

发布日期:2024-05-10 浏览次数:

基本信息 科学研究 论文专著 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 (1)教育背景 1982.09-1986.07, 哈尔滨工业大学金属材料及工艺系焊接工艺及设备专业,获学士学位。 1986.09-1989.01, 哈尔滨工业大学材料加工工程学科焊接专业,获硕士学位。 1999.03-2002.04, 哈尔滨工业大学材料加工工程学科焊接专业,获工学博士学位。 (2)研究工作经历 1989.04-1998.11, 哈尔滨工业大学金属材料及工艺系焊接教研室,讲师。 1998.12-2000.11, 哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院焊接教研室,副教授。 2000.12-2005.03, 哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院焊接科学与工程系,系副主任,教授。 2005.04-2008.02, 哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院焊接科学与工程系,系副主任,教授,博士生导师。 2008.03-2009.12, 哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院焊接科学与工程系,主任,教授,博士生导师;先进焊接与连接国家重点实验室,副主任。 2010.01-2015.01,哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院,副院长,教授,博士生导师。 2015/02-至今,哈尔滨工业大学,材料科学与工程学院焊接科学与工程系,教授,博士生导师。 主要任职 名称 2018年任中国机械工程学会焊接分会,理事 2022年任中国机械工业教育协会焊接专业委员会, 副主任委员 联系方式 名称 联系电话:13936244836 Email: jcyan@hit.edu.cn 研究领域 名称 (1) 超声复合低温钎焊与扩散连接 研究低温钎焊和低温低压力扩散连接的新方法、新机制及应用,重点探索超声波复合钎焊与扩散连接新技术、原理及应用,研究陶瓷、铝合金、钛合金、可伐合金低温钎焊技术。 (2) 连接界面结构设计及力学行为 设计钎焊与扩散连接界面的微观组织结构,研究连接界面化合物反应层与接头力学性能之间的关系,研究异质材料连接、铝基复合材料连接模拟仿真与接头可靠性评估技术。 奖项成果 名称 (1)闫久春, 王浪平, 方洪渊, 冯吉才, 吴林. 国际化、工程化焊接技术人才培养的新模式. 黑龙江省高等教育教学成果一等奖,2009. (2)闫久春, 杨士勤, 许志武, 赵维巍, 叶广郁, 吕世雄. 铝基复合材料振动辅助非真空钎焊技术. 工信部技术发明三等奖,2008. (3) 刘会杰,闫久春,冯吉才, 许志武, 黄永宪, 赵维巍. 铝合金及其复合材料的节能环保型焊接技术与接头形成机理. 黑龙江省自然科学二等奖. 2009. 论文期刊 名称 (1) Guojing Xu, Xuesong Leng, Han Jiang, Ziyang Xiu*, Jiuchun Yan. Microstructure and strength of ultrasonic-assisted brazed joints of Si3N4/6061Al composites. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2020, 54:89-98. (2) Yan Xu, Xinran Ma, Haoyang Tang, Jiuchun Yan*. Mechanism of the interfacial reaction between sapphire and Sn-3.5Ag-4Ti solder at a low temperature in air by ultrasound. Ceramics International. 2020, 46(4):4435–4443. (3) Bingzhi Wu, Xuesong Leng, Ziyang Xiu, Jiuchun Yan. Ultrafast air bonding between SiC ceramic and SnAgTi alloy under the action of ultrasounds. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: 16856. (4) Xuesong Leng, Wei Yang, Jiaheng Zhang, Xing Ma, Weiwei Zhao and Jiuchun Yan. High-performance joining technology for aluminium matrix composites using ultrasonic assisted brazing. Materials Science and Technology. 2018, 34(6): 660–663 (5) Weibing Guo, Xinran Ma, Mingze Gao, Jiuchun Yan. Direct soldering of screen-printed Al-paste layer on back-side of silicon solar cell using SnAg solder. Materials Letters. 2018, 231:146-149 (6) Cui Wei, Li Shuqi, Yan Jiuchun, Zhang Xing. Microstructure and mechanical performance of composite joints of sapphire by ultrasonic-assisted brazing. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2018, 257:1-6 (7) Bingzhi Wu, Weibing Guo, Jingshan He, Ziyang Xiu, Jiuchun Yan. Microstructure evolution of SiC/SiC joints during ultrasonic-assisted air bonding using a Sn-Zn-Al alloy. Ceramics International. 2018,44:1284-1290. (8) Bingzhi Wu, Xuesong Leng, Ziyang Xiu, Jiuchun Yan. Microstructural evolution of SiC joints soldered using Zn-Al filler metals with the assistance of ultrasound. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2018, 44: 280-287. (9) Weibing Guo, Tianmin Luan, Jingshan He, Jiuchun Yan. Ultrasonic-assisted soldering of fine-grained 7034 aluminum alloy using Sn-Zn solders below 300°C. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2018, 40: 815-821. (10) Luan Tianmin, Guo Weibing, Yang Shenghua, Ma Zhipeng, He Jingshan, Yan Jiuchun. Effect of intermetallic compounds on mechanical properties of copper joints soldered by ultrasounds with a Sn-Zn alloy. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2017, 125: 85-93 (11) Weibing Guo, Tianmin Luan, Jingshan He, Jiuchun Yan. Ultrasonic-assisted soldering of fine-grained 7034 aluminum alloy using ZnAl fillers. Materials and Design. 2017, 125: 85-93 (12) Xiaoguang Chen, Ruishan Xie, Zhiwei Lai, Lei Liu, Jiuchun Yan, Guisheng Zou. Interfacial structure and formation mechanism of ultrasonic-assisted brazed joint of SiC ceramics with Al–12Si filler metals in air. