

发布日期:2024-04-08 浏览次数:

导航 个人简介 学习经历 工作经历 研究方向 主要论文 主要著作 承担课题,个人信息 姓名: 辛洪宝 部门: 纳米光子学研究院 直属机构: 纳米光子学研究院 性别: 男 职务: 副院长 职称: 教授 学位: 博士 毕业院校: 中山大学 电子邮箱: hongbaoxin@jnu.edu.cn 办公地址: 广州 通讯地址: 广州市番禺区新造暨南大学南校区 邮编: 510000 荣誉奖励: 国家级青年人才,省级青年人才 联系方式 hongbaoxin@jnu.edu.cn 个人简介 辛洪宝,教育部青年长江学者、国家重点研发计划青年科学家、广东省杰出青年基金获得者,暨南大学纳米光子学研究院教授、博士生导师、副院长、纳米生物光子学实验室主任。先后于中山大学获学士和博士学位。之后在美国加州大学伯克利分校和新加坡国立大学从事科研工作,于2018年7月加入暨南大学纳米光子学研究院。   一直从事微纳光学操控与生物光子学的基础研究。在Nature Photonics、Nature Rev. Mater.、Nature Commun.、Adv. Mater.、Light: Sci. Appl.、Nano Lett. 等国际学术期刊发表论文50余篇。相关工作多次被Nature、Nature Nanotechnology、Nature Materials等期刊引用与正面评价。与哈佛大学、加州大学伯克利分校、新加坡国立大学、北京大学、清华大学等科研机构建立了长期合作关系。获广东省光学科技一等奖(排名1)、广东省自然科学一等奖(排名第2)、全球光电大会青年科学家奖、全国光学优秀博士学位论文奖等。本课题组招收博士后、专职科研人员、优秀博士生、硕士生、对科研感兴趣的本科生等,欢迎邮件联系与现场实验室参观。欢迎对课题组感兴趣的朋友点击我们课题组网页 http://www.hbxinlab.com/ 学习经历 中山大学,物理科学与工程技术学院,博士 (直博)中山大学,物理科学与工程技术学院,学士(逸仙班) 工作经历 暨南大学,纳米光子学研究院,教授,博士生导师、副院长、实验室主任美国加州大学伯克利分校,访问科学家(Visiting Scientist)新加坡国立大学,博士后研究员(Postdoctoral Fellow) 研究方向 1. 光镊与光学操控2. 微马达与纳米机器人3. 等离激元生物探测 主要论文 1. 封面故事(一作/通讯)2. 发表论文(注:†表示共同第一作者,*表示通讯作者)(51)Xing Li, Yang Shi*, Ting Pan, Dengyun Lu, Guoshuai Zhu, Jianyun Xiong, Danning Wang, Ziyi He, Jingping Huang, Hongbao Xin*. Opto-Hydrodynamic Driven 3D Dynamic Microswarm Petals.Laser & Photonics Reviews 2300480 (2023).(50)Yuqing Xiao, Yang Shi, Baojun Li, Hongbao Xin*.Cell Manipulation and Neuron Regulation Based on Tapered Optical Fiber Tweezers[J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers 50, 1507302 (2023).(49)Dengyun  Lu, Guoshuai Zhu, Xing Li, Jianyun Xiong, Danning Wang, Yang Shi , Ting  Pan, Baojun Li* , Luke P. Lee*  & Hongbao Xin*.Dynamic monitoring of oscillatory enzyme activity of individual live bacteria via nanoplasmonic optical antennas.Nature Photonics 17, 904-911 (2023).(48)Jianyun Xiong, Yang Shi, Ting Pan, Dengyun Lu, Ziyi He, Danning Wang, Xing Li, Guoshuai Zhu, Baojun Li*, and Hongbao Xin*.Wake-Riding Effect-Inspired Opto-Hydrodynamic Diatombot for Non-Invasive Trapping and Removal of Nano-Biothreats.Advanced Science 10, 2301365 (2023).(47)Yang Shi, Danning Wang, Yuqing Xiao, Ting Pan, Dengyun Lu, Guoshuai Zhu, Jianyun Xiong, Baojun Li, and Hongbao Xin*.Light-Induced Cold Marangoni Flow for Microswarm Actuation: From Intelligent Behaviors to Collective Drug Delivery.Laser & Photonics Reviews 16, 2200533 (2022).(46) Xiaoting Zhao, Yang Shi, Ting Pan, Dengyun Lu, Jianyun Xiong, Baojun Li, and Hongbao Xin*. In situ single-cell surgery and intracellular organelle manipulation via thermoplasmonics combined optical trapping. Nano Letters 22, 402 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c04075(45) Ting Pan, Yang Shi, Nan Zhao, Jianyun Xiong, Yuqing Xiao, Hongbao Xin*, and Baojun Li*. Bio-micromotor tweezers for noninvasive bio-cargo delivery and precise therapy. Advanced Functional Materials 32, 2111038 (2022).(封底文章)(https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/adfm.202111038)(44)Ting Pan, Wenjing Song, Hongbao Xin, Haiyue Yu, He Wang, Dandan Ma, Xiaodong Cao, and Yingjun Wang. MicroRNA-activated hydrogel scaffold generated by 3D printing accelerates bone regeneration. Bioactive Materials 10, 1 (2022).