

发布日期:2024-05-10 浏览次数:

研究生 基本信息 周鹏 科学研究 教育教学 论文发表 ... 论文发表 新建主栏目 Peng Zhou 名称 Associate Professor of Department of Astronautics Science and Mechanics Ph.D. 2007 Engineering physics, University of Virginia M.S. 2002 Materials science, Tsinghua University B.S. 2000 Materials science, Tsinghua University Department of Astronautics Science and Mechanics P.O. Box 344, Harbin Institute of Technology 92, Xidazhi Street, Nangang District Harbin, Heilongjiang, P.R. China, 150001 Research Interests 名称 Computational Mechanics and Materials Science, general field of diffusional phase transformations under the influence of externally applied physical fields. Of particular interest are the following topics: Phase transformations at the interfaces of interconnects and solders under the influence of electromigration, thermomigration and elastic stresses. Analysis of the mechanism of electromigration, thermomigration, and the general diffusion process under the influence of other physical fields. Morphological evolution during thin film growth with strong surface anisotropy, elastic strains and deposition present. Professional Experience 名称 2011- Present, Harbin Institute of Technology, Dept. of Astronautics Science and Mechanics, Associate Professor 2010-2011, Uiversity of California, Irvine, Dept. of Mathematics, Associate Specialist 2007-2010, Uiversity of California, Irvine, Dept. of Mathematics, Visiting assistant professor Publications 名称 Guoming Ma, Peng Zhou, Hao Zhang, Jinxin Qian, Yubao Zhen, "Simulation of a Piezoelectric MEMS Accelerometer using Finite Element Modeling with Freefem++",2020 21th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT). Jinxin Qian, Peng Zhou, Hao Zhang, Yubao Zhen, Yuan Gao, "3D Finite Element Modeling of Flip Chip Solder Bumps and Cu-Pillar Bumps with Thermal Stresses and Joule Heating present", 2019 20th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT). Hao Zhang, Peng Zhou, Jinxin Qian, Guoming Ma, Yubao Zhen, Yuehua Hu, "3D simulations of a Piezoresistive MEMS Pressure Sensor using the Finite Element Modeling", 2019 20th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT). Peng Zhou, Qibiao Zeng, Yuan Gao and Yubao Zhen, "Investigation of the Elastic Properties of Through-silicon Vias using a Finite Element Model with Thermal Stresses and Joule Heating Present", 2018 19th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT). Peng Zhou, Baojie Zhao, Yubao Zhen, Shuo Liu and Yuehua Hu, Jiayu Li, “Finite-element calculations of elastic fields within flip-chip solder bumps and Cu-pillar bumps under the influences of thermal stresses and joule heating”, 2017 18th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT), 569-574 Peng Zhou and Jie Wang, Modeling of the coalescence of micro-voids under the influence of elastic stresses and electromigration, Icept 2014 proceedings. Peng Zhou,The Influence of a Field-dependent Total Effective Charge Number on the Interfacial Migration Rate and the Phase Growth Behavior During Intermediate Phase Growth with Electromigration present, Icept 2013 proceedings. Peng Zhou, The stressing effect of electromigration from the Maxwell Stress and a preliminary mean time to failure analysis. Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 42, 956-962, No. 6, 2013. Featured online by Advances in Engineering Peng Zhou, Steven Wise, Xiangrong Li, and John Lowengrub*,Coarsening of elastically stressed, strongly anisotropic driven thin films,Phys. Rev. E 85, 061605 (2012) Peng Zhou* and William C. Johnson, “A Diffuse Interface Model of Intermediate Phase Growth under the Influence of Electromigration”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 40, 1867-1875, No. 9, 2011. Peng Zhou*,William C. Johnson, and Perry H. Leo, “A Sharp Interface Model of Intermediate Phase Growth under the Influence of Electromigration”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 40, 1876-1883, No. 9, 2011. Peng Zhou* and William C. Johnson, “Discussion of the Mechanism of Electromigration from the Perspective of Electromagnetism”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 39, 2583-2587, No. 12, 2010. William C. Johnson*, Peng Zhou, A. M. Lucente and J. R. Scully, “Composition Profiles around Solute-Lean, Spherical Nanocrystalline Precipitates in an Amorphous Matrix: Implications for Corrosion Resistance”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Volume 40, Number 4, April, 2009. Peng Zhou, Steven M. Wise and John Lowengrub, Coarsening of 3D Thin Films under the Influence of Strong Surface Anisotropy, Elastic stresses, TMS 2009 (138th annual meeting), Supplemental Proceedings: Materials Characterization, Computation and Modeling (2009) 39-46. Courses 名称 2016-2022 Spring:Tensor Analysis and Continumm Mechanics (Graduate Course), Mechanics of Materials I (Undergraduate Course) 2015 Spring:Tensor Analysis and Continumm Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials I 2014 Spring:Tensor Analysis and Continumm Mechanics 2013 Spring:Mechanics of Materials II 2010 Spring:Mathematical modeling 115 2010 Winter:Infinite series and linear algebra 2J, 2009 Fall:Calculus 2A 2008 Fall: Calculus 2B 2007 Fall, 2008 Winter, 2008 Spring: Elementary differential equations 3D 基本信息 名称 航天学院航天科学和力学系副教授,硕导 教育经历 名称 2002年-2007年,美国弗吉尼亚大学,工程物理学科,博士 2000年-2002年,清华大学,材料科学与工程系,硕士 1995年-2000年,清华大学,材料科学与工程系,本科 联系方式 名称 电 话: 0451-86418100 传  真: E-mail: zhoup@hit.edu.cn 邮  编: 150001 通信地址: 黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区西大直街92号哈尔滨工业大学344信箱 办 公 室: 理学楼533 工作经历 名称 时间 工作经历 2011年-现今 哈尔滨工业大学,航天学院航天科学和力学系,副教授 2010年-2011年 美国加州大学埃尔文分校,数学系,专业研究人员(副) 2007年-2010年 美国加州大学埃尔文分校,数学系,访问助理教授 科研项目 项目名称 导线焊点界面扩散相变过程模拟和分析 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2013-01-01 结束时间 2015-12-01 项目经费 25万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 CuAlNi 合金中相变波与马氏体微结构的交互激励机制研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2013-01-01 结束时间 2016-12-01 项目经费 78万 担任角色 参与 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 研究领域 名称 计算力学和材料学,外场影响下的扩散相变,主要的研究方向如下: ? 电迁移,热迁移和弹性应力应变影响下,集成电路导线和焊接点界面上的中间相生长,空穴生长等失效问题。 ? 征对电迁移,热迁移和外场下扩散的机制分析和数值模拟。 ? 弹性应力应变,界面各项异性能以及表面沉积对于薄膜形貌,粗化机制和粗化规律的影响. 团队成员 名称 王洁: 硕士研究生, 研究方向: 导线焊点界面在电迁移影响下界面形貌的衍化. 刘硕: 硕士研究生, 研究方向: 热致迁移对空洞生长行为的影响以及分子动力学模拟. 讲授课程 名称 2023秋季: 张量分析和连续体介质力学 2015-2023春季:材料力学 I, 张量分析和连续体介质力学 2014春季:张量分析和连续体介质力学 2013春季:材料力学 II 2010春季:Mathematical modeling 115 2010冬季:Infinite series and linear algebra 2J, 2009秋季:Calculus 2A 2008秋季: Calculus 2B 2007秋季,2008冬季,2008春季:Elementary differential equations 3D 招生信息 名称 硕士招生: 微电子MEMS压阻压电器件模拟 导线焊点界面扩散过程模拟分析 联系:zhoup@hit.edu.cn 论文期刊 名称 Hao Ren, Peng Zhou, Chunming Zhou, "Finite Element Simulations of Flip Chip SolderBumps with Fractures Present using FreeFem++", 2022 23th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT). Peng Zhou, "Coupling efiects between elastic and electromagnetic flelds from theperspective of conservation of energy", Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition) (2021), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10483-021-2792-9 . Chunming Zhou, Peng Zhou, Yuehua Hu, Hao Zhang, "Investigation of the Influences of Thermal stresses and Joule Heating within a Piezoresistive MEMS Pressure Sensor using the Finite Element Modeling",2021 22th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT). Guomin Ma, Peng Zhou, Hao