

发布日期:2024-05-11 浏览次数:

个人简介Personal Profile 2011-2018年于西北大学攻读硕士和博士学位。2019-2020年赴加拿大麦吉尔大学(McGill University)进行博士后研究。2021年入职西北大学生命科学学院。 主要代表性成果:  (1) Rong Hou, Colin A. Chapman, Ollie Jay, Songtao Guo, Baoguo Li*, Raubenheimer David. Cold and hungry: combined effects of low temperature and resource scarcity on an edge-of-range temperate primate, the golden snub-nosed monkey, Ecography, 2020,43(11), 1672-1682. 封面文章  ( 大类1区, Top期刊,  IF: 6.45) (2) Rong Hou, Colin A. Chapman, Jessica M. Rothman, He Zhang, Kang Huang, Songtao Guo*, Baoguo Li*, David Raubenheimer. The geometry of resource constraint: an empirical study of the golden snub-nosed monkey. Journal of Animal Ecology, 2021,90(3), 751-765.  封面文章   ( 大类1区, Top期刊,  IF: 5.61) (3)  Rui Liu#, Katherine Amato#, Rong Hou#, Andres Gomez, Derek W. Dunn, Jun Zhang, Paul A. Garber, Colin A.Chapman, Nicoletta Righini, Gang He, Gu Fang, Yuhang Li, Baoguo Li*, Songtao Guo*.  Specialized digestive adaptations within the hindgut of a colobine monkey. The Innovation, 2022,3(2),100207.  (# 共同第一作者,IF:32.09) (4) Songtao Guo#, Rong Hou#, Paul A. Garber, David Raubenheimer*, Nicoletta Righini, Weihong Ji, Ollie Jay, Shujun He, Fan Wu, Fangfang Li, Baoguo Li*. Nutrient-specific compensation for seasonal cold stress in a free-ranging temperate colobine monkey, Functional Ecology, 2018, 32(9),2170-2180.  (# 共同第一作者) ( 大类1区, Top期刊,  IF: 5.04) (5) Rong Hou*, Rafael Reyna-Hurtado, Patrick Omeja, Charles Tumwesigye, Dipto Sarkar, Jan F. Gogarten, Colin A. Chapman*. Long-term trends in a forest ungulate community: Park establishment increases numbers, but poaching is a constant threat. Zoological Research. 2021, 42(2),207-211.   (* 共同通讯作者)  ( 大类1区, Top期刊,  IF: 6.98) (6) Rong Hou, Shujun He, Fan Wu, Colin A. Chapman, Ruliang Pan, Paul A. Garber, Songtao Guo*, Baoguo Li*. Seasonal variation in diet and nutrition of the northern-most population of Rhinopithecus roxellana. American Journal of Primatology, 2018, 80(4), e22755. ( 小类2区,  IF: 2.01),团队成员Research Group 团队名称:秦岭金丝猴研究团队

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