(43) Ting Pan, Dengyun Lu, Hongbao Xin*, and Baojun Li*. Biophotonic probes for bio-detection and imaging. Light: Science & Applications10, 124 (2021). (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41377-021-00561-2)(42) Yuchao Li, Hongbao Xin, Yao Zhang, and Baojun Li*. Optical fiber technologies for nanomanipulation and biodetection: a review. Journal of Lightwave Technology 39, 251 (2021).(41) Honbao Xin*, Nan Zhao, Yunuo Wang, Xiaoting Zhao, Ting Pan, Yang Shi, and Baojun Li*. Optically controlled living micromotors for the manipulation and disruption of biological targets. Nano Letters 20, 7177 (2020)(https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c02501)(40) Hongbao Xin†, Yuchao Li†, Yong-Chun Liu, Yao Zhang, Yun-Feng Xiao*, and Baojun Li*. Optical forces: from fundamental to biological applications.Advanced Materials 32, 2001994 (2020).(39) Ting Pan†, Wen Fu†, Hongbao Xin†, Shengyong Geng, Zhibin Li, Haodong Cui, Paul K. Chu, Wenhua Zhou*, and Xue-Feng Yu*. Calcium phosphate mineralized black phosphorous with enhanced functionality and anti-cancer bioactivity.Advanced Funct. Materials 30, 2003069 (2020)(38) Yang Shi, Li Liang, Yunfeng Zuo, Xiaoqiang Zhu, Yi Yang*, Honbao Xin*, and Baojun Li. Amplitude holographic interference-based microfluidic colorimetry and the micrometer scale.J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11, 4747 (2020).(封面文章)(37) Xiaoting Zhao†, Nan Zhao†, Yang Shi, Hongbao Xin*, and Baojun Li. Optical fiber tweezers: a versatile tool for optical trapping and manipulation. Micromachines 11, 114 (2020).(36) Hongbao Xin, Wen Jing Sim, Bumseok Namgung, Yeonho Choi, Baojun Li, and Luke P. Lee. Quantum biological tunnel junction for electron transfer imaging in live cells. Nature Communications 10, 3245 (2019). (35) Yuchao Li, Xiaoshuai Liu, Xiaohao Xu, Hongbao Xin, Yao Zhang*, and Baojun Li*. Red-blood-cell waveguides as a living biosensor and micromotor. Advanced Functional Materials29, 1905568 (2019). (内封面文章)(34) Hongbao Xin, and Baojun Li*. Fiber-based optical trapping and manipulation. Frontiers of Optoelectronics 12, 97-110 (2019).(33) Xiaoshuai Liu, Yuchao Li, Hongbao Xin, Yao Zhang, and Baojun Li*. Application of fiber tweezers in biosystems. Journal of Anqing Normal University (Natural Science Edition) 25, 4 (2019).(32) Hongbao Xin, Bumseok Namgung, and Luke P. Lee*. Nanoplasmonic optical antennas for life sciences and medicine. Nature Reviews Materials3, 228 (2018).(封面文章) (31) Yuchao Li, Hongbao Xin, Xiaohao Xu, Xiaoshuai Liu, and Baojun Li*. Fiber-optic trapping and manipulation at the nanoscale. Advanced Materials Letters 9, 567 (2018).(30) Hongbao Xin*, Baojun Li, and Luke P. Lee. Smart light touch and optical antennas: from optical manipulation to cellular exploration. Optoelectronic Devices and Integration VII 10814, 10814D (2018).(29) Yuchao Li, Hongbao Xin,Yao Zhang, Hongxiang Lei, Tianhang Zhang, Huapeng Ye, Juan Jose Saenz, Cheng-Wei Qiu*, and Baojun Li*. Living nanospear for near-field optical probing. ACS Nano 12, 10703 (2018). (封面文章)(28)  Hongbao Xin, Yuchao Li, Dekang Xu, Yueli Zhang, Chia-Hung Chen, and Baojun Li. Single upconversion nanoparticle-bacterium cotrapping for single-bacterium labeling and analysis. Small13, 1603418 (2017). (内封面文章)(27) Yuchao Li, Hongbao Xin, Hongxiang Lei, Linlin Liu, Yanze Li, Yao Zhang*, and Baojun Li*. Manipulation and detection of single nanoparticles and biomolecules by a photonic nanojet. Light: Science & Applications5, e16176 (2016).