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 2017, 33:492-498 (13) Guo Weibing, Leng Xuesong, Luan Tianmin, Yan Jiuchun, He Jingshan. Ultrasonic-promoted rapid TLP bonding of fine-grained 7034 high strength aluminum alloys. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2017, 36: 354-361 (14) Z.W. Xu, L. Ma, J. Yang, J. Zhang, J.C. Yan. Ultrasonic-induced rising and wetting of a SnZn filler in an aluminum joint. Welding Journal. 2016, 95: 264-272 (15) Xiaoguang Chen, Ruishan Xie, Zhiwei Lai, Lei Liu, Guisheng Zou, Jiuchun Yan. Ultrasonic-assisted brazing of Al–Ti dissimilar alloy by a filler metal with a large semi-solid temperature range. Materials and Design. 2016, 95:293-305 (16) Zhang Huiwen, Cui Wei, He Jingshan, Yan Jiuchun. Yang Shiqin. Formation and evolution of intermetallic compounds at interfaces of Cu/Al joints by ultrasonic-assisted soldering. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2015, 223: 1-7 (17) W B Guo, X S Leng, J C Yan and Y M Tan. Ultrasonic Soldering Aluminum at Low Temperature. Welding Journal. 2015, 94(6):189s-195s. (18) Wei Cui, Shuqi Li, Jiuchun Yan, Jingshan He,Yan Liu .Ultrasonic-assisted brazing of sapphire with high strength Al–4.5Cu–1.5Mg alloy. Ceramics International. 2015, 41(6): 8014-8022 (19) Wei Cui, Jiuchun Yan, Yan Dai, Dandan Li. Building a nano-crystalline ?-alumina layer at a liquid metal/sapphire interface by ultrasound. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2015, 22: 108-112 (20) Zhiwu Xu,Lin Ma,Jiuchun Yan,Wei Chen,Shiqin Yang. Solidification microstructure of SiC particulate reinforced Zn-Al composites under ultrasonic exposure. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2014,148(3):824-832. (21) Lin Ma, Zhiwu Xu, Kun Zheng, Jiuchun Yan, Shiqin Yang. Vibration characteristics of aluminum surface subjected to ultrasonic waves and their effect on wetting behavior of solder droplets, Ultrasonics, 2014, 54(3):929-937 (22) Xiaoguang Chen, Jiuchun Yan, Sichao Ren, Jinghui Wei, Qian Wang. Microstructure, mechanical properties and bonding mechanism of ultrasonic-assisted brazed joint of SiC ceramics with ZnAlMg filler metals in air. Ceramics International. 2014, 40(1): 683–689 (23) Jinghui Wei, Binghui Deng, Xingqiang Gao, Jiuchun Yan, Xiaoguang Chen. Interface structure characterization of Fe36Ni alloy with ultrasonic soldering. Journal of Compounds and Alloys. 2013, 576(5):386-392 (24) Xiaoguang Chen, Jiuchun Yan, Sichao Ren, Jinghui Wei, Qian Wang. Ultrasonic-assisted brazing of SiC ceramic to Ti-6Al-4V alloy using a novel AlSnSiZnMg filler metal. Materials Letters. 2013, 105(15): 120-123 (25) Qian Wang, Xuesong Leng, Jiuchun Yan, Weibing Guo, Yu Fu, Tianmin Luan. Study of 1060 Al film/Fe Cladding Materials by Vacuum Roll Bonding and their Solderability. J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2013,29(10): 948-954 (26) Xiaoguang Chen, Jiuchun Yan, Sichao Ren, Jinghui Wei, Qian Wang. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V/Al1060 joints by ultrasonic-assisted brazing in air. Materials Letters. 2013, 95(15): 197-200 (27) Wei Cui, Changwen wang, Jiuchun Yan, Zhipeng Wang, Wei Daqing. Wetting and Reaction Promoted by Ultrasound Between Sapphire and Liquid Al-12Si Alloy, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2013, 20(1): 196-201. (28) Xiaoguang Chen, Jiuchun Yan, Fei Gao, Jinghui Wei, Zhiwu Xu, Guohua Fan. Interaction behaviors at the interface between liquid Al-Si and solid Ti-6Al-4V in ultrasonic-assisted brazing in air. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2013, 20(1): 144-154 (29) Zhipeng Ma, Changwen Wang, Hanchen Yu, Jiuchun Yan, Haoran Shen. The microstructure and mechanical properties of fluxless gas tungsten arc welding–brazing joints made between titanium and aluminum alloys. Materials & Design. 2013, 45: 72-79 出版物 名称 刘会杰,闫久春,魏艳红,刘爱国. 焊接冶金与焊接性. 北京:机械工业出版社, 2007 闫久春,杨建国,张广军 译. 焊接冶金学(《Welding Metallurgy》Second Edition by Sindo Kou). 北京:高等教育出版社,2011

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