

发布日期:2024-05-11 浏览次数:

个人简介 吴俊超,博士、华侨大学土木工程学院讲师。目前主要研究方向:结构静动力数值分析高性能无网格法;超收敛无网格结构振动分析方法;相场损伤破坏模拟。 主持科研项目 2022.1-2024.12, 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目: 体积不可压问题的内禀最优约束比高效无网格法(12102138) 2020.7-2023.7, 华侨大学高层次人才科研启动费项目:伽辽金无网格法误差分析与一致积分方案(20BS110) 期刊论文 ● Wu J, Wang D. An accuracy analysis of Galerkin meshfree methods accounting for numerical integration. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 375: 113631, 2021. ● Wu J, Wang D, Lin Z, Qi D. An efficient gradient smoothing meshfree formulation for the fourth-order phase field modeling of brittle fracture. Computational Particle Mechanics, 7: 193-207, 2020. ● Wang J, Wu J, Wang D. A quasi-consistent integration method for efficient meshfree analysis of Helmholtz problems with plane wave basis functions. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 110: 42-55, 2020. ● Wang D, Wang J, Wu J. Arbitrary order recursive formulation of meshfree gradients with application to superconvergent collocation analysis of Kirchhoff plates. Computational Mechanics, 65: 877-903, 2020. ● Wang D, Wu J. An inherently consistent reproducing kernel gradient smoothing framework toward efficient Galerkin meshfree formulation with explicit quadrature. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 349: 628-672, 2019. ● Chen Z, Yang W, Li J, Yi T, Wu J, Wang D. Bridge influence line identification based on adaptive B-spline basis dictionary and sparse regularization. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 26: e2355, 2019. ● Wang D, Wang J, Wu J, Deng J, Sun M. A three-dimensional two-level gradient smoothing meshfree method for rainfall induced landslide simulations. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 13: 337-352, 2019. ● 邓力克, 王东东, 王家睿, 吴俊超. 薄板分析的线性基梯度光滑伽辽金无网格法. 力学学报, 51: 690-702, 2019. ● Wu J, Wang D, Lin Z. A meshfree higher order mass matrix formulation for structural vibration analysis. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 18: 1850121, 2018. ● Wang D., Wang J, Wu J. Superconvergent gradient smoothing meshfree collocation method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 340: 728-766, 2018. ● Wang D, Liang Q, Wu J. A quadrature-based superconvergent isogeometric frequency analysis with macro-integration cells and quadratic splines. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 320: 712-744, 2017. ● Wang D, Wu J. An efficient nesting sub-domain gradient smoothing integration algorithm with quadratic exactness for Galerkin meshfree methods. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 298: 485-519, 2016. ● 吴俊超, 邓俊俊, 王家睿, 王东东. 伽辽金无网格法的数值积分方法. 固体力学学报, 37: 208-233, 2016. ● Yang H, Wang Y, Chen X, Zhao X, Gu L, Huang H, Yan J, Xu C, Li G, Wu J, Edwards A, Dittrich B, Tang Z, Wang D, Lehtovaara L, Häkkinen H, Zheng N. Plasmonic twinned silver nanoparticles with molecular precision. Nature Communications, 7: 12809, 2016.

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