Zhang, Jinxin Qian, Yubao Zhen, "Simulation of a Piezoelectric MEMS Accelerometer using Finite Element Modeling with Freefem++",2020 21th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT). Jinxin Qian, Peng Zhou, Hao Zhang, Yubao Zhen, Yuan Gao, "3D Finite Element Modeling of Flip Chip Solder Bumps and Cu-Pillar Bumps with Thermal Stresses and Joule Heating present", 2019 20th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT). Hao Zhang, Peng Zhou, Jinxin Qian, Guoming Ma, Yubao Zhen, Yuehua Hu, "3D simulations of a Piezoresistive MEMS Pressure Sensor using the Finite Element Modeling", 2019 20th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT). Peng Zhou, Qibiao Zeng, Yuan Gao and Yubao Zhen, "Investigation of the Elastic Properties of Through-silicon Vias using a Finite Element Model with Thermal Stresses and Joule Heating Present", 2018 19th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT). Peng Zhou, Baojie Zhao, Yubao Zhen, Shuo Liu and Yuehua Hu, Jiayu Li, “Finite-element calculations of elastic fields within flip-chip solder bumps and Cu-pillar bumps under the influences of thermal stresses and joule heating”, 2017 18th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT), 569-574 Peng Zhou and Jie Wang, Modeling of the coalescence of micro-voids under the influence of elastic stresses and electromigration, Proceedings of the Electronic Packaging Technology Conference, EPTC, p 1047-1051, October 13, 2014 Peng Zhou,The Influence of a Field-dependent Total Effective Charge Number on the Interfacial Migration Rate and the Phase Growth Behavior During Intermediate Phase Growth with Electromigration present, Proceedings - 2013 14th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT 2013, p 448-452, 2013. Peng Zhou, The stressing effect of electromigration from the Maxwell Stress and a preliminary mean time to failure analysis. Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 42, 956-962, No. 6, 2013. Featured online by Advances in Engineering Peng Zhou, Steven Wise, Xiangrong Li, and John Lowengrub*,Coarsening of elastically stressed, strongly anisotropic driven thin films,Phys. Rev. E 85, 061605 (2012) Peng Zhou* and William C. Johnson, “A Diffuse Interface Model of Intermediate Phase Growth under the Influence of Electromigration”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 40, 1867-1875, No. 9, 2011. Peng Zhou*,William C. Johnson, and Perry H. Leo, “A Sharp Interface Model of Intermediate Phase Growth under the Influence of Electromigration”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 40, 1876-1883, No. 9, 2011. Peng Zhou* and William C. Johnson, “Discussion of the Mechanism of Electromigration from the Perspective of Electromagnetism”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 39, 2583-2587, No. 12, 2010. William C. Johnson*, Peng Zhou, A. M. Lucente and J. R. Scully, “Composition Profiles around Solute-Lean, Spherical Nanocrystalline Precipitates in an Amorphous Matrix: Implications for Corrosion Resistance”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Volume 40, Number 4, April, 2009. Peng Zhou, Steven M. Wise and John Lowengrub, Coarsening of 3D Thin Films under the Influence of Strong Surface Anisotropy, Elastic stresses, TMS 2009 (138th annual meeting), Supplemental Proceedings: Materials Characterization, Computation and Modeling (2009) 39-46. 在读或毕业硕士生 名称 夏雨晴 在读 研一 杜昔瑶 在读 研二 任豪 2023 毕业 中国中车(株洲) 周春明 2022 毕业 美的集团库卡机器人(广东)有限公司 马国民 2021 毕业 哈飞 钱金鑫 2020 毕业 杭州老板电器 张 浩 2020 毕业 哈工大读博 高 原 2019 毕业 哈工大读博 胡跃华 2018 毕业 华为2012实验室 赵豹杰 2017 毕业 中航光电科技股份有限公司 刘 硕 2016 毕业 哈工大读博 王 洁 2015 毕业 南航读博

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