Organic Molecules with Different Structures and Absorption Bandwidth on Modulating Photoresponse of MosS2 Photodetector. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8, 23362-23370. 10. Ma, Z.; Qiu, Y.*; Yang, H.; Huang, Y.; Liu, J.; Lu, Y.; Zhang, C.*; Hu, P.* Effective Synergistic Effect of Dipeptide-Polyoxometalate-Graphene Oxide Ternary Hybrid Materials on Peroxidase-Like Mimics with Enhanced Performance. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, 22036-22045. 11. Qiu, Y.#; Liu, J.#; Lu, Y.; Zhang, R.*; Cao, W.*; Hu, P.* Hierarchical Assembly of Tungsten Spheres and Epoxy Composites in Three-Dimensional Graphene Foam and Its Enhanced Acoustic Performance as a Backing Material. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8, 18496-18504. (# Equal contributions) 12. Zhang Y.; Sun H.; Qiu Y.*; Ji X.; Ma T.; Gao F.; Ma Z.; Zhang B.*; Hu P*. Multiwall Carbon Nanotube Encapsulated Co Grown on Vertically Oriented Graphene Modified Carbon Cloth as Bifunctional Electrocatalysts for Solid-State Zn-Air Battery. Carbon 2019, 144, 370-381. (ESI highly cited) 13. Baoxi Zhang, Yuxin Ying, Yixue Zhu, Yinan Jiang, Yongxia Zhang, Yunfeng Qiu*, Interfacial engineering in PDMS/graphene composites via anchoring polypyrrole nanowires to enhance its electro-photo thermal performance Carbon, 2021, 174, 10-23. 14. Qiu, Y.#; Liu, H.#; Liu, J.-X.#; Zhang, C.; Hu, P.*; Ma, Z.; Gao, G.-G.* Moisture-Responsive Films Consisted of Luminescent Polyoxometalate and Agarose. J. Mater. Chem. C 2015, 3, 6322-6328. (# Equal contributions) 15. Qiu, Y.#; Liu, J.#; Yang, H.; Gao, F.; Lu, Y.; Zhang, R.*; Cao, W.*; Hu, P.* Graphene Oxide-Stimulated Acoustic Attenuating Performance of Tungsten Based Epoxy Films. J. Mater. Chem. C 2015, 3, 10848-10855. (# Equal contributions) 16. Zhuo Ma#, Kaixuan. Wang.#, Yunfeng Qiu*, Xizheng Liu, Changyan Cao, Yujie Feng* and PingAn Hu*. Nitrogen and Sulfur Co-Doped Porous Carbon Derived from Bio-Waste as a Promising Electrocatalyst for Zinc-Air Battery. Energy 2017,, 143, 43-55. (ESI highly cited)