(26) Yuchao Li, Hongbao Xin, Xiaoshuai Liu, Yao Zhang, Hongxiang Lei*, and Baojun Li. Trapping and detection of nanoparticles and cells using a parallel photonic nanojet array. ACS Nano 10, 5800 (2016).(25)  Hongbao Xin, Yuchao Li, and Baojun Li*. Controllable patterning of different cells via optical assembly of 1D periodic cell structures. Advanced Functional Materials25, 2816-2823 (2015). (内封面文章) (24)  Hongbao Xin, Yuchao Li, and Baojun Li*. Bacteria-based branched structures for bionanophotonics. Laser & Photonics Reviews9, 554-563 (2015) (内封面文章)(23) Yuchao Li, Hongbao Xin, Xiaoshuai Liu, and Baojun Li*. Non-contact intracellular binding of chloroplasts in vivo. Scientific Reports 5, 10925 (2015).(22) Yuchao Li, Hongbao Xin, Chang Cheng, Yao Zhang*, and Baojun Li*. Optical separation and controllable delivery of cells from particle and cell mixture. Nanophotonics 4, 353 (2015).(21)  Hongbao Xin and Baojun Li. Optical orientation and shift of a single multiwalled carbon nanotube. Light : Science & Applications 3, e205 (2014). (20) Hongbao Xin, Qingyuan Liu, and Baojun Li. Non-contact fiber-optical trapping of motile bacteria: dynamics observation and energy estimation. Scientific Reports 4, 6576 (2014).(19) Xiaohao Xu, Chang Cheng, Hongbao Xin, Hongxiang Lei, and Baojun Li*. Controllable orientation of single silver nanowire using two fiber probes. Scientific Reports 4, 3989 (2014).(18) Xiaoshuai Liu, Jianbin Huang, Hongbao Xin, Yao Zhang, Baojun Li*. Optically controlled circling of particles with a particle-decorated fiber probe. RSC Advances 4, 7688 (2014).(17)  Hongbao Xin, Yayi Li, Xiaoshuai Liu, and Baojun Li*. Escherichia coli-based biophotonic waveguides. Nano Letters 13, 3408-3413 (2013). (16)  Hongbao Xin, Rui Xu, and Baojun Li*. Optical formation and manipulation of particle and cell patterns using a tapered optical fiber. Laser & Photonics Reviews 7, 801-809 (2013). (内封面文章)  (15)  Hongbao Xin, Chang Cheng, and Baojun Li*. Trapping and delivery of Escherichia coli in a microfluidic channel using an optical nanofiber. Nanoscale 5, 6720-6724 (2013). (14) Rui Xu, Hongbao Xin, Baojun Li*. Photothermal formation of vortex flows by 1.55 μm light. AIP Advances 3, 052120 (2013).(13) Rui Xu, Hongbao Xin, and Baojun Li*. Massive assembly and migration of nanoparticles by laser-induced vortex flows. Applied Physics Letters 103, 014102 (2013). (12) Hongbao Xin, Yao Zhang, Hongxiang Lei, Yayi Li, Huixian Zhang, and Baojun Li*. Optofluidic realization and retaining of cell-cell contact using an abrupt tapered optical fibre. Scientific Reports 3, 1993 (2013). (11) Hongbao Xin, Yayi Li, Lingshan Li, Rui Xu, and Baojun Li*. Optofluidic manipulation of Escherichia coli in a microfluidic channel using an abrupt tapered optical fiber. Applied Physics Letters 103, 033703 (2013). (10) Hongbao Xin, Dinghua Bao, Fan Zhong, and Baojun Li*. Photophoretic separation of particles using two tapered optical fibers. Laser Physics Letters 10, 036004 (2013). (9) Lingshan Li, Hongbao Xin, Hongxiang Lei, and Baojun Li*. Optofluidic extraction of particles using a sub-microfiber. Applied Physics Letters 101, 074103 (2012). (8) Rui Xu, Hongbao Xin, Qiuguo Li, Xianguang Yang, Hao Chen, and Baojun Li*. Photothermal formation and targeted positioning of bubbles by a fiber taper. Applied Physics Letters 101, 054103 (2012). (7) Hongbao Xin, Rui Xu, and Baojun Li*. Optical manipulation of particles and cells using a tapered fibre probe. Protocol Exchange (Nature Publishing Group) DOI: 10.1038/protex.2012.053 (2012).(6) Hongbao Xin, Rui Xu, and Baojun Li*. Optical trapping, driving, and arrangement of particles using a tapered fibre probe. Scientific Reports 2, 818 (2012). (5) Hongbao Xin and Baojun Li*. Multi-destination release of nanoparticles using an optical nanofiber assisted by a barrier. AIP Advances 2, 012166 (2012). (4) Baojun Li*, Hongbao Xin, Yao Zhang, Hongxiang Lei. Progress of optical trapping and manipulation. Acta Optica Sinica 31, 0900126 (2011).(3) Hongbao Xin, Xingmin Li, and Baojun Li*. Massive photothermal trapping and migration of particles by a tapered optical fiber. Optics Express 19, 17065-17074 (2011).(2) Hongbao Xin and Baojun Li*. Targeted delivery and controllable release of nanoparticles using a defect-decorated optical nanofiber. Optics Express 19, 13285-13290 (2011).(1) Hongbao Xin, Hongxiang Lei, Yao Zhang, Xingmin Li, and Baojun Li*. Photothermal trapping of dielectric particles by optical fiber-ring. Optics Express 19, 2711-2719 (2011). 主要著作 (1)    Baojun Li and Hongbao Xin. Fiber-based optical trapping and manipulation. Nova Science Publishers, NY, USA, 2017 (ISBN 978-1-63485-998-1). (Monograph, Hardcover)(2)    Xiaoting Zhao, Nan Zhao, Yang Shi, Hongbao Xin* and Baojun Li. Optical fiber tweezers: A versatile tool for optical trapping and manipulation. MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, 2020 (ISBN 978-3-03943-537-1)(3) Hongbao Xin*, Xiaoting Zhao, Baojun Li. Recent progress on optical fiber tweezers for optical trapping and manipulation.  London, UK,  2021 (ISBN 978-93-91312-98-5)(4) (4) Xing Li, Hongbao Xin*. Optical fiber tweezers for the assembly of living photonic probes.  London, UK,  2021 (ISBN 978-1-83969-626-8) 承担课题 10. 基于柔性阵列光镊的生物单颗粒多功能精准光学操控与相互作用测量,国家重点研发青年科学家项目,2023.11-2026.109. 基于光力控制微振动马达的亚细胞神经激活与调控,国家自然科学基金-面上项目,2024.01-2027.128. 对细胞内部单细胞器的光学操控与功能调制,国家自然科学基金-面上项目,61975065,2020/01-2023/12。7. 基于生物细胞与光力控制的生物微马达研究,国家自然科学基金-青年项目,11904132,2020/01-2023/12。6. 微纳光操控与功能生物光子器件,广东省杰出青年基金项目,2019/10-2023/10。5. 集成式光学SPR微流控芯片快速检测技术研究,广东省区域联合重点项目,2022.10-2025.094. 光学控制的生物微马达在生物医学的应用研究,广州市科技局市校联合资助项目,202102010088,2021/04-2023/03。3.光控纳米酶马达调控巨噬细胞极化用于骨关节炎治疗,暨南大学中央高校基本科研业务费交叉研究专项,2023.01-2024.122. 单细胞与线粒体精准光捕获、操控及功能调制研究,暨南大学中央高校基本科研业务费青年基金项目,21619323,2019/01-2021/12。1. 微纳光操控与生物光子器件,广东省高水平大学建设人才引进配套项目,2018/07-2023/06。 发明专利 8. 一种对单细胞进行微手术的系统及方法,CN202111253879.7,申请时间:2021.10;7. 一种硅藻机器人的制备方法及应用方法,CN202111160267.3,申请时间:2021.10;6. 具有可重构性的生物微马达阵列及其应用,CN202110261484.5,申请时间:2021.03;5. 基于光力组装周期细胞结构的方法,CN201910817043.1,申请时间:2019. 08;4. 基于锥形光纤的大规模光热颗粒聚集和迁移方法,CN201811093624.7,申请时间:2018.09;3. 基于骤变锥形光纤的在微流中捕获与操控单细菌的方法,CN201811093679.8,申请时间:2018.10;2. 基于生物细胞的光波导构建方法,CN201811094238.X,申请时间:2018.10;1. 基于生物透镜的细胞捕获和荧光增强的装置及其方法,CN201811354422.3,申请时间:2018.11. 讲授课程 研究生专业英语 荣誉奖励 国家级青年人才,省级青年人才 社会职务 1. Current Chinese Science编辑2. Frontiers in Photonics编委3. Biosensors客座编辑4. Crystals客座编辑5. 国家自然科学基金数理学部/信息学部面上项目/青年项目评审专家6. 广东省自然科学基金杰出青年项目会评专家

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